The Domestic Hero

Chapter 273: I have a leg with the male god

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Shen Tu Tianlu's metal face was full of depression. Lao Tzu is a flying mount for you. You have to make two stirrups for you to step on your feet. It's really unbearable.

"Brother, are you okay?" Bao Xiong patted his back, comforting and said, "I know I have wronged you, but everything is for the national war. Well, after I go back, I invite you to Huahai City, the most famous I ’ll cover all the costs of playing. ”

The most famous venue in Huahai?

Shentu Tianlu's eyes turned green all at once. Huahai City is an international metropolis, and the venue there must be fun. Although Shen Tu Tianlu has been to any place in his life, this does not prevent him from being full of YY-style ideas. The more he thinks, the more excited he is, shaking and saying, "Brother, you are familiar there ? "

"Familiar, very familiar, the boss and I are good buddies." Bing Xiong said sincerely.

Then, Shen Tu Tianlu immediately extracted a part of the metal from his body and turned into a pair of shiny stirrups, and took the initiative to put the feet of the burst bear into it. He turned back and said flatteredly, "Brother, don't you feel comfortable stepping on it? Would you like to wrap your knees together? This day is windy and the sea surface is heavy with moisture. I'm afraid your joints will get cold and hurt."

This product is really forgiving to go to the most famous venue in Huahai City, and it doesn't even need arts. With the horrible physique of the explosive bear, he was naked. His body was thrown into the North Pole for a week, and he would not get arthritis. Maybe someone will have fun with those polar bears.

"Okay, don't bother you two." Wang Yan couldn't stand it anymore, and said through the communication headset, "The Wolf Nest sent a message that the other party is less than ten kilometers away from us, and we are ambushing in this direction."


At the same time, the two fighters were flying at a speed of two hundred meters from the sea. Both pilots wear anti-stress flight suits and fully enclosed flight helmets.

"Haiying One calls Haiying Two."

"Haiying II received it."

"Twenty kilometers away from the target island, pay attention to the alert and search for all suspicious targets."

"Sea Eagle II understands."

"Haiying 1, a small yacht appeared on the sea, it was attacking us, I suspect that the target fled the boat after the island."

"We cooperated with each other and killed with a cannon for a round."

"Sea Eagle II understands."

It is normal to attack without missiles. It is just a civilian yacht. It is too wasteful to attack with missiles. What's more, there are battles behind.

Two cool-looking fighters pulled off two arcs in the air, and each of them dived down in the roar of the engine.

"Da da da!"

Machine gun shells blasted the yacht like raindrops.

Because the cannonballs travel extremely fast, far exceeding the speed of sound. Gunshots are often heard after the target is hit. Many people who are directly hit often do not hear the sound of machine guns until they die.

Therefore, this high-speed machine gun is often called silent death.

But Zhu Xixi is not so stupid. When he saw the two fighters draw an arc, the moment they dived, they jumped into the sea directly. She kicked on the side of the ship and flew out dozens of meters in an instant before planting it into the sea.

"Da da da!"

The 20mm cannon bullet easily penetrates the deck and bottom of the civilian yacht and tears open a big hole. After directly hitting a large number of bullets, the yacht disintegrated.

"Huh! Nice job." The two fighter pilots encouraged each other.

But this is just a small civilian yacht, crushing it is as simple as crushing an ant. This excitement only lasted for a short while.

"Huh? What's this?" Haiying II found UFOs on the airborne radar, and the parameters displayed on the head-up display were a bit strange. Say it's a fighter, and it's too small. Say it's a seabird. It's too big. Is it some kind of drone?


A deafening impact sounded.

Haiying 2 seemed to be hit by something moving at high speed, tumbling up and down like a broken kite. The second driver only felt that his body began to roll and spin continuously.


There was a crackling sound of metal breaking.

The wing on the side of the Sea Eagle 2 broke. It was like a fallen leaf in a gust of wind, twirling wildly. In just a few seconds, it disintegrated in the air. The debris of the plane crashed into the sea in a parabolic shape.

The end of Haiying One is not much better.

Under the bombardment of a 25mm Vulcan cannon, it responded extremely quickly, and made various evasive movements. It can be seen that the pilot of Haiying One, even if he is not an ace pilot, is also a first-class elite pilot.

But he avoided most of the bullets that burst the bear, but he couldn't escape Shen Tu Tianlu ambush. Shen Tu Tianlu used metal abilities to the extreme, extending a metal tentacle about a few hundred meters long.


The metal tentacles pierced the cockpit as the plane flew by, pierced into the pilot's body like a skewer, and shattered his heart.


The pilot's eyes glared dry, and he didn't even know what was killed. The plane lost control and rolled into the sea. Under the strong impact, the fighter plane was smashed to pieces.

Wang Yan stood empty in the air, the Batwing wings slowly fanned, and the rune super-sniff was put away coldly.

Modern aircraft tanks are of course easy to deal with ordinary people. But when the superpower level reaches the domain level, it is completely different. B-level superpowers have very strong physical qualities, no matter what weapons they use, they can exert more powerful power than ordinary people.

Two fighters worth tens of millions of dollars were declared destroyed in just a few seconds.


Bursting bear riding Shentu Tianlu, also excited and bloody. Fighter, I just killed two fighters.


"Team 9 calls Wolf Nest." Wang Yan, who experienced the DF-15 bombing, did not feel much about it. Two fragile fighters, it is not difficult for B-class strongmen to destroy them as long as they have the right weapons.

Almost instantly, General Chen connected the communication, his voice trembling and shocked: "Team Nine, did you really do it?" Before the call, the two planes disappeared from the radar screen.

"Yes, it has been confirmed that the two fighter jets have crashed." Wang Yan said quietly, "Please ask General Chen to surface immediately to receive researchers and survivors. Members of our team have arrived at the scheduled location."

"Okay, okay." General Chen's voice was slightly agitated, and his attitude towards Wang Yan also changed. "What do we need to do with the transport ship next?"

In the military system, at his level, the state ’s organization of superpowers is no longer a secret. But before that, he still had some doubts about the combat effectiveness of the superpowers.

However, Wang Yan's performance subverted his perception. That was two F-15s from Midi. Although they were not Midi ’s most advanced fighters, they were destroyed in every minute and second, which is really incredible.

From this perspective, the deterrent effect of superpowers on nuclear submarines is also great.

"No," Wang Yan said politely, "General Chen, you still have the priority to ensure your safety. Nuclear submarines are an important strategic equipment of our country and can't afford to lose."

Wang Yan is right in saying this. The biggest advantage of a nuclear submarine is the haunting and the twelve round 2 intercontinental missiles mounted on it. Its most important role is deterrence, equivalent to a sword of Damocles hanging over the enemy's head.

Warn anyone not to act rashly and not to challenge the bottom line of the Chinese nation. Nuclear missiles are powerful, but they cannot be used easily.

"Okay, you must be careful with the ninth squad." General Chen also knew that he could not do much, so he said politely. The 094 nuclear submarine intercontinental missile cannot be used, only torpedoes can be used.

But they do n’t need torpedoes to bomb enemy ships.

After Wang Yan finished the call, he fluttered his wings and flew to the sea. Huge waves are rippling on the sea. As the so-called three-foot wave without wind, the sea is always full of excitement because of the tide.

"Boss Wang Yan, here is here." Zhu Xixi in a tight suit was pushed up and down by the waves on the sea, waving his hand desperately. "I saw that just now. Boss Wang Yan was really handsome. "

Wang Yan flew in the face of the waves, grabbed her hand, and picked up the wet woman from the sea, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, you attracted the attention of the enemy aircraft, we can easily get it, hard work you Now. "

Zhu Xixi twisted her waist and made a difficult gymnastic exercise with ease. Her legs were wrapped around Wang Yan's waist and her arms were hung around his neck: "Boss Wang Yan, it doesn't matter if you work hard, but you say A good motivating kiss is not bad. "

This action, this posture. Uh……

Wang Yan is also a little drunk.

But now that he had said it, Wang Yan would not be dismissed and kissed her on the cheek with a smile.


A slight photo sound sounded.

Under Wang Yan's stunned eyes, Zhu Xixi drew back the hand hooked behind his neck, and the thief raised Yang's waterproof phone with a smile. "This picture is so handsome. I returned to my circle of friends and envy the women who died. Comrades. "

"It's still like this ..." Wang Yan couldn't help crying and laughing. The woman deserved to be a superpower of the type of ghost and assassin, and his hands and feet were too fast.

"Boss Wang Yan, don't be angry." Zhu Xixi said with a grin, "You are a big star and take a photo with female fans. When I am old, I can also take out the photos and look back and remember. Thinking back then, I also had a leg with the male god. "

Wang Yan drops a cold sweat, which one has had a leg with you?


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