The Domestic Hero

Chapter 264: 094 nuclear submarine

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Time passed quickly, five days later.

An island country in the south.

This is a small island that looks very ordinary, but only a dozen kilometers away. The island is lush, and the subtropical endemic plants cover the whole island.

In the lush vegetation jungle, some seemingly ordinary villa groups are looming.

Around the island, there are some high-post outposts.

A 25mm caliber Vulcan machine gun was mounted on the sentry post. Some dark and small soldiers were on duty to prevent any unintentional guests from landing on the island.

Nominally speaking, this small island is an island of military recuperation for this island nation.

However, in the eyes of the State Administration of African Affairs, which has precise information, this is a secret branch of FBG.

FBG is an ancient company, as early as the genetic concept was determined in the early twentieth century. FBG has been established. At that time, some of the world's top gates, organizations, and even national leaders were lobbied to support the development of FBG.

The goal of FBG's philosophy is to achieve humanity without disease, immortality, or even become more powerful through the study of genes. This concept is very high, and it also attracted the support of the world's top dignitaries.

What are the most afraid of people with money and power? Of course, old and sick. A company that claims to be able to solve the problems of death, old age, sickness and death will of course obtain the support of many people.

But at the same time, this kind of company cannot be exposed to the outside, otherwise it will cause ordinary people to protest and panic. Because this will strengthen the polarization of the human class, the ruling class is immortal, strong and perfect. And the ordinary people will never make it.

Therefore, FBG can only develop secretly, and develop and grow extremely fast in the dark. This is thanks to the support of the top class from all over the world. They can even test their scientific theories in certain wars.

I have to admit that the initial concept of FBG is still somewhat reliable, and it has also greatly promoted the progress of human genetic engineering research and development. But with the passage of time, after many of the top class at that time became old and sick, FBG gradually became out of control because of its strength.

They are powerful and tentacles are everywhere in the world. Directly or indirectly control half of the world's medical companies, bioengineering institutes, etc. Even research institutions in many countries are indirectly in the hands of FBG.

These are still on the surface, and no one knows how far FBG has developed. Because of some breakthroughs in genetic engineering all over the world, most of them are FBG's purposefully released outgassing technology.

Hua Xia Guo is much better in being infiltrated, because Hua Xia Guo is dominated by yellow races, and its history is relatively special. But in recent years, as the country has developed more and more, FBG's tentacles have also begun to extend to China.

The mystery of FBG is unfathomable, and the work is becoming more and more arrogant, and many countries and organizations have become afraid of it. But the more developed countries, the deeper the involvement with FBG.

This is like cancer cells growing in the human body. If you don't kill it, it will spread more and more seriously. But kill it, but it is to kill the enemy one thousand and damage eight hundred. Even one failed and killed himself.

Hua Xiaguo's foreign policy is that people don't commit me and I don't. However, once the national and people ’s security is truly endangered, thunder action is bound to be taken. FBG is like cancer cells. If the Thunder beheaded when it first harmed the country, the consequences would be disastrous.


A 094 nuclear submarine, a mighty domineering swim in the sea. Twelve missile launch tubes are loaded with twelve JL-2 submarine-launched intercontinental missiles.

There is no doubt that this is the legendary killer. Those missiles can be launched into every corner of the globe while the submarine is not exposed.

In a small combat room inside the submarine.

An officer with the rank of major general is presiding over the meeting. He is about forty years old, young and capable. Chong Qiang said forcefully: "You, according to the command of the command. This time our mission is to pick up and drop because of the influence of all aspects. You have only two hours after the war. No matter whether the battle is successful or failed, you must return. This coordinate point. Regarding your internal combat plan, you will make your own. And we will not give any fire support. "

In this small meeting room, Wang Yan is one of a group of men and women wearing tight swimming suits.

In addition to Wang Yan, there are five people in the whole group.

They are Shen Tutian Road from North China Branch, Burst Bear from East China Branch, Huo Lanlan from East China Branch, Zhu Xixi from South China Branch, and Miao Hong from Southwest Branch.

The six-person team is led by Wang Yan, and Shen Tutianlu is the deputy captain.

Wang Yan nodded and said, "General Chen, we understand."

"Then, according to the regulations, leave in half an hour." After finishing the speech, Major General Chen went straight out and left the meeting room to Wang Yan and others.

The Ministry of Military Affairs and the National African Bureau belong to two different systems. But in many cases, they are two systems that require close cooperation. The military will also have some uncertainties, and it needs to ask for people from the National African Bureau.

Note, please.

Because there is an essential difference between the SAA and the military, unless a national war occurs and the SAA enters the state of national war, no one has the right to order a member of the SAA to take any action.

This is the nature of the National Bureau of African Affairs established at the beginning of its establishment. You can contribute to the country and the people, and you can also sacrifice at the critical moment to protect the country and protect the country, but you must not become a war machine that only knows how to bow down and obey.

Therefore, it is not necessary to characterize the State and Africa as an army institution. Otherwise, according to the characteristics of soldiers, obedience to orders is the first principle.

"Everyone, I repeat this combat policy again." Wang Yan said with a serious face, "According to the basic principles of the National African Bureau mission, the first element of this mission is to ensure the safety of each of us, so please Everyone, check the weapons and medical supplies in the storage bracelet again. "

Yes, storage bracelets.

In this national war mission, the National African Affairs Bureau distributed a storage bracelet to members who did not have a storage bracelet. After the national war, you can choose to redeem the merits or return to the National African Bureau.

Everyone looked at the weapons and equipment in the storage bracelet seriously. In the storage bracelet, each of them distributed some conventional weapons and spare materials. These include eight high-explosive grenades, an assault rifle, a dozen magazines, a mountain knife, a tent bag, a small inflatable boat, three highly concentrated nutritional injections, a multi-function toolbox, and a medicine box. A can of highly concentrated oxygen bottles, a box of highly concentrated biscuits, a packet of salt, and dozens of liters of mineral water. There is even a roll of fishing line and fishing hook? "

These things are not necessarily useful, but in case of a little bit, you can guarantee a little more cost of survival. In Wang Yan's view, it is enough to travel with these things.

As for the magic weapon, the weapon-level equipment will not be allocated by the SAFE. After all, merit values ​​have been assigned in advance, and those merit values ​​are used to exchange weapons and equipment.

The situation of each superpower is different, and it is not a military organization. The National African Bureau cannot be equipped with standard magic weapons.

After some inspection.

Wang Yan reiterated: "Our mission goal is divided into three steps. The first step is to kill the military force of this FBG stronghold. According to intelligence, this stronghold has three C-level superpowers and D-level superpowers. There are ten of them, forty of E-class superpowers and about one hundred ordinary soldiers. "

"Especially these three C-level superpowers need extra attention." Wang Yan took out a few photos and said, "This bearded James, who comes from a special army in a country, was retired by FBG after being retired because of an injured arthropod. Solicited, and awakened the power superpower through gene induction technology. And through exoskeleton technology, grafted an exoskeleton arm. His strength is very amazing, he can punch a small car. "

"Cut." Shen Tu Tianlu said with a lip, "The exoskeleton is just rubbish. I can still bomb a stack of cars."

"Don't care. Even if it's a lion fighting a rabbit, we have to go all out. We can't have one sacrifice for this foreign battle." Wang Yan stared at him in the past. "Although FBG has been dominating biotechnology, it has merged in recent years In addition to many other industries, it is also very powerful in the rest of the technology field. How do you know that your exoskeleton is rubbish? Just your metal power is amazing. "

Wang Yan's eyes made Shen Tutianlu honest. He smiled and said: "Boss, look at what you said. I can't be more powerful than you. You can rest assured that if I dare to break the chain, you will beat me back."

A big fist is truth. Wang Yan was able to beat him down without comprehending the field. Now he has evolved to a B-level and his strength is unpredictable. Shen Tu Tianlu dare to challenge him.

After talking about the other two, Wang Yan said, "Our second goal is to dismantle each other's hard disk arrays and obtain as much information as possible. And before we leave, we will blow up each other's research facilities." To this end, the National African Bureau also prepared a space storage box of 10 cubic meters for Wang Yan alone.

According to the progress of the Rune Rhythm Scientific and Technological Application Research Institute, it is very difficult to manufacture one or two cubic storage bracelets. The high-level storage equipment are all inherited treasures.

However, the storage box can be relatively large in appearance, and can barely form a storage space of ten cubic meters. But even so, the cost of this thing is very scary. With a cost of hundreds of millions, let alone civilianization, even militaryization is difficult.

"Our third sequence of objectives is to kidnap these three senior researchers and take them away." Wang Yan took out three photos and said, "Among the dozens of researchers in this stronghold, these three are the most valuable."

It is certainly the best to be able to tie them all away. But when kidnapping dozens of people, it is necessary to act quickly and secretly, which is extremely difficult. When issuing the mission, the headquarters of the National African Bureau prioritized the greatest value. However, Wang Yan felt that he might not be able to give it a try.

"Did everyone understand the mission goal?" Wang Yan said with a stern eyes, Shen Sheng said.



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