The Domestic Hero

Chapter 230: East China Branch A-Class Powerhouse

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At a height of twenty meters, Wang Yan jumped up very easily. Putting one hand on the rear door of the armed helicopter, and flicking it, the whole person fell into the helicopter lightly and elegantly.

In the rear cabin of the helicopter, two heavily-armed secret service personnel immediately stood up and saluted: "Good head, I'll be instructed to meet the head and send the head to the next destination."

"Hard brothers." Wang Yan and them politely said a few words before sitting down.

Along the way, Wang Yan did not talk much, but closed his eyes to raise his mind. The national war is imminent, and it is necessary to concentrate and think a lot about various fighting methods. Just like being able to break through to the field level before the national war, it would be great.

As soon as the man calmed down, there was no distractions, even the rumble of the helicopter was ruled out.

This way, the helicopter drove out for an hour and a half.

When Wang Yan looked out of the window, there were row of tall buildings everywhere, very prosperous. Obviously, it entered the commercial center of Huahai City.

Until flying above a skyscraper, on the rooftop, three people in black suits were gesturing to the helicopter.

At this moment, Wang Yan's cell phone rang.

This is a text message from the National African Affairs Bureau: "Comrade Wang Yan, please visit Senior Gao Chengzong, and then go to the headquarters of the National African Affairs Bureau with him."

Senior Gao Chengzong?

Wang Yan was sure that he had never heard of this name in the East China Branch.

But when it comes, it is safe. Just listen to the command line.

"Director, this rooftop is too small, and you need to go down on your own." The secret agent reminded, "Do you need to put down the rope ladder?"

The rear cabin opened, and the wind blew from the sky.

When Wang Yan was really afraid of jumping to the end, a sudden gust of wind blew him away.

But looking at the admiring eyes of secret agents, Wang Yan was also embarrassed to call the rope ladder. Master, you have to be a master. Even if you skip the big transport plane, are you afraid to jump here?

Wang Yan waved his hands, carrying his hands, sprinted forward a few steps, and jumped away.

The whole person drew an arc in mid-air, and after a total distance of 50 to 60 meters with a high drop difference, his feet were firmly on the ground.


A woman applauded: "Mr. Wang Yan, you deserve to be the elite rookie of our East China Branch, good skill."

Wang Yan looked up, and one of those three black suits turned out to be a woman. Moreover, she has short hair, is very capable, has a calm look, and has a sharp eye, which is obviously not an easy generation.

Behind her, the two men in suits are all bear-backed, and there is a hint of killing in the body.

However, they looked surprised and admired in Wang Yan's eyes. Obviously, they evaluated the behavior just now, and they couldn't do it.

"Hello, may I ask you ..." Wang Yan greeted politely.

"I'm Mr. Gao's secretary, you can call me Xiao Zhao." Secretary Zhao said indifferently, "Mr. Gao has been waiting for you for a while, we still don't let him wait for a long time."

Mr. Gao?

Presumably it was Senior Gao Chengzong.

Under the guidance of Secretary Zhao, Wang Yan got off the roof and went straight to an office on the top floor. This is a luxurious to extreme office with a large area and luxurious decoration. There are even bar counter, snooker table and golf green driving range.

A middle-aged man in a shirt and trousers is playing snooker attentively. Every shot is just right. The white cue ball is like his family's.

Within a few minutes, some of the **** on the table were cleared to him.

He wiped his hands and greeted Wang Yan enthusiastically and said, "Xiao Yan, are you still here for the first time? Come, sit, Xiao Zhao, and bring my bottle of red wine." "

"You are Gao Chengzong, Senior Gao?" Wang Yan said hurriedly, "Old Feng let me come to visit you, but then I have to go to the headquarters of the National African Affairs Bureau, don't you drink the wine?"

"It's okay, drink a cup first, and the rest can be drunk on the road." Gao Chengzong has a national face and is quite righteous. He is also very enthusiastic and bold, "I have heard of you for a long time, and I especially want to see you, but Lao Feng said that you are busy and you have never had a chance."

Old Feng?

As soon as Wang Yan heard this title, he knew that Gao Chengzong was not easy. On the surface, it may seem like a successful businessman. But in fact, it should be a great master.

At this moment, Secretary Zhao poured the wine into the decanter. But she said she had to wait for the wine to wake up before drinking.

In this regard, Wang Yan did not care too much. As a hanging silk man, he had drunk the most before, it was none other than beer.

"Xiao Yan, I think your breath seems to be at the top of the C-level and is exploring the field?" Gao Chengzong smiled and looked up and down. "Young, amazing, amazing. Anyway, this wine will not be able to drink for a while It ’s also idle. I ’ll help you understand the field. "

Uh? Idle to do nothing, help him understand the field?

Wang Yan was stunned, and finally understood that Mr. Feng had to visit Gao Chengzong and Gao Gao before the war. It turned out that Senior Senior was arranged. Can you give me some advice?

As a result, Wang Yan hurriedly politely said, "Then thank you seniors."

"You don't have to be polite, the field has always been on your own." Gao Chengzong waved indifferently, "I can do very limited, just to help you get a glimpse of it."

After speaking, Gao Chengzong pinched with both fingers.


There was a long chanting sound. A sword with blue light shimmering with it, appeared out of thin air, suspended in front of him quietly.

Wang Yan's eyes lit up, enviously said: "Senior, are you also good at flying swords?"

"Also?" Gao Chengzong said slightly surprised, "Have you seen other Shushan sword repairs?"

Shushan sword repair? Wang Yan's head was dizzy. We Huaxiaguo really have Shushan Sword School, which is so handsome. When I watched online novels in the past, the most enviable ones were those who were able to step on the flying sword and fly to and fro with decent swordsmanship. The white clothes fluttered and the sword flew above Jiuxiao.

However, the sword of the senior Gao Chengzong was very handsome, but he was wearing a shirt and trousers.

Wang Yan took a deep breath and calmed his mood and said: "Yunshan people who have seen Tian Yi together before in their junior ages have used Feijian's" slaughter evil ", which is very powerful."

"Oh," Gao Chengzong sneered with a sniff, "Tian Yi playing with it is also called Flying Sword? At most it can be regarded as a Fu Jian. Huh," Zhu Xie ", the sword embryo is good. Unfortunately, the gang of cattle noses have been abandoned."

This, satirizing other denominations, Wang Yan didn't have a generation to succeed.

"Okay, don't worry too much about Xiao Yan. I'm not saying that Tian Yi Dao's bull noses are not powerful, but they are too confusing, and they specialize in Fulu Daoshu. As for Feijian, they are amateur players." Gao Chengzong's complexion suddenly became solemn, "And our Shushan sword repair, only the flying sword, the sword is the man, and the man is the sword."

When Wang Yan's mouth twitched, the man was the sword ...

"This sword is named Qinghong, and I will cultivate it all my life." Gao Chengzong said aloud, "Xiao Yan, you look good, I will only come again. If you want to pick it, there will be wine. No less ... "

His voice suddenly turned sharp, "If you can't take it, after drinking this glass of wine, you can call it and go back. You also want to participate in the national war."


Qinghong sword trembles and whispers, hovering in the air. It has a beautiful posture and is as dexterous as a fish, and its blue light fluctuates like the breath of a living person.


A series of sword-singing sounds like symphony of gold and iron sounded, Qinghong became one, two became four, four became sixteen ...

For a time, in this luxurious office, the sky was covered with layers of blue sword shadows. The majestic pressure, and then the sword shadow enveloped Wang Yan.

Wang Yan's heart tightened, and he hurried back. He originally thought that Gao Chengzong simply wanted to point out his own field. I didn't expect that I had to catch him, otherwise I wouldn't even qualify for the war.

That breath is so strong!

Subconsciously, Wang Yan remembered the scene of facing the golden armored corpse that same day, suffocating himself the same, letting himself escape from nothing. Could it be that the predecessor Gao Chengzong is the legendary A-class strong?

That is the top expert who has never appeared in the East China Branch.

All thoughts flashed through my mind in an instant. In the face of such coercion, Wang Yan was not surprised and rejoiced. A-level master is his goal to look up to. However, at this time, he was also trying to test his strength change after continuous improvement.

Moreover, this is an extremely rare opportunity.

Wang Yan's heart was beating faster, and the blood of fierce fighting spread all over his body, with one arm.


Fire Kirin's armguards were transformed into double arms, and they were wrapped around his arms. Kirin's left arm turned into a flame shield bound by the force field, blazing flames, magnificent and dazzling.

The right arm raised, and a heavy warhammer was added.

His wrist shook, and the heavy hammer was in his hand. Growing all the way to his level, coupled with the increase in power brought by Huo Qilin's right arm, this warhammer of 300 kilograms is no longer a burden.

"Okay, courageous, and ambitious!" Gao Chengzong's eyes showed a trace of appreciation, and then said coldly, "Unfortunately, under my green rainbow sword, everything is a chicken and a dog, break it for me."

Suddenly, the sky-like shadow of the sword was like a rainstorm, wrapped under strong pressure, and completely covered Wang Yan.

Wang Yan only felt that he was in a torrential rain, like a piece of scattered leaves, unable to help himself, nowhere to hide.

Dang Dang Dang!

Successively several swords were blasted on the flame shield, and the flames splashed. The impact of each sword shocked Wang Yan's blood and blood, and he almost vomited blood. And those sword shadows cover the sky and the sun, endlessly, as if they are endless.

Defensive blindly, passively beaten, no doubt will die.

If you want to break the trick, you can only defend against it.

Fight battle battle!


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