The Domestic Hero

Chapter 215: Hanging Wire Counterattack

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The night of Huahai City is neon.

How many migrant workers, recent graduates, and entrepreneurs regard this as an ideal place for hard work.

Some people became rich overnight, and some returned home. There are also people who, through unremitting efforts, have a firm foothold here and thrive.

Wang Erniu had also struggled in this city. He started with small brick moving workers, and finally became a master masons, and then learned some electrical chores, relying on hardship and hardship. . It was just his appearance and financial constraints that made him hit the bachelor until he was thirty.

Later, he broke a leg on the construction site and could not do heavy physical work. Simply use the money saved to do some small business. But Wang Erniu's nature is not the material for doing business. After losing money, he lost all his hard-earned money for many years.

Nowhere to go, Zhao Dongmei, who was doing electrical equipment business, was taken in and became a security guard in the company. Although the salary is not high, but can live a life on earth.

Several years have passed.

He watched Zhao Dongmei's business grow more and more prosperous, from a small company with tens of millions of assets, all the way to a group company with more than one billion assets. Zhao Dongmei's business is doing well, but the love and marriage are very unsatisfactory. The separation between the two husbands before and after, not only suffered a huge economic loss, but also exhausted the body and mind, and even got depression.

Wang Erniu is very anxious. He has always been grateful for Zhao Dongmei and love for him. In addition to doing his job as a security guard, he has been paying attention to Zhao Dongmei silently. It's just that people are the goddesses in the sky, and he is just an old security guard with some lameness. Although he was anxious to repay his heart, he did not dare to feel the slightest suspense, and there was no way to change the situation.

All he can do is to guard silently and do a security duty.

On that day, Zhao Dongmei was chased and chased by several rogues in an underground garage because of an economic dispute with his ex-husband. Wang Erniu rushed up without hesitation, guarding Zhao Dongmei with his thin and weak body. As a result, he was seriously injured and was comatose in the hospital for three days and three nights due to severe concussion.

It was at that time that he changed.


Name: Zhao Dongmei.

Gender: Female.

Age: 35 years old.

Identity: Chairman and President of Huamei Chunmei Group.

Zhao Dongmei, dressed in a simple and fashionable dress, sat in the interrogation room of the Huahai Public Security Bureau. The ups and downs of Shanghai over the years have developed her calm and restrained personality.

Excellent life, exquisite maintenance, physical exercise and body shaping at a fixed time every week. Let her age not only have the appearance of young women, but also the frankness and restraint after years of vicissitudes.

Coupled with a successful career, rich family wealth.

It stands to reason that such women who are very good in all aspects, even if they have been divorced twice, will still be sought after by countless fans, of which there are definitely many young and talented talents.

But in the end, she chose an old security guard who dropped out of junior high school and was short and lame.

And love to die.

Love comes to life, this is not a casual talk.

Wang Yan waited for someone, staring at women in the interrogation room, each with different identities and personalities.

There are four women.

Zhao Dongmei and Zhang Mei are just two of them.

Another female teacher and female nurse are also women with good family conditions and very good conditions. And according to the survey, they have a good reputation among friends, relatives and colleagues.

But even these four women with different identities and backgrounds all fell in love with the same man.

The most bizarre thing is that they both know each other's existence.

In the monitoring room.

Although SCUD has a swollen nose and blue face, it is still full of spirits, and its expression is full of envy and jealousy: "The devil is really too devil. If Xiaoyan is such a thing to do this step, I will recognize Scud. But the king Erniu, who is even uglier than me, can achieve such a result. If he is not a top hypnosis master, I will worship him as a teacher. These four women, each of them claimed that they are their own ideas, and Er Brother Niu has nothing to do. "

Director Yun was in a bad mood, his eyes squeezed him like a knife: "What kind of envy is this scum fighter? I infer that the man is a professional liar even if he is not a hypnosis master. . "

"But from the perspective of Wang Erniu's past experience, he has no place to learn professional deception." Wang Yan frowned slightly. "As for hypnosis, we have just passed professional instruments and methods and tested them one by one. Mental health, even mental health is very sunny and healthy. No, there is a problem. "

"What's the problem?" Everyone asked.

"According to Zhao Dongmei's information, she was diagnosed with depression three years ago and received medical treatment." Wang Yan's eyes surged and her chin was puzzled. "And the result of the diagnosis just now is very good. , Full of positive optimism. "

"Ji Jie, then there is only one possibility." The Scud learns Wang Yan holding his chin, so he meditates, "Class II Erniu is very powerful in a certain way. They are full of happiness and love ~~ Ji桀桀 ~ "

"Uncle Scud, what's the power of falling down?" Because of curiosity, Su Qianqian, who was entangled to see the bustling, asked weakly with blinking innocent eyes. "

Wang Yan hurriedly pulled Su Qianqian behind him, glaring at Scud with annoyance: "There is a child here, and Brother Li should pay attention to the influence."

"Studies from a certain academy of science have shown that strong ability does increase happiness in a certain sense. But this does not explain the four women, who are not jealous of each other and are commensurate with each other." Yun Zhi looked frostly at the face. The Scud said, "I have a friend who specializes in all kinds of human body transformations, including cosmetic surgery, and greatly improves that ability. If you like Scud, I can arrange for you to undergo surgery. But even if you become Tall and handsome, and capable. But your genetic flaws still make me feel sick. "

"Director Yun, do you really have that kind of friend?" The eyes of Scud burst out, and the forehead was sweating with excitement. "Be sure to introduce me to it, even if I spend more money. But I am missing a genetic level. ? What is missing? Does it matter? "

Yun Zhi choked back with a word, and refused to ignore him with a cold face.

Wang Yan could n’t eat it anymore, he quickly pulled the hairy legs and said, "Brother Leg, what Yun said is long. Your filthy and obscene, has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, even if it looks good, it is useless. Human Morality and temperament are radiated from the inside out, and have little to do with appearance ... "

"Why is it useless? Xiao Yan, you are tall and tall, a small white face that can eat by the face." Fei Mao sighed sadly, "A handsome guy like you who actively puts on her back, How do you understand the suffering of our hanging-screw man? Director Yun, can you copy a copy of your friend's contact information? "

Speaking of the second half, the hairy legs were already smiling, and they came together flatteringly.

Yun Zhi was so entangled that he had no choice but to give him a call. Then, the Scud ran as fast as a treasure, ready to contact the other party for the first time.

In this scene, Wang Yan was a bit dumbfounded and said with surprise: "Director Yun, do you really have such a friend?"

"Why do you need it?" Yun Zhi looked at him coldly.

I do n’t know why, Wang Yan felt a chill, and hurriedly shook his head and said, “No, I do n’t need it. It ’s just a little curious. Is the foreign body optimization technology already able to do that step? By the way, which country is it? Research Institute? Even so sophisticated. "Wang Yan also said with emotion.

"Thailand." Yun Zhifeng said lightly.


Wang Yan was suffocated with a spit of old blood in his chest, and he even had some pain. When I thought of a call from Brother Leg, the other party said "Savadika". Would he be so scared that he threw all his mobile phones?

At this moment, there was a message from Bingxiong.

"Wang Erniu has come to surrender and the comrades of the Public Security Bureau are filing, and he will be brought up immediately."

Wang Yan looked at the phone and smiled and said: "I didn't expect that Wang Erniu really came to surrender. But, is he very clever to realize that he can't run away, why should he surrender? He is essentially a responsible man. "

"How can such a shameless man who uses women to make money be a responsible man?" Yun Zhi sneered with disdain.

"If you don't try it, you will know? Only at some point in life and death can you really see a person's nature."


In a special interrogation room.

The four women are arranged in four cubicles, and they can all see and hear the contents of the interrogation room. However, he was unable to communicate with anyone in the interrogation room. When they saw Wang Erniu voluntarily surrender, their faces were distressed, and they felt a little relieved.

And Wang Yan, sitting in the seat of the interrogator. The bear is like a non-human, wearing sunglasses and holding his hands to cheer.

Sitting in the position of the interrogator was Wang Erniu, who was wearing a common security suit. The incandescent light hit him concentratedly on his face, making him feel a sense of evasion.

Wang Erniu seemed very nervous, his forehead sweating constantly, his eyes panicked, his body trembling slightly. He was not handcuffed because it made no sense.

"Wang Erniu, when did you wake up?" Wang Yan, a high-end suit with a pair of sunglasses on his nose bridge, directly cut into the theme at the opening.

"What? What?" Wang Erniu grunted, swallowed, and said in a panic, "I, I don't know any powers."

"Wow ~"

Wang Yan stretched out his hand slowly, and a blazing flame rose in the palm of his hand, dancing dangerously and eeriely.


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