The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1749: Abyssal plot

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Seeing that Wang Yan's face seemed a little unsightly, Gu Tingting hurriedly said: "Wang Yan, I don't mean you. In fact, although Zijie looks handsome, he is also very good at playing the Son of Flame, but there is still a gap between you and you."

This is still ridiculous, Wang Yan decided not to pursue her "smear" crime for the time being. I just thought to myself, when I go back, I will find time to look at that series of flames. If the **** or the performance is not good enough, I will turn to the relevant department to ban it. As for the name of the one who is called Zijie, it must be blocked and then blocked.

In Wang Yan's current status, blocking a play and an actor is a matter of minutes.

However, the inner heart is eliminated.

It's just that at the level of Wang Yan, handsome or handsome is no longer important. His bloodline genes have almost reached human limits. Even, he has been able to control his bloodline genes to adjust his appearance and temperament.

"Wang, Wang Yan." Xiaowei changed the subject and said, "Is the human catastrophe you just said that we humans have no way to resist?" At this point, Xiaowei's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Now, as an executive of a Fortune 500 company, she has a different level of contact. In her unit, it seems that there have been several adjustments to the supply of resources. On the surface, it seems very illogical, causing a huge deficit, and it seems that it is doing loss trading.

But now that I think about it carefully, is it the highest level of the enterprise that has vaguely come into contact with this secret, and has begun a comprehensive layout?

"Indeed, this catastrophe is catastrophic for all mankind." Wang Yan said solemnly, "I tell you in advance that I want you to do more preparations, especially family members, try not to separate."

"Then should we eat some food?" Gu Tingting said nervously. "I have read some eschatological novels, and I am afraid that when the order breaks down, humans will become thugs."

"It's okay to hoard a batch of resources, but don't hoard the goods crazy, this will violate the law." Wang Yan comforted them, "However, this disaster is not an unexpected disaster, the world has already carried out this disaster Fully prepared. At least, there will be no chaos in our country, and there will be no scenes in eschatological novels. Of course, there may be some smashing at the beginning, but it will be suppressed quickly. Everyone Do n’t mess up, listen to official instructions. ”

Indeed, the catastrophe is coming, everyone has been informed for many years. Various preparations are being carried out rapidly. As long as human beings do not collapse completely, there will never be a scene of eschatological novels.

Of course, martial law or something will inevitably appear. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to think about living in peace with their wife like this now. This battle, whether it is Wang Yan or other high-level people on the earth, understands that it is definitely a protracted battle.

Gu Tingting and Xiaowei, of course, are incredible. But in their hearts, they have completely believed Wang Yan's words. Although this matter is bizarre, Wang Yan will not deceive them.

It was just that they were silent for a while, frowning and drinking coffee, and it seemed that they needed some time to digest the news.

After a long while, Gu Tingting solemnly said to Wang Yan: "Wang Yan, thank you for your news. You can rest assured that Xiao Wei and I will not divulge this news and embarrass you."

Wang Yan gave up, saying it didn't matter. The upper layers of the earth have begun to release messages intentionally or unintentionally. Various introductory remarks have gradually appeared on the Internet, and they have been gradually accepted by the people of the earth in a way that releases wind.

This is a racial battle between life and death, no one can stay out of the matter.

After a little thought, Wang Yan took out several crystals that were crystal clear and exude pure energy. This kind of crystal is called the magic crystal. The hard currency magic crystal coins in **** are made of magic crystal.

However, what Wang Yan brought out was not the ordinary magic crystal, but the ultimate magic crystal with extremely high energy purity, which was hundreds of thousands of times more valuable than the ordinary magic crystal.

The reason why the magic crystal coin can become the hard currency of the entire **** world is that after absorbing the energy in the magic crystal for a long time, it will become stronger and more likely to break through its own strength.

In the vast universe, the magic crystal is also a very precious resource. In some planes with powerful civilizations, this kind of energy crystal will be contained, but their respective names are different, some are called magic stones, some are called spirit stones, or magic crystals, power crystals and so on.

But on modern earth, because free energy is very scarce, similar crystals have been extremely scarce. This also caused the life of the earth, and the evolution of power was very low.

"You hide the magic crystal on your body." Wang Yan explained, "Over time, it will increase your physical fitness. Especially for babies, the effect is better."

Speaking of children, Wang Yan glanced at Gu Tingting's baby. If the child has been influenced by the energy of dissipation in the magic crystal for a long time, his physical fitness will be far higher than that of children of the same age, and the possibility of awakening in the future is also greater.

Instead, it is like Gu Tingting and Xiaowei, who want to awaken the superpower in the gene, the difficulty is much greater.

Moreover, it is difficult for Wang Yan to use bloodline evolution to upgrade their bloodline genetic level. Because their power is too weak, they can't bear the genetic enhancement of bloodline evolution.

Wang Yan's best-quality magic crystal is a treasure that is very cherished. If they can really awaken after long-term moisturization, it will be considered a creation.

After chatting, Wang Yan got up and said goodbye to them, telling them to call once they were in danger. This call is of course not the contact information of Wang Yan, but the contact information of the East China Branch of the National African Bureau.

This is not that Wang Yan doesn't want to help them, but that he can't help even if he helps. In the following catastrophe, he will rarely be on earth.


at the same time.

Abyssal world!

A majestic and majestic palace is like a giant beast that has gone through ancient times, creeping on a broken continent.

Around the palace, a large number of majestic, awe-inspiring abyss guards are guarded by the guards waiting for them.

The guards of these abyss demons are extremely numerous, and they are all well equipped and armed to the teeth. At this time, they took three steps and one post, and five steps and one whistle, making it impossible for the entire continent to surround the guard.

On the periphery of this ground guard, a dark sea swimming shark with a huge head and gray and black flesh scales on the surface is cruising in groups.

To be precise, on the back of these shark-shaped abyss fierce beasts, there is also a fiery abyss demon.

They are the most powerful shark cavalry under the abyss of the abyss world deity Kaos.

These looks and momentum are more fierce and fierce than the abyss guards. They form a patrol team. They are patrolling back and forth in the abyss and dark sea on the outer periphery of the mainland. In the four corners, even a worm can't fly in.

There is no doubt that such a heavily guarded area is the residence of the abyss demon Kaos and the abyss temple.

This is just the core area. On the periphery of this broken continent, there are even several abyssal fleets, and terrible abyssal behemoths, on guard, so that no force or any creature can reach the cunning and cautious demon Kaos. location.

However, compared to the strong security outside, the shrine is full of dancing and dancing.

"Cough, the husband opened his mouth."

In the luxuriously furnished hall, there is a grand feast of singing and dancing. At the banquet, a glamorous female celestial devil is smiling and handing a crystal clear meat to the mouth of a male celestial demon.

I have to say that this female Demon is really gorgeous to the extreme.

She has a pair of exquisite short corners like obsidian, a black dress with off shoulders, a tall and tall figure, plump and elegant, light purple skin, tender and snow-like, a pair of slender beautiful legs exposed under the skirt , Charming temptation, enough to make anyone swell for the fire.

At this time, this charming and graceful extraterrestrial demon is lying reclining in the arms of a male demon, with a pair of beautiful eyes and soul-taking, just like a ripe peach, a blooming purple night lotus, Always intoxicating fragrance.

With her present, all the singers of all ethnic groups performing singing and dancing on the scene were all eclipsed, and even the dances that were usually engaging in people's spirits became boring.

At this time, the man with arms around the beauty is also different.

As an extraterrestrial demon, this man of the devil is simply stronger than normal.

He looks ordinary, but his body is much taller and more majestic than ordinary Demon. His body is full of hard and iron tendons. His foreheads are thick and large, his skin is black and purple, and his toughness is like a rock. Even the abyss Demon, known for his physical strength, would still be dwarfed in front of him.

At this time, he was wearing a gray and loose light suit, embracing the obviously pretty petite Tianmo beauty in his arms, and his face was full of brutal spring.

Perhaps it was his tallness and mightiness that attracted the peerless beauty in his arms.

"Hahaha, Miss Theramis, the Gangte brothers, the gods are not well received, and you two are more forgiving."

The person who made the noise was Kaos, the abyss demon sitting on his seat.

The abyss demon Kaos has an ugly face, curved and thick horns, and a set of armor full of chaos and destruction. His burly and powerful body is set against the rough and overbearing.

But under this brutal appearance, his shrewd eyes are revealing the luster of greed and cunning.

And in his mouth, Miss Theramis, and the Brothers Gent, were none other than the colleagues of Ackerman who swallowed the stars, the two gods from the extraterrestrial demon, the plague apostle Theramis, and the Blackfall Gangte.

These two apostles, like Ackerman, the swallowing star apostle, were once one of the thirteen apostles under the devil's command. They also experienced the ancient wars and were lucky surviving veterans.

Among them, the plague apostle Seramis, don't look at her beauty that makes everything fall, but her heart is cold and poisonous, and the deadly plague she masters is enough to poison all the creatures of a world!

Black Meteor Apostle Gangte, the beginning is no different.

He is like a meteorite, a sturdy giant, more terrible than a galaxy beast, especially his defensive ability, and he is also the leader among the many extraterrestrial demon gods.

Perhaps his ability is not like the plague apostle Seramis, which can create a large-scale plague, but if it is to fight head-on, a joint army composed of the void mothership cannot compare with him.

"The Brothers Kaos are polite, we are very satisfied with your hospitality."

Black Meteor Apostle Gunter, embracing the charming and charming Syramis, raised his head and replied roughly, "I don't know the abyss army of the Kaos Brothers, how are you preparing for the gathering? If you don't wait, the Kaos brothers and our demon , A great time to make a contribution. "

He and the plague apostle Seramis, allied with the abyss demon Kaos, but not only to build an outpost for the demon Lord Luo Sui, to prepare for the comeback of the demon Lord Luo Sui.

They are as selfish as Ackerman, the swallowing apostle.

The tragic failure brought to them by the bright Father God back then made them hate so far, this hatred must be reported!

"Cough, yes, you, the supreme **** of the abyss, how can you succumb to this broken and broken place?"

Plague Apostle Theramis, her eyes as soft as water, she slowly straightened up from Gent's arms, looked at Kaos, and whispered softly, "From your concubine's point of view, your abyss Demon is also a powerful fighting race Now, with the help of our heavenly demon, what other planes can we conquer in the world? "

The voice of Xeramis is full of temptations. In the eyes of the pure-blooded demon, especially a pure-blooded demon, any other race is undoubtedly lower than them.

But among the barbaric ethnic abyss demons in her eyes, a **** was born.

A god-level life, even a pure-blooded demon, cannot be ignored.

"Haha, that's right, Brother Gunter, what Miss Syramis said is very true."

The abyss demon Kaos grinned roughly and raised his salute. "Come and come, pay two respects to the next cup, with two helpers. My abyss family annexed other planes, it was as easy as a palm!"

But after a glass of wine, the abyss demon, Kaos, also hesitated slightly, "It's just that the two of you need to wait a little longer. Although my abyss plane is broken, but the area is not small, my army is stationed everywhere in the abyss. , I am afraid that it will take some days to prepare for the elite troops to be carefully adjusted. "

He is not stupid. When he fails to get the promise and how to distribute the benefits, he will not let his army easily become a cannon fodder.

"Cough, your Excellency is right, it is necessary to prepare before the station, but ..."

When the plague apostle Theramis turned into a dim light, when he was about to continue to lure the abyss demon Kaos, in the middle of the hall, a violently rotating space cyclone was suddenly born.

The sudden change interrupted Xeramis.

The space cyclone that erupted afterwards was immediately torn in the center of the hall, and a deep black hole tunnel was torn.

On the scene, a relatively close Demon Dancer, due to its low strength, could not escape, and was instantly strangled by the vortex of space to ashes, and even a scream did not have the time to be issued, it has been completely erased from this world.


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