The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1745: Return to Earth & Crisis

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"Learn advanced experience?"

The leaders of the base on the earth, when they heard this term, honestly said that their hearts were a bit broken.

They were instructed to stay at the entrance of hell, in order to meet the son of flame and receive the resources that the son of flame hunted back from hell. Secondly, it is also necessary to study the overall situation of the **** plane.

But the deeper the study of the plane of hell, the more terrified people on the earth at the base are. What a terrible world is that?

According to the available data, it is preliminarily vaguely inferred that the **** plane is a terrestrial terrestrial planet with a terrifying diameter of 90,000 kilometers and a surface area of ​​more than 25.4 billion square kilometers.

The surface area of ​​the earth is about 510 million square kilometers, which is only one fiftieth of the **** plane.

It stands to reason that such a huge terrestrial planet will produce gravitational forces far more than many times that of the earth, but the real result is that the gravity of the **** plane is only five times that of the earth, that is, 5 G.

It is difficult for ordinary humans to survive in hell, but a super-cultivator who can successfully cultivate can fully cope with it.

This makes scientists on Earth a little puzzled, and the information is too vague to carry out further research.

Hell World, even more amazing, is the strength of the species living there. What C-level D-level, superpowers who are already very powerful among ordinary people on earth, can only be regarded as the bottom of the food chain in the world of hell.

And the earth-like fairy-like characters in the earth are at most a little lord level existence in hell. There are countless small lords of this level in the entire world of hell.

According to the latest news, some of the most elite troops in Hell are the lowest level of land gods.

This makes the high-level people of the earth tremble and feel terrible. The land fairy above the ground can only be a soldier in the elite army ...

But this is not the scariest.

Behind there are demon kings comparable to demigods, and demon kings with greater strength, and even three demon gods. Those demon gods, not only exist in mythology, but really exist.

If any demon comes to earth, the whole earth will be easily destroyed by the other party.

Such a terrible high-level planet, even the Devil-level strong will come, and claim to come to the earth to learn advanced experience, which naturally makes some emotions collapse inexplicably.

The purgatory demon king who came out earlier seemed to have counseled at once, and said hurriedly, "The boss taught us that we came to the earth to investigate and learn advanced experience."

As the words of the Purgatory Demon King fell, a taller and more burly physique, the terrifyingly purgatory Demon King slowly appeared. Compared with the previous purgatory demon king, its breath is very restrained, but it gives people a more terrible sense of suffocation. Just one stop there, there is an invincible momentum that is unique and exclusive.

Everyone at the base was dumbfounded, and even the atmosphere didn't dare to pant. Fearing to make the other party unhappy, he threw a big move and wiped out the entire base.

Among all the people, only Yun Zhi, the person in charge of the base technology, had a bright eyesight, not only did he not feel scared, but also full of excitement, he pursed his lips and said, "A strong and strong purgatory demon, its The genetic bloodline must be very advanced. If you use its genes to give birth to a baby ... "

As soon as this remark came out, all the leaders around him looked at her like a pervert, and couldn't help hiding her from her.

Dean Yun Da is usually abnormal enough, and all kinds of terrible experiments are endless. Now that he is so interested in a purgatory demon and wants to have a baby together, is this a general human being?

Fortunately, Wang Yan did not hear this sentence, otherwise he might turn his head back to hell. Dean Yun Da is so terrible, even if he becomes a purgatory demon, he can't escape her claws.

However, fortunately, Dean Yun ’s wonderful performance dissipated the tension of the leaders of the Earth base.

At the same time, one figure after another appeared from the space vortex one after another.

There are Indira, the goddess of Shiva from India, the desert emperor from the mysterious ancient country of Africa, and Wu Wujie and Zhang Weidao from China. The most amazing thing is that there is a European beauty with extraordinary temperament.

Looking closer, isn't that the dean of the Starry Academy Emmons, the missing granddaughter Lydia?

The disappearance of Lydia before made Emmons almost crazy. He asked for the Chinese country, hoping that the son of flame could find her back in hell. What the Earth base said about Lydia ’s appearance was also conveyed to Wang Yan, the son of flames.

It's just that **** is so big, Lydia's strength is relatively weak, and almost no one would think that the son of flame can find Lydia.

But unexpectedly, Lydia actually came back. And looking at her unusually gorgeous dress and extraordinary temperament, she knew that instead of suffering, she had adventures, and her strength level was much higher.

With Lydia, Wu Wujie and they also appeared, the leadership of the earth base were all relieved. It seems that these two purgatory demon kings are indeed not enemies. Maybe they came to the earth to learn advanced experience.

In fact, the reason why Wang Yan appeared in the base of the earth with the purgatory demon was also to stimulate the base of the earth on purpose. At least let them feel for themselves that the purgatory demons are very powerful and terrible.

For the first time, if you encounter similar Mozu enemies in the future, you will not be directly deterred.

Subsequently, Wang Yan secretly met with the earth leaders at the base.

Up to this time, the leaders of the Earth base understood that the original purgatory demon turned out to be a "phantomized" form of Wang Yan's body, which was specifically used for the body mixed in a different world.

The reason for the use of illusion is that Wang Yan did not want to expose the evolution of blood veins, or that he wanted to hide the dean Yun Zhiyun. Otherwise, looking at her fierce eyes staring at his demon body, Wang Yan was really afraid that Yun Zhi would dissect him.

Yun Zhi, who was fooled in the past, suddenly lost her interest in the face, and no interest in the so-called magic flame. However, she soon focused on the Red Demon King.

People are deluded demon kings, but they are serious purgatory demons.

Poor confusion is unknown, so in just two days, he was deceived by Yun Zhilian pit to get a lot of blood and body tissue. If it wasn't for Wang Yan to run it fast, maybe even some of the essence in his body would give Yun Zhipeng the past.

From the earth base, after some immunization and other procedures. The little friends who came back to the earth couldn't hold back anymore and started to return home at the fastest speed.

And Wang Yan, don't have a calculation.

It's just that when everyone leaves. But no one found that a transparent shadow slowly appeared in a room at the base of the earth. She was a very beautiful female with magnificent purple skin. A pair of horns that are flirtatious and very cute are on the top of the head.

There is no doubt that this is a pure blood congenital demon from outside the domain, and it is also a female.

There was a hint of indifferent smile on her lips: "Mo Yan, Mo Yan, I didn't expect you to have such a huge secret." After all, her figure swayed, and she continued to hang Wang Yan like a ghost. .


Just when Wang Yan returned to Earth for a vacation.

The other side of the universe.

This is an abyss world adjacent to hell, and a fragmented and broken place.

The rich dark matter energy like water, the endless dark sea formed, wraps the whole abyss world.

The extreme dark energy is like a thick water mist, which isolates all light and matter. And it will also be affected by the tides of this world, distorted and unpredictable.

If any creature falls into it, the senses will be greatly disturbed, even if it is a demigod-level demon, the sight here can only be tens of meters, even if it is explored with spiritual power, it is only a few hundred meters away .

Moreover, foreign creatures are even more powerful, and they will be corroded by dark energy when they arrive here. Eventually, they will be assimilated by the dark energy of the abyss world, or they will be digested by dark energy and become the nutrients of this world.

Only native dark creatures can survive and multiply like fish in the abyss and dark sea.

The abyss is such a dark and beautiful world.

Countless broken land, just like islands in the sea, quietly and lonely suspended in the abyss and dark sea.

On this day, a huge piece of broken land suddenly fluctuated violently.

The huge space energy meets and collides violently here.

Just listen to the crackle of "Wow".

A fist-sized space vortex suddenly appeared and expanded. Soon, the vortex of this space grew larger and larger, as if to engulf the sky.

The terrifying power scared the dark sea creatures that lived around this land, panicked, and jumped into the dark sea to escape.

"At this time, who is coming?"

"Who will have our spatial coordinates here?"

"Is it ..."

"Come on, gather the team and inform Lord Darkmist."

This land suspended in the dark sea of ​​the abyss is not an ordinary broken island, but a border city that guards the space nodes of the abyss world.

This majestic city, built on top of broken land, like steel, is covered with gritty city defense facilities and a large number of abyss defenders.

At this time, several burly and ugly defenders immediately found that the space node was activated on the other side, so they quickly ran to the tower and ruled the demon king level guard who would defend this side at this time.

The Dark Mist Demon once went to Kaos, the abyss demon god, sent to the special envoy of Hell, and had a lot of dealings with the demon son of the **** Yan Wang, who was incarnate.

However, since the extraterrestrial demon came back, he was secretly withdrawn by the abyss demon Kaos, and now serves as the guard of the border city on this side.

Because on the opposite side of this space node, it is the plane of **** world.

"Who is coming here? Is it Mr. Ackerman, triumphant return?"

A wave of magic fog surged, and the dark fog demon king who received the news instantly turned into a thick fog, and flashed over the city wall.

The Dark Mist Devil, standing in the air, has a burly figure, full of muscular muscles under his dark skin. A pair of wings unique to the abyss demon, dark golden innate holy patterns appeared faintly, a pair of deep eyes, full of cunning and smooth.

The extraterrestrial demon is the most terrible thing in the universe. The master of the abyss, the demon **** Kaos, at the moment when Ackerman and his two colleagues approached the territory of the world, they were very savvy and judged the situation. They chose to cooperate with the powerful extraterrestrial demon. Jointly seek development.

So the abyss world is very natural, in the secret but not sent, has become a hidden springboard and outpost for the extraterrestrial demon attacking the galactic universe.

After all, in the eyes of the vast majority of abyss demons, their abyss world is already broken, as if it will collapse at any time.

Rather than being killed by the extraterrestrial demon, or waiting to die, waiting for the moment of plane destruction, it is better to unite with the extraterrestrial demon and jointly plot a new world.

The earth world that is about to intersect this world plane is undoubtedly the best goal.

Therefore, cooperation with the powerful extraterrestrial demon is undoubtedly the best choice.

However, not long ago, the swallowing apostle Ackerman, led his army alone, passed the space node guarded by the Dark Mist Lord, and quietly went to the plane of Hell. This matter is known to the Dark Mist Lord.

Just before the apostle Ackerman swallowed the star, he specifically “friendly” told him not to reveal his whereabouts. Therefore, the Dark Mist Devil and his subordinates have never dared to disclose half a point.

Now the space node facing the world of **** is opened again. The first thought of the Dark Mist Demon is that Master Ackerman has gone to hell. Has he triumphantly returned?

But this time the battle is too fast, right? Is the extraterrestrial demon really so terrible?

Not waiting for the cunning Dark Mist Demon King to think about it, a giant ship slowly squeezed through the vortex of space, and the atmosphere appeared peacefully over the border city.

It is the Void Mothership that swallows the star apostle Ackerman.

The horror shadow brought by the giant ship has covered the entire sky, and all the abyss demon defenders below are personally panic and awe-inspiring.

A demon **** is superb, but not everyone can bear it.

It's just that the defender of the abyss on the city wall now finds that the void mothership approaching the plane is very different from before it left.

Thick black flames are rising from this huge void fortress. Large bursts of armor and blown-up gun barrels left shocking potholes just above the battleship. The collapsed cabins and buildings made this giant ship look like a ruin destroyed by a meteorite rain.

Moreover, the abyss defenders on the scene were horrified to find that the entire volume of this majestic vault giant seemed to have shrunk by nearly a third!

This is a Void Mothership from the extraterrestrial demon carrying army, enough to take down a world! In terms of single-round combat power, they are more powerful than their abyss demons.

But at present, the entire mothership is almost shattered into a pile of scrap iron. In the eyes of many people, it is a miracle that this fast-split mothership can fly back.

What kind of power does the key **** world have to be able to fight the extraterrestrial demon **** Ackerman, as well as his army and mother ship, so miserably?

Could it be that the fighting power of the **** world is far stronger than they expected?


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