The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1699: Ancient Flame Demon

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At this moment, Princess Ange snorted coldly, and the voice spread throughout the battlefield: "Mo Yan, you are also the son of the devil. Anyway, what is the real skill? If you don't want to surrender, then fight, fight in the end."

"Aoao ~"

The magic soldiers and demon masters under Princess Ange screamed, and called the princess mighty ~

"Princess Ange deserves to be a heroine in a female middle school." Wang Yan laughed, "His Royal Highness appreciates you very much. Looking back, I will let my father prepare some more gifts, how about going to the Dark Demon Temple to raise relatives?"

Although that person may be Uya Ange, even if it is against Uya Ange, Wang Yan does not want to lose, and he cannot afford to lose. Besides, if it ’s Uya Ange, it ’s a matter of course. If it ’s not Uya Ange, it does n’t matter. It ’s good to cut the morale of the other party before the war.

Princess Ange seems to be much more sophisticated than the Dark Lady, and immediately sneered: "Mo Yan, want to marry Princess Ben, right? Then kneel to Princess Ben, and give a few loud noises, maybe Princess Ben will show mercy, Give you a chance to kneel and lick. "


This is the most recent impression of Princess Dark Song.

But this did not seem to affect the senses of the magic soldiers and generals towards her, but instead became fierce and violent, and they shouted: "Mo Yan, don't hurry to kneel and give the princess her head."

Hell Demon Realm has always respected strength since ancient times. As a princess, it is natural to have noble temperament, but this is on the battlefield. What can a princess princess do?

Which soldier would feel that a pampered princess can take them all the way to victory?

The performance of Princess Ange made the demons, soldiers and demon masters even more excited and admired.

Even the three demon gods felt that Princess Ange performed well.

"Mamen old thief, your daughter is good." Satan smiled. "Before the battle, the momentum is even comparable to my child Moyan. In fact, Moyan is right. It is not as good as our two to get married. It's a family that loves each other. "

"Go! Go far to the god." The dark demon Mamen was originally in a good mood. Hearing Satan's words, he was blackfaced.

He worked hard to train his daughter, and paved the way for her to be his heir, not to be your daughter-in-law.

"Hahaha ~" Satan smiled happily. After all, his own son, born son, will never suffer in this respect.

The old thief of Mamen was usually cunning and spicy. It was rare to take advantage of him and make him lose money.

It was at this time.

The Dark Lady also whispered: "Princess, why do we care about this vulgar purgatory demon. Clean him out first, and then according to the agreement, our two sisters singled out and won."

She naturally also has her calculations, her overall strength is weaker than the Dark Lady. After a tough battle, no one can tell how much power is left in the end.

The best way is to use personal force to determine the final victory.

And Princess Ange said lightly, "Okay." Then he ordered, "War Butcher, which gave me a positive impact and defeated those dirty and ogren."

"Roar ~"

Two hundred war butchers, driving the crotch beasts, rushed towards the opposite side with great momentum. They were so imposing, as if they didn't take those heavy ogre infantry into their eyes.

Each of their pawns is a legendary class, and the crotch heavy beasts are equally strong.

At the same time, five hundred dark predators were also riding the dark two-legged dragon, swirling in the air, and circling far behind the army of Wang Yan.

This is the advantage of the Dark Marauder. Even if the opponent's defense is tight, it is impossible to achieve all aspects. As long as there are some micro-holes, they will be able to swarm them up, tear them apart, and continue to expand.

For Princess Darksong, preventing Mo Yan from winning the championship is a top priority. To win completely, you must appease the Dark Lady. If you do not agree to the final heads-up game, the dark virgin with a weaker overall strength will inevitably look forward and backward and give birth to many chaotic thoughts out of thin air.

At this time, the Dark Lady saw the main force of Princess Darksong do her best, and immediately gritted her teeth, waved her jade hand, and ordered, 800 full fallen angels fluttered their wings, and they killed the Wangyan camp with extraordinary momentum. .

Don't look at these fallen angels without mounts, but they are the most balanced arms, essentially born out of the heavenly war angels. It's just that the angel of light war uses the divine power of light, and the fallen angel uses the power of death in darkness.

Imagine how powerful the angels of war are, and even the old Satan demons must be respected by the other party.

It can be seen that these war angels must not be underestimated.

In the same way, the fallen angels who grew up in the dark holy tree of death have the same comprehensive strength as terrible. They are a race and a fighting weapon.

Eight hundred fallen angels were flying in the sky, one after another, surrounded by the cold, dark power of death.

At the beginning of the war, the Dark Lady and Princess Dark Song, apart from leaving a small number of guards to prevent beheading tactics. The rest of the army has already attacked the whole army. Trying to tear Wang Yan's battle line defenses in the strongest posture and completely control the initiative in their hands.

In the battle of Wang Yan, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and other small friends all had their faces pale, and the momentum of the opposing coalition was too strong. It was not comparable to the cannon fodder army like Prince Night Blade.

The dark demon Mamen and the fallen demon Samel both refocused on them, hoping to win the championship in the final.

Wang Yan's slave army is also very strong. If any one of the Dark Princess and the Dark Saint, there is a small probability of winning. But now with one enemy and two, how to fight this battle?

Don't look at Zhang Weidao's five unstoppable, or even the goddess Shiva and so on, are already legendary peaks. However, in this level of war, even if the demigod-level strongmen fall into the enemy formation, at most, even after a storm, they will be torn into pieces.

Don't look at Wang Yan's invincible single-handed killing of Asmode's elite helmet and armor. But after all, it was a small-scale battle. Do you want him to attack the formation of two hundred war butchers now?

As long as the master of the opponent supports him a little and drags Wang Yan a little, he will be able to go back and forth.

"Boss, how do you fight this battle?" Zhang Weidao said bitterly, "We have passed down the Zhang family for dozens of generations, and I am a single seedling. I don't want to die in hell."

"Amitabha." Wu Bujie said with a heavy face, proclaiming the Buddha's name, "Boss, why don't we surrender. In this wave of competition, we are not losing money."

"What to surrender?" Lord Shiva said angrily, "Who can guarantee who loses and wins before the war is over?"

Wang Yan nodded approvingly, worthy of being the goddess of Shiva. Sure enough, she was powerful enough and reliable. If everyone has this momentum, what is the abyss crisis?

"That, His Highness." Lord Shiva suddenly changed her voice after screaming, "For glory, for ideals, for victory. This time allows you to implement a beautiful man's plan and counterattack the other's camp."


Wang Yan was almost spitting blood out of the old blood. The handsome man counts you as a ghost. What's more, even if I were to implement a beautiful boy plan and split the other's camp, I wouldn't need your permission?

Is the future of the earth supported by these guys, really? For a time, Wang Yan also felt a little uneasy.

at the same time.

The three demon gods are also not calm.

"Dark Song deserves to be my daughter. He judged the situation and everything was calculated based on the ultimate goal." The demon Mamen applauded. "The Dark Lady is also good. At this time, the two must join forces to win."

Samal nodded in agreement. The most important thing at this time is to clear out the magic flame. Everything beside him is easy to say. His tone is soft: "The magic tactics of the kid before the flame are good, but this time it is a bit arrogant. . I thought that I won two victories, so I did n’t put anyone in the eye. This time, he lost. ”

"Huh, maybe Wuer Moyan, what other cards are there?" When Satan the demon said this, he was also playing drums. Sigh, son, son, can you not be so sloppy? Hold on well, is it not good to differentiate the other party's fragile alliance?

What do the two women have to do?

at the same time.

The audience at the **** conference venue also determined that the kid of Mo Yan must lose. There is no reason for him, and the strength of the twin women's coalition is almost double that of him. Even if he has the fighting power of the Demon King level, he can't reverse the situation.

Just when everyone decided that Wang Yan had lost.

Wang Yan ’s expression was still very relaxed. Looking at the other party ’s two powerful forces, he smiled instead, and calmly said to himself: "So many cards are prepared. If you do n’t make it out, you will win. Isn't that interesting? "

After all, Wang Yan slowly pulled out a space magic scroll and tossed it into the air: "Bella Roca, come out, it's time to show your style like the world."

Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the air, and that vortex was spinning rapidly, getting bigger and bigger, exuding a terrible pressure.

Even the momentum of a frontal shock from the fearless war butcher, a slight meal, as if feeling it, there was a terrifying horror hidden in that vortex.

The red light poured out of the vortex, and half of the sky seemed to be lit, burning red and red.

The scorching fire wave splashed down like a tsunami and instantly enveloped the battlefield within a few dozen miles. At the same time, a foot slowly extended from the vortex and stepped on the plain.


The earth trembles, and the green grass around it is ignited, and a fire spreads out and spreads in all directions. Not only that, the dry ground was continuously cracked, and the rocks in the ground were turned into mooring lava, just like a flowing stream.


The beautiful pupil under the mask of Princess Ange shrank, which made her a little unbelievable. The thigh alone is tens of meters high, and the bone skin seems to be made of lava rock, which is very powerful.

See through the whole picture.

Most people recognized the creature who came across the vortex in the first time.

Flame Demon!

This is a creature living in the hottest molten core of the Purgatory Demon Realm. In the ancient times, most areas of the entire purgatory were composed of molten zone, and there were powerful lava demon living everywhere, also known as the flame demon.

Today's higher race purgatory demons can only survive in the form of tribes at that time, trembling like an uncivilized primitive race. Some powerful flame demons can destroy a tribe of purgatory demons without moving.

With the development of the purgatory demon race, the civilization is getting higher and higher, and the flame demon is gradually eliminated.

Now, only in those lava giant caves that are the rarest, even tens of kilometers deep, can some occasional flames appear.

This ancient race is different from ordinary flesh-and-blood creatures. They are all born from the elements of heaven and earth. A flame demon who was just born from the flame, the worst strength is also a legendary level, and the slightly older ones are demigod level.

Even some of the flame demons born at the beginning of heaven and earth can actually possess the strength of a god, which can be called the original flame god. They are powerful and fearless, and they are darlings of the earth.

Sure enough, when the monster completely crossed the vortex and appeared in front of everyone, the burly and majestic body with a height of one hundred and dozens of meters, the rocky muscle tissue on the body, and the flowing melt, all proved to the world that this is a real one. The real ancient flame demon.

And because of its size and the momentum it reveals, this is not even an ordinary flame demon. Its breath may have reached the level of the big devil, and it has the energy to destroy the world.

I used to describe the ogre with a hill-like figure, but that was just an adjective. However, it is not an adjective but a description of facts placed on the ancient Yanmo on this head.

Its size is really a hill.

"Boom ~ Boom ~"

The ancient Flame Devil Bella Roca walked towards the war butchers at every step. The earth shivered at every step. At the same time, magma streams continued to emerge around it, gradually converging into molten ponds.

I believe it won't take long for the entire battlefield to be transformed into the main battlefield of molten lakes and rivers.

The fearless war butchers are scared and scared. The ancient flame demon gave them the feeling of facing a fierce flame god.

No wonder.

The ancient Flame Devil Bella Rocca was once one of the generals of the Fire God Zhu Rong. The peak strength is much stronger than that of the ordinary big devil, and it is close to ordinary gods.

Although it is still far from being the strongest, it is comparable to a big devil. Who can not be afraid of such a powerful momentum?

"Is this, cheating?" The dark demon Mamen yelled angrily, "This is the **** meeting, the kid Mo Yan summons an ancient flame demon from the outside world, this is cheating."

"Fart." Satan, the demon god, roared back and said, "Just those liches, on the battlefield, summon skeleton soldiers to fight. Why shouldn't my devil flames call the flame demons to fight?"

Devil God Satan is also puzzled and surprised. Where did the baby son hook up with an ancient flame demon? It is still the peak of a demi-god, the demon of the big devil.


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