The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1697: come! Face me

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at the same time.

In the camp of Princess Ange.

She waved her jade hand and served beside her. The guards and maids who had the same appearance all withdrew from the camp.

at the same time.

A vast and invisible energy enveloped the entire camp and isolated all prying eyes from the outside world. Even the three demon gods, without forcibly breaking the energy seal, could not spy on what happened in the camp.

In fact, this is indeed what it should be. Imagine that the identity of Princess Dark Song or Dark Lady is so honorable, and they are all women. How is it possible for the three demon gods to spy if they want to spy, or live if they want to live?

The Dark Demon Mamen and the Fallen Demon Samel have given them their corresponding secondary artifacts. Scenes that do not want to be spied on can be isolated at any time.

The effectiveness of this secondary artifact is somewhat similar to that of Wang Yan's Ba Ji Jing.

It seems that there is no one in the camp of Princess Ange.

However, at this moment, a faint shadow emerged from the dark place. After a twist, it turned into a heroic young boy. He was wearing a soft and dark hedgehog armor, with a thick black mist around him, hanging on his back. With a pair of translucent lunar double blades.

He bowed to the Dark Song Princess with a clear voice: "His Royal Highness, her subordinates have found out that the final winner is indeed the side of the Infernal Demon Clan. It is just that the subordinates are afraid that Mo Yan will see through the traces and dare not get too close and cannot fully estimate The real strength of the other party. It can only be determined according to their marching speed, I am afraid that they will reach our position tomorrow. "

"Darren." Princess Darksong nodded slightly, "You have worked hard."

Darren Walker's tone was slightly excited: "It is Darren's job to work for Her Royal Highness."

Darren Walker is the son of Walter, the old **** servant of the Dark Demon Mamen, and also the patriarch of the future Shadow Demon Clan. In order to hide the strength, Darren Walker has always been very low-key, and there are not many people who have heard his name in the entire dark demon domain.

Not to mention, Darren Walker is young and already possesses the secret of semi-godly strength. The Shadow Demon Clan is Mamen's most trusted direct subordinate, and the old **** servant Walt has been given the mission of supporting Princess Darksong.

This time the **** meeting, the restless old servant Walt, sent his beloved son to Princess Ange to do things for her. It is also hoped that he can help Princess Darksong to win the championship of this **** meeting.

After a pause, Darren Walker hesitated and said, "His Royal Highness, do you really want to cooperate with the dark virgin? I heard that she is a human being. I heard that humans are very cunning, and it is easy to cheat for the benefit of others. , Backfire. "

"Is it human?" Princess Darksong said quietly. "Actually, I am also human."

"His Royal Highness forgive sins." Darren Walker knelt down on one knee in a hurry, and said in a panic, "The subordinate did not intentionally defame the princess."

"Davao, you get up. I know you, like your father, are loyal to God the Father and me." Princess Ange said quietly, "I am the daughter of God the Father, but I can't deny that I'm half human Bloodline. Not to mention, I grew up in the earth world, there are too many things I can't give up in that place. "

"Yes, Her Royal Highness." Darren Walker stood up, half bent over and respectfully said, "As long as Her Royal Highness's wishes, Darren goes to the fire and will die."

"Davao, you're a good boy. It's also the most gifted and rustic boy I've ever seen." Princess Ange's voice was much softer, "I just want you to know that I was born and raised on earth, not I feel embarrassed. In addition, the earth is now facing a huge crisis. As long as I can do it, I will spare no effort to support it. I believe that the dark virgin of the fallen devil must have the same thoughts as me. "

"If the princess orders, Darren is willing to lead the tribe to the earth to support." Darren Walker heard the praise, and the body shook slightly because of the excitement, and the mist was a little scattered.

"I'll talk about this later." The pretty eyebrow under Princess Dark Song's mask frowned slightly. "Unexpectedly, that seemingly vulgar purgatory demon, was hidden so deep that it seems not to be underestimated. This time, I and the darkness The virgin wins and loses, but that magic flame must be out. Davao, I need you to take a risk and find out the other party ’s true strength. "

"Subordinates obey." Darren Walker said respectfully, ready to retreat.

"Wait!" Princess Ange stopped him, instructing him, "Everything should be careful to protect yourself as the first goal. The magic flame is hidden deep, I am afraid it is really not easy."

"His Royal Highness assured." Darren Walker smiled confidently. "I'm a Shadow Demon, and I'm best at stealth. Even if it's seen, there will be no problem running away."

Speak, Darren Walker stepped back a few steps, and then turned into an invisible and colorless fog that disappeared into the camp.

Even the power of Princess Darksong could not notice the trace of Darren Walker.

She was so dazed and quiet, it took a long time before she sighed long, Wang Yan, Wang Yan, I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future. But she knew that Father God would never allow herself to be with Wang Yan.

Once she vainly tried to cross that unspoken line, the father and god, who had been looking forward to her for a long time, would surely use means to completely wipe out Wang Yan. When a demon **** has to work hard to kill a human being, let alone Wang Yan is now only a legendary class, even if it is a demigod, it is extremely difficult to escape doom.

Perhaps, only when she waits for the day she really sits in the position of the Father, will she have a chance to be with Wang Yan.

It was only at that time, would he already be full of children and grandchildren, or even end Shouyuan? Pure human lineage, life span is too short, too short.

Alas ~

Princess Ange sighed deeply, a faint breath echoed in the camp.


Almost at the same time.

The Dark Lady also drove all the guards away, laying an energy enchantment in the camp to prevent prying eyes. Afterwards, the communication magic array kept sending messages to Wang Yan: "Liar, you liar, why don't you answer me? You won the tripartite battle, why not say anything?"

The questioning continued for a quarter of an hour.

The voice of Wang Yan quietly came across: "I said Nana, it seems that I was the one deceived?"

"video call."

The Dark Lady directly starts the video communication function of the Communication Magic Array.

This kind of communication is more like a video call on earth. However, this magic array has two more advanced places. First, within the range of 10,000 miles, only two communication magic arrays are needed for point-to-point communication, without the need to pass satellites or base stations, which is very safe.

Secondly, its video contact function is carried out by means of real projection, which is convenient for face-to-face communication, and can even observe the other party's tone and expression to judge intelligence.

In terms of the earth, this is holographic projection technology. The earth also has holographic projection technology, but the technology is too prototype, and it is almost impossible to use it in video calls in a short time.

It is also certain from this that the level of **** civilization is far beyond the current human science and technology. It's just that the development priorities of the two sides are different, resulting in a very different look.

Seeing Wang Yan's image of a strong purgatory demon projected in the communication magic circle, the Dark Lady's eyes were somewhat disgusted and said, "Can't you become a human and talk to me again?"

"It's just a conversation, it doesn't have to be so troublesome to change." Wang Yan looked at the Dark Lady with a smile, "You don't want to judge intelligence from my expression?"

"Huh. Since you like this dead look, then you are fine." The Dark Lady gave him an angry look, "Now it's time to talk about why you won the tripartite battle and refused to communicate with me. Is that right? Do you want to violate our previous covenant? "

"Covenant? Ha ha, you still know the covenant." Wang Yan said with a smile, "Asmode played a good card, half of my main force. If I don't use all the cards, maybe I will plant it." It's in Asmode's hands. Nana, don't say you don't know about it. "

"Okay, I admit that I know this." The Dark Lady said, "But you also have to consider that if I dragged Princess Darksong here, can you easily get the three-party battle? I'm afraid I don't know, The strength of Princess Ange ’s army is terrible. There are hundreds of legendary ranks alone. Even if the demigod ranks are caught in the enemy formation, they are torn to pieces in minutes. ”

"It makes sense," Wang Yan praised. "According to Nana, I still have to thank you very much. Thank you for failing?"

"Then it doesn't have to be." The Dark Lady, "In the final analysis, I also want to win in the end. The **** conference only has the championship, not the second."

"You're quite honest." Wang Yan smiled, "Then you come to me now, you want to join forces with me, first put Princess Ange out of the game, and then divide each victory or defeat?"

The Dark Lady stared her eyes: "Shouldn't it be? Both of us are Earthmen. First, we will get the daughter of the Dark Demon Mamen out of the game. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, it is good for the earth.

"Sounds very reasonable." Wang Yan nodded.

"So, did you agree?" The Dark Lady's eyes lighted up, "Then next, we have to work hard ..."

"However, I refuse." Wang Yanhuan held his hands and looked at her with all his leisure.

The Dark Lady's eyes froze: "What do you mean?"

"As you said, the **** conference only has the champion, not the second." Wang Yan said with a smile. "Since sooner or later, there will be a difference between the so-called joint and non-joint."


The Dark Lady's eyes are very serious. "Aren't you afraid, I and the Princess Ange joined forces to clear you out first?"

"Oh, it seems that you did not join forces with her." Wang Yan smiled very easily, as if everything was already calculated, "Since the game has entered the final stage, the idlers and others have been eliminated. Then Everyone has their own skills, and they are happily fighting head-on. "

Not to mention, he didn't wait for the Dark Lady to respond, he cut off the communication magic circle directly.

"Hey, fire ... you!" The Dark Lady watched as Wang Yan disappeared, angered, and said hummingly, "Son of Flame, you are asking for it. No matter how much power you hide, It is absolutely impossible to be the opponent that I and Princess Dark Song joined together. If you want to play a game in an upright manner, then just play a game in an upright manner. "

"Come here ~"

The dark maiden's eyes were condensed.

"His Royal Highness." A fully-armed, four-winged fallen angel with all the equipment on his body responded, kneeling on one knee and saying, "Belok is always waiting for dispatch."

Beloc is the Captain of the Virgin Guard appointed by Samer, and is also a young talent in the vein of the fallen angel. In terms of prestige and potential, it is only half as good as Asmodesson.

It's just a pity that Beloc is only a legendary pinnacle and has yet to step into the demigod.

Such a person, even under Samer's arrangement, completely loyal to the Dark Lady and became her true class. It can also be seen from this that how much the depraved deity Samuel indulges and values ​​the Dark Lady, is really hoping to train her as a successor.

"Belloc, no need to be polite." The voice of the Dark Lady calmly said, "To send the most elite scouts, we must detect the true strength of the magic flame. In addition, the whole army is on alert and the real decisive battle will begin soon.

The Dark Lady was a little uneasy in her heart, based on her understanding of Wang Yan. If he does not have the certainty of winning, he will definitely not be so arrogant.

"As you wish, Her Royal Highness." The captain of the **** Bellocus slowly retreated. The posture is unhurried and full of noble elegance.


And in Wang Yan's camp.

The same seal is enveloped with a layer of seals, which isolates the prying eyes of the three demon gods.

This move caused the three demon gods to be helpless. I want to hear how these young people can arrange their tactics and how to form alliances with each other.

Wang Yan is in the camp.

Friends from the earth gathered together.

Lord Shiva's face slightly sternly said: "Son of flames, have you taken care of it this time? Princess Ange and Dark Lady are both cores in the core of the other's camp, and the troops will never be inferior to us. With one enemy and two, how can we win. "

"Don't worry, Indira." The desert emperor old **** said, "With me in, they can't find any waves." He raised his hands and thrown himself, full of strong self-confidence, a super-master like me.

"Uh ..." Lord Shiva glanced at him and said, "Your combat strength is indeed good. If you are in the desert, you can use it as a big devil. But this is the environment of the Great Plains. An ordinary demigod strength. On the bright side of the opponent, there are the three demigods of the dark song princess, the dark sage, and the horned devil, Bafu. Even the dark sage has the guard of the horned devil, I do n’t believe that the dark tune princess will There is no demigod guard. "

"That is to say, the opponent has at least four and a half god-level combat powers?" Zhang Weidao's face was a little pale. "In this way, we don't have an advantage in high-end combat powers."


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