The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1694: Liuli Jinshen Purgatory Demon

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In fact, at the beginning, Wang Yan also suffered a little.

As Asmode said, this soul cage is a treasure personally sacrificed by the fallen demon Samel, and his power is infinite and powerful. What kind of character is the devil Samuel, but that was the love of the light god, even for the disagreement of ideas, and eventually rebelled against the terrible existence of independence.

He abandoned light and embraced darkness, that is, mastering the law of darkness, and also mastering the law of death and death derived from the law of darkness. The ghost he refined in the soul cage looks plain and unremarkable.

However, each ghost seems to be a manifestation of the law of death and death. Wang Yan was caught by the unexpected illusion, and his heart was alive and dead.

It's just a pity that Wang Yan's soul and willpower are not as simple as what he showed.

Before he entered the legend, he had been baptized in the Buddhism Treasure of the Wisdom Lotus, and he often practiced in the Wisdom Lotus. It is a treasure of the Buddha's country and its value is inestimable.

The so-called Buddha Kingdom has the same level as the deity's God Kingdom.

Buddhism attaches the most importance to spiritual cultivation, focusing on the purity of the soul, free from dirt and pollution. After Wang Yan's repeated tempering, the soul's willpower has long been very firm, and the charm, illusion, etc. have little effect on him.

After that, Wang Yan also experienced the blessing baptism of the God of Light personally, so that his soul was purified to a higher level.

Since then, Wang Yan has also obtained half of the life fires left by the **** of the starry sky, and once again accepted the purification and baptism of the body and soul.

Those so-called big demon kings, especially those in hell, are all majors in physical strength, and they pay little attention to the tempering and purification of souls. There are countless loopholes in the mind.

It is estimated that any big devil thrown into Wenxinlian Taichung will be tortured to death.

Although Wang Yan suffered a little loss, he quickly adapted to it. The rules of death and death, although very mysterious, were so amazing that Wang Yan was amazed. But to induce his soul to die, it was purely a fool's dream.

"Do it!"

Asmode looked awkward and his face was very ugly. How could he not understand how this magic flame resisted the torture of the soul?

However, all this does not prevent him from making the most correct judgment.

When ordering his hands, Asmode took the lead, and the evil spirit spear condensed the chill of death into a single point, blasting Wang Yan like a meteor from outside the sky. The space where the evil spirit lance passed, the space was torn into pieces, and a beautiful and strange death frost flower was condensed.

They fluttered in the air, as if predicting the withering of life.

Under strong pressure, Asmode's shot was also amazing, breaking through his ego. If an ordinary demigod-level strongman wants to pick up this gun, he is afraid that he will suffer a lot.

"Hehe ~"

Wang Yan laughed, and a golden light of glaze bloomed on the huge purgatory demon body. Originally according to the truth, the skin of purgatory demons all showed a light red color, like the high-quality metal color of purgatory steel in purgatory.

The skin of the Purgatory Devil is hard and thick, like a natural armor. Take the legendary lord of the Purgatory Demon Race, even if he does not run any energy, it is only based on the defense of the skin. The ordinary sniper rifle bullets among humans are only a white seal.

Once the deep magic energy was infused, the front was hard to resist the large-caliber shells.

As a demigod-level demon, "pure blood purgatory demon", Wang Yan's original skin even showed a thick dark red color, the defense and fire resistance were extremely powerful, even if he was thrown into the steel-making furnace, He couldn't hurt him.

However, when his skin showed the golden color of the glass, it seemed to be thicker and stronger several times, full of dazzling color, and even covered with a light shield streamer.

The immortal King Liuli Jinjin!

This is the cheats of Buddhism that Wang Yan exploded from the joyous demon monk at that time, and practiced to the highest depth. Once the practice is performed, he can transform his body into a golden glaze, greatly improving his strength and defense ability.

For a long time, King Fuli Jinli's golden body has been very helpful to him.

Although Wang Yan at this time, did not cultivate the unmoving Ming Wang Liuli gold body to the highest level, turning it into a real Liuli gold body, standing there, even if the enemy bombed and bombarded me, I stood still.

However, Wang Yan ’s gold-colored glass body has been almost completed, and it is displayed in conjunction with the powerful physical talents of the Infernal Demon Clan itself, which suddenly made a huge change in his image. The evil and violent Purgatory Demon Aura has turned into a Buddha. Sacred Rin but inviolable appearance.


It wasn't Asmod's stunning shot that took the lead. It was the skeletal dragon that launched the offensive first, and the energy wave of death frost cold sprayed from his mouth.

This kind of blue with black energy shock wave comes to kill the law of death. Any soul that touches the shock wave will be frosted, causing frost burning damage, and life and soul will decline and decay into decay.

This is also the power of the skeletal dragon. For an army of ordinary strength, how far can it hide from encountering this skeletal dragon. Otherwise, a death dragon breath will spit down and will definitely die a large piece.

Among the dozens of skeletal dragons surrounding Wang Yan, dozens of them took the lead in attacking, and their respective death dragon breaths converged into a river, and the energy of death frost and cold bloomed a bright blue-black light.

Such a terrible joint attack, the demigod must also avoid its sharp edge and dare not block it.

However, Wang Yan was motionless, and his powerful momentum continued to expand. In the soul cage, the ghosts walking around him were the first to suffer. They seemed to have encountered the most terrifying things under the world. Screaming, turning around and retreating quickly.


The golden light of the glazed glass shone on them, making it sound like Chun Xue encountered Qingyang, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and letting them emit high-frequency screams that could not be heard by their ears was useless.

At the same time, the first wave of more than ten heads of skeletal dragons teamed up to attack, and it fell to Wang Yan in a flash. Knowing this, Wang Yan's glazed golden light was only slightly condensed, and a thick layer of Vajra shield was condensed.


The converging death spewed frost cold, and it was solidly blasted on Wang Yan's Vajra shield. Under the violent energy collision, it made a loud noise like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

The manic energy shock wave, with Wang Yan as the center, diffused away in all directions. The air and space were distorted sharply, forming a tsunami-like giant wave.

These powers spread out for thousands of kilometers, and then gradually returned to calm. Even some legendary powerhouses that are too close to each other are shocked by the shock wave to donate blood when they are too late to avoid it.

Such a terrifying explosive power has already been comparable to the location of the center of an ordinary equivalent nuclear bomb explosion. The only difference from a nuclear bomb is that the scope is not wide enough.

Ordinary demigod-level strongmen dare to take this trick, even if they do not die.

However, after the violent energy shock wave, the golden glazed Wang Yan still had his wings raised high, standing proudly in the air. The unresolved space fluctuations around it are constantly distorted and changed. The translucent energy wall formed by the soul cage has also disappeared without a trace.

He is like a peerless demon, with a casual posture, with contempt in his eyes. It seemed that he was laughing at the joint attack of the dozen or so skeletal dragons, and even tickling him was unworthy.

Almost at the same time.

Asmod, the head of the evil spirit, had a stunning shot that had already rushed to Wang Yan's head. In that shot, there was no glorious glow, no vast and invincible momentum.

A bit, just that unpretentious but irresistible shot.

Asmode seemed to have infused all of his energy into that shot, and no half of his energy was leaking.

Facing this shot, Wang Yan's glasses shone slightly. Asmode is worthy of being the best among the young generation of fallen angels.

The power of this gun may have exceeded the strength of ordinary demon kings, and has the taste of some big demon kings.

Appreciation is appreciated.

Asmode wanted to use a shot beyond his own limit to deal with him Wang Yan, still far from being.

I saw that Wang Yan didn't even use the fire hammer, just raised his hand and punched. That punch, the moves are simple and fancy, but it gives a kind of invincible King Kong of the Buddha Kingdom to the world, the town of monsters and demons, there is no resistance to the momentum.


Another invisible energy shock wave shocked out, and the surrounding space was like being plowed violently, fragmented, revealing the endless black background, long and deep, the true face of the four-dimensional space that human technology is far from detectable.

Be aware that not all places have the same three-dimensional thickness. Compared to the energy-poor small plane area of ​​the earth, the entire world of **** is already a large plane of three-dimensional space.

The flexibility and stiffness of the barriers in the three-dimensional space are far beyond that of the earth.

The energy collision between Wang Yan and Asmode actually shattered the three spaces within a few hundred meters, showing how much power they had at the core of this collision.

The full fight between the two great devil kings was nothing but the result.

This is still in the plane of hell.

If it is replaced on the earth, the energy fluctuation generated by this impact is very likely to cause the space barrier of tens of kilometers square to break, and form a space scar that takes a long time to heal.

It is also commonly known as poking the sky into a hole.

Fortunately, this is the world of hell, not the earth. The space scars caused in this way can be healed by the space's self-healing ability in just a few tens of seconds without leaving any traces.

But even so.

Such a terrible energy shock is enough to shock the audience. Even more shocking to the audience was that the body of His Royal Highness, the flame at the core of the explosion, remained motionless.

On the other hand, Asmode, who launched the attack, flew to the distance like a cannonball under this energy shock wave, with blood in his mouth, elegant and handsome no longer.

"Your Highness' defensive ability is so terrible?"

Members of the Purgatory Demon Clan were also shocked. Because of their racial talents, the Purgatory Demon Race is indeed very strong, but it is not so terrible. At least compared to the dragon, the Purgatory Demon Skin is still relatively weak.

But what is the status of His Highness? Why did the golden glaze appear all over the body? The color of the body has also changed, the momentum has also changed, and it feels more majestic and powerful, and it is irresistible.

What kind of magic is this? Why have never heard of it?

In fact, it's not just ordinary audiences watching on the spot.

Even the three demon gods were startled by Mo Yan. If it is said that the magic flame is going to the sky and the soul cage is broken, even if it is shocking, it will still be reluctant to accept it.

After all, the kid is the son of Satan, his bloodline is strong and powerful, and his unusual soul is also reasonable. But he braved the golden light of the glaze, and he seemed to be like a demon King Kong from the Buddha Kingdom, what a ghost?

"Buddhist exercises."

Needless to say, Mo Yan's kid practiced the Buddhist practice.

However, what made the three demon gods look at each other is, when will the purgatory demon clan also be able to practice Buddhism? Isn't he afraid of discordance, which will cause the body's genes to crack?

But the demon flame not only cultivated, but also cultivated the Buddhist state practice to a very brilliant level. The most important thing is that it also combines the talents of the Purgatory Demon Clan, so that the strengthening ability of the practice has increased by more than one level.

Rao is well-known and well-understood of the three demon gods, but he can't figure it out. Shouldn't the Buddhist practice and the demon clan be incompatible with each other, the energy attributes are diametrically opposite?

If everyone in Purgatory Demon Cultivation can practice Buddhism, then the whole world of **** no longer needs to be beaten, and let the Purgatory Demon Race dominate the world, no one can beat them anyway.

The fallen demon Samel also felt very ridiculous, and once he had the power of light. However, after practicing the law of darkness and the law of death, it is impossible to use the power of the light system. This is the conflict and incompatibility of energy attributes, and it is also the most basic law of the universe.

Otherwise, the fallen demon **** would have arrogantly killed heaven, killing the old thing in a fist.

"Satan, are you really sure, that is your son?" The dark demon Mamen asked in a daze.

Satan, the demon god, snarled and immediately roared and rage: "Nonsense, don't you admit your bloodline? My son's bloodline of purgatory demon is very pure and almost identical to the original god.

"Maybe this kid has some adventures." The dark demon Mamen also had to admit that Satan was right.

No demon **** can admit his bloodline wrong, but a natural instinct that will not make mistakes.


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