The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1682: What is true

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As Sophia was about to rage, Asmode waved to stop her. He said coldly: "I promised Camus, and you will tell me what you said when you go back. Just say that Asmode told him I miss him so much that he will bring his soul back to the Holy Tree of Death. "

Faced with such a threat, Elsa was not annoyed. After an impeccable etiquette, he said: "Adults, Elsa will definitely bring it without a word. In addition, General Camus said, if The adult agreed to the request, and he gave the adult a small gift. This small gift can be used by the adult to deceive Prince Yebla. "


No wind automatically, a burst of wild sand rolled up on the ground.

The mad sand was overwhelming, and within a few moments it spread out dozens of miles, covering the world together. Asmode's entire army is naturally surrounded.

However, this crazy sand seems to only cover up the field of vision, not much lethality.

The weakest players on the scene are all half-step S-class elites. With a little use of the ability, the tumbling gravel can be isolated.

At the same time, Elsa's figure shook slightly and disappeared in front of Asmode as if ghostly.

"Mysterious magical power, I seem to smell the demigod's breath." Asmode, the head of the evil spirit, narrowed his eyes and felt the sky of mad sand. Sure enough, it hides a very strong force, and it can still be gathered under this strength and potential. "

In the world of hell, demigod-level strongmen are almost standing at the top of the food chain, but the overall number is not large. But demigods who are young enough to come to the **** conference are very rare.

Because it becomes a demigod at such a young age, it means that there is enough potential. As long as it does not fall in the middle, the probability of becoming a big devil in the future is also extremely high.

Such a rare and handsome character, even the Devil God will attach great importance to it.

Take Asmode, the head of his evil spirits, for example, he is a young and promising demigod, and he is very important to His Majesty the Fallen Demon.

"Leader of Asmode." Sophia said congratulatoryly. "Are we going to warn allied prince Nightblade? Under the devil's child, I am afraid that a demigod-level strongman is hidden."

"You don't have to do more than that." Asmode said calmly, "The Devil Flame Son is our competitor, but why is Prince Yeblan not an opponent?"

"The leader is wise," Sophia said in praise. "We first use this opportunity to let Moyan and Yeblan play first. After they win and lose, we will attack Moyan and establish the victory."

"If this is the case, we're in the devil's plan." Asmode sneered, "I dare to make sure that Mo Yan's strength is extraordinary. If we let them defeat Yeblade, I'm afraid the remaining strength, It should also be able to win us steadily. By then, we will be too passive. Camus sent people to bluff and exposed their true strength. "

"Chief ..." Sophia was a little dazed, wondering, "Then do we fight or not?"

"Fight!" Asmode's eyes were sharp, "We must work with Night Blade to defeat Mo Yan. But, in order to win, we must let Night Blade break a big wave first. Desaia ~"


A small undead, the size of a Goblin, suddenly appeared beside Asmode. Before this, no one even discovered its existence.

Although it is small, the soul fire is condensed as a substance, showing that its strength is definitely not as weak as its appearance. In fact, this is also true, the generals have no weak soldiers.

This undead assassin Desia is famous in the Fallen Demon Realm, and his strength has reached the legendary peak. A terrible assassin who is so divine that he dares to assassinate even the gods.

"You lead a team of undead assassins and go to investigate the battlefield." Asmode's eyes flashed dangerously.


The undead assassin Diesia led the life, led ten elite legendary undead assassins, and immediately disappeared into the battle array. Ordinary legendary powerhouses, even those generals, cannot catch their whereabouts.

Only Asmode, whose strength reaches the demigod, can vaguely discern their movement from perception.

The three demon gods above.

The fallen Devil Samel's cold face melted a little, and could not help nodding slightly. Asmode deserves to be a handsome hero he cultivated carefully, with strong force and excellent ingenuity.

From the perspective of the three demon gods, Asmode has made the most correct tactical arrangement, and is the most promising to win the final victory in the three teams that will soon fight.

Asmode is the heaviest as long as he can retain half of his strength, and then joins with the Dark Lady Catherine to attack the trapped Princess Dark Song, then the battle is stable.

"Huh, the cunning and unbelieving boy." Satan, the **** demon god, had a bad look. "My son clearly sent someone to reach an agreement with him, and he dared to betrayal in a blink of an eye. Is it so shameless? "

Samal calmly said: "It is the so-called soldiers who are not frivolous. Who is your son who blamed himself on his own initiative? What's more, it's not enough to rely on Styx to witness this agreement."

The dark demon Mamen also frowned. Asmode's kid was better than expected. Instead, in the entire world of hell, Night Blade, who is also famous, felt too frizzy and too proud.

At least in the three teams of Mo Yan, Asmode, and Night Blade. Anyone who sees the loss in the end may be Yeblad.

Satan, the **** of hell, also sighed deeply. My child Moyan is indeed very good, and it is a matter of time to achieve the Devil God with time. However, the child was too young and honest.

Satan has decided that he must give his baby son a good lesson when he turns back, at least let him know that there are too many bad guys hiding swords in the world.

at the same time.

Wang Yan used the eight-mirror mirror to prop up the barrier and isolate the outside from the camp.

The brutal eyes were almost watery, and almost fell into Wang Yan's arms, Jiao Didi said: "His Royal Highness's strategy is truly unparalleled. This time, whether it is Yeblade or that Asmode, they are dead."

"No way, who told us to march in the quicksands is very inconvenient, only to defend and not to attack. To really scare Asmode, he commanded the army to play kite wars, we will be exhausted." Wang Yan sighed helplessly, "From the point of view of the previous provocative response, Asmode's guy is not simple. That is very forbearing and cautious, but at the same time seeing the opportunity, he will be very confident in taking risks. Dealing with such characters, also You can only do it in danger. Also, do n’t praise me, most of this plan came from Camus. ”

Camus looked at Wang Yan with admiration. He respectfully said: "In fact, a few suggestions from His Highness are the most critical. The most important thing is that His Highness turned to Asmode's character in a short time. Such understanding, and targeted strategies, powerful and powerful. "

"Okay, let's not boast about ourselves inside." Wang Yan waved and said with a chuckle, "Then there will be several hard fights to fight, everyone should be more cautious. In addition, Laosha, you are starting Do n’t open a big move and keep your strength. If you scare Asmode from entering, I ask you. ”

The Emperor of the Desert snorted and said, "There is no need to talk about this kind of nonsense. Who can fight me in this borderless sand? Flames, no, demon flame boy, will we learn from each other after the war?"

The desert emperor who lost to Wang Yan twice was somewhat dissatisfied. The son of flame is powerful, but in the desert, he is the sky, he is the emperor.

Unless the devil is really close, he is the demon king of the demigod peak, he is not afraid.

The Emperor of the Desert looked forward and left, showing his majestic vigour, and he was quite the best in the world.

"Your abacus is pretty good." Wang Yan responded with a smile. "Otherwise, let's find a place where there are volcanoes and deserts." In fact, Wang Yan is also confident, even in this quicksand zone Fighting is not afraid of the desert emperor. Just trying to beat him is indeed very difficult. The overwhelming yellow sand is all his avatars. Unless all the gravel is melted into magma, this can make him nothing.

The emperor of the desert was stunned, and glanced at Wang Yan faintly: "Your kid is not in the sky when he hits the volcano? It is estimated that when you come to your kid ’s home, a devil with a half-god peak may come Was pitted to death. "

Of course, because Wang Yan used the second artifact to make an enchantment, he covered the camp account, and everyone's bragging could not be spread outside.

Otherwise, those demigod-level demon kings in the audience of the Hell Conference will sniff at this, and the Mo Yan kid's gang will quite blow, come here, pit one for the big demon glance?

It's no wonder that every big devil is an old monster that has lived thousands, even tens of thousands of years. Apart from the three demon gods, they are at the top of the food chain in the world of hell.

The demigod-level demon king, they can single out several with one enemy.

Although Mo Yan has reached a semi-god level at a young age, the future has an unlimited future. With the help of Satan, the **** of hell, there is also great hope for the future to be a god.

But after all, he is still too young, and there is still a big gap with the old devil.

Not to mention gossip.

The army of Prince Night Blade is hurrying and rushing towards Wang Yan's base camp. On the battlefield, the scout has always been the first to go, but it is only a large army of thousands, but it is a scout of a large group.

In the first scout confrontation, Prince Nightblade's night fangs had already suffered more than half of the casualties.

However, Prince Nightblade also obtained the general position of Wang Yan's army. Thousands of armies rushed over and over. His main force is the dark demon domain, the famous lion, scorpion and cavalry.

The ancestors of the lion, scorpion and beast are the galaxy beast scorpion dragon brought by the dark demon Mamen in the universe. At the beginning, their strength reached the level of the semi-god peak, and wherever they were thrown, they were all overlords.

After multiplying with native species, several extremely powerful ethnic groups have now formed. The lion scorpion is one of the descendants of the scorpion dragon. They are powerful monsters composed of lion body, dragon claw, dragon wing and scorpion tail. The body is strong, capable of flying, and the minions and scorpion tails are highly toxic, which is very difficult to entangle, and often makes people lose their combat power immediately.

The most terrifying thing is that the lion, scorpion and beast are extremely prolific and easy to tame. With the powerful soldiers in charge, the fighting power is extremely terrifying.

In the team of Prince Nightblade, there are eight hundred lion, scorpion and knight riders, of which the legendary level reaches 130.

In addition, there are one hundred units of light soldiers in the Night Blade Prince team. They are made up of noble nobles and nobles, each of whom is a young and handsome man in the family, equipped with dark-colored leather armor and sword shields, and short crossbows hanging around his waist.

Each piece of equipment is a second holy artifact created by the master refiner.

Don't underestimate this group of soldiers without mounts.

In fact, they are all elites among the elves of the Night Demon Clan, and their personal cultivation is very high, and their combat ability is very powerful. All of them have reached the legendary level. Relying on your own wings to fly, both forward and retreat, the speed is extremely fast.

After practicing for a period of time in Prince Night Blade's team, the heaviest will be devolved to the remaining major units, becoming generals and even commanders.

Prince Nightblade rode a lion, scorpion and beast that had been meticulously cultivated and reached a legendary peak, leading thousands of troops and violently killing the Demon Flame Camp.

at this moment.

Night Blade Prince's spirit was so extreme that such an army would be invincible to deal with the slave army of Mo Yan's child?

He also learned the magic flame slave army. Although the overall is not bad, but the legendary level, which can reach ten to one point. In other words, the legendary level that the magic flame boy can get, that is, more than one hundred, absolutely no more than one hundred and fifty.

The strength comparison between the two sides is obvious, and there is absolutely no possibility of not winning.

After some quick march.

The night blade army is no more than ten miles from Wang Yan's camp. If the powerful law of space, or even a teleportation, can be instantly into the opponent's battle array.

"Where is Asmode?" Prince Nightblade stood on the ground, looking far away at the Demon Flame Camp, frowning at the other party, and apparently also preparing for the defensive formation.

"His Royal Highness," said his subordinate in return, "Master Asmode has heard that he encountered a sandstorm on the way of the march, which slowed down the march and expected to arrive at the predetermined location in a **** month."


Prince Nightblade looked a little dissatisfied. It seemed to remember the sandstorm that caused the fangs of the night to die out. He whispered secretly in his heart. Is there a smart warlock under the devil's child?

"Your Highness." One-armed Pulton asked, "The Devil Flame has found us, set up a defensive formation, and started building fortifications. What should we do next?"


Night Blade's face changed, Shen Sheng said, "In this vast sand, where are their materials to build fortifications?" From a distance, as expected, some tall ogres dragged huge blocks. Stones are built into small turrets.

Among those turrets, one by one magic crystal ballistas were placed. They are protected by infantry and stone turrets, so that no far-out attack will explode.

Magic Crystal Ballista?

Prince Night Blade shuddered, didn't he? Where did this kid come from the magic crystal ballista? That's a weapon of war. Ordinary soldiers can't carry a gun, and they will be torn apart.

Even the elite of the half-step legend, once hit by the front, will be seriously injured without dying.

Even if it is a legendary level, once it is covered by a fire, it is also a disaster.

This is one of the reasons why the defender will occupy a great geographical position in hell. Once densely packed magic crystal ballistas are lined up above the city walls, the attacking scalp will surely numb.


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