The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1680: Satan! You play pig and eat tiger

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"Ogre reloaded the infantry to form an arched shield wall." Camus laid out on the battlefield. "Take your giant shield and prepare to protect the great magic flame with your life."

"Oh oh ~"

Sitting and eating, the ogres who have rested until now, heard a lot of words and stood up, slowly moving the body like a meat mountain, moving forward in the designated direction and standing by.

Instead of being afraid, they were full of excitement.

It is a glorious choice for this group of ogres reloading warriors to fight the battlefield for the great magic flame.

Three hundred!

A total of three hundred ogres reloaded the infantry under the formation of Camus, using the river as the back to enclose the camp as an arc shield.

After they were all arranged in line, it was like forming an unbreakable steel wall. Yes, they wear heavy armor and heavy shields.

One by one, it looks like it has enlarged many versions of the purgatory demon reinstalled guard.

However, the threshold for the heavy guard of the Infernal Demon Race is legendary. Among these primitive beast-like ogres, can there be twenty or thirty legends?

This is already overestimated.

I heard that the tribes that live in the wild and have one or two hundred ogres have two or three legends that are considered strong.

However, nowadays, they are numerous in number, all wearing giant heavy armor all over the body, and have not entered the fighting state to release their momentum, no one can recognize how many legends among them at one time.

"Huh? These ogres are very burly, what tribe are they from?"

When these images were put into the **** conference venue, many people began to discuss around the ogre's body shape.

In the previous preliminary rounds, there were also ogres from His Royal Highness, but the total number was only a few dozen, of which a dozen were selected legendary.

In a hundred-person team battle, it is very normal to select some elite warriors elite to fight.

But if you zoom into the Thousands of Legion Battles, and hundreds of ogres are still elites, the situation is very different.

"It seems that they are all very burly, and I don't know what those ogres grew up eating?" The audience of the **** conference began to talk. Hundreds of Ogre Warriors in His Highness seemed to be very different.

On the sky god, the dark demon **** Mamen couldn't help but be curious. Shennian swept across hundreds of ogres, and immediately took a breath. "Satan, your ability to be a pig and eat a tiger is too great. ? Where have you collected so many legendary ogres for the kid?

Satan, the devil, also swept the divine thoughts over the group of ogres. Among the three hundred ogre warriors, there are hundreds of legendary levels. The remaining two hundred, even if it is only a half-step legend, are full of blood, burly and domineering, and belong to the elite leader of the ogres. It is not a dream to achieve the legend with time.

"Huh, Satan, you're a good deal ~" The fallen demon Samel also frowned. "He deliberately let his son take some slave cannon fodder for the battle, but he buried a killer weapon. Hundreds of legendary ogres, great pen."

Devil God Satan was certainly wronged, but this was all done by his baby son Mo Yan himself. But even if this is said, the other two demon gods will think that he is blaming Satan.

In addition to Satan Demon God, who has the ability to make such extraordinary handwriting?

The ogres are different from the dominant high-level civilized race of the purgatory demons, and they are basically still in the primitive tribe state of being born and raised. These hundreds of legendary ogres are afraid The ogre chiefs have gathered and gathered into the army?

In other words, among hundreds of ogren tribes, it is necessary to collect the talented ogres, gather them up and cultivate them, and spend a lot of resources and time to form this army of ogres.

In the guesses of Samuel and Mamen, this army of ogres that looks well-armed and well-disciplined should be a unit that has been systematically cultivated. And to be able to do such a hand-writing, Satan must be the devil.

"Hehe ~ I mean, I mean." Of course, the Devil God Satan could not give up his son. Although he had doubts, he immediately said for the baby son Mo Yan, "I just try to see if I can put the ogre Cultivated into a royal arm. Everyone knows that although ogres have a low degree of civilization, they are full of tonnage and powerful, and they are born as heavy infantry. "

Since the demon **** Satan recognized this son, he felt that his nonsense ability had made great progress.

Everyone knows that ogres are powerful, but it is extremely difficult to cultivate a truly powerful army. After all, the real evolutionary potential of the ogres is worse than the pure blood purgatory demon clan, and it can't fly, and it has no talent moire.

With this spare time and resources, it is better to train and cultivate the army of this ethnic group.

You know, the Purgatory Demon Clan itself is a very advanced life form. Many newborn babies have extraordinary strength. If they are noble, they will have congenital moire on their bodies and wings in their mother ’s womb. It is a legendary level.

That is why, in the concept of purgatory demons, only the purgatory demons themselves are the most noble and powerful existence. The rest races, like barbarians, ogres, eagles, succubos, etc., are just slaves in the eyes of purgatory demons.

"Then I want to congratulate you, you have another royal arm in the Purgatory Demon Realm." Samel, the fallen demon god, said with a mocking tone. At the same time, I also thought in my mind that there are many primitive ogre tribes in the Fallen Demon Realm. Did they also consider taking the elite and forming an ogre army? How much can alleviate the situation of lack of troops.

"Where and where, this ogre heavy infantry, has to be tested by actual combat." Satan the devil responded pretendingly, but secretly looked forward to his heart. Baby son Mo Yan said he had the certainty and the cards to win the championship. He didn't believe it before, but now it seems that his son does hide a lot of cards.

Except for this ogren reloading infantry, the other arms will not be hidden deep, right?

Satan the Devil could think this way, and the other two Demon Gods were naturally also curious. The Hawk Lady Scout and the Ogre reloaded the infantry.

Naturally, the three demon gods began to seriously look at the slave cannon foe of the magic flame.

I do n’t know. I was really surprised when I looked at it seriously.

In addition to the Hawk Lady Banshee Brigade, there is another women's unit under Mo Yan, that is the Succubus Brigade. They are not many in number, and there are only 70 or 80. But the number of legendary class is more than 20, the succubus headed is even more remarkable, the breath is strong and powerful, the body contains a strong law aura, clearly is the existence of the legendary peak.

In the world of hell, succubus is not a high-level creature. Most of them are engaged in a certain industry, or they are gathered by a big man in the harem and become forbidden. Because of the charm of talent, it is loved by various races, so the value of the succubus is very high.

Even if it is a demigod demon king, if you can have a legendary succubus pet Ji, it is also a very face-saving thing.

It's hard to imagine how weird the idea of ​​bringing succubi into an army and fighting in battle? Can those succubuses fight?

Inevitably, His Royal Highness is so lustful, he has to sing in the army every night, and arrange a large number of succubus to wait?

Twenty legendary succubus and more than 50 half-step S-level succubus.

This has to be placed in the outside market, and the demigod demon king can sell his net worth and can't afford it.

It can only be proved that His Highness Demon Flame is too rich.

"Smelly kid ~" Satan, the demon god, was also shocked. He hadn't paid attention before. This kid had brought so many succubus into the battle. Which one is he going to play?

Especially the legendary pinnacle of the succubus, it is even more eye-catching in the eyes of the demon **** Satan, that seems to be a very rare succubus. There is only one succubus of this level in the harem of his demon **** Satan, which is usually a favorite.

The only pity is that the succubus because of ethnic blood, the promotion of the legend is already amazing, it is extremely difficult to become a demigod. Since history, few succubi have become demigods.

"I really deserve to be the blood of the god, hey, this skill." Demon God Satan was surprised, but instead became proud, the baby son Mo Yan really like his old son, like to collect beautiful women of all ethnic groups, the same lust.

Fortunately, these words were not heard by Wang Yan, otherwise Satan will be scorned by the devil, so you are horny, your family is horny.

In fact, in the world of hell, it is definitely not a shame for the male race to like beauty. On the contrary, the more a male can gather more beauties, the stronger he is and the more he has a status.

The more advanced life, the more difficult it is to reproduce offspring. If the number of harems is not large enough, wouldn't it be necessary to cut off the ancestors?

To put it simple, take the Chilian Demon King, for example, in his palace, at least there are hundreds or thousands of pets. But for thousands of years, only five heirs have been born.

Not to mention Satan, the demon god, there are at least tens of thousands of pets in his harem harem. But for thousands of years, no Son of God has been born.

It is also because of this, how surprised and despised the Demon God Satan is that the "son" of Mo Yan appears.

Not to mention gossip.

In addition, there are five hundred barbarian warriors in Demon Flame's team.

The barbarian warrior is a race widely existing in the major demon domains of hell. Even the abyss has some barbarian variants.

This is a very peculiar race. It has a strong ability to survive and adapt. Its overall strength is not weak. It is super easy and obedient. The most important thing is that its reproductive ability is very strong. Hundreds of barbarians are thrown away in a piece of habitat, and a hundred years later, they will often become a large family of thousands of people.

This also makes all high-level races like to gather barbarians as the main battle force.

Especially in the Purgatory Demon Race, the Barbarian is the most numerous and the largest race among all armies. Except for the royal corps directly under Satan, there are a large number of barbarian warriors in all other corps.

A large number also means ordinary.

The vast majority of barbarian fighters are only B-class, which is also the standard for most conventional troops in Hell. A handful of elite barbarians will reach A-level, or half-step S-level strength.

Such elite barbarians are already quite valuable.

They often become the guards of some small lords, nursing homes, or the chiefs of the army, etc. And some of the devil's direct troops also like to recruit elite barbarians of class A.

It is extremely rare to reach a legendary barbarian. Among the major troops, they also belong to the extremely popular general ranks. They are of good strength, fearless of death, obedient and loyal.

Some Devil City Lords will even prefer the legendary Barbarian as a guard, because they are more loyal than the ordinary Purgatory Demon Clan, a little reward, they will be grateful to Dade, and their brains are smeared.

Wang Yan also likes these savage barbarian warriors. After constantly testing his loyalty, he spent huge resources on the most loyal barbarian warriors.

It can be said that the seemingly insignificant barbarian is Wang Yan's largest gold-saver.

Through bloodline evolution magic, Wang Yan continuously improves the blood of the barbarians, helping them break through and help them grow.

The barbarian warriors also rewarded him with loyalty and incisiveness. They are grateful to Wang Yan for their loyalty. Even if Wang Yan orders to attack the Devil's Palace, they will rush to the death with a battle axe.


When the demon **** Satan swept through the five hundred barbarian warriors with his divine power, he almost bleed.

Among the two hundred, among the five hundred barbarian warriors, there are even two hundred legendary barbarian warriors. It's not that barbarians can't become legends, but barbarians are more difficult than ogres if they want to be legendary.

Often there are only one or two legendary ranks among a barbarian tribe with thousands of people.

But what are these two hundred legendary barbarian warriors?

And the remaining three hundred barbarian warriors, all of them are half-step S-level existence, full of energy and extraordinary potential.

The other two demon gods also looked at the devil **** Satan with strange and murky eyes.

It's no wonder that in their eyes, Satan, the devil, is eating pigs and eating tiger hair this time. Sneaking up a slave legion for his son, it was no worse than the royal legion.

"Catherine's Thousand Army, and the Devil Flame Boy's army are very hard to lose." The devil Samuel said emphatically. "Satan, your mind is getting deeper and deeper."

"Well, it's really a purgatory demon domain. With middle and low-level races, they can all gather an army of royal players." The dark demon **** Mamen also said sourly, "Compared with the royal army of Princess Dark Song At most, it's between the two. "

To say that Mo Yan's army is not without its shortcomings, that is, there are too many troops on the ground and too few air forces. Adding up to a dozen or so Hawk succubus and succubus, it seems that there are a lot of them, but why should they go against the orthodox air force?

As long as dozens of inferno massacre, can easily defeat those eagle body succubus and succubus.

"It seems that it is hard to say who killed the deer in the end." Samuel the demon said with emotion, "Satan, you can hide too much."

Although the devil Satan was wronged, his heart was beautiful. My son is really good at it. For the Father to wait for you to achieve the Devil God as soon as possible, the Father and Son work together to restore the world of Hell.

It's just that the two devil gods sighed with emotion, and lay down to lay down.

Now that the final battle has started, no one can reverse it. At most, they are spending a lot of their magical power, watching and broadcasting the real-time battle situation. Who dare to sneak in to intervene, then it is purely intentional to lose.

This time, there was a huge bet between the three demon gods, and no one could bear the consequences of losing.

Now I can only pray secretly, and my own representatives can squash the heroes, avoiding the painful price when you get it.


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