The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1670: Send the boss's palace!

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The temporary camp belonging to the Infernal Demon Realm, the most central position, is located in the bedroom of the most noble Satan Demon God's son Mo Yan, and there is a burst of lively noise.

Here, you can see rare scenes in the world of hell.

The gigantic ogres and the eagle succubus are intertwined, eating meat and drinking wine.

You can also see the succubus and the barbarian warrior, fighting with brute force, the loser will pour a barrel of spirits. There are even goblin races of hell, which go by the shoulders of lava **** dogs, called brothers and brothers.

Of course, there is no lack of "noble" race purgatory demons, or dark elves with high eyes.

But here, purgatory demons and dark elves only exist in the same status as other races, drinking together and eating meat together, there is no distinction between high and low.

That's right, this is Wang Yan's slave cannon ashes.

In the legion, regardless of race or origin, it can only attract strength and courage.

Obviously, Wang Yan's army of "miscellaneous cards" is celebrating the first round of the purgatory conference. This made the much-discussed slave army have a feeling of raising their eyebrows and boosting their morale.

Although they didn't do much, the person under the Hall of Demon Flames penetrated each other.

"Red, red confusion, come and come, don't run. Drink, drink." Ogre Ablon Giant Hammer, carrying a tank of spirits to find the world to fight red confusion.

The confused boy couldn't bear it anymore, and the turtle shrunk behind Wang Yan, trembling with fear: "Boss, Boss, can you control that big guy. I really can't drink.

The physique of the Red Refining Demon Race is indeed very strong, but when it comes to the amount of food and alcohol, it is still slightly worse than the more fat and strong ogres.

What's more, the ogren kid of Ablon Giant Hammer has a very talented talent, and it's no problem to drink and lie down for ten confusions.

"Who made you kid, have nothing to provoke Ablon?" Wang Yan kicked him off angrily. "You can't fight in war, not even drinking?"

Lord Chew ’s face was comparable to the city wall. Immediately, he shy his face and hugged Wang Yan ’s thigh. He patted the horse fart and said: "Boss, at least Chew is your most loyal **** dog. You let Whoever I bite, I will bite. "

In fact, this boy's strength is not weak now, reaching a legendary peak, much stronger than the other three sons of Chilian Demon King. Following Wang Yan, the road of the future demigod demon king is a stubborn thing.

But this kid likes to sell cute and shameless in front of Wang Yan, as if this is his way of survival.

"Go away, don't disturb me and His Highness Mo Yan drinking." The brutal lord of the cruel county kicked his elder brother kicked away, and then wrapped his eyes like Wang Yan softly, whispered softly, "Your Highness, congratulations on winning the first battle Victory, the concubine will pay tribute first. "

The brutal master of the county drank the wine from the glass, and by the strength of the wine, he was about to fall down on Wang Yan, and his heart was full of expectation. If the next Lord Mo Yan is happy to give her a favor today, it will be so happy.

As the main room of Her Majesty the Demon Flame, and the future wife of Her Majesty the Demon God, she has to set an example.

"Drinking and drinking, don't move your hands." Wang Yan moved back to avoid the brutal harassment. A bunch of people from the earth are staring. If he really does something bad in hell, the custody will soon spread through the earth super circle.

"Woo ~" The Sovereign Sovereign Lord was a little sad. As the main room of His Royal Highness, he had no marriage with His Royal Highness. This has to be passed on, which really damages His Majesty's majesty.

She blames the female slave of the earth. If it were n’t for her all day long, would n’t it be?

The Brutal Lord gave Lidia a white look.

Lidia's heart is straight and hairy, so how can she be offended?

Zhang Weidao in this compartment was a little overwhelming, and even drank a few sips of wine, hanging shoulder to shoulder with Wang Yan and said, "I said brother, I think Miss Red Cruel is really obsessed with you, so I might as well take her away chant."

Wang Yanhanran, do you think I'm like you? Really want to make some big waves in Hell, God knows that Sister An Ge and Sister Nan Lian will jointly cut him?

Moreover, the cruelty likes His Highness Lord Mo Yan, but is not the real earthman Wang Yan.

"Cut ~ hypocrisy." Shiva goddess Indira didn't know where to take a red gourd, and cast a disdainful look at Wang Yan while drinking, "It's obviously a stinky rogue, but it's a pretense all day long, even Shen Tutian Road Not as good as. "

The side of Shen Tu Tianlu, who was regarded as a comparison object, was all black. Thank you for your compliment. Your Highness, Lord Shiva, if you want to bury the pharaoh, you must bury it. What do you want me to do?

However, Shen Tu Tianlu only dared to think about it in his heart. Although he was very talented, he could not beat Shiva, the goddess of destruction.

Depressed Shen Tu Tianlu, had to ran down to find Miss Hawk Miss Banshee and sisters to drink, and soon, on that side cheered, and Hawk Hawk Banshees were still very relaxed of.

Shentu Tianlu, who had drunk too much, began to release himself, and ran freely. Dozens of metal tentacles danced all over the sky, suddenly big and small, soft and hard, which caused the screams of the eagles Constantly, there are bad speeches like brother Brother Shen Tu.

"Hell is a good place ~ If this is depravity, I would like to perish forever." Shen Tutian Road was drinking and singing, surrounded by a group of eagle succubus and succubus sister, hi to the extreme. In this day, I don't want to change to an emperor.

"Embarrassing things." The goddess Shiva cast a deep contempt on him. "You young people in China are becoming more and more impetuous. Even Heavenly Master can't help it."

After a pause, she looked at Wu Wujie, who had never been drinking, and said slightly: "Now in this world, only the ascetic monk of the Prajna Monastery in China can keep her heart."

"Amitabha, how can the Lord Shen Tu speak so arrogantly?" Wu Wujie couldn't stand it anymore. Bao Xiang declared the Buddha's number solemnly and stepped forward to rebuke. "It is my duty to descend the demon guard. The little monk has already set a big wish, and **** is not empty , Swear not to become a Buddha. Let go of those banshees and let the poor monks come ~~ Wait ~ Wow haha, wow haha, do n’t do this for female donors ~~~ "

After a series of laughs, even Wang Yan was shocked.

Everyone looked at the Shiva goddess in unison, but you said just now that only the ascetic monks of the Prajna Monastery can keep their original intentions.

The goddess Shiva was blushing and angrily exasperated: "I see what I do? Huaxia's young veins are so impetuous and degenerate, they are all good heads of the children of flame." Under the shame, the ruined eye hidden on her forehead turned out to be There were faint signs of opening.


Wang Yan's face was so helpless, everyone had grievances and grievances, don't put anything on his head. Besides, everyone is a young person. It is better to have a lively personality.

Don't look at the older generation of people who seem to be very serious, but who knows how they waved when they were young?

"Indira, although you are your highness the goddess." Lydia was a little bit dissatisfied and annoyed. "But she has no right to arbitrarily defame the Son of Flame. He has brought infinite idol effects to the younger generation of superpowers on earth. "

"Hehe ..." Goddess Shiva took a big sip of wine and pointed at Lydia, "Poor silly girl, because you have always been an idol with the son of flame. Don't you understand it by now?"

"What?" Lydia looked blank, "What do I understand?"

All the earth people present looked at Wang Yan. This guy has been hiding Lidia until now, what a taste of it.

"Cough!" Wang Yan was a little embarrassed and coughed twice, "Don't look at me like this. Although my trick is a bit excessive, everyone is a beneficiary."

"Son of Flame." A gentle but majestic voice sounded, and the speaker was a majestic, emperor-like desert emperor.

At this time, he was surrounded by a group of distinctive interracial beauties, without any sense of disobedience. These beauties of all races from **** were slave girls he bought on his own.

A certain emperor of the desert said, "Lydia has grown a lot, and now her strength is more than her grandfather Emmons. Tell her the truth."

The desert emperor upgraded with the crystal core of the hot sand overlord has reached the level of a semi-god level. Speaking of it, it is naturally imposing and emperor-like.

Son of flame?

Lydia's face was white, her eyes looked at Wang Yan in disbelief, difficult, difficult ...

No no no, this, this is impossible.

How could this evil and overbearing, arrogant and unreasonable demon king be Wenliang Ruyu, the handsome and dear son of Flame?

"Cough ~"

Wang Yan glanced angrily at the desert emperor. The old boy put on a look of unpredictability. Did he forget the misery when he first entered hell?

It is not that Wang Yan is unwilling to reveal her identity with Lydia, but that she has always been so used to bullying and bullying her with the identity of Lord Mo Yan. Over time, it has become more difficult for him to reveal his identity.

This matter dragged on and off, and dragged on to the present.

"Lydia." Taking advantage of today's cheerful atmosphere, everyone drank a lot of wine, and their identity has been clearly identified. Wang Yan decided to take this matter away, and said with a smile, "This one The thing is that I'm really bad. I didn't show you my identity at first, just to sharpen your strength. "

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it." Lydia's face was pale and she shook her head again and again. "Smelly demons, bad guys, you, you must be making stories again, deliberately deceiving me."

It is undeniable that Lydia worshipped Wang Yan as an idol in the age of the earth. It seems to be the feeling of men and women, but in fact it is just unilateral admiration.

Instead, the identity of Lord Lord Mo Yan is more like the overbearing president of Lydia. Unconsciously, although Lydia still worships the son of flame, she also likes the Lord of the Flame Flame.

Now that the two identities have become one, she gave birth to her dream collapse and unacceptable emotions.

She raised her hand and an invisible wind appeared, and the wind drove her far away in a blink of an eye. The magic is smooth and natural, and the wind spells can be used to show the taste of space spells. Since it is unacceptable for a while, you can only escape as far as possible.

"Uh ... forget it." Wang Yan wanted to chase, but touched his nose helplessly. Now, let's give her more time to recover.

Speaking of which, Wang Yan's own intention is good.

Only in the end, inadvertently or inadvertently, indulged in that game, some can not extricate themselves.

"Huh, the son of the romantic." The goddess Shiva naturally cast a deep contempt on Wang Yan. "It hurts a girl again."

"His Highness, what's so good about that human little Nizi?" The unruly Brutal Sovereign, came up with a smile and smiled, "It's annoying to look like Didi all day long. If you like to open the harem, The Nu family will help you to check it yourself. "Of course, check the gate and check the position of the main room of His Royal Highness, but you must firmly grasp it.

"Boss, it's not me who criticizes you." The ridiculous lord who was kicked away, somehow quietly touched it back again, he was drunk deeper, patting his chest and sipping wine, said, "Being a wise leader What are you so tangled about? Which one you like is the income of the harem. My brutal sister will definitely help you manage the harem. "

"Red confusion, you gave me death." Finally, there was an opportunity to get close to His Majesty, and the confusion came again, and the cruel county master kicked angrily and angrily. Multiple tubes. "

The deceived lord, who had been kicked, did not care at all, and continued to drunkenly say: "If I say that the entire **** is the boss's future site, if the boss does not have a tens of thousands of harems, wouldn't it look very shabby? In my opinion, the princess of the Dark Demon God called, Princess Ange is good, and snatched back to be the boss's wife. "

The people around took a sigh of air, and all had the urge to keep a distance from the confusing lord.

How dare you say such a bold statement? Are you kidding me? The dark demon Mamen, how much he loves his dark princess, this word will fall into his old man's ears, and Satan can't keep him close.

Looking at the chilling surroundings, the deceived boy became more complacent, and even after a few drinks, he continued to brag and said: "In fact, the dark maiden temperament of the fallen demon domain is also good. You only need to order the boss, brothers. Go in and out of the fallen camp and help you get her over. "

Kill in and kill out?

I'm confused that your cowhide is too big.

Even Zhang Weidao couldn't take it anymore. When he just wanted to make a few mockery, he suddenly looked stiff and stared inexplicably at the entrance of the hall, as if he saw something incredible.

"Zhang Weidao, who you stupid boy pretends to have this expression to show to." Chi confounded and roared, "Could it be that the dark saint dared to run into the camp of our purgatory demon? Roar roar, if She's really brave enough. I'm confused to take her down on the spot and send it to the boss's palace! "


As soon as the words of Chidu fell, the whole person flew out.


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