The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1668: terror! Head of evil spirits

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"Due deserved." The brutal lord of the cruel county gave a vicious glance at the kicked brother and hummed. "If you don't understand, don't be blundering. Our Highness Demon Flame and His Majesty the devoted father and son are filial piety. They are the heirs of orthodox gods. Sooner or later, will he take the position of Demon God, as for rebellion against usurpation? His Highness does this to prove his ability to all hell, he is not a second-generation ancestor who will only rely on his father. "

After a pause, the cruel county official looked at Wang Yan with a pleased voice, and said with a lot of air: "His Royal Highness, is the concubine right?" But my heart was secretly secret, and I was cruelly as His Royal Highness Fang, the future Mrs. Demon God, must understand the righteousness.

"It makes sense." Wang Yan gave her a compliment, thinking secretly, at least stronger than her brother.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your appreciation." The cruelty of the cruel county master fell into Wang Yan's arms, and he blinked with watery eyes. "The concubine will definitely work harder and be ready to share his grief for His Highness."

Hey, hey, you girl, do n’t give a good face, you have to measure in. This is under the large crowd, what should I do to see Ange? Wang Yan hurriedly slapped Fei Chi abused the master of the county. Unexpectedly, she was blushing, trembling, and murmured with full spring in her eyes after two beeps, "Slave maid, thank you, His Royal Highness."

Wang Yan gasped in cold air, and the girl was cruelly abused, and most of them were not saved.

As expected, the commotion on Wang Yan's side attracted some people's attention. For example, the Dark Lady, she stared at Wang Yan from afar, her mood seemed very unpleasant, this big shameless villain, even with the maidservant in the big court?

If it wasn't for the big picture in his heart, he must let him have a good understanding, what is called the wrath of the saint.

In addition, the "Dark Song" princess seemed to pay special attention to Wang Yan's side. She did not show anything, after all, this kind of behavior is common among the demons, and it is even more ridiculous.

Of course, if she knew that it was Wang Yan, the reaction would be unknown.

At this time, Wang Yan, quickly transferred the speech topic: "Camus, listening to you mean, Ledo kid has an advantage, but it does not necessarily win?"

Camus took a deep breath and solemnly said: "Asmode, the head of evil spirits, is a new generation of fallen angels growing from the holy tree of death. His qualifications and potential are rare for thousands of years. The understanding is unfathomable. Before the Dark Lady appeared, he was regarded as the heir of His Majesty Samuel. If this is a thousand-person team battle, the winning rate of both sides will be 50%. But ... "

"Understood." Wang Yan's eyes closed slightly, his face slightly dignified, and he looked forward faintly in his heart. Asmode, the head of evil spirits, looks forward to your next performance.

The rest of the young people around the earth who are around Wang Yan are also full of expectations. They want to see how Asmode can win the final victory in this obvious disadvantage.

Young talents from the earth, like the dark elves like Camus, are wearing heavy and wide black body armor, which makes people indistinguishable from race and origin. In the eyes of others, they are just a group of guards of His Highness.

The battle in the meeting place started instantly.

The son of Ledo seems to be a little impatient, directing the army to launch an offensive against Asmode, the head of evil spirits.

Eighty heavy guards laid out a square formation, held up their shields, and advanced heavily towards the enemy. Twenty Yan prison slaughterers, controlling the crotch Yan Yan dragon, slowly flew to the sky, guarding the wings of the heavy guard.

Twenty pairs of huge legendary dragon wings almost covered the sky of the small half of the venue, and the atmosphere was fierce.

Enemies lacking courage, in this crushing battle array, fear that they will be directly scared.

"Haha ~"

On the VIP seats in the stands, the big devil Lei Xiu, one of the big devil under the demon god, couldn't help but laughed smugly, "My son Lei Duo has grown up, and with his own strength taking advantage, An upright battle line, squeezing the opponent's survival space, forcing the enemy to take the lead to charge, thus crushing and crushing the enemy, good, good tactics! "

The evaluation of Lei Xiu Demon King naturally attracted the princes around the purgatory demon clan, saying that this time, Lei Duo will definitely crush Asmad, the head of evil spirits, and may even win the championship of the **** conference.

The Lei Xiu devil waved his hands modestly: "Championship is impossible, it is exclusive to His Royal Highness. However, when Leiduo Naidie can win a few games, the king is always relieved."

In his heart, he didn't take it seriously. The kid of Mo Yan automatically gave up the Ace Slayers of the Inferno Slaughter and Heavy Guard, and wanted to prove his ability with a gang of slaves.

In this case, it's a **** to win the championship, and whether it can be held to the final is a huge problem.

However, because of this, his son Ledo was cheap.

The Lei Xiu Demon King is smug and self-satisfied. After Lei Duo has achieved excellent results, he will go up to the snake and ask his Majesty the Demon God to provide resources, so that Lei Duo can become a demigod.

For a time, he thought of the Dark Devil's Yesha Big Devil, everyone is also the Big Devil. Why did the son born of that old thing become a demigod early? The son of Lei Xiu, who is also not a vegetarian, was born as a twin of Thunderfire.

The battlefield continues.

Under Redo's tactics, Asmode's 100-man army has been suppressed to only one-third of the field. If there is no more action, it will be crushed to death by the reinstalled guard.

But the problem is that most of Asmode's subordinates are composed of death knights. They are of good strength, fearless of death, and sprint invincible. However, it is extremely unwise to use the death knight to attack the famous heavy guard, not to mention hitting the stone with eggs.

Anyway, it's a dead end for Asmode.

However, Asmode moved. He controlled the crotch nightmare and walked briskly towards the heavy guard. The six pairs of dark black wings on his back raised high, demonstrating the identity of the six-winged fallen angel.

He played alone.

The attitude is so breezy, as if walking in your back garden.

"Stupid!" Raiduo Shizi's mouth curled up, revealing a hint of sarcasm, "Want to rely on the demi-god power, tough me legendary team of 100 people? Oh, do you think my heavy guard is vegetarian?

Lei Duo Shi Zi straddling the body of the Inferno Dragon, waved his hand imposingly.

Suddenly, the frontline team of heavy guards thrust a giant shield into the rock, throwing a spear in his hand, and raised his body backwards, like a giant human-shaped bow, the whole body was full of huge tension.

"Boom! Boom!"

Ten throwing spears broke through the air, and they instantly broke the sound barrier. On the spear-pointed spear, a circle of waves between the tangible and the invisible was stimulated. The speed and explosive power were terrible.

The most desperate thing is that each throwing spear thrown by the heavy guard is infused with a highly concentrated hellfire, which has full penetration and powerful explosive power.

The power of each spear is probably more powerful than the missiles on the earth. Being hit from the front, even the legendary undead has to be seriously injured.

Demigod, what about demigod?

Since ancient times, the demigod demon who died in the hands of the heavy guard has been unknown.

The ten spears reached the hundred meters in front of Asmode almost at the moment they were just thrown, and even the devil could not resist it.

Many female audiences covered their eyes, and the handsome and handsome Asmode who was unbearable was seriously injured.

However, I did not see any action by Asmode.

A hundred meters from the side of him, a pale ice field condensed, which was full of terrible death chills, and condensed the frost of death.

His long hair suddenly raised, raised his head, and stared indifferently at the ten spears full of hellfire. Suddenly, those spears seemed to be shuttled into the invisible high-concentration medium, and the speed was ten times slower, followed by a hundred times slower, until they seemed to be captured by invisible forces and stopped Asmo Ten meters away.

On the spear, I don't know when the thick death frost has condensed. The **** fire during the filling period is also like the flame meeting the water vapor, melting steadily between the invisible.

"Click click ~"

Those spears made of purgatory steel broke into ice **** and spilled all over the ground.


"This, this is impossible!"

Countless people on the scene expressed amazement. The scene in front of them subverted their common sense and imagination. Even those veteran demon kings can't figure it out, how did Asmode do it?

Is it just death chill?

Death chill, when can this be achieved?

After breaking through the must-have Asmode, his attitude was relaxed and natural, as if he had just wiped away the dust from his body, and continued to control the crotch nightmare beast, striding forward.

As if the legendary 100-man squadron in front of me was just a group of grass mustard ants, he could smash it with a wave of Asmode.

The tsunami-like cheers came from the stands of the Hell Conference, especially many female audiences, who were fascinated by Asmode's peerless looks and temperament.

"It's amazing!" Camus said with emotion, "I haven't seen it for many days. I didn't expect Asmode's death law to have been cultivated to such a degree. It is worthy of being a peerless genius among fallen angels."

"Lao Sha!"

Wang Yan smiled and said to a man in black armor next to him, "How do I feel, this Asmode can still pretend than you?"


After the black armor snorted, his eyes fixed on Asmode as if he had found his opponent and was very interested.

at the same time.

Asmode continued to move forward.

Raito Shiko's face was ugly to the extreme, his opponent's strength seemed to far exceed his imagination, and his mood began to become manic: "Half God, how about Half God? This Shiko didn't believe that he could beat one hundred. All People, the whole army assaulted, crushed him. "

The military order is like a mountain!

Eighty heavy guards, like eighty heavy tanks, rushed to Asmode, and the heavy equipment on their bodies seemed not to affect their speed at all, but increased their immense momentum.

In fact, the same is true. Each heavy guard is an elite of the Infernal Demon Race, sprinting is much more powerful than the earth tank, and it can be smashed by a random collision.

Twenty Yan prison killers also launched a surprise sprint. The twenty-thirty-meter-long Flame Inferno Dragon is much more powerful than the earth's fighter. The purgatory demon riding on it stands up the Dragon Slaughter, and it is fierce and powerful.

Any one of the Inferno massacres here can single out a fighter squad of humans on earth.

Such a violent momentum, not to mention the ordinary demigod, even if it is the level of the demigod demon king, he must retreat from the sanshe and avoid the sharp edge.

If Asmode does not retreat, it will be crushed into pieces.

He moved.

The six black wings on the back stretched out to the extreme. The demise of the depraved angel was revealed in an instant. The chill of death fluctuated outwards like a substance. All the existence that was enveloped in it, could not feel the cold from the depths of the soul. His body became stiff and his movements became sluggish and heavy.


Asmode flapped his wings violently, and his body flew like a meteor. The speed was fast, and behind him was a long flame tail of condensed death.


Four or five legendary heavy guards were picked up by the second artifact evil spirit lance in Asmode ’s hand, the heavy shield was torn apart, and the battle armor was covered with a layer of death frost. After falling to the ground, it climbed for a while Can't get up.

The phalanx reloading the guard was actually pierced by Asmode in a flash.

The rest of the heavy guards and the Inferno Massacre tried to stop it, but it was too late. Asmode's speed is too fast, and they are affected by the chill of death, their speed and response are two to three percent slower than usual.

Asmode who penetrated the heavy guard, of course, will not stop, and continue to kill the target like a meteor.

Decapitation tactics.

There is no doubt that this is Asmode's beheading tactics.

If Raito is more cautious and keeps using upright tactics to continuously compress Asmod's living space and force the opponent to face a decisive battle, this game has at least a 80% winning rate.

But he was persuaded and provoked by Asmode, and he was stunned and ordered the whole army to assault.

This caught Asmode's strategy, and he also seized the fleeting opportunity, turning from extremely quiet to extremely moving, and caught a surprise by Raito.

At this time, Raito's face was furious and frightened.

In a short moment, it turned into a situation where he faced Asmode alone, and there was no soldier available.


Asmode's evil spirit spear embodies the meaning of the terrifying death law, and the frost of death floats in the sky, covering the life of Lei Duo. This shot has shown Asmode's strength to the extreme, unstoppable and unstoppable.


Raito's son was attacked by fear all over his body. He knew that once he was shot by that evil spirit, his soul would be detained and transformed into a disgusting and terrible group of undead.

No, I don't want to become an undead.

A great fear overwhelmed the willpower of Raito's son, and he shouted with a sigh of tears: "confess, I admit defeat."

"Om ~~~"

Wraith spear wrapped in horror chill, stayed a few meters in front of the son of Ledo, the death chill exuded through the spear of evil spirit, the son of Ledo shivered, and a beautiful and terrible death frost condensed on his body .


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