The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1666: Really die

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"Your Highness Princess, you can rest assured that your subordinates already have a perfect solution, and that magic flame will be handed over to your subordinates!"

Seeing the gratitude and appreciation shown by the daughter of Mamen, Prince Yeblad felt excited for a while, and he repeatedly promised that the sound transmission promised, "In the next meeting, the subordinates will definitely take the first level of the magic flame and give it to Her Highness Be a gift! "

"Then the magic flame will be given to you." The daughter of Mamen looked at Prince Nightblade and nodded. "However, no matter what the result is, Nightblade you need to ensure your safety. Our Dark Demon Domain needs you." . "

Although it is said on the mouth, in fact, the daughter of the Mamen is eager to wait for this Prince of Night Blade and his father Yesha Demon to finish early. But now is the time to hire people, and she can only coax this prince of night blades with a bit of hypocrisy and radical methods.

Sure enough, after hearing a little concern from the daughter of Mamen, Prince Yeblad was almost all excited, and followed busyly behind the daughter of Mamen, so that she was very diligent. Even with his bearded Pulton, he had a good time to beat the horse.

In the eyes of the two masters and servants, the son of the demon who walked slowly towards them seemed to be their stepping stone to success!

It seems that as long as the son of the demon **** can be solved, the champion of this session of **** is their bag. Which stunning mamen daughter seems to be within reach.

By that time, even the entire Dark Demon Realm, I am afraid, will gradually fall into the hands of his Prince Night Blade and his father Yesha Big Devil in the next days!

Prince Nightblade and his confidant had one-armed bearded Pulton, and their eyes were shining when they thought of their great future. Even Wang Yan's eyes were full of fierceness.

I am afraid that the new hatred and the old hate must be counted together.

Wang Yan naturally also saw Prince Yeblan and his cronies. Their eyes met in midair. The fierce sharp edge was like a gunpowder barrel that lit a fuze. It seemed to explode at any time.

The audience at the scene did not understand the holiday between the two, but in the atmosphere of Xiao Sha set off between the two, they were terrified and nervous, secretly exclaimed in their hearts and exclaimed: Is this the so-called one mountain can not allow two tigers?

"It really provokes enemies everywhere."

The Dark Saint couldn't help but gave Wang Yan a white eye in his heart and muttered secretly.

It seems that Wang Yan had been in contact with Prince Yeblan for a long time, and it seems that he has engendered hatred. However, based on her understanding of Wang Yan, that guy will definitely not lose money, so she is not worried. And she was able to throw the big trouble of Night Blade to Wang Yan. At the Hell Conference, she also had fun.

As the Vice Admiral of the Dark Lady, Asmode, the head of evil spirits, is still a polite, calm and restrained look.

He looked at the Dark Saint, and then looked back and forth between Yeblan and Wang Yan. The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and it seemed that seeing Wang Yan had an enmity with Prince Yeblad was a very comfortable thing for him. .

"Okay, come to us!"

"Brothers, let's go!"

"Go away, oh!"

As Wang Yan walked out of the tunnel, the group of men and troops behind him were all excited, and one after another was very excited.

Especially the confusing lord, the whole person was full of enthusiasm.

He was born humble, his mother died for him, and his father Chilian did not recognize him at all. As an unacknowledged illegitimate child, he grew up entirely in the streets and alleys, and later became a famous lord In the end, the clanking of poor people was still oppressed by the wild monsters dominated by Yanhu in the fiefs.

It was not until he met Wang Yan, the boss, that he turned over the salted fish and got the achievement he has today.

And now, he actually came to the world of hell, the highest palace of the strong, will soon be reviewed by the three devil gods, and the people of all hell. How could he not be excited, not excited?

"Hahaha, the applause is warmer! The cheers are louder! I am confusing the lord!"

The deceived lord was so excited and excited that he set off to the field by pulling the mount.

His mount is a lava **** dog rubbed from Wang Yan, and a lava **** dog that looks like a mighty wind, undoubtedly greatly increased his self-confidence at the moment.

However, at the moment when he had just stepped into the venue, the originally very lively scene suddenly calmed down.

An awkward atmosphere began to flow in the air.

The confusing lord was surprised, did he not have a boss? Why did the crowd boil when the boss went out, and when he came to him, why did the audience's emotions cool? Isn't he so unpopular?

Just after the brief silence at the scene, a questioning sound began to enter his baffled ears.

"Why, what?"

"Here, these are ..."

"Slave? Your Highness, Mo Yan, actually used the miscellaneous slave cannon ashes to join the war? Open, what kidding?"

Not only the camps of the Fallen Demon and the Dark Demon, but the sound of doubts came, and even the audience in the Purgatory Demon's own camp was stunned at the moment.

The team behind Wang Yan, the equipment is indeed good enough, but those fat and huge ogres, barbarian soldiers with tendons, voluptuous succubus and charming eagle body female demon, their ethnic characteristics, but equipped with armor Can't hide.

What's more, these troops and some generals still have slave collars on their necks. As long as the people on the scene are not a fool, they can see at a glance that this is a mixed team composed entirely of slaves and barbarians.

"Huh, the Demon Flame of the Purgatory Demon Clan is too arrogant?"

"Slave, all of them are actually slaves of miscellaneous brands. What did that Mo Yan think? He actually dared to use the army of slaves to participate in the **** conference? Really the main players of other forces are all confusing?"

"Those slave armies look very well equipped."

"What's the use of good equipment? Look at the slaves, most of them are half-step S-class soldiers, and the legendary ratio is not even one tenth. This kind of strength is generally elite in general. Alright, but is this the **** meeting? "

"Huh, why, do you look down on people? Is it because he is the son of the Devil God that he can be so disregarded?"

"Oh, what's so great about the Son of Demon God? The leader in our Dark Demon camp is still the daughter of Demon God!"

"It seems that the leader of the side is not the heir of His Majesty."


Wang Yan led a mixed series of miscellaneous brand slave army, and directly let the audience of the demon and dark demon camps on the scene directly explode.

The Hell Conference is the top young powerhouse in the Hell World, the grand conference of the dead battles against each other, and the stage where the three demon gods fight for hegemony. The rules adopted are the legion wars that simulate real wars, so each side has the support of a supreme demon god, those who command the army The young and handsome men of the world are led by the most powerful trump card arms of all major forces, and even the worst cannon fodder, it is also an elite selected by thousands.

But now the devil of Satan's son, Mo Yan, is just fine, only using a batch of mixed slave army to participate in the war. Is this bullying the other two demon gods under no one? Or is he already arrogant to a certain level and dare to joke about his own life?

Especially Prince Night Blade, frowned. How did this Demon Flame Son bring these slave legions to the war? Although, last time he also confronted these slaves, these slaves were still elite.

But no matter how elite, it is just a half-step S-level foundation, plus some captain-level legends.

Among the army of 100 people, only half of the legendary level?

I would like to ask, which seed-level player, in the 100-person qualifiers of the preliminary round, did not bring a hundred legendary arms?

Ye Ye was thinking.

"What's the noise? Slave, what happened to the slave?"

Seeing the audiences in the two camps around, Lord Chew screamed loudly at the crowds of both sides, "Laozi is the first loyal dog of His Highness!

After this roar, many of the slave army led by Wang Yan immediately responded loudly with the army.

"Yes! Lao Tzu is going to be a slave to His Royal Highness. What's wrong?"

"Do you want to be decent, do you deserve it?"

"That is, you want to be a slave to His Highness, but His Highness may not accept you!"

"What stare? Stare at Lao Tzu and pull your eyes out!"

Shouted by Wang Yan's team, the audiences in the Fallen Demon and Dark Demon camps were all stunned.

After the reaction, Qi Qi scolded in his heart, opened, what jokes? Those slaves dare to scold others, but they also have to buckle their eyes?

Oh my God!

real or fake? Did they get it right? Where is the self-confidence and courage of these slaves?

The audiences in the Fallen Demon and Dark Demon camps were stunned, and their heads were a little dizzy.

But it was not only these slaves that surprised them. The audience opposite the Purgatory Demon Camp also recovered from the short consternation, and then launched a fierce scolding battle against the Fallen Demon and Dark Demon camps.

"Our great magic flame, to deal with these third-rate goods of yours, it is enough to use the miscellaneous slave army!"

"Yes! That's right! To deal with you soft-hearted people, our great magic flame, we don't need any ace arms!"

"What's wrong? Not convinced? See you later on the battlefield?"


The audience in the Purgatory Demon camp, who had no brains to support Wang Yan ’s incarnation, called the one from the two camps on the opposite side, who was scolded, and even the two teams were scorned. .

Under such scolding, the audience of the other two camps certainly did not agree. It's about dignity. These audiences can't care about the presence of the Devil God projection, just like the other party launched a counterattack.

Soon the audience of the three camps fell into abusive relationship with each other, and the whole venue became chaotic.

"This, really, really will die ..."

The Dark Lady's expression was embarrassing, and a drop of cold sweat was secretly secreted in her heart. She said that Wang Yan was really troublesome. It was a **** conference that had the largest number of participants in history.

Beside the Dark Lady, Asmode, the head of the evil spirit, although there were accidents, there was more interest. The fallen angels are all unwilling to succumb to rules and authority. Otherwise, they will not follow Lord Samuel and betray the **** of light. But now it seems that this son of the demon **** Mo Yan is more rebellious than the fallen angel.

Opposite, the mamen's daughter was also dumbfounded under the mask, cold sweat permeated. The heart said that it was obviously a solemn **** conference, and she also tightened her nerves throughout the process. But what is going on now? This son of the demon **** Moyan is too arrogant? Still not afraid of death?

"This guy who knows nothing about life ..."

Prince Nightblade was planned to think about it, and cursed that Mo Yan was so unpretentious, it was really death!

However, this magic flame won't last long. The **** meeting is about to start. He Yebla must solve this annoying guy with his own hands, so that his name, Yebla, resounds through hell!

It doesn't matter whether he wants to pretend to force, or to hide his strength. Just because he took these miscellaneous slave army and pretended to be the royal army to fight, he had to kill him.

"Child Satan, what's going on with your son? Bringing slaves to challenge the goddess' daughter, do you deliberately look down on people?" At the stand above the venue, the dark demon **** Mamen stared at her, and her angry intentions burst into layers.

"Huh, according to God, it is not that his son looks down on people, but that his Satan deliberately did so!" The fallen demon Samel, his eyes gradually dimmed, "What? Feel that after having this son, your bastard, Will it be possible to defeat the heir of this god? "

There was a quarrel below, and now the two demon gods were glaring at him, and Satan ’s heart was called a cold sweat frenzy, sighing that his son was really troublesome.

On such a formal and serious occasion, he brought a group of inferior slaves to play. Isn't this a mockery of the audience?

When the devil Satan thought of this, he sighed in his heart. He had already said that letting this kid lead his princely slaughter and the scorching marauder, and the majestic presence, but this kid would rather use his slave army, isn't it sincere trouble?

Now this pressure is all concentrated on his dad. Only now does he understand that this dad is really not good.

Fortunately, Satan, the devil, is a madman himself. He doesn't do it right now, he just goes mad all the way to the end.

At this point of thought, the demon **** Satan also got rid of it, and now the tiger body shocked, the neck was angry, and the mouth opened fiercely and said: "Yes! It is the demon **** intentionally! My son is born brave, who are you heirs of shit, where will you It's my son's opponent! Miscellaneous slave army is enough. "

So far, only the broken jar has broken.


The dark demon **** Mamen and the fallen demon **** Samel, with their eyes full of tears, almost did not spit out an old blood.

This **** Satan is too arrogant!

And his son, Mo Yan, is more rampant than one, and letting go of the other!

If it were n’t for worrying about the fish breaking the net and letting another demon **** sit down to collect the fishermen, they two great devil gods really wished they could step forward to work with this Satan now.

Dare to ridicule them in the face of their two demon gods and their heirs, this is too annoying!

"Okay, okay, Satan, you have a kind!"

The dark demon Mamen narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, "The gods have to look at how your dear son wins the goddess at the **** conference!"

On the other side, the fallen demon Samel was also sharp-eyed, and said with a chill: "Satan, this is what you said, the God remembered it!"

The two great demon gods revealed their murderous opportunities. If they had previously decided to eliminate Wang Yan ’s worries, it was only a secret strategy. Now, after all of them have been mocked by the rude groups, the elimination of Wang Yan has almost become a dark demon domain and a fallen demon domain These two camps are the number one mission on the bright side!

The devil Satan still does not change his face, and always maintains his cool attitude of tyrants, but in fact this time his heart has already been surging, and the curse is bad.

Just kidding, things are so big, the two demon gods of the other party are really angry. Who knows how the contestants in these two camps at the **** conference will use their methods to deal with his baby son?

No way! When he thought of breaking his sons and descendants, the demon **** Satan felt a terrible cold. No, no, I have to open a small stove for my son and then teach him a few tricks, otherwise it will be too late to go to the battlefield!

Next is not only the fate of the son, but also the fate of Satan and the fate of the Purgatory Demon Race, all of which are tied to this venue.

In the future, whether the devil **** Satan, and the entire purgatory demon clan, will live or die, be stunned in the world, or be completely destroyed, but it is all his baby son!

Son, don't be fooled.


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