The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1653: We will be his slave girl (Happy New Year)

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(Happy New Year, happy family of brothers and sisters ~)


"The strength of these generals and arms is so strong, Zoe, Camus, who of you knows where they come from?"

Seeing the two royal arms of the Dark Demon Realm at once, Wang Yan knew that the newcomers were not good, and immediately asked Zoe, Camus, and others around him to ask questions.

It has been nearly two years since Wang Yan came to the world of hell. He can be said to have a very good grasp of the pattern and knowledge of the world of hell. But for the first time, the enemy of the Dark Demon Force has encountered him.

The fierce and fierce lion, scorpion and knight, the shadow demon assassin with half a substance and half the mist, and a war butcher with armor, a rifle and a two-handed sword.

Actually, each armament is more fierce and fiercer than the legend, and its strength is very strong, which is enough to be compared to the direct army of the Satanic **** Satan.

In particular, the youth of the night demon clan headed, Qi Yuxuanang, majestic majesty, and their strength reached a very rare state of the devil-level demon king!

And the other party did not cover up at all, completely exposed in front of Wang Yan and others, as if Wang Yan and others were nothing but a bunch of grass and mustard, completely like eating Wang Yan and others.

"My dear flames, I am not sure who the other party is, but the subordinates know their arms." Zoe, who is very knowledgeable, quickly replied, "If the subordinates are not wrong, they should come from the dark demon domain, And it is directly under the royal arm of the Dark Demon Mamen! "

"Dark Demon Mamen? Is the Dark Demon God near here?"

Behind Wang Yan, Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie waited for a moment to get nervous. The horror of a demon **** was still fresh in their memories. If there is a demon **** here, then I am afraid that none of them can run.

Of course, they don't have no confidence at all. Their old king can also call another devil, Satan. It was just that during the period before Satan came, they could only rely on themselves.

"No, it's impossible for the Dark Demon God to appear here. Those armies are indeed directly under the Legion of the Dark Demon Mamen, but it doesn't seem to follow the Demon God's expedition."

Camus, who had been thinking secretly, did not say anything, staring closely at the night demonic youth, and then said to everyone, "If I am not wrong, the night demonic youth is the famous night demonic prince. Night Blade! "

Camus used to be a senior general in the Fallen Demon Realm, so he knew very well the hostile forces. This just made up for Zoe and had never seen the shortcomings of real people.

After Camus was so clear, Wang Yan and Zoe and others looked at the imposing night-devil youth, and suddenly realized.

Obviously, based on various descriptions, the Night Demon youth must have been rumored, such as the Night Demon Prince Prince Night Blade!

It is rumored that this night blade prince is the heir to the night evil clan leader Yesha big devil king, the future heir to the night evil clan leader.

And this Prince of Blades of Night is still a rare wizard who has been rare for thousands of years. Outsiders also don't know how the Night Demon King has trained him so well. In short, Prince Yeblad has reached the level of demigods at a young age.

Even in the Dark Demon Realm, the most supreme Dark Demon Mamen, the Night Blade Prince was treated as a guest, and he did not hesitate to seal his identity as the Devil King in the Demon Temple.

It can be said that such strength and influence is not only in the dark demon domain, but also looking at the entire world of hell. He is also one of the best figures in this **** conference.

Relevant rumors, Wang Yan and others have listened too much.

After learning the identity of the other party at this time, Wang Yan immediately whispered and asked, "Zoe, how many people are there in the other party?"

"Lion and Scorpion Knight ... There are about thirty people! War butchers, there are twenty! There are more than thirty shadow demon assassins, and elite infantry composed of more than one hundred demon and night demon."

Zoe immediately closed his eyes and scanned the past with real eyes. "There are about two hundred combatants in total, and they are very powerful, including more than one hundred legends."

"Half of them are legendary strong men?" Among the few people, the confusing lord suddenly took a breath of breath and said, "This kid is not using the direct legion under the demon god, did he steal it for himself?"

"Regardless of where the opponent's combat power comes from, I am afraid it will be a tough battle, and everyone is ready to fight!"

By now, there is no need to think too much. Since the enemy is coming, they will not let them go so easily. So Wang Yan used the method of voice transmission, and at the order of all orders, all the personnel immediately guarded, and each began secretly brewing the enemy's killing moves.

Wang Yan's men and companions, although there are only a dozen generals, a few fewer than the other generals, but Wang Yan's men and companions have reached the level of legendary peak, and the overall strength is no worse than the other.

There are two or three hundred Flame Marauders, of which there are up to forty legendary captains and deputy captains. In addition, in the secondary space of the Book of Stars, there are also hundreds of ogre and barbarian heavy infantry.

These are the trump card abilities that Wang Yan has meticulously built up at all costs. Although it has not yet reached the point of being fully formed, there are still eleven legendary elite captains.

Coupled with excellent armament, it is enough to overcome most of the Devil ’s direct troops.

Therefore, in terms of core strength, Wang Yan is confident that he will not lose to that night prince.

While Wang Yan was observing Prince Yebla, Prince Yebla and his party were also looking at Wang Yan and others.

On this side, the rugged Daredevil General, Bearded Pulton, while Zoe scanned them with real eyes, immediately sneered and said, "Your Highness Nightblade, the people opposite, just seem to be using some kind of spirit Power Tools, glanced at us. "

Prince Night Blade frowned and said, "Although the opponent only has two or three hundred cavalry, do they look like **** flame breath dogs, and the armor and the long sword are a bit similar to the flame breath predator under the devil Satan?"

The legions directly under the three demon gods have long been known in the world of hell, and no one knows it. Prince Yeren can recognize it at a glance.

"It seems that they are the Marauder Marauders, but their cavalry is not actually a purgatory demon clan. It is a barbarian inferior, which is really strange."

When Prince Nightblade said this, Isaiah and Bearded Pulton immediately realized, but there are also many questions: "It seems that it is not right, the Flame Marauder is at least legendary, but these two or three hundred Marauder Marauders Only dozens of them are legendary. "

As we all know, the Marauder Marauder is the royal arm of the Infernal Demon Race, and other inferior races and non-legendary classes are simply not eligible to be selected.

"If you look at the leading purgatory demon youth again, then this is not surprising."

The corner of the night blade prince slightly raised his eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then his eyes slowly turned to Wang Yan and others below, "The hellfire burning beside him, a fire-burning hammer, and many human and multi-ethnic slaves, you see , Who does he look like? "

"His ..." Eze Adam took a deep breath, "Is it rumored ..."

"Yes, it must be him!" Ezeia stared carefully, then recognized with excitement, "There are so many slaves around that kid, he must be right!"

"Isn't it? We were so lucky that we met him ?!"

After a moment of surprise, Bearded Pulton grinned, "Congratulations, Your Highness! His Highness! This time we can not only get the legendary Hot Sands Overlord, but also get rid of the serious troubles, it is really gratifying. Hey! "

Night prince's heart trouble? Of course, it is rumored that the child of the Purgatory Demon God Satan's Demon Flame!

Lord of the Flame God, the son of the demon **** who turned out, is now in the limelight and rumor of the world of hell, almost overshadowing his Prince of Night Blade.

And this son of the demon **** has one of the most remarkable characteristics, that is, he likes to collect female slaves of all races, wherever he carries a large number of female slaves, so this demon flame has another title, the son of good luck.

At present, all the characteristics of the other party are in line with the rumor. It is not the son of the demon **** Moyan, who can it be?

Night Blade Prince thought secretly in his heart.

As long as this magic flame can be solved at the moment, not only can you get the rare ancient dragon hot sand overlord, but also can remove the serious troubles in the **** meeting.

Once this demon flame is gone, then the entire purgatory demon clan is almost finished!

The Dark Demon Mamen must be Mo Yan Da Yue, and he has a lot of rewards for the night blade. Maybe he is in a good mood, and he will directly allocate the Dark God Princess, the daughter of the Devil God.

By that time, he had held back the beauty of the night, and as the hero of the dark demon camp, he fought against the fallen demon.

Once the leader of the Hell Conference is successfully obtained, not only the Princess Darksong, but also the entire Dark Demon Realm, and even the entire Hell World, will fall into the hands of him and his father Emperor Ye Sha.

At this point of thought, Prince Night Blade urged the mount to step forward: "In the next night, the Devil Prince Prince Night Blade, I don't know if the other person is rumored to be His Royal Highness Demon Flame Son?"

As soon as these words came out, on the side of Wang Yan, the goddess Shiva immediately rolled his eyes at Wang Yan. Secretly, you good old princess, this time it's okay, it's a mockery for others to handle it.

"Mother, this night, the devil's little white face, dare to mock the boss?" The confessed Lord immediately angered, "Let's stop talking to him, go up and cut him together!"

Not only the confusing lord, Wang Yan's other men and companions raised anger in their hearts, and all of them were contemplating murder.

Prince Yebla did this in order to confirm Wang Yan's true identity, and at the same time took advantage of the sarcasm to suppress the sharpness of Wang Yan's people.

But Wang Yan's men and companions are all veterans who have gone through battles. Where can their fighting spirit be influenced by a few words?

Aside from the self-confessed master of Wang Yan's big house, she really couldn't stand it anymore. She dared to mock her Master Moyan, and she was the first to refuse.

Snuggled up to Wang Yan's arm, his eyes were like water, and he sneered to the opposite face with full of spring: "The slave family is willing to be a slave girl to His Royal Highness, the greatness of the Royal Highness. Where are your little night deer, you can compare ? "

"Alas, the old priest, this priest is here to help you too. Remember that the treasure divides me into three, good, and 10%! I get a good achievement." In order to be able to squeeze some more money with Wang Yan, High Priest Belle The card also came to join in the excitement.

Her priest's long legs were slightly exposed under the robe, and half of her body was resting on Wang Yan's body. The style and acting were shouting more than the cruel county master.

Not only her, but also a group of eagle body enchantresses, together with Wang Yan's own succubus charmer, also gathered around to join in the fun.

They talked about the content of ridicule, of course, while bragging about the majestic powers of the Lord of the Flames, they constantly degraded the Prince of the Night Blade and the entire Night Demon Clan. And the delicacy of derogatory means is ingenious and amazing.

In particular, the Sovereign Sovereignty and the Harpy Sisters, the Sorrowful Sovereign Lord is not a fuel-efficient lamp, it is naturally needless to say, and those Sorcerous Succubus, originally live in the bottom of the society, but also in the black market After decades of staying, their vicious mouth devalued Prince Night Blade and the entire Night Demon Clan. The writing style was vivid, the sentences were subtle, and they even had personal experience to set off.

So that all the members of the Night Demon Clan across the face were stunned, and their faces were twisted. The night blade Prince's face was alternately black and black, and his heart was angry, but he couldn't express it for a long time, so that the whole face was finally turned into sauce purple color.

No way, these night demon clan living in the dark demon domain, like the purgatory demon clan, all consider themselves to be noble blood and true nobility in the **** world, so life is relatively particular. In particular, Prince Nightblade and the companions around him are all born in Guizhou. Where did they accept the battle method of mouth guns?

Therefore, under the sarcasm of the Hawks, some of them even really doubted in their hearts. Do they have some kind of natural racial defects?

In the night blade prince team, the members of the demon family and shadow demon clan, in the various gossips made by the eagle body banshee, looked at the night demon clan and the night blade prince's eyes.

If this word is changed to other races, I am afraid that I cannot believe it. But the Hawks is in the world of hell, but there are countless female races of famous readers. Even if their words are exaggerated, there are some practical arguments in it.

It seems that this night Demon ...


The unbearable Prince Night Blade snorted coldly and made the audience instantly silent.


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