The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1650: Strong enemy

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The shocking roar was immediately in the nest, and one after another came out.

In the end, Sand Claw Dragon is also a powerful desert beast. After receiving the order of the hot sand overlord, they immediately gave up the excavation of the nest part and turned to march towards the marauder cavalry under Wang Yan.

However, the hot sand overlord and sand claw dragon still underestimated the power of the flaming marauder, this top class arm. Although due to resource problems, Wang Yan's current Marauder Marauder is still unable to compare with the Devil God's Royal Arms, but over time, it will inevitably be inferior.

You should know that this marauder cavalry under Wang Yan, but under the training and training of the three instructors, the dark elves Camus, Elsa and Enzo, has a very high tactical quality.

This raid and arrangement was only after Camus's suggestion that Wang Yan finally made the final decision.

This dark elf, Camus, known as the thorn of the shadow, was once a very outstanding young general in the fallen demon realm.

At this time, the reaction of the hot sand overlord and the sand claw dragon group was already within his expectations, so the countermeasures and tactics of the enemy were already arranged.

Sure enough, as the sand claw dragon reacted, the eight cavalry squadrons under Wang Yan continued to use the channel cut by them to launch the charge again. Afterwards, the eight teams changed their destinations, like a shuttle weaving each other, interweaving each other and killing them alternately. In this way, not only did they avoid deep siege, but they also surrounded the sand claw dragon towards them, Shengsheng cut a piece out.

"Ooo! Ooo!"

The screaming sounded again, and the large fragmented sand claw dragon was immediately mercilessly slaughtered by the marauder cavalry.

In order to capture the hot sand overlord as quickly as possible, Wang Yan promoted the promotion for the desert emperor, so this time the rush of the trip, coupled with his army, did not complete the blood line evolution, and high-grade weapons and equipment have not been completely replaced. Therefore, in the subspace secret realm attached to the book of stars, the soldiers he brought out were very limited.

However, under the ingenious advice of Camus, Wang Yan completed an elaborate arrangement with more than enough wins at the scene.

The tactics of the Marauder Cavalry, in addition to the interlocking ambush, is to use the Marauder Cavalry, the strength of individual strength and high mobility to achieve the division of the battlefield, and then one by one The superb layout of the break.

The hot sand lord's lair is in a desert mountain, and the feet are not soft sand but hard mountain rocks. This also allows the marauder cavalry's motor power to be perfectly played.

In addition, the number of sand claw dragons is indeed very large and very cruel, but all are gathered around the nest hustle and bustle. Slaughtered prey.

Eight marauders cavalry, like eight sharp blades, a large number of sand claw dragons often fall down one after another. Although there are dozens of legendary sand claw dragon kings in the sand claw dragon group at the scene. But how can the Sandlaw Dragon King disperse actions alone to withstand the charge of the Marauder Cavalry?

As for the pterosaur dragon above, this flying dragon has a strong body and sharp claws, but it can be a marauder cavalry underneath.

This rechargeable crossbow arrow is so powerful that a single arrow is enough to pierce the pierosaur's hardest skull. In addition, the Marauder Cavalry is also equipped with purgatory cables, and steel nets and other equipment tools, specifically to deal with flying species and large creatures. Pterosaurs not afraid of death, as long as they dare to dive down, that is to deliver food, they can not even delay the advance speed of the marauder cavalry, they will be ruthlessly strangled.

After such a large number of casualties, the small number of pterosaurs, the remaining part, did not dare to move forward for a while.

In addition to this, the most cruel to the hot sand overlord is that these marauder cavalry mounts are also extraordinary.

Hellfire Breath Dog, as the king breed of helldog, the hellfire breath spitting in the mouth can make the surroundings instantly become a sea of ​​fire, and the fire bombs ejected by them can also form the sand claw dragon just formed. Surrounding the circle, a gap was exploded.

And these sighing **** dogs are all optimized from the original elite **** dogs through bloodline evolution, not strange mounts simply taken from the devil **** Satan. Therefore, these scorching **** dogs are familiar with the knights who have lived with each other for a long time, and their cooperation on the battlefield is also more tacit.

So much so that from the beginning of the war to the present, the Yan-breath marauders under Wang Yan are still unstoppable. They are like eight sharp swords, constantly harvesting the lives of sand claw dragons.

The sand claw dragon, which had an absolute advantage in quantity, was now completely passive, and the entire battlefield had already become a mess.

"Hey, how is this possible? Aw!"

Hot sand overlord Long Eyes stared round and screamed loudly, with anxiety in his heart, like an ant on a hot pot. If Wang Yan was not in front of it, it really wanted to join the battlefield immediately and kill those nasty marauders cavalry! All shredded!

It really can't figure it out, why did the sand claw dragon group it cultivated lose?

So many sand claws and pterosaurs, comparable to the sand claws and pterosaurs of the elite legion of the Demon King, how could not even two or three hundred marauder cavalry stop it?

And at this moment, his sand claw dragon and pterosaur dragon, under the rush of the marauder cavalry, continued to be seriously injured and died, and the power to organize has become less and less.

How is this possible!

"It seems that the Flame Marauder who put into actual combat for the first time today gave me a satisfactory answer." Wang Yan looked down and killed seven in and seven out. Satisfied.

The cavalry regiment below, but Wang Yan is a well-built legion that was carefully crafted for himself in the imitation of the royal arms of the devil Satan. Later, Camus and others combined their own strengths and specialties to improve their training, which made it a team of today.

Although each of these members of the cavalry regiment was a carefully selected veteran, it was really formed after Wang Yan was formed and he still practiced it today. It is really the first real combat in the real sense after they became a predator.

If you wait for sufficient resources, raise this elite soldier to the legendary level, but it is really unfavorable.

The results achieved by them in the eyes are undoubtedly beyond the expectations of Wang Yan.

Perhaps this is the biggest gap between the regular army and the wild monsters. However, in the face of this marauder cavalry with two or three hundred people, not to mention these sand claw dragons, even if Wang Yan used his personal strength, it was difficult to deal with.

This is why the three devil gods of the **** world have been attracting the strong, forming the army, and constantly fighting for the territory, in order to one day, can completely defeat the opponent's forces.

No matter how strong the individual is, it can't reach thousands of horses. If you want to occupy a place in the world of hell, you need a strong armament.

"Why, what? This is their first real battle? No, it's impossible!"

The hot sand overlord suddenly froze when he heard Wang Yan's subsequent emotion. Then he growled angrily and spitting blood, "How can you be the first actual combat of this fighting power, you dare to mock this overlord!

"Believe it or not."

Wang Yan didn't take it for granted, and then grasped the warhammer in his hand, and said with imposing momentum, "Speaking of this, this Divine Son is also the first to deal with Gulong. Isn't it easy to handle it?"


The Hot Sands Overlord can no longer be stimulated, and immediately launched a crazy fight against Wang Yan.

"You have been king and hegemony for so many years, and the ruined creatures haven't known much. You can see for yourself that the other species in this area are almost persecuted by you. The Divine Son now removes you and counts as Mother Earth. Get rid of a harm. "

Facing the hot sand lord who was rushing, Wang Yan did not panic and chaos, just when the other party suddenly had a sandstorm. When the spray came, Wang Yan burst into flames, and the already childish warhammer with a high sense of war in his hand immediately smashed forward. past.


The fierce flame instantly blasted and rose above the nest, half of the sky was in this moment, covered by layers of fire clouds, and the other half was like a dull yellow sand like a sandstorm.

The horror scene made all the creatures below panic and trembling. But Wang Yan and Resha Overlord had to face each other's fight. Therefore, he had to transform the fear of the superior in his heart into the fighting intention of desperately killing the enemy.

In an instant, the fighting around the lair began to get more intense, and it instantly rose to a white-hot stage. The whole area was filled with the sound of shouting and fierce fighting.

At the same time, the outer periphery of the nest.

Ten legendary Hawk scouts, led by team captain Doyle, are standing on top of a mountain, completely surrounding the entire lair of the nest, and vigilantly.

The Hawk Harpy is a very special race, perhaps because their overall combat ability is not outstanding in the world of hell. The adult Hawk Harmony can only reach the C level, and only the strong and long-term tempered can reach the B Level, a thousand-person tribe, can reach the A-level, or even half-step S-level Hawk Banshee, but there are only 20 or 30 people, which is why the weak Hawk Banshee tribe will suffer from other races of oppression Captive evil.

But because of this, in the long years, the Hawks have evolved a deceptive appearance and a high degree of vigilance.

Especially because their bodies are light, they are born to fly, and with their proficiency in wind and voodoo spells, their eyesight is born to be comparable to an eagle. All this makes them an excellent scout by nature, even after nightfall. Can still maintain excellent detection capabilities.

At this time night had come, but it had no effect on the scout squad led by Doyle, because night vision night vision was one of their racial talents.

"Sisters, all have their spirits up! Your Highness Demon Flame has begun to act. You must never let any hostile forces approach this lair!"

Doyle, the captain of the eagle body, has a mature and pretty face, and a graceful and graceful posture. At this time, she raises a long crowing sound like an eagle, which is the special language of their ethnic group.

This kind of high-frequency eagle can pass a dozen kilometers, and people who don't know may think that this is just a cry of birds and beasts, but in fact it is a code word that informs each other.

Soon after another, eagles screamed, passing from the top of the mountain, notifying them of their safety and their determination to be vigilant.

Doyle, who was excellent in looks, received a message of safety everywhere, and she couldn't help but feel a little relieved, but her pretty face still didn't have the slightest slackness.

Not to mention, their lives and dignity were given by His Majesty the Demon Flame. In order to serve the graciousness of the Majesty Demon Flame, they trained day and night, waiting for the moment like now.

Now is their first real battle, and it is also the best time for them to prove themselves to His Majesty the Demon Flame and serve their favors.

Right now, Your Highness Demon Flame is leading a team to hunt the legendary hot sand overlord. Such an important thing, she and her sisters act as a peripheral alert, and naturally there cannot be any slack.


Just seven or eight kilometers away from Doyle, a group of people is thinner than the purgatory demons, and the magic wings are like black shadows like bat wings, which are quietly appearing in the shadow of the surrounding mountains.

These black shadows are just another branch of the Inferno Clan!

The night demons can merge with the night silently at night, and their combat power increases dramatically. Compared to the purgatory demon who are good at fighting in the daytime, they can be said to be kings in night battles.

At this moment, these night demon clan wearing leather armor that can change color and mimicry, has almost merged with the shadow of the surrounding mountains. At such a long distance, even the Hawk Harpy could not be noticed without the use of special techniques such as witchcraft.

"Your Highness, according to the news from our scout, there was actually a team of Hawks in front of it. It seemed that there was a team of scouts on alert. And in the valley farther away, there seemed to be fierce fighting in the air. The element of **** fire is very disordered with the elements of wind and earth. "

The person who spoke was a tall and thin night demon general, and it was the celebrity general Ezeya under the night blade prince night blade.

A Night Demon Scout who had just touched it from the front was kneeling on his knees in front of him.

The night monsters are also excellent scout races in the **** world, and they are also good at ambush assassins. The prince of Night Blade is a leader among them.

These elite soldiers of the Night Demon Clan were rigorously trained at an early age. Only after being selected layer by layer did they have the opportunity to be elected to the direct troops of Prince Night Blade.

This time, a group of night demon scouts exploring the way ahead suddenly felt a fierce explosion coming from afar, and then quickly stopped, then searched around.

Unexpectedly, this scout squad observed it quietly, allowing them to discover the scout troops composed of Doyle and others.

If it wasn't for the fierce fighting sound in front of you, this Night Demon Scout Team would get closer a little bit, and they would definitely be spotted by Doyle's Hawk Lady Scout in the first time.

At this point, the scout squad did not dare to approach any more. With the aid of the shadow of the mountain, they withdrew from the front and quickly passed the message to the large army led by Prince Night Blade.

"It seems that we have found the right place, and those stupid dragons can be removed."

The leader of this team, Prince Night Blade, showed a brutal look under the face of the young and handsome.

Soon, several sand claw dragons leading the way behind them were immediately silently broken by his men's neck, the whole process did not even emit a sound and **** smell.


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