The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1621: Archangel Antalya

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The Dragon King ship slowly started and shuttled through the space nodes with great precision.

It is not the first time that Wang Yan, standing on the bow of the ship, has traveled through space nodes. He is calm and comfortable from beginning to end. It's just that from the scorching sulphurous **** to the abyss plane, I suddenly felt a cold, mixed with a lot of negative energy.

Even with its physique, it feels a little cold and unaccustomed.

When the entire Dragon King ship shuttled through the space nodes, it also corresponded to a big city in the abyss world. It was a big city built on a floating island in the dark sea of ​​the abyss. The overall style was dark black, revealing coldness and depression.

Dragon King did not stop in this abyss border city, but after saying hello, went straight into the dark abyss.

"Good dark corrosion energy." Wang Yan was also the first to enter the dark abyss, and was also attracted by this magical world. It was a vast and extremely dark, and he could only see it with semi-divine eyesight. To tens of meters.

Exploring with spiritual power is also blocked by the dark matter energy like mist and emptiness, which can only cover hundreds of meters. Moreover, the dark matter energy in the dark abyss of the abyss is also affected by the energy tide, constantly distorting and fluctuating, unpredictable.

"Boy, this is the well-known abyss and the dark sea." The Dark Mist Demon is especially adapted to this environment. It takes a deep breath, excited and comfortable, "This is the taste of hometown. Our abyss world is a broken world, Each area is like an island in an endless dark sea. This endless abyss dark sea is our mother sea and provides us with abundant nutrients. "

Wang Yan secretly vomited on the side, since he has such an affection for the endless abyss, he still wonders what the plane of the earth is doing?


In the distance, there was a little looming light, which seemed so striking in the endless darkness, as if it were a bonfire in the darkness, which made people want to get close.

Obviously, Wang Yan is not alone. In his perception, several dark creatures swam in the dark mist and quickly approached the light.

Suddenly, the beam of light exuded a dangerous breath, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and quickly swallowed the living creatures.

Sure enough, in this harsh environment, how could there be a kind person who exudes warmth.

"Hehe." The Dark Mist King who also noticed this scene smiled and said with emotion, "Although we are all dark abyss species, we also yearn for light. The light warcraft has used light as a bait for many years. Still very effective. "

At the same time, the Dark Mist Demon began to talk about the food chain in the abyss and the dark sea. The most powerful of course is the abyss dark dragon family. They are at the top of the food chain in the abyss and the dark sea. There are legendary dark magic dragons, and even semi-god-level dark magic dragon kings can be born. When the idle abyss demon king meets, he must retreat.

Even worse, the dark sea sharks are basically B-levels in adulthood, and the leader level is usually legendary. In fact, the status of the dark sea sharks in the food chain is not much worse than that of the dark magic dragon, because they are all in groups and even dare to attack the territory of the abyss demons.

And although the abyss and the dark sea are barren, they also have many unique delicacies.

On the side, Wang Yan was also interesting to hear. It turned out that every world has its own charm.


Almost at the same time.

In the abyss and dark sea, a dazzling light ushered in a ruined floating island the size of a small meteorite. It was like a meteorite, dragging a long white awn and crashing down on the island.

The tremendous impact caused the island to tremble violently, and the black stones cracked around.

Some abyss and dark sea creatures who used the island as their old nest hide into the dark sea in horror.


The white meteorite was a beautiful blonde woman wearing a bright white body armor and blonde hair. She had long blond wavy hair, fair skin and soft skin. She was wearing a silver armor and was holding a cross knight sword and a knight shield. The most peculiar thing is that there is a pair of huge golden wings behind her, exuding divine and majestic light all the time.

This beautiful blonde woman is a war angel, and a war angel with a demi-level.

It was only at this time that her body was covered with various wounds, especially the abdomen. It seemed to be penetrated by a very aggressive dark energy. Although she divided a part of white energy to suppress it, the injury was still spreading.

Not far away, dozens of dark energy surged, chasing and killing like maggots. The energy headed by it was majestic and terrifying, exuding a terrible **** smell, before the person arrived, the sound came first: "Jin Jie, Antalya. Wanting to escape in the hands of the king, trying to report through the space node You are delusional delusion. Surrendering this king obediently will spare you a life. "Its abyssal words are full of blood and violent breath.

Those energies stopped in the dark sea, and the abyss demon who was talking gradually showed his body. It was extremely strong, and his hideous face was as ugly and scary as a cut by a random knife. It can smell its thick **** smell far away.

Behind it, there are dozens of cavalrymen riding dark sea sharks. They come from different races, there are abyss war demons, abyss horn demons, and even two desires ~ demons, all of which are extremely powerful, and the worst have reached the half-step legendary level, among which there are legendary strongmen.

This is the famous Shark Cavalry of the abyss world. As long as they are stared at, they are almost invisible in the dark sea. This entire brigade of sharks can even entangle ordinary demigods.

As soon as they appeared, they surrounded the broken islands in a wandering posture, seeming to trap Antalya on the broken island.

The blonde archangel Antalya's face was very heavy, and his eyes flashed a stern look: "This seat is the archangel under the father of the bright father. How could he surrender to the dirty abyss Devil."

Father, under the pope ’s crown, Antalya has disappointed you.

Antalya put on a fighting posture, her heroic body and spirit were greatly increased, and the law of light became a sacred pattern of light, hovering around her.

"Law · Holy Guard!"

The sacred pattern of the mysterious mystery exploded in her mouth, and the holy patterns condensed by the laws of light shone brightly, forming an absolute barrier that revolved around her.

"Fight for the Father!" She waved her wings violently, bursting into the weak direction of the shark cavalry, and at the same time violently snarled with clear blue eyes, "Law of Holy Flame."

A white and flawless flame ignited on the archangel sword. That kind of flame seemed to be the purest positive energy flame in the world, which could burn all the demons in the world.

A sword was cut out, and a shark cavalry who could not escape was chopped. The sword of the archangel and the Holy Flame were indestructible. They cut the shark cavalry in two unstoppable like a hot knife cutting butter.

Under the burning of the pure and true Holy Flame, the half-step legendary Abyssal Horn Demon was purified in a short time.

But the shark cavalry is not a false name, and several attacks rushed to Antalya at the same time. She was shocked by her holy guardian barrier, and the internal organs that had been injured were boiling like a river.

They are extremely cunning, and they fled outwards with a single blow, and the second wave of attacks continued towards Antalya. They are like wolves on the grasslands of the earth, constantly roaming, constantly looking to create gaps, and siege to kill Archangel Antalya.

In the home of Shark Cavalry, even as strong as the Archangel Antalya, they are still entangled to death, trying to break through the blockade is extremely difficult.

Each shark cavalry died under the archangel's sword, but Antalya's injuries continued to increase, the bright energy was consumed at a rapid rate, and the breath became weaker and weaker. Following this situation, Antalya will also be besieged to death after the shark cavalry was injured or injured.

However, there is another demon king whose strength is no less than that of Antalya. Good stubble?

It constantly consumed Antalya by shark cavalry, seeking the opportunity to capture her in one fell swoop. This is a demigod-level archangel. If he can capture and dedicate it to His Majesty the Abyss Demon God, the reward will be extremely rich.

"Bloodblade Storm."

The blood-eating demon king moved, and its huge body cut into the battlefield, it seemed clumsy, but in fact it was as light as a swallow. The blood blade of the abyss burst into a monstrous blood, turning into a layer of blood knife shadows, covering Antalya.

This is when Antalya's strength is exhausted and extremely weak. In life and death, she squeezed a small white ball pendant on her chest, and the majestic light energy entered her body like a surge, restoring her 30% light power in the heyday.

This is Antalya's card, a light pearl that collects dissipative power and has been warmly cultivated for decades, and its value is no less than that of a sub-artifact. If it were not the most critical moment, she would never be willing to use it.

Thirty percent of the strength is enough for Antalya to launch a Jedi counterattack. The momentum of her whole body was burned to the extreme in an instant. The blooming golden and white light made her look like a sun in the sky.

"Rage of heaven!"

The scorching holy flame was burning, and the energy transformed into terror exploded outwards, and her eyes showed a very determined determination.

"Not good! This **** wants to die together."

The blood-eating demon king was furious, opened his mouth, and the sea of ​​blood appeared fiercely, and the sea of ​​blood boiled to form a wall between it and Antalya.

Everything happened in a short period of time.

The eruption of the Holy Flame and the boiling sea of ​​blood impacted each other, melting. In the process, after all, he had a slightly better energy to ward off evil spirits. He penetrated the blood wall of the blood-eater, and the impact of the explosion caused the blood-eater to fly out, and the black armor of the chest cracked.


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