The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1617: Blessing of Mother Earth

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As if to respond to the sound of the horn on the ground, a powerful and long dragon sound, with a burst of air trembling, shook and sounded above the flying city pool.

Wang Yan and everyone's eyes moved upward again, and found that above the flying city, a male Yanyu Dragon, nearly 100 meters in size, was majesticly entrenched on it. Look at its strong physique, and majestic and majestic pressure, it is definitely a dragon king who is as strong as a demigod.

In addition, beneath this Yanyu Dragon King, a team of Yanhei slaughterers with heavy helmets and heavy armor, like a swarm of bees, hovered around the entire flying city.

Such a heavily guarded and majestic guard formation seems to be proclaiming the supreme authority of this city to the outside world, making the people below awe and humility.

In this way, in the eyes of the gods, the majestic flying city slowly landed, just landing in the giant square in front of Wang Yan.


The earthquake shook and the magnificent flying city finally landed. All the Yan prisoner slaughterers landed around the city one after another, and the hot, fierce Yan Yu dragon king stopped at the top of the tallest shrine in the city, staring at the crowd below.

"Welcome His Majesty the Demon God!"

"Your Majesty is superb, immortal!"

The crowd faced the tall temple row by row, prostrate and kneel down, spreading like a layer of water, spreading all over the gods.

All the gods are inhabitants, men and women, young and old, rich and poor, all at this moment.

Wang Yan is still standing in the middle of the crowd. His companions and men are kneeling and saluting. Together with Wang Yan, he looks over this flying city.

Until then, Wang Yan and other talents discovered that this large city filled with majestic palaces was actually made of metal. There is no gap between the building and the building, as if it were casted by metal in one piece. It is filled with simplicity and thickness, which makes Wang Yan and others amazed.

In addition, what kind of metal was used to build this integrated palace community? Wang Yan and others are still unable to distinguish for the time being. But these dark and heavy metal surfaces are glowing like hellfire. The whole palace, the red and the black are echoed, which makes the majestic temple community more majestic.

"Boss, Boss, this temple that can fly, I am afraid it is not an aircraft?"

Zhang Weidao, from the earth, first lowered his voice and carefully spoke out the doubts in his heart.

"And the metal used in this temple is very special, like an alloy that can conduct energy, and the inside is full of huge energy."

Shen Tu Tianlu, who has a great hobby of metal minerals, swallowed, "I, I really want to take a bite, but I don't know if I can bite ..."

"Please be quiet, everyone."

Chilian Demon King kneeling on the other side of Wang Yan raised his head and glared at Wang Yan ’s earth companion, then faced Wang Yan respectfully, reminding him, "This temple is not only your majesty's palace, but also an artifact of your majesty, Its size can be changed according to His Majesty ’s intentions. However, His Majesty is coming. His Royal Highness, the Son of God, please wait and see after the ceremony.

"It's size can be changed according to the devil's mind?" Wang Yan was slightly startled.

However, he also knew that it was not time to talk, and then nodded to the Red Demon King to signal that he was clear. But the word "artifact" made him and his companions secretly startled in his heart.

Artifact! There really are treasures like artifacts in this world!

Nothing more than Wang Yan and his men were so surprised, and now they can understand even if they only look at it with their naked eyes. If this is a majestic temple, if it is an artifact, it will definitely be an attack and defense killer!

And the energy contained in the shrine is very large. If compared with this kind of big killer, the world's top weapon aircraft carrier is almost insignificant like a children's toy.

"Master Flame Flame, this is really, really an artifact!" Alchemist Zoe glanced quietly with his real eyes, and then nervously excitedly said to Wang Yan, "This temple is very old and contains Energy is like a little sun! The key is me. I ca n’t see its structure with my real eyes. "

Even Zoe's real eye can't detect the specific structure. I am afraid that the real artifact is undoubtedly, otherwise there is nothing in this world that she can't explore with the real eye.

But now the voice of Zoe had just fallen, and suddenly there was a roar from the main entrance of the temple in the distance.


The main entrance of the temple slowly opened, and a black and red roll of gold-lined carpet, like a living thing, has been going from the inside of the temple, through the huge square, and spread all the way to Wang Yan.

Then a team of black armors and black shields, neatly arranged heavy guards, took a neat pace, and came out from behind the main entrance with great momentum.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Stepping step by step neatly, it was like thunder rolling, constantly echoing mighty in front of the empty temple.

The heavy guard is the most elite ace infantry under the command of Satan, the demon god, and an elite division stationed in the **** capital.

These guards are all from pure blood demon clan, each one has been carefully selected, strictly trained, and the body and mind are very tough. The purpose of wartime offensive and defensive integration is to spread the supernatural power of Satan, the devil, to every corner that the army can reach.

"Huh? That's ... Marauder?"

Wang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and in front of these neatly lined guards, he also saw another legendary trump card, a flaming marauder.

This is a top class military unit comparable to the Yan'er Slayer who controls the Dragon's Dragon, and has a long history in the world of hell.

Marauders, like massacres, undergo strict selection and training. The mounts they control are the upper-level predators of the **** world, the king of the **** dogs, and the hell-fire dog.

The Yanxi dog is covered with black and black bristles, has a large and robust body, runs like a wind, and is extremely explosive. Moreover, the body is full of surging inflammatory energy, which can exert a powerful breath of breath. During the battle, the surface of the body will also illuminate the red flame flames, so as to increase its combat capabilities, and the shape is quite powerful.

It can be said that this kind of flaming **** dog is very compatible with the purgatory demon who is also mainly based on the flaming ability. The two have joined forces, doubled their combat power, and equipped with top-level armed forces, as well as their high mobility to come and go. This army has often burned and robbed the locals, and it is because of this Named.

At this time, whether it is the slaughterer, the scorching marauder, or the heavy guard who controls the Yanlong Demon Dragon, in addition to being a vigilant, it also serves as a ceremonial arm that demonstrates the majesty of the devil.

For example, the marauders walking in front of the team are wearing new black armor and the flag guns flying the flags in their hands. Apart from the strict guard, they are undoubtedly powerful.

Seeing these powerful and fierce arms, Wang Yan and his companions from around the earth were slightly dignified in their hearts.

There is no doubt that both **** and the abyssal world have extremely powerful military power. Compared with the two alien worlds with a long history, the newly rising earth world is like a young child. In the face of a strong adult, the power gap between the two is not at a level.

In addition, what makes Wang Yan and the few earth companions around him most concerned is that behind these powerful military forces, there is an unparalleled devil sitting in the town. Not to mention, a single Demon God is enough to destroy the Earth Resistance Alliance, not to mention that there are so many powerful Devil forces.

In this way, Wang Yan and several companions of the earth are secretly brewing in his heart, and then enhance the overall strength of the earth superpowers. If possible, a god-level strongman must be forcibly launched, otherwise once the imprisonment of the plane is broken, the abyssal forces will make a big move Invasion, in the face of this absolute force gap, the earth has no hope of winning!


Just as Wang Yan thought secretly, this neatly lined up, mighty army walked to Wang Yan, suddenly separated, and then knelt down on one knee, respectfully shouting: "Greetings, His Royal Highness! Son of God! , The prosperous martial arts, the magical power of the magic power! "


Numerous onlookers standing all around, also straightened their bodies at this moment, followed by the army, and shouted respectfully in unison: "May Your Highness, Son of God, prosperous martial arts, magical power will shine forever!"

The sounds of standing upright and the sound of shouting and shouting, like the waves of mountains and rivers, suddenly spread from Wang Yan's side to all corners of the God Capital.

In such an overwhelming worship, when Wang Yan's group of men looked at Wang Yan, there was more respect and love in their eyes. Even Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie, the companions of the earth, also showed a few admirations in Wang Yan's eyes.

At this time Wang Yan was in it, even with his current state of mind, his emotions could not help but fluctuate.

No wonder everyone wants to pursue power and status. This feeling of being worshiped by all people, as if they can cover the sky with only one hand, is really exciting.

"My son! Come in quickly, and give your father everything you want!"

With a rush of energy, the powerful voice of Satan, the devil god, spread like a tsunami from the depths of the temple.

Everyone at the scene immediately tightened up, and the demon god's absolute power like a mountain was not something they could resist.

Fortunately, the voice of Satan, the demon god, sounded very vigorous and quite in a good mood. People who were nervous at the scene could not help but sigh with relief.

A companion is like a companion tiger, but that is also true.

Demon God's call also made Wang Yan regain his thoughts. He walked along the carpet and the beautiful petals flying across the sky, all the way to the entrance of the temple.

At this moment, Wang Yan couldn't help feeling some emotions. Sometimes fate is so miraculous. He was mistaken for the illegitimate son of the devil under the wrong fight. The most important thing is that Satan, the devil, controls the entire domain of purgatory, and the purgatory demon race is the largest native race in the world of hell. The strength of the devil Satan himself is slightly higher among the three demon gods in the world of hell. It can be described as vast as the galaxy and the sea, unfathomable.

If in front of such a demon god, once his identity is exposed, there is no doubt that he and several partners from the earth will die. Coupled with the fact that Satan, the devil, once lost an avatar on the earth, and a very stubborn religious force, all this was done by Wang Yan.

If this is to let the devil God Satan know the truth, I am afraid that even with the earth in the future, he will be involved in the war. If Satan the Devil is vengeful, it may not be impossible to join forces with the abyss.

At the thought of this, Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he is just trying to hide from the tiger.

Wang Yan's look seemed to be old, but in fact he walked forward, but inwardly concealed. Things seem calm and smooth at the moment, but time is tight and pressure is on.

By now, matters such as enhancing the overall strength of Earth's superpowers and creating a god-level strongman have become imperative.

In this way, Wang Yan walked all the way into the shrine, and the people behind him remained in their status, kneeling down at the entrance of the shrine, still under the steps.

Upon entering the temple, Wang Yan immediately felt the majestic oppression from the building itself.

The dome of the hall as high as 100 meters, the huge colonnade column, and the obsidian floor as smooth as crystal, all exude a simple and magnificent momentum outwards. Almost anyone who enters here can feel their smallness.

At the end of the huge hall of the temple, with a strong posture, the mighty devil Satan sits high and high on his seat.

Satan, the demon **** at this time, was full of joy and full of energy. He wore a shining golden divine crown, a domineering and mighty red and black armor, a magnificent and magnificent red robe, and a domineering air of the world.

"Mo Yan, the father's good son, come forward and let him see you well!"

When the demon **** Satan approached Wang Yan, he straightened up with a smile, staring at Wang Yan for a while, and looked, "Like! Really like it! Worthy of his own son! Hahaha, this demon **** finally has someone! "

Wang Yan's qualifications, strength, resourceful personality, and even the overbearing appearance of the martial arts all satisfied Satan Satan to the utmost, even compared to his original Satan.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, Hexi!"

With the laughter of Satan the Devil God, countless kings outside the palace, repeatedly supported loudly, and the sound of flattering sounded like a wave of waves.

Wang Yan, who was in it, inevitably wiped a cold sweat in his heart. I am afraid that today will be a day full of trouble.

Sure enough, as the demon **** Satan announced loudly, the welcoming ceremony and the closing ceremony began one after another.

The welcoming ceremony is naturally to acknowledge and welcome the welcoming ceremony of illegitimate child Wang Yan. Closing ceremony is officially given the true status of the devil's son, and the inheritance of the **** position in the future, can be quite important.

Originally, the two rituals were separate, but Satan, the demon god, was in a good mood. He loved Wang Yan, the misidentified son, so he performed the two rituals in sequence.

These rituals also follow the ancient traditions of the Infernal Demon Race, and to a large extent, they are just a symbolic activity. Moreover, the purgatory demon clan itself has a demon god, so the main objects of the ritual are the heaven and earth universe, and the mother of the earth, Gaia will. These are also the origins of a **** and the basis of power. Therefore, a **** often retains some respect for the universe, the natural will.

The ceremony was also divided into two, one was Satan the Devil, with his beloved son, standing on the majestic square platform of the temple, and the countless princes and nobles crawling down to the ground officially declared Wang Yan ’s incarnation as Lord of the Flame 'S son, and his successor in the future.

After this official announcement, it is equivalent to proclaiming to the entire Purgatory Demon Realm, and even the entire world of Hell, that he will be succeeded by Satan, and the Purgatory Demon Clan will also grow again!

In a certain sense, this formal announcement is of great significance, not only playing a role in encouraging morale to the Infernal Demon Clan, but also having a certain deterrent effect on the other two forces in the world of Hell.

Then Wang Yan was surrounded by a group of priests and came to the large altar on the other side of the temple to accept the priests of the Purgatory Devil to pray and pray.

The priests of the purgatory demon clan are led by the fiery roaring demon king who has not yet immediately dispatched and charged. The Fiery Screaming Demon King, who is good at controlling evil fire, is a member of many priest groups.

After praying for Wang Yan's sacrifice this time, he will clean up his belongings, take his son, and together with Lei Duo and Ji Gang Demon King, **** the participants of the Hell Conference, and then he will need to wear sin to make contributions and lead the army to the border.

This sacrificial activity was also quite tedious and long. First, it sang praises to Satan, the demon god, and then touted Wang Yan, the son of the demon god, until Wang Yan was about to doze off, and the main event finally came.

The group of priests led by Fiery Screaming Devil does have the ability. Through the magic circle on the ground and an ancient spell, they actually summoned the will of the mother of Gaia!

This makes Wang Yan a little surprised. You must know that Mother Earth, Gaia, is a manifestation of the will of the planet. Normally, it will not be interfered by the outside world, nor will it be actively displayed because of who is calling.

Right now in the face of so many people, the earth mother Gaia will actually give a response, which shows that the purgatory demon clan still occupies a dominant position on this planet.

"Great Mother Earth! Please give us the honorable son of the devil, your love, and your blessings!"

As the face mask was worn, the fiery roaring demon king sang loudly, and the mother of the earth, Gaia, really came to Wang Yan.

The last time Wang Yan absorbed the meaning of life and kindling, he felt the gaia's attention while he felt the law of the world's movement. Gaia will also help Wang Yan to mobilize the element quenching body out of love for Wang Yan, which will greatly benefit Wang Yan.

This time, under the attention of Satan, the demon god, Gaia will be summoned. This is not the same, which is enough to show that Satan, the devil, has at least reached the point of equality with Gaia's will. This shows that the deterrent force of a demon, even the will of a planet, will succumb to it.

Fortunately, the Gaia will of the **** world has already recognized that the object of blessing is Wang Yan, so out of love for Wang Yan, he did not mean to attract element infusion again.

Although this time the element quenched body, the effect is not as prominent as the first time, but it has almost lifted Wang Yan's elemental affinity to the extreme of the current stage!

This is the greatest benefit blessed by the will of Mother Earth Gaia. After experiencing elemental infusion, the elemental affinity of this planet, as well as personal potential and promotion speed, will be greatly improved, far exceeding ordinary people. The many benefits brought about by this, even a demigod-level big devil will envy.

However, this time the mother of the earth in the **** world has sent a message to Wang Yan, she hopes that Wang Yan can maintain the balance of the world after growing up.

This begging of Wang Yan will naturally not refuse. As his strength continues to increase, his understanding of the universe of heaven and earth becomes deeper and deeper. He has gradually understood the importance of balance for a world, a plane, and even this universe.

If this balance is lost, the world on this side will fall into collapse, the order will be chaotic, and eventually the entire world will be destroyed.

In this way, under the eyes of all people's admiration and envy, Wang Yan ended the elemental infusion, and the will of the earth mother who appeared briefly, also retreated.

Wang Yan felt deeply that he once again achieved sublimation and refinement. He was transparent both physically and mentally. He almost reached a point where he could move freely with the surrounding flame elements.

The benefits are self-evident, but for Wang Yan, it is still far from enough. Not to mention the distance to the gods, which is the level of the devil at the top of the demigod, there is still a big gap.

The main thing is that there is really not much time left.

"Congratulations to the Son of Demon God! Son of Hexi Demon God! In the future, our Purgatory Demon Clan will surely reappear under the leadership of His Majesty and His Royal Highness!"

With the end of the sacrificial ritual, Yusu shot the horse, and the tsunami continued again.

Wang Yan once again accepted the worship of all the people quite helplessly, but under the attention of many people, the devil Satan smiled in his mouth, his eyes were deep, and he seemed very useful.

Obviously, in his view, the pattern of the world of **** in the future will definitely change greatly because of his happy son.

The following banquet lasted a whole week regardless of day and night. The whole **** was jubilant up and down, and all the princes and nobles, as well as the surrounding vassal countries, all came to see Wang Yan.

Some even use the apex teleportation array at high cost, and they have to come in these few days to meet Wang Yan, the son of the demon god.

Those princes and nobles brought a lot of gifts, which made Wang Yan quite useful. But what worries Wang Yan is that all the people brought by these royal nobles are actually women.

Not only daughters, nieces, and even granddaughters, the most excessive is that some princes and nobles even brought their wives.

The point is that these female relatives don't need to say much about those princes and nobles. They actively send secret messages to Wang Yan and rush into arms and arms, which makes Wang Yan annoying.

For this reason, the frivolous and confusing lord, still agitated with a thug of thieves, until this was beaten by Wang Yan, this guy stopped.

Next came the first matter of the Hell Assembly. Those royal nobles, including the elders of the Satan Parliament, all tried their best to push their sons and grandsons into the team of Wang Yan.

But Wang Yan was ready to speak at this time. If he wanted to be a follower in his team of Mo Yan, he had to win his men first, otherwise he would not want one.

Hundreds and thousands of noble contestants all boiled. They dare not face Wang Yan directly, but dare to do something with Wang Yan.

Over the next half-month, Wang Yan's group of men, together with Zhang Weidao and other companions of the earth, were all bitterly persecuted. They must face constant challenges every day. From morning till night, they have to compete in the ring several times.

It was really bitter, but it also made them experienced, and their combat experience increased rapidly.

During this time, Wang Yan was finally able to withdraw to study his bloodline evolution.

This technique is very important. Although it is only the basis of the evolution of life, if it can be promoted again, it will become the key to changing his current dilemma.

Finally, after Wang Yan kept trying and calculating for half a month, a breakthrough in research appeared.

This night, when no one was around, Wang Yan stepped into the boudoir of the female magician Lydia.

A scent of water vapor lingered into his nose.


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