The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1615: No, you want to create God?

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"Pharaoh, there are no outsiders here. What are your thoughts? Let's all discuss it together."

Zhang Weidao spoke first, Wu Wujie and the Emperor of the Desert all nodded in agreement. They heard Wang Yan said earlier that he had something to care about, because the environment was not the place to speak at the time, and they also care about it, so they have been waiting here until now.

"This is how things are."

Wang Yan nodded and sat down with the crowd around the table. Meier served tea. After everyone was seated, Wang Yan talked eloquently, "Personally, I have come to **** for almost a year. Thanks to my identity as Lord of the Flames, I can take advantage of the world of hell, Continue to develop and grow. "

"Now I have conquered the Red Refining Demon King and many men, occupying a lot of territory, gathering multiple races, and building the Yanhu City around the plane base around the edge of the Red Refining Lake Ze."

"There is also the ancient flame devil Bella Roca in the city, sitting with his elemental army. So far, our plane base is very safe, and there will be a lot of precious minerals and resources every month. We will meet the earth. I believe that with this situation and resource input, the earth ’s plane will be greatly developed, and in the future, it will also be a bit more likely to win against the abyssal forces. "

Wang Yan's conclusion made many of his companions feel very touched and praised them one after another.

If it were not for Wang Yan in the world of hell, such rapid reclamation and development would simply not have a lot of rare minerals and resources, as well as more precious **** black technology imported into the plane of the earth.

Now with the support of Wang Yan ’s massive resources, many of the earth ’s world ’s scientific and technological ideas that were originally conceived have all begun rapid testing and development. I believe that it wo n’t take long for the overall strength of the earth ’s superpower community to rise by one. Big level.

At that time, I believe that with the scientific and technological power of the earth world and the unity of the superpowers, even in the face of the abyssal army, there is still the possibility of a battle.

"Lao Wang, you may not know that when we came, you had become a hero of the superpowers of the earth." Speaking of this, the emperor of the desert nodded his praise. So far, Wang Yan's contribution has been admired. .

"Although unwilling to accept it, it is true that as Lao Sha said, your contribution to the earth's world is too great." Shiva Goddess proudly praised, "aside from other things, our Indian super energy world is also because you bring The resources come from are quite profitable, and I want to thank you here too. "

"No need to thank anything. This is also my responsibility as a human being."

Facing the compliments of his companions, Wang Yan is very humble. Now his mood has long been different, but he will be complacent because of these credits.

However, during the conversation with his companions, his words suddenly changed: "We are indeed stronger than ever. In the face of the abyss army, we also have the power of a battle. But what if the enemy we face is a demon god?"

"Demon, Demon God?"

A demon god, these earth companions were stunned.

If the enemy is a demon god, what should they do? In other words, what should we do?

Such a question really asked all of Zhang Weidao and the desert emperor. This problem is like an invisible big hand, grabbing their throats at once, so that they can't make a sound.

The demon gods have seen them in the daytime. In front of a god, they feel like they are ants that can step on the ground at any time, and they are not creatures on the same level as the gods. The unstoppable, vast sea-like sense of shore makes them feel humble and powerless from the heart.

"It's a life form that is not on a level with us at all. A **** gave me the feeling of looking at the starry sky at night, endless and completely unable to perceive where the other party's limits will be."

Among the few earth partners, the strongest desert emperor frowned, and looked at Wang Yan rather weakly after hearing this topic, "If the opponent is a god, I am afraid that a few of us, even the earth superpowers. , Will be powerless. "

"Indeed, a **** has completely exceeded our cognitive scope, nor is it the supreme living body that we ordinary creatures can deal with. This is clearly manifested in the devil Satan." Wang Yan is not exaggerated. Said, "In front of Satan, the three demon kings who are as strong as Lei Xiu, Zhi Xiao, and Ji Gang, have no resistance and are completely played by the opponent in the palm of their hands. Change to a friend of our earth superpowers, I am afraid that they will be killed in the first time. "

This series of words silenced everyone on the scene.

At the scene of the earth superpower world, the only known semi-god-level strongmen are the couple of Uncle Cannon Yan Zun, the pope and the male super. Obviously, they have no problem with other demigod demon kings. Once faced with a god, there is no possibility of survival. In the end, I am afraid that they cannot escape.

This will be the case even for Uncle Gun and others. Other partners who only have S-level and A-level strength, in front of a god, I am afraid that as Wang Yan said, they will be killed in the first time.

The cold water poured by Wang Yan is far from over.

He looked at the crowd and continued: "According to my current understanding, the abyss demons from the abyss world are a bloodier and crueler race than the purgatory demons. In this race, there is also a demon god, and Or an abyss demon, Kaos, who is as powerful as Satan! "

"Abyss Demon ... Kaos?"

Several partners of the earth widened their eyes, silently reciting such a name that was once strange, but now very deterrent to them.

Wang Yan also only heard a little bit of detailed information in the rumors of all parties. The true understanding of the abyss forces is still not enough.

"More than that." Wang Yan paused and continued, "The abyss world not only has the demon **** Kaos, but also the fighting power of the abyss demon clan, it is no more effective than the purgatory demon clan we see now."

"In addition, from now on, the first collision between the earth and the plane of the abyss world is only one year left. If the planes of the two worlds collide, the abyss demon Kaos will definitely lead the army. , Long drive straight in. The defense force composed of the Earth's Resistance Alliance, I am afraid that under the impact of the opponent's Demon God and the army, it will be completely destroyed ... "

In Wang Yan's soft but heavy tone, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, Shen Tu Tian Lu, the desert emperor, the Shiva goddess and the high priest Berika were all silent again at this moment.

The abyssal world has been coveting the earth's plane for so long. Once the planes collide, the moment when the two worlds really touch, the other party will surely attack the earth's world with force.

It would be a naked war of aggression without any mercy. The other party will definitely not give any breathing opportunities to the earth.

Especially in the abyss, there are not only many demigod generals, but also a demon **** who only covers the sky. Under the threat of this pure and terrifying war force, the resistance alliance formed by the Earth Super League cannot be resisted at all. All resistance forces will inevitably be slaughtered.

Everyone in the scene could not help but think of the scene of the cruel massacre of so many family members and partners on earth that were getting along with each other by the abyss demon **** and his demons.

They are all veterans and veterans who have gone through the battlefield. In order to defend their homes, they have already put life and death away. But the question now is, even if they are now fighting hard to resist, can a strong enemy overcome it? Can the homeland be guarded?

They can ignore life and death, but let them look at their relatives and friends, their parents and their loved ones, their beautiful homes that they grew up in, and the earth that bears the energies of generations of generations. This is something they cannot face nor accept.

The same is true for Wang Yan.

The living room became silent. As Wang Yan's words fell, several of the companions from the earth fell into silence and deep thought. Even Meier, who is serving tea, is looking sad because she is about to face severe difficulties, because in some ways, the earth is her hometown, watching her hometown and her relatives and friends being invaded and destroyed, she is the same Unable to face.

"Although we have achieved good results now, the earth superpower community started too late and gave us too little time. If it is really time for a plane war, our planet may not be able to deal with it."

For a long time, Lord Shiva spoke slowly. Although she did not want to admit it, it was true.

Especially after seeing the unfathomable Devil God Satan and the powerful and powerful Purgatory Demon Clan, everyone at the scene further determined the difference in the combat power of the earth, the world of hell, and the abyss world.

"Me, I can see ... no, no ..."

On this side, due to excessive worry, the high priest Berika spent a lot of energy and cast a prophecy to divination the future. The result of divination made her pale, "If we stay in **** with the child of flames, we can escape this crisis, but, but ... the earth ..."

The meaning of the words is no longer necessary.

As Wang Yan's current son of the demon god, with these earth companions, hiding in the world of hell, he can naturally survive the crisis of plane invasion. But the earth, as well as relatives and friends, family and partners who are still on earth, may be completely destroyed by the abyss of war.

"No, we can't steal life in the world of hell!" Zhang Weidao gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "My father and bustard are on the earth. Even if I die, I will stand in front of them!"

"Amitabha, the little monk can grow into an adult, can't do without the guidance and care of the abbot master and many brothers and sisters. Now when the disaster strikes, the little monk can't leave them alone and work alone." Dignified, but generous and fearless, "Not to mention my Buddha's compassion, the monk will fight for the end of the world for the life."

Not only the two of them, but the people present, who has nothing to break up with? Besides, they are all natives of the earth, how can they watch the foreigners invade the earth they love?

"Pharaoh, you say it. I know you have asked us to discuss this time. You must have some ideas." The emperor of the desert looked at perseverance. "Besides, it is not yet the last moment. How can we easily give up?"

"Son of Flame, Lao Sha is right." High Priest Belika rubbed her head and suffered the overdraft of energy brought by excessive divination. "The future can be changed. The result of divination is now based on the current conditions. If we can change the present result, the future will change accordingly. "

"Yes, the future can be changed. As a human being on earth, I am like you. My parents, friends and loved ones are all living on the earth. I can't watch them destroyed either." Wang Yan looked at A few companions in front of me said a little, "After coming to the world of hell, especially after seeing Satan the devil, I have been thinking that the current technological development of the earth alone is not enough to resist the invasion of the abyssal forces. . Therefore, we need to explore a method based on the research and development of the earth ’s existing science and technology, a method that can accelerate the rapid advancement of many superpowers on the earth. "

"You mean, find a way to accelerate your strength?"

The Emperor of the Desert frowned slightly and asked curiously, "In this way, the combination of individual strength and earth science and technology will definitely enhance our defense capabilities on the earth."

"That's how I envisioned it." Wang Yan nodded. "Earth's existing technology research and development is only an external help, but the superpowers themselves are the main body. Only to find ways to enhance the individual strength of the earth's companions, earth technology Only strength can exert greater power. "

Wang Yan's views were unanimously agreed by several companions, but Wang Yan wanted to express more than that, and then Wang Yan continued: "If possible, I hope that the ultimate goal of this method is a god!"

"God, god?"

Several companions at the scene were all stunned, and then asked in surprise, "Lao Wang, you mean, through some method, artificial help, to create a god-level strong?"

"This, can this be done?"

Several earth partners couldn't help but widen their eyes. In the past, they wouldn't even think about it.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it." Wang Yan shook his head and said helplessly, "otherwise, without the support of the god-level strongman, any extraterrestrial terrain will easily break through our defense line and make our earth resist the alliance's Completely collapsed under repression. "

Indeed, as Wang Yan said, there is a **** behind the abyssal forces, there are three devil gods in the world of hell, and even the irrefutable kingdom of light, there is a father **** in charge of the kingdom.

If it were not for these gods to shock the world, whether it is an abyss, hell, or the kingdom of light, I am afraid that they have long been wiped out in the long river of history.

According to Wang Yan's knowledge, the earth once had ancient gods, but when it was fighting against the mysterious extraterrestrial demon, it had completely disappeared. Now that the earth has entered a new era, human beings occupy a dominant position, but due to the limitations of biological evolution, there has never been a god-level strong enough to deter the universe.

The world of the earth is not without encountering invasions and crises, but because of the space between the planes, it is always difficult for outside forces to really reach the earth. For a long time, outside forces can only regard the earth as a battlefield for mutual games, which is also a major reason for the sectarian system of the earth's world.

But now it's different. The abyss world is about to collide with the earth world and have a plane collision. At that time, the plane channel will open, and the abyss demon will lead his army and drive straight into it. The overall strength is not enough, and there is no earth supported by the gods.

What can be used to resist?

I am afraid that destruction will be the final result.


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