The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1598: Two mysterious women

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"Delicious! This kind of weird thing can't be expected to taste so good!"

"And, and I feel that my whole body's cells are activated. How much nutrients are contained in this small plate of things that can activate the cells in my body?"

The goddess Shiva, who sneered at the delicacy of hell, was amazed and praised.

First of all, the taste of Hell's food is not bad at all, and it is rich in nutrients. It actually made her, a legendary strong body, all her cells are activated, and her spirits have been strengthened a bit, which makes her the earth. The goddesses of the Indian Kingdom were quite surprised.

It can be said that this kind of ingredients is a rare treasure of heaven and earth placed on the earth, but now it is directly used for cooking. How much does it cost?

Anyway, she now spends Wang Yan's money, and she doesn't feel distressed. Instead, she decides to eat more, so that the abominable old king can spend more money.

The inconsistent and charming goddesses naturally add a lot of fun to the banquet for everyone. Wang Yan ’s men and partners from the earth enjoyed a banquet and enjoyed it very much. Wang Yan spent a lot of money for this. .

From the beginning to gather equipment materials on the black market, purchase high-quality slaves, and now this banquet pastime, spent a total of more than 700,000 magic crystal coins of Wang Yan.

This is also a very high cost in the God Capital, but Wang Yan has profited several times because of this, so Wang Yan did not lose a bit, but made a big profit.

After the wine was full, Wang Yan, a pedestrian, drank **** rye and mixed the honey wine made from insect honey, and comfortably soaked it into the bath.

Compared with hellfire spirits, this kind of rye honey wine is a little less hot and strong, a little more wheaty and sweet, and the whole body is warm and comfortable in one bite, and the pores will expand comfortably.

During the time of visiting the black market, Wang Yan and others did not just pick up Taobao. When strolling around, he himself and Zoe, the Lord of the Red Confusion and the three brothers of the Red Spirit were in these old rivers and lakes, and they were constantly in contact with vendors and even slaves A lot of useful information has been collected along the way.

At this time, everyone was soaking in hot springs and drinking ale, so the chat box opened.

"Senior Demon Flame, I have heard with two brothers before that, under the fallen demon **** Samel, a mysterious female powerhouse did appear!"

Among the three demon kings who have followed his father and honestly returned to Wang Yan, the eldest son Lord Chirei was the representative of the three brothers. At this time, he was soaked in the hot springs and said diligently, "But this woman is very mysterious. Nobody has seen her true face in a black spirit. There is also a very young fallen archangel, like Asmode, who is said to be a genius, very powerful! "

"Yes, yes, Master Moyan, I also specifically asked the slave traders, they know the most news."

The second son of the Red Bone Lord also echoed, "The slave traders, listening to those who came back from the border of the Three Demon Realms, said that the mysterious woman was very fierce and very powerful. She only led a small team, killing only The main lords who captured the slaves at the border. We are in Purgatory Demon Realm and the other Dark Demon Realm. The lords on the border can die a lot, and many demon kings on both sides are alarmed, but there is no way to take this mysterious woman. "

The three brothers, the mediocre brutal lord of Red Rock, also followed and nodded, beckoning him to inquire, and he heard it with his own ear.

This remark made Wang Yan's eyes slightly changed, and his heart was surging.

The mysterious woman, covered in black spirits, has a fierce shot, and also kills the major lords who capture slaves ... Is she really Uya Ange?

When Wang Yan came to hell, he had some very vague information on the earth. At that time, on the earth, the rare **** world data was synthesized, and it was speculated that the people who took Uya Ange did not come from the representative forces of hell, that is, the forces of Satan, the devil. It is likely that in Hell, a very mysterious fallen demon, Samuel, was under a certain man.

Because the relevant information and intelligence at the time of the earth was very scarce, the world of **** and the newly established earth superpower world are still an unknown world.

Therefore, after receiving this vague information, Wang Yan always speculated that Wuya Ange was very likely to be taken to the fallen demon Samel.

Now that more and more information has been heard through inquiries, Wang Yan can't help but speculate, is the mysterious woman under the fallen demon **** the Uya Ange?

The characteristics of Uya Ange's ability are indeed very similar to rumors. And Wang Yan understands An Ge, not to mention that An Ge is full of offensive appearance. In fact, she is very kind-hearted. If she sees the slave trade in hell, she will indeed eliminate some fierce slave owners.

Not waiting for Wang Yan to think too much, Lord Chew also began to actively repay what he heard.

"Boss, boss! I heard that a mysterious woman suddenly appeared in the Dark Demon Realm!"

Lord Chew was lying in the bath next door, and a very dog-legged report said, "I heard a few smugglers say that the mysterious woman of the dark demon, no outsider can see her true face, but the means are terrible. These days Here, she led an army composed entirely of young elites, rammed near the borders of the three demon domains, and furiously fought several battles in succession! Even with the secret routes that used the smugglers to do business, all The destruction is over. "

"Hey, the chick of the Dark Demon Realm has a little skill. These days, it's really a bad cow. It is said that the Night Devil Clan's young and prince Night Blade princes lead the clan to serve her life." The leader of Chidu was a little amazed. It's really a bit surprising. The influence of the Dark Demon Realm now is really because of her power alone. It has expanded a bit more than before. At least now, even smugglers are afraid to cross the border easily. "

"A mysterious woman also appeared in the Dark Demon Domain?" Wang Yan frowned, and began to be difficult to distinguish.

If it is only a mysterious woman, it is speculated that it may be Uya Ange, but two people appear at once, but it is impossible to determine whether these two are Ange.

"Yes, Lord Mo Yan."

Zoe, who was in the same bath with Wang Yan, looked ashamed, and An quietly replied, "These two women are very mysterious. What the origin is, the outside world has no idea. The original outside world agreed that Asmode and Prince Night Blade These two young and handsome men will become the main force of the two demon gods. Now these two young people have become the deputies of the two mysterious women, which is somewhat unexpected. The subordinates speculate that these two mysterious women are very likely They are two enemy demon gods, secretly trained killers for the Hell Assembly! "

Hawk Harpy Zoe was born and raised in the black market of the Great Fire City, and is also a very good appraiser, who has mastered a lot of the world and intelligence of the world of hell, this time with Wang Yan to the black market of Shendu During Taobao's bargaining, she took out many of the information she had.

In addition to her previous accumulation of knowledge, the information she has analyzed is undoubtedly the most credible.

Otherwise, like the sky, the fallen archangel Asmode, who has always been considered to be the main force of the Hell Conference, and the Night Blade Prince of the Night Demon Clan, how can these two top young handsomes become the deputies of the two mysterious women? Follow the dispatch of those two mysterious women?

"It seems that these two mysterious women are not too small. It should be the fallen killer Samel, and the dark demon Mamen prepared the killer for the **** meeting."

The Emperor of the Desert nodded in agreement. He also hoped that one of the two mysterious women would be Wang Yan ’s girlfriend, Wu Ya Ange.

"I also agree with Miss Zoe." Shiva also nodded and answered, "Now the selection of the **** meeting has begun. The two mysterious women move frequently at the border. I think it is not only to show the force, but also to increase the actual combat ability. To accelerate the integration of the team. In addition, it has always remained mysterious, so that outsiders can not really detect their details. "

If we compare Wang Yan ’s seven earth companions to a squad, the desert emperor and Shiva goddess are undoubtedly the chief and deputy captains of this team.

They are the key figures of this team other than Wang Yan, and now their analysis is very unique.

These seven humans of the earth, of course, cannot understand the powers of the world of **** as insanely, cruelly, and Zoe, but they already understand the key to the conference of hell.

The Hell Conference is like a game, a reduced version of the game and war between the three demon gods. The final result of the **** conference will directly determine the pattern of the post-war **** world, as well as the benefits and losses of the three devil gods. If you put it in the long run, through the **** conference, the strong side will become stronger and stronger, and the weak side will become weaker and weaker, and will even lead to ultimate destruction!

So every **** conference is a turmoil in the whole **** world.

The desert emperor and others who understand these principles clearly analyzed the keyness of the two mysterious women to the two devil gods.

"Oh! It's just two witches who don't know where they came from. What's so great about it?"

The brutal master who served beside Wang Yan, dressed in tulle, was incredibly fragrant. Holding her glass of wine, she leaned against Wang Yan ’s arm, her eyes full of spring, "My demon flames are the unparalleled male gods and heroes in this world! The victory of this **** conference is not mine. Lord Mo Yan is none other than that! "

Her remarks led to the most marginal bath, where the two ogres, Ablon Giantmaul and Walpole Blue Shield, nodded again and again. These two ogres are honest and honest, and have few thoughts in their minds. In their view, their master, Master Moyan, is an invincible peerless powerhouse in the world. He will definitely win the championship and win the supreme glory by participating in the **** conference.

"Listen to you, in addition to the two mysterious women, the Fallen Demon Domain and the Dark Demon Domain, there are already two main players, Asmode and Prince Nightblade, so do we have such a main candidate in the Infernal Demon Domain?"

Although Wang Yan has excellent strength and full of self-confidence, **** is a big world after all. Among them, the strong and strange means are numerous. This makes him have to be careful.

"Before Lord Mo Yan appears, there are indeed a few young strong men in our purgatory.

Chilie, the eldest son of the devil's third son, reverently replied, "There are three of them, who have been regarded by the outside world as the main players in our purgatory demon domain."

"Go on." Wang Yan motioned to Chi Lie to continue.

"Yes, Lord Moyan." Lord Chilie nodded and reverently replied, "Every of the three young strong men has a great history."

"Among them, the loudest voice is the one of the thirteen elders in the Satan Parliament, Lei Xiu's son, Lei Duo! Lei Duo's son is about the same age as us, but he inherits all the advantages of Lei Xiu demon king The strength is amazing. If I guess right, his strength has reached the level of legendary peak many years ago! There is no promotion to the demi-god, and the outside world does not know. "

"The other two, also the heirs of the thirteen elders of the Satan Parliament, are the Shiluo Shizi and the Shiyin Shizi! These two strengths and family powers are equal to those of the Lei Duo Shizi. They are also our purgatory domain. The Purgatory Conference wins the three most promising young strongmen. "

Lord Chilie looked at his two brothers, then said with a humble smile, "Our father Chilian Demon King, once followed the father of the son of Lei Duo, that is, Lei Xiu Demon King, participated in the **** meeting Afterwards, he performed very well, and then he was chosen by His Majesty the Devil God, and he was finally lucky enough to be promoted to the Demon King. "

"Moreover, Master Moyan, I do n’t deceive you from saying that our three brothers’ original plan was to join Raedo ’s son and become his follower after breaking through the selection process, to participate in this **** meeting. There is our father Chi Lian. The deeds of the devil once worked, and Rado will not refuse, we can also rely on Rado, to go further in the **** conference. But now, you are our master, boss! You are the boss! Ten Rado Shizi is no match for your majesty, Master Moyan. When you lead us to the Hell Conference, we will definitely be invincible and win the supreme glory! "

The three brothers, Chilie, Chigu, and Chiyan, all knew that Wang Yan did not like to listen to lies, so they also told the truth honestly. As for the latter pass, although it is flattering, it is also their true feelings. In their eyes, with Wang Yan's current strength and courage, put it in the entire **** meeting, I am afraid that they can be ranked in the top few. When the time comes, they will definitely be qualified to lead their three brothers.

"It seems that there are quite a few powerful people in hell."

Wang Yan listened to the three brothers of Chilie and finished talking, and answered casually. But he seems relaxed and casual, and he is actually secretly estimating.

Not to mention the mysterious women who are the other two demon **** killers, the two top demon young men, Asmode and Prince Night Blade, should not be as simple as imagined. As for the three worlds of Infernal Demon Realm, I am afraid that they will not be far behind.

In short, the priority is still to continue to expand their own strength, so that they can always remain invincible.

Summarizing the information collected so far, Wang Yan and his team took a comfortable bath. When I came out to go downstairs, I felt a distinct atmosphere.

The whole building of the clubhouse has become quiet and abnormal. All the guests are tense, sitting on the original position with a stern expression, as if they are under great pressure.

Wang Yan brought everyone quietly and continued to ride the escalator and fell towards the building.

Until the ground floor, a young man wearing purple gold scales and a luxurious robe, leaned against the seat in a thorny manner, blocking Wang Yan in front of him.

Beside Wang Yan, the face of Lord Chilie in the third son of the demon changed quickly, and he quickly reminded carefully: "Master Mo Yan, he, he is the son of Lei Duo!"


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