The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1596: Just buy and buy

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"Pharaoh, we are really on your thief ship."

Once again deeply aware of the terrible world of hell, Lord Shiva and the high priest Berika murmured in the dark and gave Wang Yan a hard look.

Lydia did not know that Mo Yan was Wang Yan, so she secretly prayed in horror, hoping that the child of Flame she had missed would be safe, and hope that she would be able to get out of this terrible place as soon as possible.

Wang Yan didn't take a closer look at the greedy onlookers around him. This kind of tarsal maggots are everywhere, but the **** world behaves more directly.

Besides, you can let yourself and other partners add some pressure, and let them develop a good habit of being vigilant at all times. As to whether there will be any trouble to find the door, he is confident that he can handle it.

In this way, no longer how many people are paying attention on the pipeline, Wang Yan led the people all the way to their destination.

There are also quite a lot of information along the way. The buildings in the inner city of Shendu are extraordinarily gorgeous. The various buildings are simple and majestic, showing the atmosphere. The ground is level and clean, and there is no trace of dust.

In addition, Wang Yan also found that the residents of the inner city of the Shendu are indeed different from other places.

In places like Liuhuocheng, residents ’service and appearance are usually based on the use of force to increase deterrence, prevent others from dare to provoke themselves, and indirectly increase their charm.

But the residents here are different. The residents here are all luxuriously dressed. Everyone wears exquisite ornaments. The style of men wears atmospheric robes that show their strong bodies, and the females dominate in skirts that are seductive.

Walking on the street, you can see the glittering pearl accessories and men and women. In contrast, Wang Yan, a pedestrian, all wearing standard armor and riding a domineering mount, is indeed very majestic, but one can see from a field.

Because in the God City, a huge city that is almost completely safe at the foot of the Devil God, the purgatory demon clan living in the inner city are all nobles, and even a few of their immediate relatives are **** lords.

Therefore, the noble residents in the inner city do not need bluff to show the force. On the contrary, they only need to show their wealth and grace. The next step is nothing more than the marriage between the nobles and the enjoyment of life.

Wang Yan and others are originally outsiders, and they do not need to be with these nobles, so they do not care about being different. Plus as they went deeper into the city, they also found many outsiders wearing similar clothes to them.

It seems that there are a lot of contestants who come to this Shendu. They are wary and hostile to Wang Yan and others, and some are trying to get close to Wang Yan and close relations.

These large and small groups that all come to participate in the competition, either consider Wang Yan and others as competitors, or want to win over Wang Yan as an available helper. This cunning approach is also a consistent trick of the Purgatory Demon Race.

However, these large and small groups of young lords from various demon lords are not worth the time for Wang Yan to waste time.

It didn't take long for the cold and arrogant temperament of Wang Yan and others to discourage those who tried to come forward.

Without outsiders disturbing, Wang Yan, a pedestrian, will move forward much faster. Although there are still a lot of people curious to wait and see along the way, relatively speaking, when he first came, he was much cleaner.

According to the guidance of the previous gate guards, Wang Yan and his party came to the black market he wanted to go to first.

I have to say that the city of Shendu is very large. Going to the largest black market in this city alone, Wang Yan, a pedestrian, walked forty or forty kilometers.

After arriving here, Wang Yan and others couldn't help but shine.

If the black market of Liuhuo City is the largest exchange of goods among the leaders of the Red Refining Demon King, the black market of Purgatory God is probably more than several times larger than that of Liuhuo City.

Wang Yan even believes that this kind of place cannot be simply called a trading market because its scale is equivalent to a large free trade zone between countries on earth.

Not all are black markets here, specifically, this trading area is divided into six layers.

The upper six floors are orthodox trading areas guarded by the authorities. Here, all the products from normal channels are all available. From small needles to one thread, daily necessities such as clothing tools, groceries, etc., to weapons and arms, equipment and jewelry, all kinds of precious materials, etc., all unified. And these items are also neatly divided into different areas according to different categories, at a glance.

In addition, there are a large number of professional attendants on each floor to guide and receive work, so looking for something you need is easy and convenient, saving time and effort.

The merchants selling goods here are also very capable. Compared with the large and small markets of Liuhuocheng, the management, quality of goods and services here have risen to a large level.

Shopping here is completely a pleasure, and it also opened up many horizons for Wang Yan and others. In particular, the daughter of the brutal master of the devil, the daughter of the devil who was born and raised since childhood, is quite happy. The three female companions from the earth were also dazzled by various types of exquisite **** jewelry.

Fortunately, Wang Yan now has a mine and is very rich. He almost packed a few gifts for each of his men. It is also a reward for hard work these days.

These small gifts are mostly enchanted accessories or some gadgets, etc. The price is not expensive, but it makes Wang Yan's dozens of men very happy, one by one, full of spirits and full of morale.

After all, courtesy is light and affectionate. In the eyes of the confusing lords and others, this is the care given to them by the boss, which is very heart-warming and of great significance. Zoe, the Hawk Harpy, who had little experience in life, flushed her cheeks on the spot and was at a loss for a while. The cruel county master cried happily on the spot, but this was the first time she received a gift from the male **** Mo Yan in her mind, and she was almost happy to fly.

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, and the three old friends of the desert emperor, naturally needless to say, they are not polite with Wang Yan. In addition, Lydia, the goddess Shiva, and the three daughters Belika, also bought the beautiful jewelry that they fancy when Wang Yan bought them, they couldn't help but feel warm, although the face was still arrogant, but the heart was The resentment has obviously reduced a lot.

This also made Wang Yan feel quite emotional. Sure enough, buying and buying can be used to comfort any girl.

Wang Yancai is very generous. After shopping so much, everyone enjoys it a lot, and the feeling of being nervous and depressed has improved a lot.

Then this pedestrian came to the next six floors, here is the real black market.

The so-called black market naturally refers to some private goods and unlawful illegal transactions on the earth, but this is allowed in the world of hell, and it is still a legal transaction.

Hells are fighting all over the world, the competition is fierce, and the demand for all kinds of commodities is always great. Therefore, such illegal transactions with unknown origins have arisen at the historic moment and are in short supply.

Over time, a black market has formed where the sale of all kinds of goods from unknown sources.

Under the influence of interests and **** folk wind, whether it is slaves, weapons, or digging graves, or stolen things, as long as they fall into the hands of black market dealers and are sold on the countertop, they are legal goods.

If the owner of the item is truly lost, unless the same method is used to take back his belongings from the black market dealer, once the counter is on the black market, the owner will have no other choice but to buy it back through a large sales channel. If the owner still can afford it.

In some ways, the black market transaction is indeed dirty and cruel, but it meets the various needs of many **** residents.

Wang Yan and others are also entering the village to follow the custom, he also needs to obtain a lot of materials and combat power through black market transactions.

However, most items on the black market are much cheaper than those purchased through normal channels. Because the black market stolen goods abandon the quality of the new and the old, and may be retaliated by the owners of the items, so they bear some risks and the price will naturally be low.

The price of the black market in Shendu is almost the same as that in Liuhuocheng. It should be that the black market business alliance has already set a rough price for the corresponding goods.

Compared with the black market in the city of Liuhuo, the black market in Shendu reaches six floors underground, and the corresponding commodities and slaves are all available. In addition, because of the total amount, the general-level items here are relatively cheaper.

But the real good things, such as the best slaves, the treasures of the sacristy, and the antiquities with special abilities, are easily tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of magic crystal coins, far more expensive than the Great Fire City. This kind of luxury product can't afford even Wang Yan, and it's not practical to buy.

What Wang Yan mainly likes is still something that can bring practical benefits and uses to his men and companions of the Earth Resistance Alliance.

This point, which has accepted the complete inheritance of the alchemy master and applied the true eye to the purely eagle succubus Zoe, helped Wang Yan at this moment.

"Senior Demon Flame, this is a high-grade spirit weapon claw! Although it is damaged, it does not matter, we have Master Hill, buy the tungsten iron over there, Master Hill can repair it!"

"This way, this way! Lord Moyan is not a lapis lazuli, but a moonstone! 80% of this black marketer was stolen. He hasn't found out yet, Lord Moyan, buy it quickly!"

"Hey, this is a red viper lance, but it is a fine weapon made from the spine of the legendary Warcraft red viper black snake!"

"Wait, this is not iron armor, but silver leaf armor that has been corroded by venom! As long as it is repaired, this equipment can reflect most of the low-level elemental magic!"


This is not enough, as long as it is a leak that can be picked up, it is accurately discovered by Zoe, and then purchased by Wang Yan one by one.

The private goods and dirty goods in the black market usually come from abnormal means such as theft, robbery, loot, etc. The people who own these dirty goods are not necessarily those who understand the goods. In addition, the daily volume of goods in the black market is very huge. The appraisers hired by the black market are not all appraisal masters such as Zoe, and there is no such good artifact as the real eye, so it is inevitable that there will be a time to look away.

As long as you are a little careless in the process of firming up, it will often result in a difference of several times, even ten times!

With the addition of some damaged equipment and weapons, outsiders are reluctant to pay a large price for repairs, so the price will be very low, but this is not a problem for Wang Yan at all.

Wang Yan now has not only the alchemist Zoe, but also an alchemist master Hill, as long as the equipment is not completely damaged, the old points can be repaired.

Even if it's really not worth repairing, Wang Yan can decompose by Zoe's alchemy, Master Hill's smelting and purification, all decompose into usable high-quality materials, and re-forge into suitable equipment and weapons. No longer, Wang Yan can also be used as raw materials and sent back to the National Bureau of African Affairs to be handled by the technical staff of the Bureau of African Affairs.

In short, Wang Yan is completely loss-free in this super-large black market. Whether it is his men or the earth circle behind him, the demand is very large, as long as it is good, all things can be consumed.

After so many searches, Wang Yan bought dozens of items and materials and spent hundreds of thousands of magic crystal coins, but the real value of these items and materials has exceeded at least two million! It can be said that it has earned several times.

Of course, Wang Yan is such a leak picker. The black market, vendors, and surrounding customers are not fools, but when they react, they realize that when Wang Yan was picking up the Taobao leak, Wang Yan and others had already left.

In fact, picking up leaks in the black market has long been a matter of convention. There are still many **** residents who use leak picking as a profession. However, it is very rare to be as precise as Wang Yan and with such a strong capital.

After visiting the black market trade zone, Wang Yan and his party went to the slave trading market on the next three floors.

This is comparable to the slave market in the city of Liuhuo, which is much larger in scale, there are countless types of slaves, men and women, young, young teeth, tall, slim, etc., almost all the types you want to find, almost all Can be found here.

And the slaves here are also divided into several categories according to gladiator, war servant, servant, service, etc. Each slave is like a commodity, with a small label, which marks his specialty, age, race, etc. For buyers to choose easily.

To this end, there are people who specialize in slave training and training, in order to sell slaves at a good price. Therefore, the quality of the slaves here is generally high, and the price is much higher than that of Liuhuo City.

But these slaves, whose ideology and psychology were almost destroyed after training, were not the targets that Wang Yan wanted to achieve.

What Wang Yan wants are those talented people who have clear eyes, long for freedom, and still have independent thinking.

Even if you want to have high-quality talents, you also need a tough mind, which is really not easy to find. Even with Zoe's help, Wang Yan spent a while.

After hanging out all day, Wang Yan still found more than 20 very good seedlings and spent more than 100,000 magic crystal coins.

In the end, these slaves were all arranged by Wang Yan and sent to the barracks where the Red Demon King was located, where Camus and the three men would complete the arrangements and preliminary training of these slaves.

While sending the servants, Wang Yan also sent a message to the Chilian Demon King, asking him to arrange for the army to take a rest. Wang Yan himself, after a pleasant day and night, led his men to the top floor of the black market.

In this large-scale building, dining and rest, and various entertainment venues, naturally everything is available.

Seeing that he had come to the high-end clubhouse of the Purgatory Demon Flower Heaven and Earth, the confusing lord suddenly showed a wretched smirk: "Boss, do we want that next, is ... that?"

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie and Shen Tu Tian Lu three suddenly felt excited: "Hey, that one? Which one?"


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