The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1592: God Capital, the city of immortality!

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"God are you? Are we there yet?"


"Is that the black line?"

All the men of Wang Yan and Chi Lian Demon King stood on the deck excitedly, and looked far away, the expression of piety and longing also changed, just like a pilgrim believer all the way, about to reach the Holy Land in the faith.

Among them, the thousands of men brought by Chilian Demon King are the most religious.

Although they are all pure purgatory demons, they belong to the ruling class in this land. For the lower races such as barbarians and Goblin, all are nobles. But if it is placed in the whole purgatory demon clan, they are just some of the lowest princes and juniors. If the gods in front look at it, I am afraid that even the poor villagers cannot be called.

And among so many of them, except for the Red Refining Demon King, none of them has reached this sacred capital city of extraordinary significance.

None of Wang Yan's men has ever been to this **** capital.

From the Yanhu City that Wang Yan established on the edge of Chilian Huze, he flew to the capital city where the demon **** lived. It was very far away, almost spanning half of the purgatory demon domain, and passed through several demon kings.

In this big world, the journey can no longer be measured by the concepts on the earth. It seems extremely boring to Wang Yan and several partners from the earth, but these **** residents have long been accustomed to such long journeys. .

Therefore, for Wang Yan and his men, the capital city where the demon dwells always exists in the legends. The capital city similar to the myth and legend is about to arrive soon, and I am inevitably excited.

Excited, excited, Wang Yan still has more complexity and worries than others.

This complicated and worried emotion is naturally because he could kill the faithful believers of Satan on the earth, and also designed to kill the deity of Satan, and took away the power and essence of this doppelganger.

It can be said that he is the great enemy of Satan, the devil. If the devil Satan knows the truth, he will definitely kill him decisively, and his masters and sisters, and then invade the earth in a big way to vent their anger.

But because he absorbed and used the genes of the demon god, and hit the room by mistake, he was actually regarded as the dear son by the devil **** Satan. This is also the origin of his name as the son of the demon god.

This complex and strange relationship has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is naturally the identity of the son of the demon god. In the domain of purgatory, he can enter and exit freely, and he can bring his companions from the earth with him. The disadvantage is fatal. If the true identity is revealed, especially within the scope of the God Capital, I am afraid that he and his companions will be difficult to fly.

Although he has been fortunate to be promoted to demigods now, for other ordinary people, it is the supreme existence above countless creatures, but in front of the gods who have exceeded the limit of life, the demigods are still only a trivial one among the mortals.

If you want to fight against the demon **** in a demigod state, it is undoubtedly that the arm is a car, let alone in this god.

People with such worries, and Wang Yan's companions from the earth.

At this time, everyone stood on the deck of the battleship, and they looked from afar. The black line on the horizon was almost connected to the sky, and they could not see the head at a glance. If the large black horizon is a city, the terrible scale is far beyond people's imagination.

At such a time when everyone is in awe, among the several earth partners of Wang Yan, the emperor of the desert could not help but to some people around him, with a heart-wrenching voice saying, "Why should we go this time?"

He was shadowed by Wang Yan's pit. He always worried that if the previous pit had just climbed out, he would fall into another pit of Wang Yan.

"Ah, it's hard to say." Zhang Weidao sighed negatively. Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of the well rope, he was not pitted once or twice.

"Amitabha." On the other side, looking at the impending arrival of the capital, Wu Bujie has silently recited the old mantra.

Wang Yan, beside everyone, looked dumbfounded and said innocently, "I am so pitted?"

"Yes." Aside Shen Tu Tianlu, as well as Shiva and the high priest Berika, nodded together, and at the same time cast a grudged look, the old king is really too pit, they may be fierce this time they go to God not enough.

Just as everyone was chatting, a huge shadow suddenly moved from the distant clouds.

Suddenly, the primitive Xiao killing, the fierce and aggressive atmosphere of the wild, immediately like a strong wind, rushed in the face.

"What's coming?"

"It's a beast, so strong coercion!"

Several partners beside Wang Yan immediately frowned, and their faces showed a vigilant look. Because of their strength to reach the legendary level, they are all oppressed, so the creatures close to it are definitely not trivial.

Wang Yan also looked up for the first time. I saw seven magnificent black dragons leaping toward them in the gray cloud above his head.


The giant dragon headed, a surging dragon roar, and the six giant dragons behind him immediately spread out, and stopped like a rainbow above the flagship where Wang Yan was. This devil-level flagship was also seeing this After the seven-headed dragon, the speed slowed down for the first time.

Until then, Wang Yan and other talents really saw clearly the true face of these seven black dragons.

This is a black dragon with seven heads similar to Western legends. They are slender and fit, with wings on their backs, and their length is more than 30 meters! The whole body was covered with fine dark hair, dark scales, four claws, and cold light.

This does not count, on top of these black dragons, actually equipped with a set of powerful black armor! From the beginning to the end, and even each dragon's claw, it is closely covered by armor that fits the dragon's body curve.

Especially under this layer of armor, the pair of long and cold dragon heads are full of hegemonic power, even if it is a legendary strongman, he will be instinctively afraid when he is stared at by these two dragon eyes. Especially in the background of this black armor, this dragon has been upgraded to a higher level.

Even if there were only seven heads of dragons floating in the sky above, the ship behind Wang Yan had goose bumps all over his body.

"Really, really a dragon!"

"And, still, still, the armored dragon!"

Beside Wang Yan, the partners from the earth were shocked, and even the desert emperor showed a surprised expression.

The dragon, whether it is an oriental dragon or a western dragon, is said to have originated from a godlike starry sky beast, and it has evolved to a very high degree. The vast majority of dragons can reach the S legendary level when they reach adulthood. Individuals can also evolve into demigods, and even evolve into dragon gods who can lead groups, cross the universe, and complete the migration of galaxies!

Therefore, in the records of the earth, both the eastern dragon and the western dragon are symbols of strength and kingship, and are the king of all beasts.

It is a pity that the dragons on the earth have already been extinct in ancient times.

Occasionally one or two dragons are all gangsters of an organization. After holding the thigh of a certain god, they are bred from dragon eggs or young dragons rewarded by gods. At least in the world of superpowers of the earth, there are currently only two heads of real dragons.

The appearance of the Seven Dragons in front of me was nothing less than the surprise and shock of Wang Yan's companions and the many men behind him.

You know, even if the dragon is in hell, it is a very rare king-level beast, and each head is very powerful.

"His Majesty, don't worry, these are the dragon cavalry directly under the demon god, but outsiders usually call them purgatory slaughterers."

Chilian Demon King Mulu introduced with respect, "They are all elites in the elite. From birth to growth, they have undergone strict training all the time. Their mounts are the unique Hell Dragon in our Purgatory Demon Realm! "

"Purgatory killer?"

Wang Yan concealed his fierce name. At the same time, as the distance approached, he saw that on the back of each Yan prison demon dragon, there was a purgatory demon who also wore black armor.

These purgatory slaughterers have a restrained breath and a hand-held, broad-bladed lance, and like their mounts, every part of the body is wrapped in a domineering black armor.

If they were stared by their cold eyes, the chill could almost spread into the bones of the person.

"Master Demon Flame." Zoe Hawk frowned and looked surprised. "The purgatory slaughterers and their mounts have all reached the level of legendary lords, and their equipment has reached the standard of the second holy weapon! "

Zoe, who has now become an alchemist, immediately scanned the dragon cavalry in front of him with real eyes, and then reported the data she detected to Wang Yan.

But her opening immediately caused an uproar in Wang Yan's men.

Just kidding, let's say that both the Purgatory Slayer and the Inferno Dragon have reached the legendary level, and the equipment of the man and the dragon has actually reached the level of the second holy weapon. Is the treatment too luxurious? If you put it outside, I am afraid it is equipped with a lower level lord. Are much better.

At least take the confusing Lord Lord, he sold all his net worth before following Wang Yan, it is not worth the money of this set of equipment!

If this standard is used to build an army like this, its cost and daily consumption will probably reach astronomical figures, even the demigod is impossible to imagine.

The point is that the combination of such a purgatory slaughterer and the inferno dragon is no accident, and it is absolutely at ease with the three or four ordinary legendary lords. If all such an army is pulled out, how terrible will their fighting power be?

At this time, even Wang Yan was secretly amazed.

"Your Majesty the Devil is His Majesty in the end, and your leg hairs are thicker than our waists." Chidu Ling advocated the chin and secretly stunned.

His words are rough, but the reason is not rough. The world of **** is a strict and centralized society with strict centralization and the wealth and power controlled by a **** devil. Where can outsiders imagine?

"His Majesty, these Flame Jail Slaughterers are guarding God's airspace all the time, and outsiders will break in at will and be killed immediately."

The Chilian Demon King took out a token of identity and raised it high above his head. "But as long as we show our identity, they will **** us to the city of God."

Sure enough, as the Red Refining Demon King revealed his identity, the leading purgatory slaughterer immediately turned the dragon's head, and together with the other six purgatory slaughterers, presented a character font, guarding the front and sides of Wang Yan's flagship. Lead the fleet to the gods flying forward.

These purgatory slaughterers were guarded and stern along the way, as if they were a machine that strictly carried out their tasks, without any mood swings.

As the Red Demon King said, these powerful dragon cavalry are one of the royal cards under the demon god. They have received the most rigorous training since childhood, in order to train them to be the coldest and most loyal warriors.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that they are a cold-blooded killing machine.

In front of them, the Purgatory God Capital, known as the Immortal City, is the residence of Satan, the Purgatory Demon God, and is also the holy place and center of **** of the Purgatory Demon Clan. No outsider can step on it.

Once someone rushes into this holy place, he will be mercilessly beheaded by the army of demon gods, and he will not indulge in any indiscretions, and he will be severely punished immediately if he dares to enter.

This is the symbol of the supreme authority of the Devil God. Even pure-blood demons, or slaves who trade and trade, and all kinds of trade commodities, if they want to enter this huge city, they must pass the official permission to enter and trade freely.

The official institution that can show permission is the Satanic parliament, the administrative group under the devil Satan.

This is a parliamentary group composed of the real big nobles and big elders in the purgatory demon clan. Each of these great nobles has a long history and is very old. In this parliament, they perform their duties and jointly manage this huge city. At the same time, they also represent Satan, the devil, and issue seasonal orders to the entire purgatory.

It can be said that these ancient great nobles are the highest authority in the whole purgatory demon domain, under the devil god, and above all people, even the demigod demon king dare not provoke.

Even if the powerful demigod like Chilian Demon King, who was in the wind and rain outside, came to the Satan Parliament, he must bow his head respectfully.

That's it, after a while.

Under the **** of the Purgatory Slayer, Wang Yan's fleet finally reached the wall of the purgatory capital.

The ancient and solemn breath came immediately.

Here, Wang Yan and other talents really understand why this place will become an immortal city, because its magnificent magnificence has deeply shocked everyone's heart.

The outer wall of this city of purgatory gods is as high as a hundred feet! The spaciousness above the city wall is even enough for the carrier aircraft on the earth to take off and land freely! Compared to the main wall of the Great Fire City, this outer wall alone is more than a few times magnificent.

Moreover, these city walls are made of giant rocks rich in metal minerals, precision construction. In addition, in the long years, after the wind and rain, the elements have weathered, and the entire wall has evolved like a whole. There is almost no gap between the rocks. Even on the surface of the wall, a dark and thick metallic color paste was generated.

Seen from a distance, this city wall is like a dark black mountain range lying on the ground.


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