The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1590: The goddess is not convinced

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"Okay, don't ink anymore, it's not too late, let's go."

After a short break, Wang Yan got up and turned into a purgatory demon. This kind of bloodline evolution is very expensive. Even energetic Wang Yan is not willing to perform it many times.

Wang Yan, who has reincarnate into the devil's son Moyan, has become even more aggressive. Then he couldn't help but say that he put the slave collar on the necks of three Zhang Weidao.

With the sound of "click", the sound of the organ biting, the three of Zhang Weidao once again returned to slave status.

"Lao Wang! You are really a crater, a crater!" Zhang Weidao's mouth was bitter, and his heart was very sad, and he cursed himself that he was really a thief of Wang Yan.

The protest was invalid, and Wang Yan took them out of the lair of the lair. In front of the many slaves and men outside, they drowned three barrels of water and gave them a bath.

They had just been promoted and they were so stinky and dirty.

But don't underestimate these three buckets of water. In places like Hell's Lake, water is more expensive than gold. Sometimes a glass of clean water can even be used as a currency for trading.

Normally these slaves and servants, in the vicinity of Chilian Huze, can drink only bitter and astringent water in the rock formations, not to mention taking a bath, there is no chance to take a sip.

If you really want to take a bath, it is very simple, just go outside and hold a few cups of hot sand, and wipe it on your body. This is the hot sand bath commonly used by those Goblin and barbarians. But they can take a bath with three buckets of water, and they never really dreamed about it on weekdays.

"You are all optimistic, these three human slaves, successfully upgraded to the legendary level by their own ability, and become the next big power of this king. These waters are their rewards! If you can work hard like them, let alone pure water , Fire Essence, Fire Melt Crystal, Magic Crystal Coins, this king will let you use it all! "

Wang Yan didn't forget to take the opportunity to motivate his men in public, which attracted the servants who screamed excitedly.

Those servants who knew that their master, Master Mo Yan, had always said what they had to do, and since the promises had been released, they would have come true. Therefore, all the men and slaves who admire the power hold their strength and secretly rise up.

After all, as long as you can become stronger, you will be rewarded and you can live a good life. This is undoubtedly a good opportunity for those who are slaves and servants.

Similarly, Wang Yan also needs to motivate these men and slaves from time to time, so that he can get more elite soldiers.

In this way, the bitter three of Zhang Weidao took a bath awkwardly in countless coveted, envious, and yearning eyes. However, those who have not taken a shower for more than half a year can take a bath with water, and their body and mind are still very comfortable, and the whole person is up.

After that, Wang Yan gave them three days of rest time, the storage tools were also given back to them, and a set of equipment was specially reassigned to them.

However, their previous weapons and equipment were almost exploded. Coupled with their special weapons and equipment, it is very different from the equipment weapons used by Hell World, so they can only find a set of weapon-level equipment and weapons for their temporary use.

As for better weapons and equipment, it is estimated that they can only be customized or will be found in the future.

Three days later, the three desert emperors who worked hard at the mine saw Zhang Weidao and others coming to them from afar.

The emperor of the desert and the three earthmen had not had time to rejoice, and yelled at him for convenience.

"Ganethus! Just as an arrogant man like you, dare to call the emperor the emperor?"

"Emperor shit, come and fight the poor monk!"

"Yes, we are the most faithful servants of Lord Demon Flames. Come here today to teach you rules!"

According to Wang Yan's request, the three of Zhang Weidao saw the Emperor of the Desert and others, and screamed.

They were scolded with joy in their mouths, and in fact they had already burst into tears.

Sure enough, the desert emperor was forced to scold, and the whole person was stunned, almost spitting gas without breath.

Next, a big battle inevitably happened.

No way, this is the special training that Wang Yan arranged for them.

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, and Shen Tu Tian Lu have almost polished their hearts and minds. Now they are successfully promoted to legends. The next step is to master the skills and abilities, and to deal with different types of enemies.

In addition, in order to inspire the fighting spirit of the desert emperor, Wang Yan specifically told Zhang Weidao and three people to honestly be the devil's stooges, and he had to scold them when he went up.

So, the fierce battle broke out instantly under the onlookers of many of Wang Yan's men and slaves.

The ending of this station is naturally Zhang Weidao three people, one-on-one single defeat to the desert emperor.

However, after a long period of time, after the three Zhang Weidao challenged the desert emperor, they then challenged the Shiva goddess, the high priest Berika, and then many powerful men under Wang Yan.

In short, in the next two months, there were battles almost daily. Later, Wang Yan simply opened a fighting field in the valley. Several battles took place every day, and the winner also had a big reward. Therefore, it attracted the onlookers and the residents who lived with Wang Yan and settled in the area.

During this time, not only did Zhang Weidao add a lot of combat experience, the three desert emperors, and Wang Yan's many men, have been richly tempered.

Competing with different races and different types of opponents is definitely a good way to rapidly increase your strength and skills. Especially for the three desert emperors, in addition to daily discussions and labor, there are many hardships in life. Throughout the process, Wang Yan has personally followed.

Fortunately, the desert emperor, Shiva goddess and high priest Berika have very high talents and foundations. In just two and a half months, they met Wang Yan's requirements.

The physical and mental physique has matured a lot. Although there is no promotion to the demigod, how can the demigod be promoted casually? Even Wang Yan experienced the long-term accumulation and harvested the precious meaning of life and fire, so he had the luck to make a breakthrough. Otherwise, according to the normal state, without the precipitation and hard work for ten or eight years, there will be no possibility of promotion.

However, today's Desert Emperor and others, although not reaching the demigod, have successfully reached the state of legendary peak. The body is more restrained, and the mentality is more calm, as if the difficulty and the enemy are no longer difficult, it will not cause them too much emotional fluctuation.

Especially in the later period, the desert emperor and others can even fight against the top demigods such as the Red Refining Demon King and the Ancient Flame Demon fiercely for more than ten minutes, and they will not be defeated.

This is already extremely powerful and rare for the legendary powerhouse. After all, there are few legendary strongmen who can withstand the full blow of the demigod.

In addition, Wang Yan's powerful staff also achieved full growth in these two and a half months, which is inseparable from the two and a half months of special training.

Now these men, all with morale like a rainbow, are waiting to follow Wang Yan, go to the **** capital, and participate in a meeting that is famous for the entire hell.

On this day, Wang Yan felt that the timing and time were almost the same, so he called the three people Zhang Weidao and the three desert emperors into the stone chamber of the nest.

As before, Wang Yan returned to the original appearance of human beings in front of the three desert emperors.

The emperor of the desert, the goddess of Shiva, and the three high priests, Berika, were suddenly stunned on the spot as if they were struck by lightning.

Then the desert emperor, who was in a state of emotional collapse, immediately stared at the petrified petrified scene, and the goddess Shiva was sad and angry, and the high priest Belika looked up to the sky at a 45-degree angle, and burst into tears.

The three of them scolded each other one by one in their hearts. It should have been expected that Mo Yan was the old king, otherwise who would have so many bad ideas?

"Lao Wang, you, you hurt me so bad ..."

The Emperor of the Desert was about to vomit blood, and pressed his hand on Wang Yan's shoulder. He wanted to hug and hesitated, and wanted to speak with emotion. He didn't know where to start.

"There is no way to give orders from above, and it is really good for you." Wang Yan shrugged innocently. "Yeah, I heard that you came to hell, did you want to duel with me? Then, Want us to play now? "

"Decision!" The desert emperor did not choke on his breath, "You are all promoted to demigod now, and want me to fight with you? Alas, forget it, you wait, when I have the opportunity to promote demigod, you and I fight It's inevitable. "

"And I!"

Shiva Goddess's resentment towards Wang Yan is even greater, and at the moment Hengmei is coldly right, "Don't think that if you first advance to the Demigod, there will be more amazing, hum! You wait for the Goddess, the Goddess will be promoted to the highest God, you will be settled by then! "

Wang Yan still raised his mouth in disbelief: "Then it's so final, I'll wait."

If the two of them really have the opportunity to be promoted to the demigod, it will definitely be of great benefit to the superpowers of the earth. And Wang Yan is very confident in his own strength now, he does not worry that he will be taught by others.

"Cough, son of flames, I didn't come to you for a duel." High Priest Berika coughed deliberately, and then narrowed her eyes beautifully, pretending to be mysterious, "I will go to the divination first, this time **** Great changes will be ushered in, and the earth will benefit greatly. I believe that the one who benefits must be you! How? You have tortured me so many times these days, and I will not ask you to lose. Let ’s do it in partnership? "

"OK, but you have to put this on again."

Wang Yan just untied the collar and relaxed them, but this time he took out the slave collars again.

"Pharaoh, now that the training mission given above is over, I don't think you need to bring this circle?"

The desert emperor frowned, and he was fed up with the collar's suffering. Not only was it accompanied by poisons, curses, but also electric shock and paralysis. It was simply too perverted and tortured.

"That won't work." Wang Yan shook his head and said realistically, "You must have known the danger of hell. Without wearing a slave collar with my logo, you can't even go out of the Red Refining Demon King's collar. Become the object of hunting by others. "

Non-my family, its heart must be different. This is not only in the world of the earth, the world of **** is more prominent, and there is a clear hierarchy among the races, and the slave industry is very prosperous. If strange humans, large or small forces or mercenary groups are found in the wild, percent Two hundred will be used as prey, attacked in groups.

You know that very rare and rare human slaves, but they will be sold to high price rare slaves. If it is a legendary human beauty, it is almost a rare treasure that can be contributed to the big devil and even the devil.

"No! The goddess puts her words here today. The goddess is not a slave, let alone be your Wang Yan's slave!"

The goddess Shiva put her arms around her chest, her eyes squinting, and she was not happy with a copy of the girl. What can you do to me?


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