The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1587: Do a little bit of help

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"Magic, Lord Moyan, you, are you?"

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie and Shen Tu Tian Lu three people, first a surprise, then a panic, they never expected that they have been playing with the magic flame demon king between the palms, and they will actually loosen and restrain them Slave collar, what is this for?

The three of Zhang Weidao were obviously in a state of confusion. In front of them, the Demon Flame Lord, what they were about to do, they simply couldn't understand.

"Wait, this, what's going on?"

Not waiting for Wang Yan to answer, Zhang Weidao and the three of them clearly felt something strange.

"I, I feel ..."

"In my body ... there seems to be an inexhaustible force that is madly emerging!"

"You, you too? This power ... how can there be such a surging power in my body ?!"

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie and Shen Tu Tian Lu three people, you said a word, at this moment, all of them were shocked by the madness of the power in the body, and even somehow did not know what to do.

Wang Yan looked in his eyes and slightly smiled quite satisfied.

As Wang Yan expected, Zhang Weidao and the three of them had been carrying slave collars all the time for half a year, and under Wang Yan's special settings, their power was always suppressed at the B level.

In addition, Wang Yan also intends to increase a lot of burdens, so that under the restraint of the slave collar, that is, the scientific name of the slave suppressor, Zhang Weidao's three people will not only be reduced in strength, but also always in a state of heavy work.

Moreover, the gravity of **** is greater than that of the earth, and the proportion of aura is also greater than that of the earth. In addition, every day must work hard. If you do not complete the specified output, you will be punished by corporal punishment and even eaten.

This series of experiences seems cruel and dehumanizing, but it is actually another kind of tempering and cultivation.

Just like many powerful people in the world will adopt the principle of suppressing their own strength or carrying out weight-bearing cultivation, the three Zhang Weidao have experienced such hardship and transformation in the past six months, and their mind and body have been greatly sublimated.

You have to know that the three of them were the top powerhouses who reached the half-step S level before they came to hell. From the S legendary level, more is the state of mind and perception.

After so much hardening right now, they have grasped the true meaning of their respective evolutionary paths, so when the slave collars were taken off, the huge energy stored in their cells began to appear crazy.

Coupled with their far-reaching state of mind perceptions, they are leading this force to take them to a new realm.

"Drink these things."

Wang Yan raised his hands and threw three small bottles at them. "This is the essence of the legendary Warcraft core of my alchemist Zoe. Each bottle contains the complete energy of a whole Warcraft core and is removed. Impurities contain very pure energy. You should drink it now and prepare for promotion to the legendary realm! "

"Promote the legend?"

"Me, are we going to be promoted to legend?"

Hearing this, Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie and the three of Shen Tu Tianlu only reacted, and the three were immediately surprised and happy. At the same time, the three also understood that this opportunity and status are very rare and crucial. The three of them had no time to hesitate, uncovered the bottles, and quickly poured the essence of the core.

With the pure and strong core essence, the surging power brought in bloomed in them, and the three of them felt that every cell and even every life factor in the body seemed to be stretched out. This is like in their body, a pot of gasoline was poured on the burning fire, which was originally full of turbulent power, and instantly reached the point of explosion.

It was at this moment that the promotion of the three of them began.


Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie and Shen Tu Tian Lu three people had already accumulated abundant vitality potential. At this moment, it was an opportunity for all the power and meaning to sprout. It broke through the shackles at once. Coefficient burst. However, the thunder and robbery caused by it is quite terrifying.

At this point of promotion, Zhang Weidao and the three of them, regardless of Wang Yan's absence or purpose, quickly sat down cross-legged to grasp the meaning in their hearts and the turbulence that was so full that it was almost exploding.

But at this time, three thunder clouds were above the heads of the three people, that is, this huge nest stone chamber, above the top of the cave hundreds of meters high, quickly generated.

Thunder Tribulation is different from ordinary thunderstorms and thunderstorms. It is a concrete manifestation of the universe rejecting those who go against the sky. As long as it goes against the sky, no matter where it goes, the thunder will always arrive as scheduled.

In this way, the three thunderclouds gathered more and more, and finally merged into one, forming a giant thundercloud almost all over the top of the nest of the stone chamber.

The terrible breath began to roll along with the thunder, and the more it gathered, the stronger it became. Especially the distance of up to 100 meters up and down, the thick layer of thunderstorm cloud seems to be pressed against people's heads.

The gloomy depression, the panic-stricken prestige, the horrible and heavy power, always pressed against people's hearts, almost breathless.

Under the pressure of such a vast and powerful world, I am afraid that even the power of a demigod demon king can hardly be compared with it.

Wang Yan looked over the top of his head, the thicker and thicker thunder cloud gathered, he could not help but frowned slightly.

"It seems a bit difficult to handle."

The merger of thunderclouds in front of me, the super-large thunderbolt so formed is obviously bigger than a single thunderjacket or three thunderjackets combined!

This is a bit beyond Wang Yan's expectations, if this super-large thunderbolt broke the enclave under his cloth, and even shattered this underground lair. Well, this underground mine built on Yanhu's lair will probably collapse.

This is not what Wang Yan wants to see. If this large mine collapses, his loss will be huge.

After a moment of thought, Wang Yan thought, and summoned the questioning lotus platform.

With the opening of the heart-shaped lotus platform, the three-legged Jinwu and Frost Hairy Crab without a bowel, who had been sleeping for a long time, woke up respectively.

"Ah! Ahahaha!"

The three-legged Jinwu woke up and spread the flame wings and smiled, "Finally! The God is finally out! Haha, Boss, you finally have a conscience to find out, are you willing to let the God free yourself? Haha!"

"Lulu Lulu!" Beside the three-legged Jinwu, hairy crabs are also spitting bubbles. It seems that they are in a very happy mood and are enjoying the free air outside.

"Puff! Puff puff!"

The bubbles in the mouth of the hairy crab burst one after another. This wise hairy crab seemed to find a strange breath in the free air.

It was fierce and overbearing, with a thunderous taste of thunder!

On the other side, the three-legged Jinwu, who was still laughing, suddenly stopped abruptly.

"This, this ... again, it's Thunder Tribulation again ?!"

The three-legged Jinwu lifted his eyes, and the thick thundercloud flashing from the thunderbolt almost scared him out of his eyeballs.

The last time they were released by the boss, it was the thunder sky that helped the boss to be promoted to the demigod in thunder.

That was the sky thunder when he was promoted to the demigod. It and the two crabs, the two brothers and hairy crabs, almost didn't split into souls.

Despite the baptism of the sky and thunder, both of their souls and bodies have gained considerable growth, but that time they made them comatose for a month. The key is to have souls scattered at any time, and the risk of death and soul extinction. This kind of bad luck. Matter, who dares to take this risk?

"Take a small favor, and join me in maintaining the order around you, so that the three guys will not collapse when the thunder leaks when they are promoted."

Wang Yan gave an order lightly, and with his current ability and mindfulness, it is no problem to resist most of the leaked Tianlei.

However, the area of ​​this nest stone room is too large. He can control most of the field at most, and the remaining one and a half. As long as he is a little distracted, he will let the leaked sky thunder. With the power of the current thunder, once it leaks out, for this nest, it will be devastated.

Therefore, the two darlings carried by Wang Yan came in handy.

"No, isn't it? Boss! Do you think this idol is a small character who is going to be struck by lightning?"

Seeing Thunder Cloud's masterpiece in front of the three-footed Jinwu, he flew back without saying a word, hugged Wang Yan's thigh, and desperately thrilled, "No, don't! Don't be struck by thunder again!"

The same is true for the hairy crab on the other side. It also holds Wang Yan's thighs in a decent way. The pair of "poo poo poo", spitting bubbles and crying without tears, as if to say, boss, look at me So weak and so cute, how do you have the heart to make me this cute hairy crab, to fight against the sky and thunder again and again?

"Less nonsense, Tianlei can penetrate into cell activation, enhance the strength of the soul, and occasionally take a shower with Tianlei, which is good for your health."

Obviously the three-legged Jinwu and hairy crab protests were invalid, Wang Yan gave them two left and right feet, kicked them to the designated position, and told them, "You are like guarding the side, and leave the rest of the thunder to me. But if it is There was a day when the thunder broke out, and I took you all to the black market and sold it! "

The three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab were all ignorant, and their hearts were almost speechless. They said that a small amount of Tianlei can indeed promote cell activation and increase the strength of the soul. But who sees Tianlei taking a bath every day? This is dead!

The three groups of Jinwu and hairy crabs, which can be frightened by Tianlei, have no choice but to choose what to do.

It was at this time that the ultimate thunder was brewing and began to fall one after another.

The thunder and shock of "Rumble" almost made the earth tremble.

Wang Yan drew out the childish warhammer, and the three-legged Jinwu and the hairy crab, respectively, against the thunder that kept falling and leaking.

In this fierce thunderstorm center, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and Shen Tu Tianlu are undergoing unprecedented transformation.

The path of spiritual practice is to go against the sky, without facing difficulties and obstacles, and without going through the test of life and death, how can we inspire our potential and reap some achievements?

Fortunately, Zhang Weidao and his three people have already achieved a breakthrough in their state of mind. With the surging power in their bodies, even in the face of Heavenly Tribulation, they have become steadily and down-to-earth.

In this way, with the passage of time, the last Sky Lei fell suddenly, and at this time, they each made a loud roar, and gathered all the strength in the body, and greeted Tian Lei directly.

Only one burst and roar, and the billowing waves, like the surging torrents and tsunamis, with flashing and mottled thunder arcs, spreading out in all directions.


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