The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1570: The rise of the Dark Lady

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The transformation of the Dark Lady Catherine today is different from the destruction of Buff.

Bafu destroys only the half of the soul that originally belonged to him. By the way, nourished by the dark sacred tree, he restores the power of the once demigod demon king, so let alone the heavenly disaster, even the heaven and earth vision will not appear.

Catherine is different. Although she has invested in the fallen demon god, she has been nourished by dark energy for more than ten years under the arrangement of the devil god, but after all, it is not a dark creature born purely from darkness and death.

She is the same as other living things. Since she is a creature, she will instinctively stay away from darkness and death. To put it bluntly, this is a kind of repulsion derived from the instinct of life.

But the transformation that Catherina has experienced right now is exactly what she knows will be rejected, but she is still moving forward until she is completely involved in the ultimate transformation of darkness.

If successful, Catherine will become a virgin who truly represents darkness. Her life form will also be completely transformed into a dark life by a normal creature. That is, like the fallen demon Samuel and the fallen angel, a special life body that lives on pure dark energy.

This is a process from life to death, from light to darkness, where the danger can be imagined.

As long as there is a slight difference, Catherine will be completely wiped out, and even the soul will be swallowed by pure darkness, and finally no trace will be left.

Therefore, whether it is Bafu Destruction, or the most supreme demon in the Fallen Demon Realm, Samuel, is quietly waiting for the final result to appear.

Bafu's gaze was bright and his expression was full of worry and expectation.

He needed such a master to lead him to fight the enemy, to lead him to the end of the world, and finally reached the culmination of evolution, becoming a legend in their race.

The devil Samuel was silent. He needed an assistant and a spokesperson. He needed Catherine to exercise power and show divine power on his behalf. In other words, the entire Fallen Demon Realm needs such a spokesperson to show their force to the outside world and deter the world.

Although the demon **** Samuel, who represents death and darkness, is very powerful, he is so powerful that the other two devil gods in hell, and even the light father of the kingdom of God, are quite scrupulous.

But the battle of the devil Samuel was too much. He had fought all the way from the kingdom of light to hell, and he fought with the other two demon gods in hell, and finally grabbed a site.

It can be said that the fallen Demon God Samai had a terrible combat power.

It's just that he has accumulated too much damage right now, and the only hole card is the fallen angel legion, but if he is finished, wouldn't he Samer want to become the commander of the baton? Coupled with internal and external problems, he was unable to recover from his injuries, and he could not break through to a higher level.

Therefore he must train a brand new spokesperson.

In addition to this turbulent **** conference, if there is no new spokesperson, then the fallen demon domain he rules will probably usher in a crisis of annihilation.

Humans, this race has a short life span and low strength, but it has excellent affinity and perception, and genes also have excellent fusion. It's like a piece of white paper, you can add any color to it.

In the process of searching for a spokesperson, the devil Samuel encountered too many failures, and too many races could not meet his expectations and requirements.

Only human beings are his most important race. Among human beings, Catherine who is actively involved in darkness is undoubtedly the best seedling. It is also the hope he looks forward to the most.

In this way, a little time passed, and suddenly a very dark vortex channel was born above the main body of the Dark Sacred Tree.

From dark to dark, the magical energy filled with death breath immediately flowed into the hall of the shrine along the channel like a cold tide, and the whole hall was cold and cold.

The demon **** phantom is still standing in midair, the body constructed by the dark devil qi can't see the expression, but the phantom's gaze is always watching the quiet extremely black channel.

Under the shadow of the demon god, Buffalo the Claw Demon stared closely at the channel, his eyes full of eager anticipation.

Time seems to be unusually slow at this moment. I do n’t know how long it has passed. The claw demon king Baffer suddenly opened a pair of tiger eyes, and at the same time excitedly said: "Come out, Her Royal Highness came out!"

Sure enough, with a wave of magical energy like a wave, the figure of the Dark Lady Catherine slowly appeared at the exit of the passage.

At this time, her entire body seemed to be reborn, her skin was smooth and delicate, without traces and blemishes. The small and exquisite body, every curve reveals a nearly beautiful and shiny luster.

The clothing has long been decomposed and burned, but a few wisps of condensed magic mist are like skirts. They just cover her delicate body ingeniously, which makes her graceful and graceful, adding a bit of grace and temptation.

"Catherine, see His Majesty the Demon God."

Catherine stepped out of the passage, kneeling lightly on one knee in front of the demon phantom.

At present, her appearance has not changed at all, but her temperament is more restrained and calm. Although the strength has not yet reached the highest semi-god, but standing alone, the meaning of awe-inspiring, more deterrent than the demise of the demon king Bafu. Especially those indifferent and detached eyes, as if they can see through each other's soul with just one glance.

"Congratulations to His Majesty for winning the Holy Girl."

On the side, the kneeling Baphoon extinguished, and immediately said to the demon Samel, and then turned to the Dark Lady to say congratulations, "Congratulations, His Royal Highness, to be reborn."

He is now rejoicing and excited, and he is full of awe and loyalty to the master of the Dark Lady.

Because he has restored the strength of the demigod demon king, but he can't see the true depth of the Dark Lady. In the Dark Saint Girl alone, this transcendent connotation of supremacy is far from the supreme truth that he, the demigod, can comprehend.

This shows that his master, His Royal Highness, the Dark Lady, has a future potential that is absolutely immeasurable!

"Catherina, it seems that you have lived up to God's expectations."

The voice of Demon God's phantom is lingering, and the phantom body composed of Devil's Qi can't see the expression, but from his tone, he can fully hear the meaning of Devil's appreciation and joy.

In the view of Bafumei, this is a unique thing, and few people will cause the mood swing of the devil Samuel. It can be so delightful to make the detached deity, His Majesty, so great, that his master Dark Catherine, the Dark Lady, is so good.

"Your Majesty's blessing, Catherine is fortunate to not insult her mission."

Catherine tapped her head slightly, her lips raised, and her eyes were filled with rich and superb meanings after she realized some of the true meaning.

She is very clear now that this precious meaning, as well as her regained physique now, will bring her great strength, and will also make her invaluable achievements in the future.

Demon God Virtual Shadow looked very satisfied in his eyes, and then asked with a gesture of authority: "Catherina, tell Ben God, what did you see in the holy tree?"

Dark Lady Catherine's eyes narrowed slightly and slowly opened her mouth to answer: "Your Majesty, Catherine sees life and death."


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