The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1567: Bathing, massage?

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Witnessing the majestic appearance of Wang Yan's rebirth, everyone around was naturally convinced.

Many onlookers at the scene talked and laughed, but they were very lively, especially those flamboyant and infernal women who were intoxicated, and fell under the glorious image of Wang Yanwei shore.

As the master of this palace, and Wang Yan's servant, Chilian Demon King saw Wang Yan coming and hurriedly greeted his men and stepped forward to wait: "What are you still doing? Don't go to prepare hot spring water to bathe and change your Royal Highness? "

"Yes, yes, Master Chilian, his subordinates are already ready."

Emerson pleased again and again, and then turned to Wang Yan in front of him, saying, "Your Highness Demon Flame, please, your subordinates have prepared everything properly, and have specially arranged two superior Devil Maid Maids to serve His Royal Highness Bathe and relax. "

Emerson is well-organized in every detail, and now he also wants to do his best, so as to win the appreciation of Wang Yan.

As a result, when he arranged his maid to serve, a large group of women on Wang Yan's side stopped working.

Their demon flame master, they haven't waited for this blessing yet, how can they give other girls cheaply?

"Senior Emerson, you are not right. How can you let the two maids serve at will, His Royal Highness Majesty?"

"That's it! Our Lord Demon Flame is inherently honorable. Can those outside Yingying Yan serve you well?"

A large group of women immediately started to talk, and they understood their identity, naturally they did not dare to make noises, so it was reasonable and well-founded.

One of the good looking Hawks was unable to bear the shyness and excitement in her heart, and she actively asked: "Well, still, let the slaves go? Slaves, slaves, massage techniques are acceptable, but professional. "

"You? Oh, who doesn't know that your Hawks's feathers are not water-resistant. When you go to the bathroom, don't you become a chicken? Can you look like that one?"

"You, you, what do you mean? Well, speaking, who doesn't know that your succubus will hook the man, you follow the Lord Mo Yan, besides flattering, what else?"


At present, who wants to get the grace of the near-perfect male **** Mo Yan? So for a time all the banshees started their clenched teeth, and the whole scene was comparable to a big battle in the palace.

Until the more prestigious brutal county master shouted: "Shut up for me."

"You don't think about it, who is waiting for Lord Moyan to this day? You clumsy maidservants, broke Master Moyan's mood, do you bear it?"

Speaking of the days that accompanied Wang Yan, the tyrannical county leader was proud, and then she succumbed to a girl and walked straight to Wang Yan ’s side. Now. "

The cruel lord of the county is very beautiful and enjoys her self-proclaimed status as the main palace.

A group of female slaves, naturally seeing their boss, the brutal master of the head, came out, and naturally had no opinion.

As the saying goes, fat water does not flow out to outsiders' fields. Although they are all envious, they are still acceptable to adults.

It's just that Wang Yan was ashamed of this, thinking that he just wanted to take a bath and relax a bit. As for such a laborer, is it so popular?

At the same time, he is also secretly secret. Fortunately, he does not have the kind of big harem like the Red Demon King, otherwise he will not be bothered to death this day? Of course, if this is heard in the ears of some people who long for the Great Harem, such as Chidu and others, they will definitely be envious to death.


The brutal master of the county was about to leave this ruin with Wang Yan, and suddenly thought of her two companions, so Jiao Didi suggested, "Master Demon Flame, shouldn't you also bring the slave girl Lydia?" She now inherits the magical heritage of the starry sky god, and she has a lot of tricks. "

Lydia's head was dizzy after hearing it, and she was so red-faced, she said that she inherited the inheritance of magic. What, what is it, flowers, tricks? She, what tricks does she have?

Before waiting for her to refute, the brutal master of the cruelty squinted slightly, and he smiled and said: "There is that Zoe, do n’t look at her quietly all day long. I will tell you quietly ... "

In that whispering whisper, Wang Yan was said to be astonished: "Uh, is this true?"

Seeing Zoe, the Hawk Harpy standing in the crowd, the whole person was suddenly stunned, and her cheeks flushed to the ears.

What, really?

Although she didn't know what the brutal master said, it was obviously something that was not very good, and she was obviously very quiet, where is it?

So embarrassed, and under the eyes of so many people, Lydia and Zoe really wanted to find a ground seam to get in.

In desperation, Lydia and Zoe were really ashamed to resist, and had to be dragged by the brutal brutal master of nature and Meier, like a good sister, clustered beside Wang Yan and heading towards the bathroom together Go.


Just in this sudden, Chilian Demon King suddenly seemed to think of something, his eyes followed, and he immediately struggling to pedal, the whole person was like a group of red meteors, rushing straight up to the sky.

Wang Yan turned his eyes and frowned.

What's going on with this Chilian Demon King?

Without too much time to think about it, the sudden outbreak of the Demon King Chilian has made everyone on the scene stunned.

Wang Yan is also somewhat inexplicable. He subconsciously probed around, and did not feel any hostility and outsiders. Therefore, he also had some puzzles. Why was Chilian Demon King suddenly so nervous?

"Your Highness, Flame Flame, please wait."

The Chilian Demon King was so anxious at this time that he had no time to explain. He had to glance at Wang Yan, and then he immediately greeted the crowd, "The few of you, and Emerson, come with me!"

At the scene, the head of the Demon Palace, Emerson, as well as seven or eight demon generals and a large number of guards, although they did not understand the intention of the Red Refining Demon King, but when they saw the Red Refining Demon King so eager, they were very concerned, and immediately took off, Follow the Red Refining Demon King towards the city gate.

"Call all horses! Block the city!"

In mid-air, the Red Refining Demon King ordered majesticly, "All the resistance, those who try to get out of the city, kill!"

The powerful and powerful voice of Chilian Demon King, as if the sky was rolling, immediately spread out over the Great Fire City.

The countless residents of the Great Fire City below were all thrilled when they heard the words, and they were all panicked and trembling.

They are just ordinary residents, and in the eyes of top powerhouses such as Demigod Demon King, they are a group of fragile ants. How dare they defy the will of the devil? I'm too busy standing upright now, so I dare not move.

Seeing the Red Demon King flying over, these ordinary residents hurriedly bowed their heads to salute, respectfully. For fear of not being careful, he infuriated the mighty demigod demon king, and incurred indiscriminate disaster for himself.


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