The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1563: Surrender

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There was a sudden tremor.

As Wang Yan truly regained consciousness, the violent power turned into a layer of air waves, and immediately burst around him.

The panic Tianwei that formed with the Heavenly Tribulation, actually under this domineering power, the impact of the smoke disappeared!

For a time, in the practice field, only Wang Yan's strong breath spread throughout his body. At this time, he was covered in blood stained when he quenched his body. This **** appearance undoubtedly gave him a strong image, adding a bit of blood and majesty.

All the onlookers around were stared.

This pair of feet seems to have stepped on everything, and the terrifying breath of the world has definitely reached the demigod! Moreover, the **** and sturdy appearance of Wang Yan, and the strong body that seemed to be a demon god, is like a fierce demon who is reborn in blood, as if a thought will be born, and the blood is flowing!


Not waiting for too much reaction from the viewers all around, the Destruction Sky Thunder which descended from a high altitude has slammed into Wang Yan's body in an instant.


With a roar, the fierce and fierce thunder light immediately rose dazzlingly in the training ground, and the entire Devil's Palace and the entire Liuhuo City, which had been dim as night, were immediately shining like the day.

Wang Yan, who didn't use any defense to miss, let this devastating Sky Thunder fall on himself.

Suddenly, the power of burst burst into his body, tearing and destroying his body, his cells, and even the life factor of every smile.

"Um! Aw!"

Under the violent impact, Wang Yan couldn't help but make a loud roar, and the violent air wave appeared again.

Wang Yan, who has already experienced the element quenching, already has enough strength to withstand the pain that scares the Red Demon King.

Not only did Wang Yan not feel pain, but under the stimulation of Thunder, when he promoted the quenching body, all the accumulated turbid qi that accumulated in his heart spit out from the cry. The whole body and mind are in this moment and become hearty.

At the same time, the magic rebirth technique derived from the gene of the demon **** has also reached the extreme in Wang Yan's own evolution.

Destroying Sky Thunder is indeed constantly destroying Wang Yan ’s life factors, but under Wang Yan ’s powerful magic rebirth technique, the more robust and powerful life factors and body cells are also regenerating at a speed that is not inferior to destruction. With.

Destruction and rebirth are ongoing, but there is no doubt that the life factor that has been destroyed has undoubtedly become stronger, and Wang Yan's sturdy strength and state of mind have also become tougher and more stable in this process.

"Me, my God ..."

"His Highness, the Son of God, can live without defense, so as to resist the thunder with flesh?"

"No, worthy of being the Son of God ..."

Everyone on the scene was dumbstruck by this shocking scene, especially those guards with lower strength, who admired Wang Yan themselves. Later, when the demon **** Satan recognized his son, he showed awe of the divine power and more awe of Wang Yan, the son of God Plus.

At this time, he witnessed Wang Yan's promotion to the demi-god, and now Wang Yan even picked up the thunder with his flesh. Such a shocking scene has already turned these low-level guards upside down and revered.

I do n’t know who to start from first. The guards around me began to guard my heart, kneeling on one knee, and kneeling down to Wang Yan in the training ground to show obedience and respect.

The world of **** respects the strong, follows the strong, and is now promoted to the demigod with its powerful strength. Wang Yan, who is hard against the sky, is the real strong. The demon soldiers and demon warriors who worshiped on their knees all around were all happy and sincere, willing to bow their heads.

Not only these guards, all of Wang Yan ’s men, even Chilian Demon King and his family, were all stunned by the sight in front of them.

Especially Chilian Demon King, who was as strong as a demigod at this time, was stunned and amazed by the overbearing power that Wang Yan showed in front of his hard eyes.

"Is this the power of the blood of the Devil God?"

Chilian demon sighed secretly in his heart, thinking that before he was promoted, he had already made a full preparation, not only to find the location in advance, but also prepared a lot of defensive equipment and props. The purpose is to use external force to share the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, so that when the Heavenly Tribulation comes, to save his life.

But the son of the demon **** is better now. Not only did he encounter the Heavenly Tribulation more powerfully than when he was first promoted, but when he was most shocked, this Demon Flame Lord faced the terrible Heavenly Tribulation that almost covered the entire city of the fire Actually without fear, he dared to physically connect with this thunderstorm.

This approach is really amazing!

Although the practitioners are all going against the sky, when some lives are at stake, these practitioners, who claim to be going against the sky, will still conform to the will of the sky, if they can hide, they can hide, they can avoid, including him. So.

But the son of the demon in front of him was not like that at all.

The Chilian Demon King clearly felt that the son of the demon **** in front of him had no fear at all in the face of the sky and thunder. He was completely in a fight with the world and vowed to go against the sky. The posture of self-domination really made him quite For admiration.

"Father, Master Father ..."

The three sons of the demon king, headed by Chilie, could n’t help but walk to his father ’s side with emotion, lamenting thousands of words, “The child suddenly felt that the reason we lost to His Highness the Son of God was probably a inevitable."

"We are all afraid of death, and His Highness the Son of God is also afraid, but we are almost as close as the courage to live and die without His Highness, and he does not have the courage to dare to go against the sky."

Perhaps the three sons of the Demon King headed by Chi Lie, including Chi Lian himself, believed that the loss to Wang Yan was due to bad luck and the reason that the other party was the son of the Demon God.

But now, they are convinced. The fearless world that Wang Yan alone has, I am destined by my strong heart, is not comparable to their group.

Even if the fire of life and the relics of the **** of the starry sky were taken by them, but with their narrow mind, they could not achieve the status of Wang Yan in a short time, and they will definitely reach the kind they imagined in the future. achievement.

After recognizing the reality, Chilian Demon King also sighed: "Perhaps this is God's will. I, Chilian Demon King family, since then follow the demon god's son Mo Yan, it may not be a bad thing."

At this point of thinking, Chilian Demon King immediately knelt on one knee, and solemnly swore to Wang Yan as the demise of the demigod Demon King: "I, Chilian Demon King, wish eternal life to follow His Royal Highness, the son of Demon God, and be faithful and ever No regrets! "

The demigod demon king kneels like this, and the weight of it is naturally full, which is also very significant.

Upon seeing this, all of Wang Yan's men, naturally excited and proud, swore down on their knees and expressed their most sincere loyalty to Wang Yan.

It was also from this kneeling that the prestige of the son of the demon **** of Wang Yan deeply penetrated into everyone's soul.

In the same way, many people in the Purgatory Demon Race know that on the eve of this **** conference, the son of Satan, the purgatory demon god, was born, and this doom conference is destined to usher in the most fierce disputes and turmoil!


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