The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1557: Mother's favor

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"Bah! Mother ..."

Chilian Demon King spit out blood and swear in his heart that this Demon Lord is too abnormal. This is the legendary peak level. It has such a terrible explosive power. If it reaches the Demi-Devil King, will it still be?

Right now he was beaten, and Chilian Demon King didn't dare to say it out loud, so he had to get up from the ground silently, carried out the magic rejuvenation technique, and secretly repaired his injury.

But when he just raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of Wang Yan, the whole person was stunned.

"Wait, this, this is ..."

Wang Yan, just after the violent blow, somehow has already entered the state of determination.

He stood on the training ground in such a majestic manner. The lava flames that originally churned on the training ground and the fire element diffused in the air, all seemed to be under some kind of gravity, all around Wang Yan, slowly Slowly rotating, a huge whirlpool of air was gradually formed.

Not only that, the Red Demon King and others on the scene later discovered that not only the fire element in the field was attracted, but outside the training field, outside the Devil ’s Palace, and even the entire world, all the fire elements seemed to be under the dark There is a certain kind of attraction, all gathered around regularly, and centered around the demon flame lord in front of him, revolving around, getting more and more concentrated.

In an instant, a giant vortex resembling a red galaxy suddenly appeared!

"Me, my God, this, what the **** is going on?"

Lord Chilie, who was frightened by Wang Yan, immediately took a breath of air and carefully asked the red demon king in the field, "Heaven, heaven and earth are all changed ... His Royal Highness, dear son of God, deserve, deserve Are you going to be promoted? "

Lords of Red Bone and Red Rock were surprised after hearing this.

The demon lord in front of him is young, shouldn't he really want to be promoted to the demigod devil? This exaggerated speed of promotion, and the promotion scenes that make the world and the world change color, is it really related to his possession of the blood of the demon **** and the absorption of life and fire?

Right now they haven't waited for any answer. The more elemental fire whirlwinds accumulating above their heads, they suddenly converge into a little bit and immediately water down to Wang Yan below!

"Huh! Wow!"

The cyclones of the elements that almost covered the entire Demon Palace are spectacular and awesome. When the cyclone carried a violent wind, the moment the whistle fell, the defensive envelop that shrouded the training field was like a broken glass, and it shattered!


"Uh! Ah!"

Hundreds of warlocks who assisted the enchantment were immediately rushed to the ground by the force of the rage and screamed a piece.

"Okay, a strong force! This, is this really a promotion to the demigod?" Emerson, the inmate of the inmate who presided over the logistics at the scene, was dripping with cold sweat.

As the most intimate servant of the Chilian Demon King, he followed the Chilian Demon King for the earliest. He had witnessed the then Chilian Lian Lord and was promoted to a demi-king. But what is going on now? Such surging power and such terrifying world power are much more exaggerated than those of the Red Demon King in those years!

"Oh ah !!"

Suddenly, a roar cut through the sky.

I saw Wang Yan being watered by the elements in the field, Yang Tian issued a nearly distorted painful roar.

A huge equivalent of energy poured into him like a tide, and the pure Yang Divine Power that he originally used to strengthen the gene's condensed energy actually started to run at high speed at this moment. All the elemental forces used by him were transformed and absorbed by his body, and eventually became a continuous stream of pure Yang Qi, flooding every corner and every cell of his body.

Only in this process, he felt unprecedented pain.

His muscles and skin became hot and hot, and then turned red. The heart beats faster and faster, each beating seems to be pounding with a hammer. It was also at this moment that deep into the bone marrow-like pain began to quickly spread to every corner of his body, and his original calm eyes and expression also became more painful and distorted.

Breathing began to become heavier and more rapid.

Wang Yan felt as if his blood was burning, as if placed on a blazing fire, and the blazing flames were burning everywhere in his body.

His chest is getting more and more stuffy and rising.

Finally, the unbearable Wang Yan, Yang Tian once again made a roar.

The echo resembling a tiger immediately shattered the ground immediately, and a wave of sound was blasted away, and then the layers of air waves were rolled up and spread around.

The powerful power made the four guards onlookers frightened and fled in haste.

But Wang Yan, who is at the center of the impact, seems to have spit out all the dull gas that has accumulated so far since cultivation.

Although the body was still in violent pain, this long roar made his heart drunk, extremely painful, and Lingtai instantly became clear.

It was at this moment that a series of subtle bursts of noise began to come from Wang Yan.

His muscles, skin, and bones, which had been filled with huge amounts of energy, began to crack and break down. To be precise, after every cell in Wang Yan's body is full of huge equivalents of energy, they explode one by one and collapse!

The whole scene instantly became quite scary. In a short moment, Wang Yan was covered with Yin Hong's blood. He was like a blood man covered with plasma, exuding a fierce blood.

But at this time, Wang Yan's body has been running to the ultimate pure Yang Divine Power, it seems to form a certain frequency with the law of Wang Yan's body collapse.

This frequency and Wang Yan's heartbeat, the collapse of the cells, the constant absorption of the elemental power, and even the vortex of the elements between the heavens and the earth, complement each other, as if they secretly fit the life and death dependence between the heavens and the earth, and the mystery of the mystery .

It is also because of this, whenever a large number of old and weak cells in Wang Yan's body die, the pure and true energy transformed by the pure Yang Shengong will be surrounded by a steady stream of energy particles, generating a more powerful batch for Wang Yan. Brand new cells that are even tougher!

In this way, Wang Yan's body watered by the elements gradually formed a wonderful state of death and rebirth, constantly circulating.

"Element quenching body? This kid is the darling of the Mother Earth!" Seeing this scene, he was shocked to the side of the Red Demon King, and the whole person was stunned.

His heart was beating wildly, and Mother Earth naturally referred to the planetary will Gaia! Whether it is earth, hell, or other civilizations, all understand the importance of Gaia's will.

Gaia's will is invisible and invisible, yet it is everywhere. But unlike the supreme demon god, she is a manifestation of the will of a planet. All the elements in this planet are born by her, and continue to run around her.

People who are favored by Mother Earth may have no consciousness, but the benefits are far beyond people's imagination! In terms of cultivating alone, the efficiency of self-evolution and the power to attract elements by people who are favored by Mother Earth is far from comparable to others. Including the power of the laws to be applied in the future, it will be more effective with less effort and more power.

At the moment, while understanding the true meaning of the law, Wang Yan is precisely because of the favor of the mother of the earth, which has caused the world to disguise, and the elements are quenched. This is the Chilian Demon King salivating, but can only envy the peerless opportunity.


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