The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1545: Full battle

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"The three elder brothers, why are you so anxious? Why are you still afraid of me as a waste brother?

The Lord of Confusion now not only wears a set of weapon-level armor, but also puts in hand an armoured weapon-like battle axe seized from the bloodlord lord.

At this time, under the leadership of the boss Wang Yan, he had an absolute advantage. Therefore, when facing Chi Lie and others who had always looked down on him in the past, a very uncomfortable face was simply arrogant into the bone.

"Bah! We don't have you as a brother! You, you are just a wild seed that wants to come to our cheap!"

The competition between Devil Prince and Heir is greater than that of ordinary families. With the long-term sense of superiority, even Lord Chilie and others have reached such a juncture, they are still stubborn and will not admit it.

"Giggle, the three elder brothers are really dead-headed. They are still so unaware of life and death. Are you afraid that you have a problem?"

On the other side, the brutal master is slowly walking out of the crowd.

She was wearing a leather suit, holding a poison whip long whip in her left, and holding a sharp dagger in her right hand, and a pair of charming eyes. When she swept to Chi Lie and others, she sneered mercilessly, "It ’s not me Sisters say you, if you have a little vision, follow Master Moyan earlier, maybe the entire Liuhuo City is now ours. As for how embarrassed as it is now? "

"You!" Lord Chilie was bored, almost not spitting out old blood.

It's really nice to say, follow Lord Moflame to seize the Great Fire City? Was n’t he letting Lord Chilie and others wait for him to sell his father for glory and be a dog for Lord Mo Yan?

How can he be the son of the devil, the brain-dead of such a pit father? Right now they just fell into the trap of Lord Moyan, and they were mocked by their own sister and the deluded Lord who despised them.

Lord Chilie and his two brothers, trembling with anger, opened their mouths and scolded: "You traitors, you, you wait for me!"

The front was unable to break through. Lord Chilie and the two brothers quickly tried to take someone to break through from behind.

But he never imagined that at the moment when their team had just stopped, three legendary dark elves, Camus, Enzo, and Elsa, with more than a dozen dark elves, suddenly broke into their rear. The three brothers and the five legendary demon will be separated from the guards of more than one hundred demon kings in one click.

"Giggle, sisters, have fun with them."

At the very end of this team, Wang Yan loves the legendary succubus succubus, with dozens of elite succubi, all smiles and spreads the block of charms to the team of Lord Dao Chilie.

This team, which was originally in a state of panic, was completely in chaos.

"It's over!" Three brothers, Lord Chilie, suddenly felt cold.

They are not like their father Chilian Demon King. Under the forbidden air formation, they can also use their own arrogance to force them to jump out and glide at high speed to escape.

In front of this encircling circle, it is difficult for them to jump out, and the speed of gliding is not enough for them to escape. If they cannot effectively organize their fighting power and break through the encirclement, then their pedestrian will be killed here by the living wheel.

"Willing to stay as a servant, the rebels will all be executed."

Wang Yan didn't mean to shoot, but just exited indifferently in the rear.

Only in this way, it passed into the ears of Lord Chilie and others, it was like a thunderbolt in the sunny day, so that they all stood up with cold hair.

But after this command was passed into the ears of Wang Yan's men, the men who had already eagerly tried, but all were euphoric, and their fighting spirit was surging. Finally, they no longer have to follow the spirit of patience, and immediately launched a charge and general attack on the lord Chilie.

"I, I don't want to be a slave!"

"Fuck him, they fight!"


The team of Lord Chilie is all elite around the demon king. He is one of the most respected people in the weekdays. His status is distinguished, and he is the master who does not take people's eyes when walking.

Now let them surrender as slaves, how could they be willing? Even if there is only a glimmer of hope right now, they do not want to succumb to it.

There is only one battle right now.

Lord Chilie now leads the team. Although the number is not large, there are only more than one hundred people in total, but the lowest strength is in the half-step S-level. Including the three brothers of the devil, there are a total of eight legendary strongmen.

It can be said that the group of them is full of fighting power, no matter where it is placed, it is a tough bone.

However, Wang Yan is not worried about this battle. His group of men can be different from Chi Lie and others.

Every one of his men is suffering from hardships, and the strong grassroots who has gone through life and death is the toughest fighting spirit. Coupled with the large number of people, and through the personal training of the shadow stabbing Camus, each one has strict discipline and high combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time to defeat the three brothers of Chilie and the demon soldiers.

"Hey, how much inheritance do you have in it? Why haven't you inherited it yet?"

Compared with the current battle situation, Wang Yan is more concerned about Lydia, who is receiving the inheritance, and the red refining demon king who is fleeing.

At this moment, "wow".

Before Wang Yan's voice fell, a strong wind rang in his ears.

He was always led by him around Lydia, and suddenly he took off, and the whole person ignored the forbidden air circle in the secret realm, and suddenly floated into the air.

"Where is Chilian Demon King? Let's kill him!"

Lydia's eyes opened suddenly, and two stars gleamed from her pupils.

The pure star energy quickly cast a bright and magnificent light on her body. Behind her, the towering mage tower, as well as the entire mysterious realm, are all rising the magic light, vaguely as if everything here is all connected with her.

This kind of compelling momentum like the unity of heaven and man almost reached the point where Wang Yan was amazed almost instantly. Obviously, Lydia in front of her has completely inherited the life inheritance of the starry sky **** and has become the new master of this secret realm!

"His!" Wang Yan raised his eyes and looked up, secretly taking a deep breath.

This sudden change of Lydia is really exaggerated. At present, her spirit and rising magic power make her a powerful body, and instantly rise to legendary level. If coupled with the constant supply of magic power and magic increase behind the mage tower, I am afraid that Lydia can now exert a fighting power that is stronger than the ordinary legendary strong!

"Maybe this little girl can really become a new generation of starry sky gods in the future." Wang Yan couldn't help but conceal in his heart. With Lydia's current qualifications, she also accepted the spiritual baptism of life and fire. Lower than the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey.

"Why, what happened?"

"Hey, hello, in the forbidden air formation, she, how can she fly?"

On the other side, the three brothers of Chilie, who were fighting the lord of Chidu, and their many men, all looked dumbfounded.

Need to say more about this situation now? That was originally in their eyes, but it was just one of the most inferior human slave girl, has already obtained this secret realm, and even all the inheritance of the legendary star god.

If they go on like this, they are desperately trying to survive to the present. Not only will they get nothing, but in the end, will the whole army be wiped out here?


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