The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1534: Star Master

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"I've been here before, it's the old stargazing platform, and the top of this mage tower is above!"

Seeing that step of the first step floating upward, the eyes of the Red Refining Demon King lit up suddenly, "The old thing must have been hidden there before it died!"

With the cry of the Chilian Demon King, many men around him all cheered up and cheered.

"Here, the broken tower has finally come to an end!"

"Our brothers didn't die in vain!"

"Hahaha, the treasure is me ... Our Majesty the Devil!"

of course? What did they do for breaking here? Now the treasure they most desire is in front of them. How can this make them not excited or cheered?

Even if the treasure ultimately belongs to the Red Refining Demon King, but the water will rise, and they will follow up to pick up the leak. As for the dead and injured companions, most of them do not care.

"This time it sucks."

In the cheers, Lydia's face was no longer as relaxed and as intended.

"Damn evil flame big villain, this is the time, why can't it come?" Lydia's face was gloomy, and she was secretly secret, saying good plans, good cooperation? Ms. Ben is in danger now. Why hasn't this Devil Flame villain come yet?

Listen to the words of Chilian Demon King, the above is the end. If the Lord of the Demon Flames does not appear again, the treasure of the starry sky **** may not be guaranteed!


Starry sky **** Marcus Harvey, the secret space once elaborately crafted, even if it has not been completely completed, how can it be possible for someone to easily enter and leave?

Wang Yan and his party did not keep up with him for a while, and naturally encountered other difficulties.

Lydia was anxious, but Chilian Demon King was secretly complacent.

He is taking his three sons and a group of people, step by step, climbing up from the floating steps, memories began to emerge, he followed the starry sky **** to go to **** as if it was yesterday.

The memories of that year, as well as the ambitions hidden in his heart for thousands of years, are constantly emerging in his body. As if he will climb to the top next, he will gain supreme power and step on the apex of life and become an immortal god!

"Give me a closer look! When the king seizes the wealth left by the old guy, everyone will be rewarded after returning!"

Chilian Demon King suppressed the joy and excitement in his heart, and he had already begun to consider a big reward in the middle of the journey. In his view, the treasure left by the starry sky **** was already in sight, and no one could stop him. As for the Lord of Demon Flames, he didn't worry about it at all.

Lord Mo Yan's momentum is really great now, and he is quite annoyed, but after all, Mo Yan is only a legendary lord, how can he be comparable to his demigod demon king? What ability can that magic flame have to compete with his demigod demon king?

What's more, he has been suffering for thousands of years, and finally wants to get the secret of how to break through the shackles of evolution. Once he can break through the demigod and become a god, what should he worry about? How many people in this world can threaten him?

Thinking of this, the Red Refining Demon King has taken people to the top of the mage tower.

The uppermost level of the Master Tower is also the most important place of this high tower.

This is not only a stargazing platform where the starry sky **** guides the power of the stars and understands the truth of the universe, but also an important place for him to open alien channels and travel in space.

It can be said that the starry sky **** most often stayed in that year is this. At that time, the Chilian Demon King had been a follower of the Starry Sky God for hundreds of years, and the number of times he climbed on the top observatory was one of the few.

So if the starry sky **** wants to hide any treasures, it must be hidden on this core stargazing platform!

Sure enough, as the Red Refining Demon King led people to the highest stargazing platform, a large piece of starlight bloomed in front of them.

In an instant, everyone froze.

There was an infinite starry sky all around, and all the stars and shining stars around were all in close proximity, as if you were in a vast and mysterious cosmic space.

The ancient, deep, thick and unpredictable majestic breath came instantly. In front of such a beautiful and huge starry universe, even if it is as strong as a demigod, it feels the greatness of the universe.

The demon king's men were stunned one by one. Under the sky of the sky, they were deeply shocked. They felt like they were just a small sand. Under the starry universe in front of them, it was like that. negligible.

"Here, this is the place where the old seniors of the Starry Sky Dharma God practiced enlightenment? Well, so beautiful ..."

Lydia stared at the starry sky. As the heir to the starry sky, she was almost moved to be unable to breathe under this cosmic star, and at the same time she felt the vastness and mystery of the universe.

A feeling of awe of the universe of heaven and earth began to be born in her heart. This is an insight that can only be gained by being there, and it will also be a new feeling that accompanies her lifelong practice.

However, at this moment.

A huge and heavy, comparable to the majesty of the entire starry sky, suddenly fell on everyone's mind.

Including the Chilian Demon King, everyone at the scene was so excited that they turned around and hurriedly saw it, and saw a noble old man with white hair, standing in front of them with majesty.

The old man was dressed in a luxurious robe of starlight, holding a book in his left hand, a stick in his right hand, and a pair of deep and magnificent eyes. At this time, he was staring closely at the Red Refining Demon King in front.

"Star, the star **** Marcus Harvey? You, aren't you dead ?!"

The Chilian Demon King's heart suddenly chuckles, a pair of horrified eyes, trembling straight in the eye socket.

At that time, Marcus Harvey, the near-formed human archmage, was at the critical moment of absorbing the fire of life. He was hit hard by the knife, and his vitality was lost, and there was no possibility of surviving.

It ’s just that the opponent is too strong. Before he dies, he can counterattack with hatred and blow him up. At the same time, he releases this subspace and seals himself, together with the life and fire from the galaxy behemoth. local.

It has been thousands of years now. It stands to reason that the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey can't die anymore, but what happened to this old man who appeared in front of him?

Could it be that the starry sky **** of the year was promoted to a **** at the last moment, reversing life and death? !

"Humph! Shit! Do you dare to come back?"

The old mage with white hair also saw the Red Refining Demon King. He put the magnificent wand in his hand, "dang" it, and put a heavy pestle on the ground, his eyes were stunned.

Suddenly, there was a tremendous amount of coercion of pressure, as if the vast star universe above the head, with a strong anger of elimination, overwhelmingly pressed against the Red Demon King and others.

All the demon king Chilian was frightened, and he was stunned one by one, and the atmosphere did not dare to show more.

The kind of horror and fear that seemed to see a **** is almost like the instinct from the heart, and it emerged from the depths of their hearts.

At this moment, they really want to know, what is going on now?

Why is the legendary starry sky **** not dead?

What should they do next? The anger from this starry sky **** is even more terrible than Chilian Demon King! Obviously, Chilian Demon King, as soon as he saw him, saw his son as his father.

If they continue like this, are they gangs of little babies?


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