The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1528: The battleships are pulled down for you

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Three loud collisions suddenly came from below the battleship. The violent impact made the entire warship tremble.

At this time, in the cabin, the demon king guarding Wang Yan apparently did not know what happened, but the companions on the deck, exclaimed, made their cold heart, and fell directly into the bottom of the valley. .

"Yes, it is the Dragon Ballista! Three whole Dragon Ballista!"

"Me, our battleship, was shot by the Dragon Ballista!"

"What? How could there be a Dragon Ballista? How could that big guy suddenly appear under our battleship?"

The demon guards above the battleship deck are all ignorant! Like the magic cannon on the city wall, the Dragon Ballista is a big guy who is difficult to move.

Among them, the dragon ballista is even more special, usually used to hunt giant dragons, mammoths, giants and other large creatures. That particular crossbow arrow is three or four feet long, with hidden barbs in the arrow body, equipped with purgatory cables, and a heavy and massive gun body, which makes it difficult for seven or eight barbarians to drag.

So what the devil guards on the battleship could not understand is, how could such a powerful big guy suddenly appear under their battleship?

Without waiting for their thoughts, another cry came from inside the cabin.

"No! A dragon-killing crossbow arrow shot through our power plant!"

"It's over, me, we're over!"

The voice didn't fall, more than two hundred powerful ogres below, plus hundreds of elite savage soldiers, dragging the Purgatory Rope, and suddenly worked together.

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", the three heavy purgatory cables tightened together.

The demon warship suspended in midair immediately fell under this great force.

The situation was like a majestic mountain. These guys were strong and strong, and they were all brutally dragged to the ground.


The whole earth was trembling, gorgeous and noble, full of streamlined Devil Warship, and was thus treated by Wang Yan's people as a big bird, and was beaten down from the sky.

In the past month, Wang Yan has not been idle at all.

Not only for Master Hill and Zoe, on the edge of Purgatory Lake, opened the Alchemy Workshop and Alchemy Workshop, but also for them to find a lot of reliable helpers, such as Goblin, good at forging, and succubus Wait with the Hawks.

After the establishment of these two workshops, the two immediately started working quickly. Of course, currently mainly based on Master Hill, Zoe's alchemy workshop mainly produces low-level potions, and many auxiliary materials used for forging and enchanting.

After the two complemented each other, Master Hill first produced nearly a thousand sets of weapons and equipment for Wang Yan, and then spent nearly half a month to produce these three detachable portable dragon destroyers.

Because Wang Yan suggested in advance, Master Hill made many improvements. For example, in addition to being able to disassemble and assemble, and replace some accessories, a dragon ballista can be converted into a magic cannon, which can be said to be a multi-purpose, and the mobility and flexibility are greatly enhanced.

To this end, Wang Yan also personally tested the power of these three portable dragon-killing ballistas. At present, these three dragon-killing ballistas are mainly based on light maneuverability, but with the dragon-killing crossbow arrows, their power is full of ordinary legendary lords! And the penetrating power is amazing, even the armor of the Devil-class battleship can be penetrated with one blow.

No, more than twenty ogres can disassemble and transport these three large ballistas separately.

These three ballistas just matched Zoe's precise positioning. One of the arrows penetrated the warship's power device with a single blow, which completely paralyzed the entire Demon Battleship with little damage. Down.

Otherwise, even with Wang Yan ’s combat power, if you want to sink this Demon-class battleship, it will take the power of nine cattle and two tigers, and the battleship that finally sinks will also be completely scrapped. Unlike now, as long as it is repaired, it can be restored as before.

"Brothers, Lord Moyan's plan succeeded, they rushed with me!"

Not far away from the battle, the confusing lords who led a team of men and horses saw that the demon warship was really as expected by Wang Yan, and they were shot down from the air, and he ignited the whole person.

He had grown so big, and he had only seen his father's Devil's Battleship from afar. Now that this battleship was actually beaten down by him, he felt like a salted fish turning over, let alone being comfortable.

Now he took the brigade to the Demon King's battleship.

"Woo, Lord Mo Yan burst into the battleship, so handsome and handsome ..."

The brutal master who looked at the battleship from afar was another nympho, and then she changed her face and waved one arm behind her, "Don't let Lord Mo Yan wait for a long time, everyone will follow me!"

"Wow roar, rush!" On the other side, Ablon Giantmaul, who also led a team, also greeted the men and rushed toward the Demon Battleship.

Three groups of people, a team of thousands of people, immediately rushed to the Demon Battleship like a tsunami.

The demon warship turned to the ground at this time, losing its defensive shield and power, just like a girl who had been stripped of her clothes, and faced a large group of thugs with no resistance.

The war here has gradually come to an end.

Of course, the guards and the generals on the devil's battleship didn't want to capture at first. Some wanted to escape. The legendary demon used communication facilities, including Shennian, to try to contact the Red Demon King.

The Guards who could flee to the sky and tried to escape immediately were met by Wang Yan's favorite charmer, and led by nearly a hundred succubus and Hawks, they were captured accurately.

After the battle of the Blood Lord, plus the gathering and selection during this time, the succubus under Wang Yan has now reached 150, and the Hawk Lady has 200. This time, in order to deal with the Red Demon King, all come from the most elite core team above A level.

In addition, Wang Yan has now collected more than 50 dark blade remnants.

These dark elves from the Dark Blade Legion were originally captive slaves of the Bloodlord, and most of them had been tortured to death or sold to unknown places. In the end, there were only more than fifty survivors.

It is precisely these more than fifty survivors that are the most elite and the most determined. Now more than fifty dark elves of the Dark Blade Legion are all subject to Wang Yan.

It's just that these more than fifty dark elves, most of them were seriously injured, so this time only more than twenty came as a special soldier to target Wang Yan's diehards on the battlefield.

At this point, the demon guards on the battleship could not escape, and the Red Refining Demon King could not be contacted. Eventually, Wang Yan could only put down his weapons and beg for mercy under the mighty power and amazing number of troops.

And Wang Yan also knocked out a fighting force of the Red Refining Demon King and harvested a complete Demon-class battleship.

But now the time is urgent. After making some arrangements, Wang Yan led people directly to the remains of the starry sky god.


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