The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1524: This king is the overlord, this king will not lie to you

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The two demon guards, after receiving the order of Lord Chilie, immediately pulled out two peeling knives and walked towards Lydia.

Lidia, who was held in the air by the Lord of Red Rock, was frightened and almost dizzy.

Right now, she really has reached the point where she should not be called every day. But she was not willing to be tortured by this. Instead of being tortured to death by these **** demons, she might as well cut herself off, but it was a pity that her desire to find the son of flames and unearth the relics of the starry sky **** could no longer be fulfilled.

Just as she slowly closed her eyes, secretly accumulating magic power, ready to fight against death, a wave of overwhelming pressure came to her in vain.

"Slow down."

With the sound of a majestic voice coming, the more magnificent Chilian Demon King finally appeared in front of her.

The Red Refining Demon King is walking slowly from the depths of the cave. He is wearing an extremely exquisite set of dark black armor. The surface of the armor is flowing like a red pattern after the flow of magma. The complex red pattern is the inflammation Congenital pattern of hair.

And his mighty body, set against this set of armor, is like a mountain, full of strength and beauty.

Even if the demigod demon just stood there and did nothing, the kind of tyrannical atmosphere that seemed to destroy everything can still be strong enough to crush the human heart.

The gas field and coercion of the demigod demon king is really too strong. Under the watch of Chilian Demon King, Lydia was tight all over, her heart began to bang violently, and her back was overflowing with a layer of fine sweat.

She couldn't help but think in her heart that the Chilian Demon King led such an elite army to stay here. If anyone came in hurriedly, even if it was a demigod demon king, would I have to come and go?

Ignoring the panic on Lydia's face, Chilian Demon turned his eyes, glanced up and down at Lydia, and slowly said, "This king believes that this human slave girl escaped."

The three sons of the Demon King were immediately puzzled, and Lord Chilie did not dare to question. He had to be surprised and asked, "Master Father, where do you ... see that this slave girl escaped?"

"Oh, my stupid son, where did you first meet this slave girl?" Chilian Demon King was majestic, and after a sneer, the three sons beside him looked stunned, and then immediately reacted.

Among them, the best-qualified Chilie lord suddenly said: "We first encountered this human slave girl here, and according to the spies, this female slave was in the black market fighting field of the Great Fire City, and also performed star magic!"

Lord Chilie's voice didn't fall, and the cunning second son Chigu said: "Yes, this female slave will not only use the starry magic, but after she got out of the control of the magic flame, she immediately returned to this ruin, obviously The relics of Starry Sky God ’s old things must be inseparable from this human slave girl! "

"You, how do you know that I, I have used starry magic?" Lydia's face instantly turned pale, as if there were any important secrets, which seemed to have been said.

Seeing this, the Chilian Demon King exchanged glances with the three sons in front of him.

The matter now is very clear. He and Alchemist Demon King and the three princes are not aware of the proximity of other people nearby. The warships in front of the mountain range have not detected any outsiders, otherwise they will immediately report to them.

This shows that Lydia's chance of escaping alone is still very high. And even if there is fraud, they are not afraid.

In their view, Lord Lord Mo Yan is just a little more capable. With a skirt of people together, how much storm can he set off? Their soldiers will be broad, and even when Lord Mo Yan comes, there is only one way to go!

The most important thing right now is to quickly open the door to the starry sky that has plagued them for thousands of years! This is what they care about most.

"Jian Jie, how do we know?" Wen Yan Chi Bone Lord immediately laughed arrogantly, "We certainly know! The entire Liuhuo City is our private property, and every bit of what happened in Liuhuo City is in We are in control! "

Hearing this sentence, Lydia despised them from the bottom of her heart, and said that your surveillance is indeed in place. The Lord of the Flame Flame has already lowered your eyelids and robbed the next big lord. You thought he had fun all day in the main palace of the county.

At the same time, Lydia lamented secretly in her heart that the Lord of the Demon Flames really got it. She had long expected that the Red Demon Lord would monitor in the dark, so it was hidden everywhere.

Of course, what she thought was naturally impossible to show. So there was a look of hopelessness revealed on the face, and the tone was compassionate: "Ah, I didn't expect to fall into your hands again, this girl is unlucky, you want to kill and swear, and listen to respect!"

"Want to die? How could it be so easy." Lord Chilie looked at him with a sneer, "Hurry up! What is your relationship with the old man of the Starry Sky God? You'd better be honest, otherwise this prince will draw your soul , Slowly refining with the fire of hell, so that you will be trapped in pain for eternity and eternity, never live forever, never for death! "

Lydia immediately made a terrified expression. She opened her eyes, looked around, and then looked at the dignified Demon King of Lianlian. As if she had recognized the counsel, she lowered her head and slowly said. : "Starry Sky God ... Yes, it is the ancestor of our academy. I came to Hell. Yes, I want to tour the magical inheritance of the Starry Sky God, and restore the glory of our academy."

"In this case, how about working with Ben Wang as a female magician from the earth?"

Hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of Chilian Demon King. He had been salivating the treasure inside the seal for nearly a thousand years, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"The king and the **** of the starry sky are also old knowledge. His remains are left here. If they are not used, it is a waste. So, you help the king open the door of the starry sky, and then explore the dirty work of the ruins. Ben King. "

The Chilian Demon King immediately pretended to be a hypocrite, and said eloquently, "At this time, this King will only receive the wealth inside, and I will not bring those magical inheritances, all will belong to you, and then this King will send you back in person. Earth plane, how do you see such cooperation? "

"Really, Your Majesty the Devil, you, are you really willing to give me the inheritance of magic and still send me back to Earth?"

Lydia made a shocked and happy expression, but she was vomiting vigorously in her heart and secretly cursing the words of the Red Refining Demon King. How could she be like the Lord of the Demon Flame?

These two villains, I am afraid not when I am a fool, so bully?

Seeing Lydia's heart beat, Chilian Demon King squinted at the moment and vowed: "Of course, this King is a hegemon, can you still deceive you? At this time, this King only needs wealth, those magical knowledge that cannot be understood, Take it all to you. "

The atmosphere on the mouth of Chilian Demon King is actually secretly brewing. Now as long as he coaxes this human slave girl to help him open the ban and get the treasure inside, who will tell her what promises will be made at that time?

In this way, each person with one eye and one demon, without any sensation, just hit it off.

Right now under the seemingly calm water surface, the rushing undercurrent suddenly surged.


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