The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1516: The secret of Cain

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Prince Charles didn't take it seriously, and continued to introduce: "This is Dr. Evil. He began genetic research more than 80 years ago. His body is fused with many powerful genes. Once it breaks out, even the prince will have Retreat from Sanshe. The chief technical officer of FBG, who was killed before, is just a student of Dr. Xie. "

Dr. Xie looks a little messy in hair, and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, staring at the Prince Rose with red eyes: "Prince Charles, you are nonsense, all I want is the core gene of the Blood Prince, yours, And Prince Rose. "

"Oh, it turns out that you are the famous Dr. Evil." Prince Rose's eyes are a little serious. "If you want genes, the Prince can cooperate with you, and even Yan Zun's blood can give you a drop."

In the eyes of Dr. Evil, he seemed to be quite moved, but he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I have promised Prince Charles."

Prince Rose slightly bowed his head and said: "Despite the fact that Dr. Evil does not distinguish between good and evil, he is a person who keeps his promise. Seeing today, it is better to be known than meeting. After today, the Prince invited you to drink tea.

Prince Charles sneered: "Your Excellency is still after today. I will continue to introduce to you, this is the werewolf king Cody, our North American Dark Alliance's largest werewolf family patriarch."

The werewolf king Cody's breath is very powerful, even better than the long wood of the ruling. It is estimated that even if it is less than the S + level, it is not far behind. He stared coldly at Prince Rose: "The werewolf Cody, have seen Prince Rose."

Prince Rose nodded slightly, appreciating: "I have long heard of the name of North American werewolf king Cody. Today I have the opportunity to discuss it. Rose is very honored."

With that said, she didn't wait for Prince Charles to introduce the last one, but she looked directly at her with a smile and said, "This one doesn't need to be introduced, the magic sword fairy is famous, and the Prince is naturally thunderous."

It was an old man in a Chinese robe, with a clean figure, and a flying sword suspended behind him. Only the flying sword's black air lingered, exuding a terrible dark magic energy.

"The magic sword fairy, a member of the Shushan sword faction." The prince rose said lightly, "Because of the pursuit of strength to practice the magic sword, he was expelled from the division by the Chinese Shushan. In the 1940s, you took advantage of the war to sneak into North America. Since then, it has taken root in North America. I heard that the North American magic sword faction you established has tens of thousands of disciples and is extremely powerful. The prince did not expect that even you will participate in this matter. "

The Magic Sword Immortal gave a little salute: "I thought that this seat was forced to leave China, it was thanks to Yan Zun. I heard that His Royal Highness and Yan Zun are close to each other. If this seat kills you, Yan Zun will be heartbroken. twist."

"Cough ~" Prince Rose rolled her eyes beautifully and smiled with a smile, "It turns out that the original Prince thought that the magnificent magic sword fairy was a great master who crossed the ocean and opened up the territory. But he didn't want to, just A person who does n’t even avenge his revenge. ”


The magical spirit of the magic sword fairy is surging around, and the suspended magic sword is also buzzing, "Prince Rose, do n’t think that you have attached Yan Zun, taking the opportunity to be a personal thing. The hatred of Yan Zun, this seat is natural Will slowly ask him to count. Today, it is just a little interest. "

"Prince Rose." Prince Charles smiled with a pair of fangs, "regarding the fact that everyone is a blood family, as long as you are willing to surrender today, the Prince will give you this chance to live."

The legendary powerhouse on the Charles side has eight. Such a huge force is enough to subvert a small country. You know, many small countries with small populations cannot even find a legendary level.

"Surrender?" Prince Rose pretty smiled and tasted the red wine. "Just because of your bunch of crooked dates, and you want your prince to surrender? Prince Charles, are you dreaming?"

"Prince Rose." Duke Morta said angrily. "You don't pretend to be here. Could you count on Yan Zun to save you? Tell you the truth. We have accurate information to show that Yan Zun, Linghu Yaofei, The Light Minister and Randy the Super League entered the abyss plane. "

"Oh?" Prince Rose sneered slightly, "Don't Duke Morta fear that Venerable Yan will avenge you when they return?"

"Revenge, it's up to them to come back." Duke Morta smiled shamelessly, "Where is the abyss world? Yan Zun, they are used to dominating the abyss on the earth, and if they dare to run into the abyss, there must be Go without return. Not to mention ... "

"What's more, under the condition that your abyss demon **** is already prepared, do you think they can come back alive?" Prince Charles, with his fangs, sneered coldly, "Prince Rose, the Prince advises you to carry out the reality as soon as possible."

"What?" Prince Rose rose suddenly, the red wine glass broke to the ground, and his face was extremely ugly. "Did you dare to collude with the abyss to sell Yan Zun's intelligence?"

In fact, the relationship between the earth, especially the dark forces on the earth, and the abyss world is still unreasonable. Now that the abyss plane is gradually after all, it has made many dark forces lurking in the dark.

Not to mention, there are many ways for the Dark Council to contact the abyssal world, and even have the ability to build plane planes for small-scale teleportation.

The North American Dark Alliance must have mastered a similar approach. Not to mention anything else, I thought that Zhou Zhiyi was through the formation of a circle to open up the channel between the abyss plane and the earth plane.

Although in the end, the North American Anthracite has left that matter completely, but that is probably just a trick to abandon the car.

"Collus can't be talked about, nor can betrayed." Prince Charles squinted and smiled. "Our dark creatures have always enshrined the devil gods. The three devil gods of the **** world, the abyss demon god, we have always worshipped by turns. This time , Lord Abyss Demon God promised to help us eliminate the light of the Holy See and the hostile forces, so that our dark council becomes the sole master of the earth. "

"The only ruler?" Prince Rose's face was pale and his lips sarcastically, "I'm afraid that by then, the Dark Council is just a dog that the Abyss Demon uses to rule the earth."

Prince Charles chuckled: "Look at what you said, according to what your prince said, the Light Holy See is nothing more than a dog under the light of God. Now the abyss is coming, and the two sides of the plane channel will be fully opened, who can block on earth The awesomeness of the abyss demon? My name Charles is called Shishiwujunjie. "

"Okay, very good." Prince Rose sneered. "Sure enough, as expected, your North American Dark Association has never interrupted collusion with the abyss demon. The original mentor of the Liuli Island incident, Sharuman, the well-known country of China I ca n’t get rid of your relationship with you. In the recent period, you have shown your prince several times. Do you think the prince will not be alert? Do you know where this is? Why did the prince call you in the palace, you No point? "

"Hey, the Prince knows of course." Charles squinted, "Our dark creatures have formed a predecessor of the Dark Council in order to fight against the Light Holy See. It has been a thousand and hundreds of years. However, among the Dark Council, the most mysterious Of course, it ’s the parliament ’s palace. Under the painstaking management of successive parliamentarians, this parliament ’s palace has become one of the most dangerous places in the world today. As long as there is a thought from His Royal Highness, those princes will gather in darkness for thousands of years. The dark energy over the island will be used for you. The strength has more than doubled ~ "

"Oh, since you are so clear." Prince Rose's voice is erratic, revealing a **** danger. "Dare to come to the wild, I am afraid that there is no reliance on it? It might as well show the bottom card as soon as possible, maybe the prince panicked Under it, will you lose your fighting spirit and surrender? You wo n’t have to spend a lot of effort on it. "

"Oh ~" Prince Charles sneered. "Prince Prince had expected that you will not die, Prince Rose. In this case, then the Prince will let you see the real hole card and feel the despair. Hope you can carry it early. Knowing the reality and surrendering early will also avoid the fearless internal consumption of our ancestor bloodline. "

Saying that, Charles raised his hand and took out a magic weapon exuding horrible dark energy from the storage bracelet. The dark magic circle on it twisted like a living creature, and the whole magic instrument was still beating like a heart With.

Every pulsation, there is an invisible force spreading out in all directions, making people feel palpitations, people can not help but want to worship.

"Ancient Mage Pattern?" Prince Rose rose slightly, and vaguely recognized that pattern. It's just that she can't recognize it, what is that magic weapon?

"Haha, but I have some insight." Prince Charles looked proud, and his eyes were enthusiastic. "You can't recognize this thing, it's normal. This is the devil's tool that should be refined by the real ancestor of my blood family on Earth. It can be used Break through the four-dimensional barrier and easily open the channel of the plane. Originally for the purpose of uniting the abyss demon **** and refining this magic weapon against the old dog of light. Unfortunately, the old dog of light has set up an ambush in advance, and gathered 12 angels to join the ambush. Hidden ancestor. "

There was some inexplicable sorrow in Charles' face: "Although Cain's ancestors had already been enshrined, they were still heavily hit by the enemy, and they had to start the magic weapon to escape from the abyss. Unfortunately, when the Cain ancestors, who were seriously injured, arrived in the abyss It fell silently. It was only in recent years that the abyss demon discovered the fall of Cain ’s ancestors and found the ancestor ’s remains. "

The eyes of Prince Rose were surging. Obviously, she was not necessarily calm when she heard Cain's death. Cain's ancestor is the first blood race on earth, and all blood races in the world today can be called his blood descendants.

Unexpectedly, I heard Cain's news here.


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