The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1507: The wicked have their own wicked grind

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At the moment when Camus reached the ultimate terror, four black wings composed entirely of dark energy spread out behind him.

Pieces of black feathers composed of dark magic qi began to slowly fall around him, and the entire inner hall of the castle instantly became a piece of slaughter.

Not only that, but Camus was wrapped in a thick and faithful black magic energy, a pair of pupils with blood red, like a fallen angel symbolizing death and darkness, the real body came before everyone's eyes.

"Huh? This trick is kind of interesting."

Wang Yan, who was watching the battle below, raised his eyebrows and secretly exclaimed, "A combat power has suddenly increased by a level, and the momentum is compelling, showing the similarities with the Shiva goddess. "

Archangel Wang Yan has seen many things, even the divine power of the bright Father, he has personally felt it. It was a kind of upright, unbearable awe, and even a strong pressure to bow down, but the fallen angel in front of him was quite different.

The fallen angel's coercion is so dark and dark that it is almost astonishing and full of pure chill from death, enough to make any creature feel instinctively fearful.

"Watley, die!"

Camus's voice became hoarse and rough. He held it with one hand, out of thin air out of a magic gas spear with dark energy, and raised the gun to kill the blood-lord Lord Vatter.

A face to face is a desperate move, the **** lord immediately dignified and sweated.

No longer dare to carelessly at this time, his hands were drawn, and a two-handed tomahawk with a fierce fire was drawn, and he faced Camus head-on.


The fierce collision immediately broke out at the end of the hall.

"Quick, let's go!"

The two dark elf traitors, Delis and Occam, knew something was wrong, and they quickly greeted each other and turned to escape.

But Elsa and Enzo, who had already burned in anger, would let them go?

At this point the enemy met with a red eye, and Elsa and Enzo, immediately left and right, rushed towards Delice and Occam.

These two men are just like Camus, they are the best moves to save their lives.

Delis and Occam were also ignorant, swearing at you.

As members of the Dark Blade, they have always been cautious, but they never thought that the other party had directly killed them. With Wang Yan's master as a cloud, they immediately cooled down halfway, and they wanted to escape immediately.

But under the enchantment of Bajijing, where can they escape?

Since there was no way to escape, the battle between the two sides was spared, and immediately broke out in the corner of the hall.

At the same time, the other men around Wang Yan also attacked the three allies of the Blood Lord and the guards around the hall.

The Lord of Confusion and a dozen elite guards around him had already been rendered by the high war intentions of Camus and others, and they immediately launched a shock towards the front.

In addition, the cruel master of the cruel county has recently honed his combat skills, and he has achieved a little success. At this time, he is also eager for real combat, and he is closely followed.

Wang Yan ’s succubus charmer not only reached the legendary level, but also carried out a bloodline evolution by Wang Yan using the fruits of the purgatory red lotus and various fire treasures. At this time, her blood and fighting power have far exceeded that of the ordinary legendary succubus, and naturally she also wielded a long whip of Mars and joined the battle of the three legendary lords.

"These **** demons are all scumbags, and they are all dead!"

Lydia had already heard about the crimes of the **** lords and others, and the encounter with Camus and others. At this time, she heard the truth at the scene, and she was filled with indignation and anger.

Without saying a word, raising the crow's scepter was like a magic fort in the rear, constantly casting one after another of subtle magic, and bombarded the battlefield.

"Fuck things! Do you think this person can deal with us?"

Among the three allies of the Blood Lord, one of the older Demon Lords immediately shouted, "Guard! Guard! Take control of them!"

As they shouted, a large number of guards and maid attendants began to flow from the upper level of the castle, with a number of three or four hundred!

Everyone in the **** world is a soldier, and every race that can survive has a certain combat effectiveness. Therefore, in addition to the guard soldiers on each floor, there are a large number of servants and servants in this castle.

The strength of these mixed soldiers is not weak. The more than 200 guards are all the guards of the **** lord. The strength is around A-level, and the individual has reached the half-step S-level. Those servants and servants are much weaker, most of them are around the B level.

However, with so many hands and a piece of combat power, it is indeed enough for the **** lords to make a comeback.

"Hahaha, didn't you think? These people are enough to tear you to pieces! Haha!"

The demon lord laughed arrogantly, but with a smile, his somewhat distorted face suddenly stiffened.

Just listen to "bang".

The cover of the truck behind Wang Yan was kicked away from the inside. Two powerful and brutal ogres, like two excited and hungry monsters, jumped out of the way.

"Haha, it's a fight, and finally a fight! It's really suffocating my Ablon!" Ogre Ablon Giant Mallet, carrying the big stick first, looked around in excitement, "Who is our enemy? not him?"

"Yes, it's the guy with short eyes, you go and kill him." Wang Yan nodded, and Ablon Giant Hammer immediately made a roar, and lifted the giant mallet and rushed towards the Demon Lord.

"Wow! Wow!"

Behind the Ablon Giantmaul, the Ogre Shaman Walpole Blue Shield also gathered the lightning chain for the first time, and waved towards the soldiers around the road.

"Lying, lying down!"

Upon seeing this, the demon lord, who had just been very arrogant, was about to fly, and he immediately burst into a rough mouth, and his face was miserable.

He scolded in his heart that there were ogres! And it's a legendary ogre! There are two key points! The most terrible thing is that both of them rushed towards him!

Mom, mom, he, he, he's dead!

It is not just the two legendary ogres that make the blood lord lord feel horrified and collapsed.

In the other two trucks behind Wang Yan, dozens of Hawks and Succubus, as well as dozens of elite soldiers.

These were carefully selected and carefully tuned and trained. At this time, the morale was high and the fighting power was full. Once they came out, they were like a pack of wolves, and they fell into the hand soldiers of the blood lord.

Right now the situation is reversing instantly. Blood Lord and his allies are indeed strong, but Wang Yan's men are stronger and more elite, and the number is still unusually large.

At this moment, not only did the Blood Lord and his allies find it difficult to parry, but the group of soldiers they temporarily pulled over could not be stopped at all.

Extinction is only a matter of time.


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