The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1501: Robbery, we are professional

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"Master Envoy, I heard that this area of ​​the Jiaoyan hills has been savaged by ogres and robbers recently. It is very rampant. Should we be careful?"

In the team escorting the reward for the Giant Rock Demon King, a lean and small adjutant was reminding the Demon King Envoy in front of him carefully. As the saying goes, he can't carelessly drive a ship for thousands of years.

"Oh, what are you afraid of? Lao Tzu is the giant rock demon king. Look at the Peugeot. Those ogres have blind eyes and dare to rob us?"

The special envoy was a tall, thin, middle-aged demon. At this time, his eyes were full of disdain and an arrogant hum. "Moreover, how much fighting power can those dirty and stupid ogres have?"

He pointed to the adjutant beside him, and to himself, and said, "Both you and me are legendary generals. In the hundred guards behind you, the 20 captains and deputy captains are all half-step legendary demon masters By virtue of this strength, an ogre tribe can be brought to the end! Those ogre robbers, dare to come to rob? Oh, their brains are almost broken. "

After all, his tiger body was shocked, and the legendary strongman's momentum was undoubtedly obvious.

Just kidding, here is the territory of the giant rock demon king. They hang the banner of the giant rock demon king, which represents the demon king himself. Who has a bad brain and dares to rob the Giant Rock Demon himself in the territory of the Giant Rock Demon?

Besides, they do have arrogant capital.

Their team of **** rewards, but the giant rock demon king's elite, the hundred guards are all purgatory demon races. Among them, there are twenty top-level masters in the half-step S-level, and the rest are all A-level elite. In addition, he and the adjutant are generals of S legendary level. This combat strength can be said to be very elite.

The general ogre tribe, usually only a few dozen to one hundred or two hundred people, absolutely no Ablon giant mallet, now ruled so large. Therefore, the ogre robbers usually ranging from a dozen to dozens of people. When they meet this team, they are really looking for death. Even an ogre tribe is not their elite opponent.

Want to wipe out their elite, those ordinary mercenary regiments with B-level strength as the main fighting force, there are not thousands of people, don't even think about it. And even if there are thousands of mercenary robbers, they may not be able to completely destroy them.

As long as you let them as a pedestrian, run out one, then everyone related to those robbers will be subjected to the intelligence of the giant rock devil.

It will be a continuation of the nine tribes, tens of thousands of corpses, with the end of Yan Xiaoyou.

Therefore, on this continent, no one dared to antagonize the demigod demon overriding all living beings. This is also the reason why the Devil's Special Envoy is usually very arrogant and arrogant.

Now the demon king's special envoy said that the adjutant's courage and courage also came up, and now he was flattering and ridiculed and said, "Yes, yes, the special envoy said that those ogres that have bad brain , Dare to rob us, is looking for death! "

The adjutant complimented again and again, attracting the special envoy of the devil to be particularly arrogant.

But the Demon King's envoy smiled, but the expression on his face gradually stiffened.


The violent roar, like a boulder rolling off, suddenly came from all directions, even the ground beneath it shook.

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

The Demon Special Envoy exclaimed again and again, and when he looked around, his heart suddenly became cold.

The number of ogres, ogres in the mountains and the wild, is actually four or five hundred! And by virtue of his keen sense of legendary level, he found out that among the four or five hundred ogres, there are as many as a hundred halves of S-level halves! The rest are all A-level masters! Moreover, the legendary ogre leader has reached two!

So many, such powerful ogre robbers, even if their number of 100 **** teams doubles again, they are not opponents. Such a big gap makes it impossible to fight!

"Why, how could there be so many people? He and him, how did they come close?"

The adjutant beside the special envoy, his eyes were almost staring, trembling and stuttering, "He and he, they ate bear heart leopard gall, dare, dare to rob us?"

Not only him, but the whole team felt a deep fear right now, and all the demon guards panicked.

What a joke? The collective charge of four or five hundred top ogres, they can't stop them even if they are reinforced iron bones? And so many ogres, even if they can be trampled to death, what should we do now? They don't want to stand there waiting to die!

"Hurry, run away!"

The Demon King ’s envoy trembles, and dare to stay wherever he can. He immediately flicks into the air with a kick of his feet. Ogres don't fly, they can only jump in force, and he knows this very well.

"Ma'am, these ogres are crazy, and even the Demon King's team dares to rob, it's really a courage!" The envoy of the Demon King who rose from the sky, resented and scolded in his heart, "When the old man returns, he must play the Demon King Your majesty, personally bring the army and give this piece of coke rock hills to ... "

However, the Demon King's Special Envoy didn't finish his speech, and a lightning whip that sounded "呲 啦" instantly pulled him out of the air.

This lightning whip is not powerful enough to kill, but it makes him paralyzed. Just when he just fell, and before he landed, a huge steel rod gave a terrifying sound of wind breaking, extremely fierce. Smashed in front of him.

The Special Envoy of the Devil suddenly split his liver and gallbladder, his eyes wide open.

At the next moment, accompanied by a violent roar, the devil's special envoy, who had just been incomparable, had already spewed blood, and his bones shattered, like a worn sandbag, and was strongly smashed into the side rocks.

That's right, the person who came to rob was the ogre under Wang Yan's command.

The two legendary strongmen who have just shot are the new chief Abron Giantmaul and the shaman priest Walpole Blue Shield.

The two legendary ogres immediately lost the special envoy of the demon in one shot, and the entire team guarded by the demon all fell into chaos.

All the demon guards want to escape, but where can they escape?

All four or five hundred ogres were used by Shaman Walpol to perform bloodthirsty, and at this time the collective charge, even the dragon, could not be stopped.

Coupled with Ablon Giantmaul, and Walpole Blue Shield, a close combat, a long range, the two cooperated with each other, just like a mountain tiger rushed into the flock, so that the already precarious Demon King guard, completely collapsed.

Some demon guards who wanted to escape to the sky just found out that there were dozens of eagle succubus and succubus ambushing above.

Hawk succubus talent element affinity, wind blade or lightning chain, are all their professional skills. As for the succubus, the enemies are in a state of turmoil, and they play a greater role. When the charms are carried out one by one, the demon guards who just flew up all laughed smirkly, and fell straight down.

In addition, there are three dark elves in the long-range sniper. Among them, the dark elf aide, Elsa, can make an ordinary longbow with only one purgatory steel, and can accurately shoot the enemy's head two kilometers away, long-range sniper ability Very exaggerated.

In addition, the thorns of Shadow, Camus, and his adjutant, Enzo, are extremely motivated, constantly attacking enemies who have escaped the encirclement.

Soon, this line of demon guards were all under the iron hooves of the ogre, and the whole army was wiped out.

"Ogre is indeed a very scary creature, and robbery is really professional."

Wang Yan looked at the battlefield as if it was washed by the storm and couldn't help but sigh. Then he cleared his throat and ordered, "Quickly clean up the battlefield and strip off all of their clothes. We have a way to go to the Blood Hand City!"


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