The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1490: He is Lord of the Flame Flame

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"Ah !!! No, no!"

Zac Giantmaul fell to his knees, hugged the small corpse, and screamed in the sky, his voice tearing his heart and lungs, making all those around him sad and moved.

There was a moment of silence at the scene.

"That **** Magnum, how, how can this be?"

Lydia covered her mouth in surprise, both horrified and angry in her expression. She never thought that the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum would be so cruel.

Even if Zac Giantmaul's reign over Magnum manifested his dissatisfaction, that Magnum would not be so venomous to Zac Giantmaul's family.

Lydia is a noble magician of the earth, and it is really difficult to accept this cruel practice.

Looking at the ancient history of the earth world, cruel things have long been difficult to count. The most typical of them is the replacement of the royal power. The new imperial power will clean up all the relations of the old imperial power of the previous generation.

If you change to the natural world, the new lion king in the lion group will also kill all the teachers of the old lion king, in order to eliminate the troubles, and the other is to show its authority.

Ogre social structure is more primitive and savage than other races, so it is quite common to do cruel things.

It's just that the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum, who was brutal in nature and ruled by him, is really miserable. At this point, even the infernal races such as Chidu and Chibiao are a bit lost.

However, none of the ogres who had been ruled by oppression did not dare to say anything.

These ogres, one by one, dared not to speak out, but in the face of the tragedy in front of them, they bowed their heads, fearing that they would be the next bad luck.

"Although the ogres are powerful, they are actually a typical bullying and fearful race. As long as the leader is there, their cohesion is there. Once the leader is gone, they will become a mess of sand, or even a coup. "The appraiser Zoe introduced quietly on the side of Wang Yan."

She was born and raised in the high-level black market of Liuhuo City, and she has a very broad knowledge. It is precisely because of her consultant that Wang Yan dares to go deep into this ogren base camp and try to conquer this huge ogren tribe.

"Master Moyan, don't you think about helping Ablon?" Wang Yan, the master refiner Hill, was sitting on the truck, smoking a cigarette.

A top expert like him, who has been on the **** continent for many years, has long been knowledgeable and will not be afraid of the other party's many people.

"No, this is Abron's personal grievance, let him deal with it himself." Wang Yan also sits on the frame, not showing the mountains.

He also intends to cultivate some talents. After all, the ogres are still controlled by ogres. Otherwise, who will manage such a large number of ogres?

Sure enough, the ogres Ablon Giantmaul did not live up to Wang Yan's expectations.

He used to be a gladiator and wandered outside for many years. Now he joins Wang Yan and accepts the influence of Wang Yan and others. His thinking is much more active than before.

At this time, he was furious, and he saw Zac Giant Hammer, a friend of his compatriots, who was so insulted when he stepped in front of the other party.

He guarded Zac behind him, glaring coldly at the chieftain Magnum, then looked around and looked at the crowd, and scolded loudly: "As an ogre, I am Ablon Giantmaul It ’s a shame for you! How can you endure the **** of this **** all the time with so many people? "

The crowd around, including a large group of ogre warriors, all bowed their heads in shame, speechless. Most of these ogres were afraid of the force of the chieftain Magnum, and chose to be forced to succumb, and none of them dared to resist. Now they are scolded by Ablon and naturally have no rebuttal.

But the magnate, who is accustomed to prestige and blessing, immediately became angry.

Where has he been scolded in person? Immediately glaring fierce eyes, angrily shouted at Ablon Giant Hammer: "What are you thinking of? You dare to be so pretentious in front of this leader, it's really boring!"

"Come here, kill him with this leader!" With a big wave of words, he violently let his men kill.

"I see who dares to move."

Suddenly, a casual light drink came from behind Ablon.

Wang Yan stood up slowly, he just spit out a word lightly, but the weight seemed to be countless times heavier than that of Chief Magnum.

At this time, Wang Yan stepped on the top of the frame, proud and proud, and was slowly revealing.

This coercion and coercion is like a dragon coming out of the sea, very domineering, far above all ogres present. It seemed that suddenly there was a big invisible hand that grabbed the throats of all ogres, making all the ogres on the scene unconsciously tighten their nerves, even the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

At the same time, Wang Yan's men also began to show their own force and power.

This part is far stronger than the cohesion of the ogres at the scene, and the extraordinarily sturdy momentum immediately made the ogres warriors ready to shoot around immediately tremble, and instinctively felt a little guilty.

Even the legendary shaman sorcerer who gathered a blue current in the hands of the chief, Magnum, who was about to attack Wang Yan and others, was because of the coldness of the thorn of Camus in the team of Wang Yan. A cold cold, scared not to step further Lei Chi.

"Who are you? Dare to stalk the lord's site?" Chief Magnum felt a strong threat from Wang Yan and stared coldly at Wang Yan.

"He is the honorable Lord of Flames!"

Zac Giantmaul, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly shouted, causing an uproar to watch the ogres around him.

"Master Demon Flame? Isn't that ... The famous Demon Lord of the Flame Flame City ?!"

"Okay, it seems true ..."

"He, isn't he in the Great Fire City? How come to our small place?"

All the ogres were in a panic and discussion. Wang Yan's current reputation is very loud in Chilian Demon King's collar. This group of ogres lives on the border of Chilian Demon King's collar. He has naturally heard of Wang Yan's deeds and famous names.

What's more, the ogre itself is a bullying and fearful race, not just an ogre, but other races living in the domain of the purgatory demon. When meeting a ruling class like the purgatory demon clan, their spirit will be weaker.

Even the legendary one-sided overlord who encounters the same level of purgatory demon generals will instinctively give three points. No way, this world is not only about strength, but also about identity.

In this land, the legendary leaders of other races are dead, that is, a little bit of a head snake.

But the Purgatory Demon Races are different. They are the ruling class, belong to the official authority, and are the real nobles. Even the supreme devil, Satan, is the Purgatory Demon Race, and other ruled races, who dare to challenge the Purgatory Demon Races?

Although there are upper and lower classes and nobles in the purgatory demon clan, they are noble masters who can't be provoked on the bright side compared to other races.

What's more, Wang Yan's current identity is still a big nobility among Purgatory Demon Clan who dare not provoke even the demigod Demon King.

Although the IQ of these ogres is not high, but they have a strong relationship, they can be very clear. If this annoyed Master Demon Flame, maybe the other party with the army can even flatten their coke rock hills. Who dares to touch this kind of mold?


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