The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1486: Terrified ogre

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This powerful roar, full of tremendous majesty, made the ogres that rushed to the truck all stunned and stunned on the spot.

Where did the roar come from? Is such a deterrent, is there an ogre leader in the car? How is this possible?

The dozens of ogres rushing to the edge of the truck are all dumbfounded. They have a deep sense of this deterrent, but they will definitely not be in this truck!

At this moment, with the spreading roar, the flip on the truck was pulled away, and a huge and powerful figure flew out in an instant.


A roar that resembled a giant bear, the figure that flew out, was Wang Yan's faithful man, the ogre Ablon Giant Hammer!

Today's Ablon Giant Mallet has already forcibly broken through and advanced through life and death. He, who had reached the legendary level, knocked down an ogre robber with one blow, and then fell down with a fist. The ogre robber immediately fell into the head like a meteorite and immediately flew two fangs. Nose sprayed blood, dizzy as soon as the neck was crooked.

"Dare to rob my boss, to death!"

Ablon Giant Maul pulled it out, and the master refiner Hill gave him a huge stick mallet, which was like a tiger going down the mountain and rushed into the ogre group.

With his current strength, fighting skills in the arena, plus the special rod of purgatory steel in his hand, every hammer is as open as the earth.

Ordinary ogres around level A can't resist. Even a small ogre leader as strong as a half-step S-level faced the hammer and slammed it like a dead branch and fell into the air instantly.

"Brothers, follow this lord!"

Behind the ogres is another loyal younger brother of Wang Yan, a confusing lord with devil blood.

This guy was originally greedy and cunning, timid and afraid of things, but following Wang Yan to the present, the kind of boss is the first, and the others are the stubbornness and self-confidence of the ants, becoming more and more high.

At this moment, the confusing lord, holding a burning tomahawk, rushed towards the ogre robber who had struck on the other side.

He is a legendary lord, facing the ogre robbers who are worse than himself by one layer or two. No matter what aspect is intact, plus every blow and every axe, it will set off layers of flames. , Leng is a dozen of ogre robbers who are in direct contact with him.

Following these two legendary strongmen, Wang Yan carefully selected elite barbarian warriors, more than a hundred people. The worst of them are also A-level, and the other 12 captains and deputy captains have all reached the half-step S-level. The five barbarian gladiators included in the black market by Wang Yan are among the twelve captains and deputy captains. They have been through hundreds of battles and have the most powerful combat effectiveness.

Under the leadership of these twelve captains and deputy captains, more than one hundred barbarian warriors launched a counterattack against the ogren robbers who rushed in.

The ogren robbers, already stunned by Ablon Giantmaul and Scarlet Lord, had already disorganized their positions and stopped charging. The loss of impulsive ogre robbers will greatly reduce the lethality, and the ogre likes to fight each other. Once the mess is messed up, it is like the same sand, without discipline.

However, the barbarians under Wang Yan's hands are different. They are all elite and of very high quality, and they have increased their abilities under the rotation training of Wang Yan and the general of the dark elf, Camus, with extremely high discipline. The battle comes together in an orderly manner.

The barbarian itself is a fighting race. It has always been strong. It may not be able to resist the frontal charge of the ogres. However, once the ogres lose their momentum, their barbarians' fighting consciousness obviously occupies the peak.

Coupled with the crowds and two legendary leaders, a two-pair, even three-on-one scene was formed. Even the eagle succubus and succubus slaves seen by the ogre robbers joined the battle at this moment.

The strength of these banshees is around B to A level, and only those ogren robbers are just a step away. However, they have the equipment refining master Hill equipment bonus, all kinds of endless charms and spells, have received great increases.

With their constant spell attack and harassment control in the rear, the group of ogre robbers was completely cool.

In just a few moments of face-to-face, the entire battlefield appeared one-sided.

Those ogren robbers that were robbed turned out to be the targets of the robberies. The bruised nose was swollen and miserable, and they couldn't even escape.

"Cough, Master Moyan's men are really powerful." Hill, the refiner master sitting next to Wang Yan, took a sip of the old tobacco leaf and exclaimed with emotion, "I am an old guy who is running outside For the first time in years, I saw a group of ogre gangsters and was beaten so miserably. "

It's no surprise that he is surprised. Ogre, a peculiar race originating from ancient times, has certain racial advantages. In addition to its small population and low adult rate, the combat power of ogres ranks first in the entire hell. Thatched.

If under normal circumstances, a hundred barbarian warriors are definitely not opponents of more than 80 ogres, even if two legendary strongmen are added, at most half a catty, they will never be passively beaten like this, so miserable.

As a result, Hill, who has seen many masters in the world, had to marvel at Wang Yan's ability to manage the army.

"Where and where, just a group of reckless ogres, you will see more exciting in the future." Wang Yan looked relaxed, sitting in front of the frame, with a good look and wandering, without the tension of leading the battle, but like Is watching a good show.

Behind him, Meier, Brutal Sovereign, Lydia, and the three dark elves Camus, Elsa, and Enzo, all sat in front of their respective frames, without any intention of shooting.

Because of this battle, they haven't waited for their real fighting power, and they have already ended.

It didn't take long for more than 80 ogres to be beaten and frightened. Wherever they had encountered such fighting power, they were all terrified and surrendered.

The originally dense stalagmite stone forest was collapsed and crushed by this battle, forming a flat ground covered with gravel. In this flat ground, more than eighty ogres, all kneeling down honestly, waiting for Wang Yan's trial and judgment.

"You brave and inferior inferior pigs, even lords dare to rob, I think you are alive and tired!"

Wang Yan was arrogant, patrolling in front of these ogres, a powerful coercion of the **** lord, like a mountain, pressed against these ogres.

Intimidation and temptation are a good way to deal with these scattered soldiers. And if the world of **** respects the strong, if they are polite to these barbaric groups, they will be taken lightly by them.

Therefore, Wang Yan began to use the past methods, intending to show his envy and accept the ogres.

The ogres have strong fighting power and a sparse population. More than 80 people are a huge and extremely deterrent team. Of course, if there is a guy who swears to die and refuses to enter, Wang Yan can only kill chickens and monkeys.

But just as Wang Yan was planning to intimidate further, an ogre robber kneeling in the front row suddenly raised his head in a panic, exclaiming at Abu Long beside Wang Yan: "You, you are Ablon Giantmaul! Me, I know you! Brother, it ’s me. "


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