The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1469: Fire fox

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The pinnacle of legend is only one step away from the demigod demon king. It can be said that it is the top state in the legendary level.

According to the normal division of strength, Emerson's current state is even higher than Wang Yan's. Of course, Wang Yan's real strength has far exceeded the ordinary legendary strongman, but he is only a distance away from the demigod demon king and this Emerson.

Usually in the world of hell, a powerful person who can reach the peak of the legend, coupled with his excellent work ability, can indeed be used as the general manager of the Red Guardian Demon King.

At present, Emeryson, the strategist of the inferno, can gain the trust of the Red Demon King and the respect of so many guard generals, which shows that this person's ability and strength are very good. Otherwise, the garrison of the entire city, and more than a dozen legendary demon warriors, will be replaced by no one who can manage the services they manage.

At this time, the eyes of Wang Yan and others all fell on Emerson, the strategist of the inferno, but the old warlock, as if he didn't feel anything at all, was still unmoved.

He slowly walked out of the crowd like this, holding a scepter of flame like a halberd, and moving slowly and slowly.

Until he came between Wang Yan and Dunpa, he was not in a hurry to ask the reason, nor did he rely on the power to instigate the teacher to indict him, but gentle and gentle to Wang Yan and the cruel master of the county, Shi Shiran performed a salute: " Momsen, I have met the brutal master and Lord Mo Yan. "

This move made Wang Yan's eyes slightly closed, and he couldn't help but look at him a few points.

Before doing things, salute the soldiers, that is, take care of the status of the master and servant, and do not leave the handle, which can be completely different from reckless **** generals, such as the general Dunbar who advocates brute force.

It can also be seen that this old warlock Emerson, who can become a highly respected strategist and director of the Red Refining Demon King, is indeed reasonable.

But this politeness did not last long.

After Emerson straightened up again, his eyes were startled, and he said with great power: "Recently, Your Majesty is not in the city, you dare to behave like this, it's a real courage!"

Such a cold drink made the pressure around Wang Yan and others suddenly increase. The strong man who has reached the pinnacle of the legendary body is indeed a trivial coercion. In a moment, it is like a real thing, forcibly spread to the surroundings.

At the same time, behind the city wall behind Emerson, four magic minarets light up at the same time, and a ballista cannon rotates in unison. Wang Yan has not yet understood these big killers, but there is no doubt that the dangerous breath from them is a giant dragon, which is estimated to be killed by a blow!

Not only that, but the five legendary generals who accompanied them around the same time also showed their coercion in the crowd, as if they echoed with Emerson, the coercion of the six legendary strongmen became a sudden After one piece, it seemed to have the momentum to compete with Wang Yan and others.

Coupled with the lack of water around the area, I am afraid that the elite army of no fewer than 10,000 people, the formation of such a siege is indeed quite terrifying. Even if it is a demigod demon, being included in such a large army, I am afraid that my heart will commit a sudden attack, not to mention Wang Yan team, so a little bit.

"Boss, this time it's not easy to handle. Are there many other people?"

The deluded lord who likes to bully and be hard, immediately doubled the pressure and quietly sent a message to Wang Yan. However, Wang Yan didn't pay attention to him, so the product was again transmitted to the master refiner Hill, and asked, "Old Hill, do you have anything hidden? Can you kill tens of thousands of guards' secret weapons at once? Give us self-defense. "

Master Hill did not expect that things would get bigger and bigger, and he was a little nervous at the moment, but after hearing the request of the confusing Lord, he could not help but give the other person a white eye and chuckled: "What are you kidding? Kill tens of thousands of guards at once? Thanks to you, if anyone has this skill, this master will worship him as a teacher! "

In fact, there are indeed weapons that can kill 10,000 people.

For example, the nuclear bomb technology mastered by human beings, not to mention tens of thousands of people, can be solved at once. However, nuclear bombs have limited lethality for high-level powerhouses with excessive abilities. The main reason is that it is difficult to hit the other party, and the other party has many means, which are far beyond the scope of conventional creatures.

Coupled with the indiscriminate attack of nuclear bombs, it is easy to injure innocent people and cause damage to the environment and ecology. Therefore, as a human killer, a nuclear bomb is the ultimate weapon that will not be easily used unless it reaches the most critical moment.

In addition, the legendary artifact that can contain a huge power like a curse also has the power to wipe out 10,000 people, but that kind of thing, I am afraid that the master craftsman-level refining master has the ability to make it, Master Hill believes that I haven't reached the level of magician yet.

Right now, not only the confusing Lord and Master Hill, but the rest of the slaves and companions, under the power of the other party, they seem a little nervous, even the ogres Abulon Giantmaul, who has been fearless forever In the face of the enemy, feel pressure.

Opposite these people, a gloomy color flashed in the eyes of the hot prison strategist Emerson. He saw that under his own authority, Wang Yan ’s men had been clearly suppressed, and now he was moving forward and was preparing for further deterrence. .

Under the secret voice and guidance of Wang Yan, the cruel county master stepped forward and raised his hand with a slap. He slapped heavily on the old face of the Yan prison strategist.

At the same time, screaming: "Come on!"

This reproach, great momentum, coupled with the arrogance of the brutal master who grew up from small to large, bluffed the tens of thousands of demon kings around.

The old aggressive warlock, who had been aggressive before, was suddenly slapped by the brutal master of the county. The whole person stared at the eyes, unable to speak at all.

Not to mention Emerson, even the group of people behind Wang Yan took a deep breath, and the body and mind were trembling.

Among them, the sorrowful lord sighed silently in his heart. His sister is really arrogant and courageous. In this case, dare to spur on? Do n’t you fear that they will be involved in the gang, and finally give these angered guards a pot?

In fact, this is exactly what Wang Yan intended.

If Wang Yan and others show fear of weakness, they will give up on their own initiative, but they will do bad things instead. Once this happens, the old warlock Emerson will occupy the peak. In the end, it is very likely to take the opportunity to control Wang Yan and others, and finally be detained into the prison of the Devil's Palace.

At that time, Wang Yan and others wanted to fight again, but there was no chance.

Right now, taking advantage of the unclear situation, Wang Yan and others Yu Wei haven't diminished. Give the other party a chance to dismount the horse first and put the initiative of the situation in their own hands, so that there is a chance of defeat.

Of course, this kind of thing is better left to the brutal master.

As soon as the world of **** is well-defined, the brutal master has no real power, and that is also the daughter of the devil. Those who guard the demon will be the devil's courtiers, in fact, they are a kind of slaves who are afraid of the devil's force. The daughter of the devil went to trouble, they had no way.

Secondly, the tyrannical county leader is arrogant and notorious, and she is also a female. Even if something bad happens, most of the people of the Red Demon King family can only swallow their voices. If it is replaced with Wang Yan, I am afraid it will cause a large-scale battle.


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