The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1464: Can't hold it, run away

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"Team, captain ..."

The battle in front of me was really too fierce and too shocking, so that all the guards at the gate after the break were stunned. Among them was a soldier of the City Guards, who asked their captain in a jerky manner, "I, shall we go?"


The voice did not fall, and the captain of the guard team who had received the favor of Wang Yan slapped him on the head with a slap: "Last fart? Your brain is broken, you have to go against Master Moyan? How many lives does your kid have? Dare to toss like this? "

The voice of the captain had just dropped, and another deputy captain who had also received Wang Yan's favor immediately reproached: "Do you guys have any brains? The order we received was to break the cowhide of the guards after they were cut off. , It didn't let us attack at all, so we are here to guard, no order, no one is allowed to attack indiscriminately! "

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

Hundreds of nervous city gate guards heard this order, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Just kidding, they are nothing more than a trivial garrison soldier. Their calves tremble when they think of enemies with the powerful Lord of the Demon Flames. And in their eyes, Lord Mo Yan is a compassionate subordinate and worthy of respect. If there is a chance, they even want to go with Lord Mo Yan, who wants to fight against this tall man?

Besides, on weekdays, those demon kings ’guards simply could n’t look down on their group of gate guards. They had previously mobilized him, and the order they received was that after they were responsible for breaking off, they did not receive any attack instructions at the moment, so they It is better to stay in place like this, anyway, it is also obeying the order, there is no problem.

The gate guard continued to stand by on the spot, feeling at ease.

The team of Wang Yan does not need to be attacked by the stomach and the back, and the pressure is greatly reduced. But without the assistance of the gate guards, those demon king guards led by Dunbar and General Cass were miserable.

Kas, who had previously issued the attack order, looked back, and his liver was almost frightened.

In his view, the tactical arrangements that must make Wang Yan's team lose a lot, not only did not play any role, but at this time it was a mess.

The two dark elves, like two clever prey, rushed into the hands of the bow and crossbow.

The Hellhound cavalry, under the harassment of the Hawks, and the control of the succubus, became a mess. As for the guard infantry fighting head-on, it was even more terrible under the impact of the ogres and the confusing lord. The whole army is hovering in an atmosphere of panic and chaos, and no effective resistance can be organized at all.

"Why, why?" Cass' heart beat wildly, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

He originally thought that under the restraint of the arrow rain of the crossbowmen and the restraint of the hellhorse cavalry, Wang Yan and others would surely be captured firmly, and be controlled on the ground, and eventually a large number of guards around him will attack in turns. Until death.

This is also a common tactic they use to deal with high-level powerhouses or some large creatures.

But what is going on now? Why does it look like this? How did the demon king's guards under his command become so vulnerable?

Of course, there are many things that General Cas does not understand.

For example, as soon as the war started, the two generals fled first. Can ordinary guards condense effective combat power?

We all know that once the number of ordinary arms is scaled, the combat power will be qualitatively changed, and the top masters will also be qualitatively changed.

On Wang Yan ’s side, the two leading legendary fighters are the leaders, and the five barbarian elite gladiators. The ordinary guards ca n’t compare with their strength or skill.

The succubus enchanter who followed Wang Yan around and the brutal master of the county are also as strong as the legendary.

Especially Wang Yan ’s succubus charmer, now strong at the legendary level, her inherent talent charm, even a legendary lord, is difficult to control. How can these low-level **** dogs and ordinary guards around him resist Bearable?

Right now, under her leadership, more than ten succubus together with her, continue to spread the charm of the blockbuster blockbuster, the chaos in the guards will easily occur. Coupled with Meier's own outstanding combat effectiveness, there is no guard at all on the left side of the team she is guarding.

On the other side, with the help of a holy weapon dagger, the brutal lord of the battle with the poison Jiao long whip, a bit more spicy than Meier.

She was completely irritated by these short-eyed demon guards. At this time, she launched an indiscriminate attack. When she saw someone, she attacked, how to get venomous, and vowed to let out this bad breath.

Especially her long poisonous whip with poisonous poison, who really touched someone who was unlucky, and had to peel off the skin even if he died.

Compared to Meier's left, the guards on the right side of the team she guarded were even more tragic, and none of the guards dared to come to death.

On the farther sides, it is the dark elves, Elsa and Enzo, who have reached the legendary level of half a step on both sides.

By virtue of their dexterous body skills and fighting skills, the two men continued to pull out wave after wave of crossbowmen on the high roofs on both sides to reduce the enemy's far-reaching fire damage for Wang Yan and others.

In the middle of this team, Wang Yan is under the control of Li Yan, and behind Wang Yan is Lidia, who controls the defensive barrier. Around Lidia, she is constantly using talents to attack the eagles of the Guards around. Shemale.

Such a team with both offensive and defensive rushing into the formation of the Guards is like a warship that rides the wind and waves, and advances by the wind and waves.

Of course, Wang Yan also has a stronger legendary master, still lurking in the dark shadows.

"Dunpa, we can't hold it anymore, escape, let's escape!"

General Cass knew that something was wrong and immediately urged the Hellhound mount, screaming at Dunbar in front of the panic.

But at this moment, a dark awn suddenly flew out of the dark alley of the street, and shot at the speed of General Cass.

Cass was caught off guard, and when he responded, a dark elf with cold eyes had rushed into his arms head-on, and he flew him off the mount.

This cold-eyed dark elf is the leader of Elsa and Enzo, as well as the young general of the Dark Blade Legion, Camus of Shadow Spikes!

With a clatter, Kas dropped his weapon in his hand, and the whole person fell heavily under the pressure of Camus.

Cass was beaten with seven meats and eight elements, but he was also a legendary devil anyway. Although panicked, he immediately reacted. He quickly flapped the magic wings behind him, ready to get up.

However, Camus stepped on him as if he had expected him to do so, and his shot was faster and more ruthless.

In a short span of time, two murderous blades had already appeared in the hands of Camus. Kas's pair of magic wings, which had to be fanned in the future, was instantly killed by Camus with two murderous blades, and he was crucified on the ground.

The double blades formed by the pure dark energy, and the rich to dark death attached to it, began to quickly erode Cass' wings.

"Uh ah!"

Under the dark energy, the flesh and blood body was corroded into a dead body, and the violent pain reached the soul, so that a man like Kas couldn't help but scream.

"Fuck things! Me, I'm going to kill you!"

Under intense pain, Cusden's eyes flashed in anger, and he did not care about anything. He stretched out his powerful arms and wanted to strangle Camus.


Faced with Cass, Camus sneered disapprovingly, flashing dark eyes in his eyes, two murderous blades, appeared again in his hands.


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