The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1449: This is a white stripe

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"Also, it's OK to eat meat in the future, but even if you eat people."

The life habits of the ogres are too rough, and they are not much different from the bear, so Wang Yan had to reiterate some rules in advance to avoid the embarrassing tragedy of eating people in person.

Wang Yan finished the rules of his request, and he did not forget to remind: "Ablon, did I just understand those?"

"Ming, understand."

The ogre scratched some ignorant head and nodded honestly.

It was a pity that he was not allowed to eat people, but he could eat other meat anyway, and he could accept it somewhat. As for other rules, he was not very clever in his mind, and he was confused, but he understood that his master, Master Mo Yan, would do whatever he wanted, and do n’t let it do anything, anyway. It ’s true to be accurate.

Wang Yan looked like an ogre, and was speechless in his heart. Obviously, he didn't understand the rules he just said.

However, Wang Yan is still very satisfied with the simple idea of ​​Ablon Giant Hammer, but dare to fight the top ogres.

Although this race is simple in mind and does not have any tactics, as long as it is properly used, they are an unstoppable bulldozer on the battlefield. Ordinary soldiers who block and die, even a giant dragon, can be dragged to the ground. , Repeatedly rubbing.

If it is not their IQ that is touching, it will pass by all day long, otherwise in this **** world, they are definitely a hegemony on land.

"Okay, take a break, we should almost go."

Wang Yan announced to rest on the spot, and then he would visit the master refiner recommended by appraiser Zoe. If this master can be invited out of the mountain, it would be perfect.

No matter how bad it is, the repair of the inheritance of the holy crow and the human scepter also requires the master refiner to take action.

Wang Yan's newly recruited slaves respected Wang Yan and were very loyal and obliged to take orders.

But then a weeping cry began to spread from the ruins next to it.

Wang Yan looked around, and the corner of his mouth could not help but slightly smoked.

Awkward, indeed a bit awkward, he actually forgot the owner of this hotel.

It turned out that beside the ruin, the short hotel owner was facing the hotel building where he had become a ruin, crying with tears.

It seems that this five-story luxury hotel should cost him a lot of money.

"Abhorrence, you come down."

For the sake of the hotel owner Ke Ling, Wang Yan greeted the cruelty beside him, and at the same time subconsciously patted him on the other side. As a result, if he didn't pay attention, he lifted his slap on the other's tender buttocks.

"Yeah!" The Abbot of the Abbot was like an electric shock, his body shook slightly, his eyes were as if they contained a spring of water, and his heart was happy to fly at this moment.

"Mo, Lord Mo Yan ..." Jiao Di, the master of the cruel county, looked at Wang Yan, which was ashamed and secretly excited. "Here, there are so many people here ... No, but if Master Mo Yan likes it, slaves, slaves do not Mind ... "

With a red face, he shook his head shyly and impatiently.

Wang Yan was stunned at that time, and the secret master of this cruel county had too much thought, would she think that after she was busy with the business, she wanted to relax with the general public?

This approach is too poor and fierce.

"Cough cough." Wang Yan coughed awkwardly and slowly explained, "Is your home not a shareholder of this black market? Let's solve it. We destroyed the hotel, can't we compensate it?"

Speaking of doing nothing for two times, and slapping on the firm buttocks buttocks of the brutal master, I have to say that this buttocks feels particularly good.

"Bah!" The brutal master of the cruelty was photographed repeatedly, and then happily ran to deal with compensation.

There is no way. Wang Yan is short of money now, so it is better for the cruel master to solve it. He does not want to spend precious resources on such a place.

Soon, the brutal prince wrote a signature note, which was handed over to the hotel owner, with an arrogant attitude: "Hold it, and go to the prince's palace to report later."

The hotel owner was crying more sadly with the signature note. This is clearly a white note?

He is a little boss. How dare he go to the Lord's Palace and ask the Lord's master to discuss it? Besides, if you do n’t deal with the governor, it means that you do n’t deal with the Chilian Demon King. How dare he have the courage to provoke the Chilian Demon King?

"Shut up! Noisy, the master of the county cut your tongue!"

The hotel owner was upset and arrogant, and immediately squinted. The cold body was so angry that he almost didn't scare the hotel owner.

The hotel owner closed his mouth immediately, but his heart was sad. This time he was a big loss.

On Wang Yan ’s side, after a short rest, he began to greet all the slaves and began to leave.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the ruins of the hotel, the chairman of the black market, Ned, took two followers and a few entourages and greeted them with a smile. It seemed that the pedestrian had been waiting on the side for a long time.

"Oh, Lord Mo Yan, bother, I don't know if you are satisfied with our black market service and the quality of the goods?" President Ned rubbed his fat hand with a ring on his face and smiled.

"Not bad." Wang Yan casually said.

"That's good, that's good." President Ned nodded again and again, and then continued flattering and saying, "Master Demon Flame, ashamed to say, this underground black market managed by the despicable people, there are only three floors in total, since Lord Mo Yan has already visited all three floors. Do you want someone to take you to other places above? There are so many interesting places in Liuhuocheng. We are guided by you, and you are satisfied. "

President Ned is now afraid. He is afraid to let this Demon Lord stay here again, and this black market will be demolished by him.

But his voice didn't fall, and Wang Yan over there froze his eyes and vetoed: "The lord hasn't visited enough yet, why? Want to rush the lord?"

"No, no, no, no, no." President Ned was scared with a shock, and quickly waved his hand in denial, looking embarrassed.

The appraiser Zoe, who was behind Wang Yan, remained still, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in the dark. Obviously, she was still very happy to see President Ned who wanted to hit her attention and deflated in front of the new owner.

President Ned noticed her, and deep hatred grew in his eyes.

This appraiser Zoe is the daughter of a slave, and according to the inheritance rights, belongs to his slave. But now, where does Zoe mean to make him the master? This is like looking at the fruit that grew up, but when it is ripe to be picked, it was picked up in front of others, which can make Ned choke.

But President Ned also has his way.

After he was deflated, he paused a little bit in place, and then quickly followed Wang Yan, his eyes rolled, and he continued to please

Buttery said: "Master Demon Flame, the black market is busy, our chief appraiser Zoe, I am afraid I have to leave for a while, but it doesn't matter, I select the first-class **** personally, and can also lead Master Mo Yan to visit and play around. . "

He clapped and clapped his hands. Two eagle succubuses and a glamorous succubus immediately came over from behind him.

President Ned secretly rejoiced in his heart. The three female slaves, no matter which one of them, were no worse than Zoe. As long as Zoe could be taken away from the Demon Lord, the next thing would be easier to handle.

However, what happened next far exceeded his expectations.


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