The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1445: The chairman is a little flustered

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Camus and the other two dark elves stared at Wang Yan for a few seconds, his eyes complex, and his expression uncertain.

If you keep them away from their hometowns and deviate from their tribes, you can say it well, but if you let them give up their loyalty and faith to the devil and always loyal to Wang Yan, it will be difficult.

But they have persisted from birth to the present, and the fallen demon Samuel can be said to be the only will in their lives, not to mention that Camus is still the person selected by the fallen demon Samuel, which undoubtedly increased their inner complex struggles.

But in the end, the strong desire for hatred and vengeance overcomes all obstacles, even the devil cannot stop them from killing the enemy.

"Master Demon Flame, you are a great lord, I Camus promised you the conditions, no regrets!"

Camus, the thorn of the shadow, dragged his exhausted body, and the other two dark elves, kneeled solemnly and earnestly in front of Wang Yan, "Please also help us!"

Wang Yan raised his lips, "It's easy to say."


In the process, Wang Yan laid a noise barrier, and the outer onlookers didn't know what he had just talked with the three dark elf slaves.

His current identity, but the lord of a purgatory demon, to help slaves to slaughter another lord, that is taboo.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, he only completely conquered the slaves of these dark elves through some means. After the three dark elves surrendered to their knees, these onlookers also probably understood that the good show had ended, and driven by the rushing black market security personnel, they began to gradually leave the scene.

"This magic flame, really, really lawless!"

Outside the crowd, commanding the black market security personnel, and maintaining the order of the site, President Ned looked at Wang Yan and others from afar, and a worried face was twisted together.

Fortunately, the damage caused by this kind of fighting was suppressed and not expanded in time. Otherwise, wouldn't the underground black market he operated and managed be destroyed by them?

I don't think about it. The two legendary strongmen dared to fight in this crowded area. It was really arrogant and bold.

But he had no choice, let alone that Lord Mo Yan, he did not dare to provoke, even the brutal master of the devil's daughter, he could not afford it!

Alas ... this matter is difficult.

"Senior President, shall we? Let's talk to the magic flame and send them away? They play and play, they bought and bought, and they should go."

Behind President Ned, a slightly taller apprentice followed Ban Yabo and said, "Those who dare not to go, our black market will be destroyed by them tonight."

"Nice to say, you have the courage, are you going to send that Demon Flame Lord?"

Yabo's voice didn't fall, and the slightly shorter apprentice Hansa chuckled dismissively, "The Lord Demon Flame and the Cruel Sovereign Lord, even if we break down our black market, what can we do? We provoke Is it affordable? "

"Then what do you say? Are you watching them flaunting their power?"

The tall man Yabo said in disapproval, "There is also the Zoe who is eating out of it. Now he is obviously out of breath with the magic flame. If you do n’t catch her back, His Highness Chilie, the son of the devil, will blame. ? "

The two apprentices of the same class would be tempted to get the appraiser Zoe out early so that they can naturally become the superior and become this black market trust appraiser.

At that time, as long as you continue to shoot President Ned's farts, with their blood lineage of Infernal Demon Clan, they can make a lot of money in the future.

The original chief appraiser Zoe had already been booked by Chi Lie, the son of the demon king, and there was only one step left for bargaining, but they never thought that suddenly at this juncture, a demon lord suddenly appeared.

Things were getting more and more troublesome now. Not to mention the president Ned who was in charge, even the two of them were a little flustered.

"Shut up for me!"

President Ned was upset by the annoyance, and the two immediately scolded behind him.

As the branch president of this black market, he has operated and managed this black market for so many years, and he has never encountered such a situation. The key is to have a daring act, even if the Lord of Flames, who is not afraid of the big things, even if the master slave appraiser Zoe still has to elope with others, this can make him a big head.

So far, there is only one way to solve this problem.

"Two guards, have you invited?"

Thinking of this, President Ned glared at the two entourages.

"Please come, please come." Tall Yabo, nodded and promised, "Donba and General Cass, they did not leave the black market, they also received orders, they must take Zoe."

"Yes, yes, the two adults also expressed their willingness to cooperate, and now they are waiting for them." Hansa, another apprentice, also reported.

The two demon guards, Dunbar and Kas, are also cronies of Lord Chilie, the son of the devil. They received the death order of Lord Chilie, that is, they must get the real eye and chief appraiser Zoe.

And the Red Refining Demon King indirectly teaches that the True Eye and Zoe will be of great use, and they must be available anyway.

Such a task fell on the generals of Dunbar and Kas, but it was completely messed up by the presence of Lord Lord Mo Yan and Sovereign Sovereign.

The real eye and the appraiser Zoe are all in the hands of the Lord of Flames, and the Lord of Flames gives Zoe the true eyes. Therefore, under the confusion of the black market, the two generals, Dunbar and Kas, agreed that apart from taking Zoe away, it may be the best way.

At that time, once he returned to the Devil's Palace, could Lord Mo Yan still fail?

In addition, the real eye is also in Zoe's hands. This method undoubtedly kills two birds with one stone, not to mention that although Zoe has superb identification skills, but the identity is just a slave, once they reach them, they have a way to let her be honest.


On this side, President Ned heard the reports of the two followers and immediately shouted. Then his eyes narrowed, his expression cunning: "You two stared at me here, and I went up to meet the two generals."

"Remember, don't let Zoe and Lord Demon Flame leave our black market. In short, you have to find an opportunity to separate Zoe and Lord Mo Flame's group!"

Two followers, Yabo and Hansa, quickly claimed that they heard it, and at the same time, they also developed a sense of cruelty. At present, it is difficult to ride a tiger and do whatever you want!

Even if the front is Lord Mo Yan himself, they have to pull their teeth.


"Get up first."

On the other side, in the collapsed hotel lobby, Wang Yan beckoned his pet succubus, and then pointed at the three dark elves in front of him, saying, "Give them a set of clothes, always naked. it is good."

Between words, her eyes could not help but fall on the three dark elves, the female elf Elsa.

Although the race of elves, Wang Yan has not seen before, but the female dark elf in front of him, no matter what his appearance or figure, is a rare sight.

"Yeah!" Elsa blushed sensibly, feeling her uncovered gaze.

She had just stood up and squatted down again in a hurry. Her hands embraced her body even more shyly.

I was dead before I was seriously injured. Where is this heart of honor and disgrace?

Now that she was finally relieved, Elsa found out that except for the slave collar, she only had a few pieces of rags to hide her shame. It can be said that her perfect body with bumps and bumps had already been glimpsed by Wang Yan.


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