The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1440: Killing Blade

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Assassinations and ambushes will always be the core skills that most predators will have during the evolution.

Many creatures and races in **** have brought this to the extreme.

Because the unexpected assassination and ambush can be used, the target can be killed with minimal force, thereby saving a lot of additional consumption and damage.

This is what Camu, the thorn of the night, does.

He no longer dared to carelessly, nor did he dare to make any more noises, always tightening his nerves, and he would be able to come and go in a short distance, without shadows and shadows, to the extreme.

He was like a ghost lurking in the dark, constantly looking for opportunities to attack Wang Yan in the center of the hall.

And he also learned well, knowing that he is not Wang Yan's opponent in terms of strength, so if he fails to make a shot, he will retreat immediately and he will never fall in love.

Wang Yan will meet for a while, and he really has no way to take him.

As soon as he moved very fast, there was no trace in the shadow escape action track. Secondly, the dark energy he spread out seriously interfered with Wang Yan's perception, as if he could be in all directions.

Therefore, Wang Yan can only capture his specific location and action trajectory at the moment he appears again, but the response to Wang Yan at this time is only enough to defend, and if he wants to fight back, it is often too late.

In this way, Camus used his excellent skills and tactics to gradually occupy a little bit above. On the contrary, it was Wang Yan. Although he had strength, under the flexible control of Camus, he never grasped the opportunity to fight back.

After so many rounds, the battle on the spot suddenly became anxious.

"That Camus can't be underestimated, he can contain the boss for so long!"

The Lord of Red Confusion could be regarded as a glimpse of the thorn of the shadow, Camus. He and several barbarian gladiators behind him, you talked about me.

They residents of the Infernal Demon Realm, who had a lot of prejudices against the dark elves of the hostile forces, but now have some appreciation for these dark elves, especially this shadow spike Camus.

After all, the opponent does have strong strength, and the fighting level is also very high. Hell admires the strong, and Kazan naturally won many praises for himself.

However, as Wang Yan's brain-scattered and confused, and all the slaves who admired Wang Yan, they naturally supported Wang Yan firmly.

Among them, appraiser Zoe also said that he used real eyes to help Wang Yan lock Camus' position, but Wang Yan refused.

Wang Yan's answer, since it is a duel, it should be fair.

This kind of indifferent and chic manner once again attracted the brutal master of the abusive county.

"Well, my demon flame master, really handsome and stylish, I can meet such a perfect Ruyi Langjun, me, I'm so happy ..." The master of the Red Abuse County covered his chest with a frivolous look .

Looking at Wang Yan's domineering heroism in the battle, she felt that she was about to sublimate.

It is not only her that is about to be sublimated. The Hawk Banshee and Succubus Slave, acquired by Wang Yan, have the same longing and obsession. In their view, if they have the opportunity to be taken by such a perfect big man, even if they are just a little concubine, they are as happy as they are.

These whispering **** speeches soon passed through the crowd. Wang Yan ’s pet succubus, a look of pride in the master, and Lydia, who was thinking about the child of flames, naturally could n’t avoid it. Tucao and white eyes in my heart.

However, she was still shocked by Wang Yan's and Camus' outstanding strength, and was also very anxious about her current practice of being stuck in a half-step S-class.

She began to understand that if you did not work hard enough to pursue more powerful forces, then in this fiercely competitive world, you really cannot defend your destiny, let alone look for the son of flame, explore the ruins of the dharma god, and revive the reputation of the Starry Sky Academy. Too.

Just when Lydia thought about how to become stronger, the dark elf Enzo, surrounded by many slaves, squinted sharply, looking excited and proud: "Master Camus is going to be real!"


Everyone who was concentrating on the duel was slightly surprised.

Almost all of these people were secretly in their hearts. Now they are playing so fiercely. Does n’t that Camus have n’t moved yet?

This is another dark elf Elsa, who explained: "Our chief, Camus, is called the Shadow Sting, in addition to his haunted means of killing the enemy, but also because he has a blood talent. And dark energy, to a certain extent. "

"So in our Dark Blade Legion, there was a saying that no one who was stared at by our leader Camus could survive."

When they said these words, Elsa and Enzo had admiration and pride in their eyes, and it was not like telling lies and bragging.

The confusing Lord and others, this time was a little horrified and unexpected, and secretly they would not be so lucky, actually picked up such a big man?

Or is it that their boss has unique eyesight, and with the assistance of appraiser Zoe, he had long expected this Camus?

Waiting for the confusion and other people to have more thoughts, the battle in the front hall really changed suddenly.

The battle in the original hall had fallen into anxiety, and even when Wang Yan began to be impatient, a blade made entirely of dark energy suddenly flew out of the dark mist surrounding him.

This black blade with a terrifying murderous spirit, as if it were a knife that killed tens of thousands of people, the killing intent was almost compelling.

And the speed and the trickiness of the angle are completely beyond people's expectations. Camus, who shot this black blade, also paid special attention to the moment when Wang Yan was slightly distracted. This grasp of the timing of the battle situation can be said to be the top level.

But who is Wang Yan? He is not the second generation of the Devil King and the second generation of the Devil God with the golden soup spoon. He has been fighting from the grassroots to the present, and has experienced countless battles. In addition, he is also a smart and agile person with a very high level of understanding. His response to tactical battles and dangers can be said to be an outstanding figure among the young people of the entire earth.

As soon as Wang Yan sensed the attack, he immediately turned sideways.

The black blade, which was as sharp and accurate as a sniper rifle, instantly passed through Wang Yan's shoulder with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, straight into the ground, and finally a big hole burst in the ground before the smoke disappeared.

"Hiss!" It wasn't until the Black Blade exploded that Wang Yan grinned, feeling a pain in his shoulder.

It turned out that the very fast-fired black blade easily cut through the true energy of his body, and the tough skin he is now comparable to the body of the demon god!


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