The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1437: Powerful blood talent

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Wang Yan's words didn't fall, and the confusing Lord and others were surprised by all the other slaves, and then stopped repeatedly.

"Boss, why do you accept the challenge of this elf?"

The sorrowful lord pointed at the dark elf Camus and said in amazement, "He is a dog of the mourning family, but now he just wants to play tricks, what should he do?"

"That's it!" The cruel county chief squinted with anger and coldness, "What kind of nonsense is this kind of slave who dares to rebel against the master? What if the county master gave him a knife!"

"His companion is still in our hands. If he really dares to use force against you, the master of the county will first slaughter his two companions, and the master of the county will not believe that he does not care about his life and death!"

The fierce temper of the brutal master of the county won the response of many slaves, and the insults and threats continued one after another. Even the appraiser Zoe, who is also a slave, also showed a disgusted expression to the three dark elves.

Zoe is a surrender to the Lord of Mo Yan. He had some sympathy for the dark elves who had suffered miserably. But now these dark elves not only don't know what to do, but also try to resist the magic flame, which makes her feel disgusted.

Not only she, the succubus of Wang Yan, and Lydia, who had always cared little about her surroundings, were full of hostility towards the three dark elves.

In this thick hostility, the two dark elves, Elsa and Enzo, surrounded by a group of slaves, were all nervous and stressed.

Surrounded by so many experts, even if they are in their peak state, there is no possibility of escape.

Seeing that his companion was threatened, Camus, who had always been firm in expression, was finally shaken.

Obviously he cares about the safety of his companions, but he is taking risks now.

In the eyes of Wang Yan, he could not help but appreciate the shadow **** Camus.

If this young general of the Dark Blade Legion, Camus of the Shadow Sting, is a cold-blooded and brutal man who ignores the safety of his companions, then Wang Yan's view of him will be greatly reduced, and he will not even be tasked in the future.

Because in Wang Yan's view, if you don't care about the safety of your company, even Zha Ze is not as good.

He can have today's achievements, survived many times and survived the crisis, all because of a group of reliable companions around him. And now he came to hell, all the efforts he made, in addition to helping the earth to survive the crisis in the future, more is also for love and companions.

At least in his personal view, in this complex world, it is difficult for a person to survive alone, nor can he be separated from the large groups of this world forever. Therefore, without the assistance of others, everything is just selfish thinking about yourself, and it will be difficult to achieve great achievements in the future.

"The two dark elves are not allowed to move. This is the private affair of Lord Lord and Camus."

Wang Yan looked indifferently at Chidu and Chibuji, and then turned his gaze, calmly and ceremoniously, "Since Camus wants to play with the lord, then the lord will exercise with him a little bit. Now. "

"Thank you Lord Moyan for your success."

Camus cast a grateful look on Wang Yan, and paid a respectful salute to Wang Yan for the first time. "No matter what the ending, Master Moyan, your tolerance and generosity will make Camus admire you. My Camus is still alive and will definitely return your favor several times. "

Wang Yan's tolerant attitude and sincerity made him very moved, but he had to leave and had to do things, so he had to promise on the spot that as long as he survived, he would definitely repay Wang Yan.

Wang Yan is not expecting this kind of promise in the future. He does not have so much time to wait for his return. He does not respond too much at the moment, but raises his chin slightly, indicating that Camus can start.

After hearing the news, Camus saluted Wang Yan again, and then a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes: "Master Demon Flame, offended!"

At the next moment, Camus, as if the smoke had dispersed, suddenly disappeared in place!

"Can you disappear?"

"How, how is it possible!"

The group of slaves newly received by Wang Yan at the scene exclaimed. Among them, five barbarian elite gladiators who were strong in the half-step S-class, even horrifiedly said: "Is it ... the law of space?"


As soon as the barbarian gladiator made a sound, he was refuted by his companions, "I didn't feel any fluctuations in the space being torn apart. If Camus used the law of space and could be so silent, wouldn't it be as strong Gods? "

These barbarian gladiators are all elite warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles, and they are very sensitive to the power of their opponents. If Camus exerted powers related to the laws of space, they would definitely be able to perceive them immediately.

There are many power systems in the world, and each category has their unique characteristics. Among them, the law of space belongs to the very top category.

Except for a few talented races, only some top-ranked strongmen can initially involve the power of the law of space. And it's just involved, you can pass through the constraints of time and space silently, and travel freely in all dimensions, then I am afraid that only gods can do it.

To know the normal spatial level, it is like a calm water surface. Whether throwing hands or stones into the water, it will definitely cause ripples and fluctuations on the water surface. Even if this piece of water is just a breeze, it will cause sparkling water ripples.

Therefore, if you want to hide in the subspace, you must leave some slight ripples on the surface of the space, which is why the barbarian gladiators believe that Camus is not playing the law of space.

"Not the law of space, but what is that ability?"

The Lord of Red Confusion and the Lord of Brutal Sovereign are both powerful legendary lords, but at the moment they are all serious and secretly startled.

They did not perceive any fluctuations through space, but they also did not capture the slightest movement of Camus.

In other words, although they and Camus are both strong legendary lords, they know nothing about Camus's movements. Then they can only confirm the specific movement of the other party when Camus appears again.

If so, then such an opponent is really terrible!

"This magic wave ..."

Lydia, who had been silent for a while, frowned slightly when everyone was puzzled, and then whispered, "This kind of energy fluctuation is very similar to flash, but it is different ..."

"It's the shadow escape! This is our leader, Camus, who is proud of his bloodline talent!"

The dark elf Elsa in the crowd looked at the crowd and politely expressed their doubts.

It turned out that Camus, the thorn of the shadow, had been baptized by the Devil God from the moment he was born.

And his bloodline talent, Shadow Escape, is indeed similar to Lydia's change magic flash. The principle of their casting method is to use energy to squeeze to form a space dent, so as to achieve the effect of rapid movement in the space dent.

However, the shadow escape of Camus, the shadow thorn, is different from Lydia ’s instant flash. The dark energy spread by him has already occupied the entire room.

This means walking, every dark energy has opened a dent channel for him in the space plane, as long as he is within the range of his ability, he can shuttle around at will.

Unless there is a top space powerhouse, Camus' actions will be nowhere to be found!


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