The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1431: Shadow Sting Camus

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The barbarian gladiators purchased by Wang Yan were covered with knife wounds, cuts, or blunt hammers.

Those wounds were **** and shocking. If they were changed to ordinary human beings, they would have died on the spot. But these barbarian gladiators, who were strong in the half-step S-class, with their strong physique and tenacious vitality, just managed to control their injuries. Although the weak weak even had difficult operations, they always had a life.

Following Wang Yan's instructions, Meier and Zoe, with their female slaves, began to sew wounds for them, applied ointment externally, and took medicine internally.

The cruel master of the Abuse, who originally sneered at these slaves, but looking at Wang Yan's face, she will still help when she encounters some difficult surgical treatment.

After all, her former hobby was nothing to poke around, and she already knew the structure of the human body. It can be said that she mastered a good surgical technique in the process of **** and pleasure.

As for the subsequent treatment and rehabilitation physiotherapy, as well as the follow-up medication, etc., it needs to be transferred to the county main palace.

In short, with these beauties and slave girls, even the proud tyrannical master, who personally took care of them, the barbarian gladiators were almost moved to cry.

As fighting slaves who make a living by fighting, they will never have peace in their lives, and they will always live in the shadow of being entertained and fighting being killed at any time.

For them, how good is living? What's more, as now, an honorable **** lord, Lord Mo Yan, still treats them as humans and provides them with good medical treatment. This is something they dare not dream of.

Even the auxiliary Meizu and Hawk Banshee, who were assisted by the side, were very moved. They are far from expecting that this very famous Lord of Demon Flames will actually give their slaves such good treatment. If they are not the Lord of Demon Flames, waiting for them, they will probably be sold into the red light district or bought Entering the homes of some rich and powerful people will be ravaged in this life.

The Lord of the Flames now undoubtedly gave them hope for a new life.

With the gratitude of these slaves, the atmosphere at the scene began to fall sideways to Wang Yan, and the three dark elves stared at by Wang Yan also began to be silent from the previous, a dead air, until now there has also been some in the look Dark light is flowing.

But they were too weak. All three leaned against the corner of the crowd, sitting on the ground, with a weak breath. Except for Camus in the middle, the other two seemed to faint at any time.

Wang Yan motioned to Zoe to give them a good recovery potion, and it didn't take long for the three of them to sit up and speak with strength.

"Why? Is it still unwilling to submit to me?"

Wang Yan looked at the three people indifferently, seemingly to unearth unknown secrets from them.

Among the three dark elves, General Camus's cheeks were thin, and his eyes were full of heavy burdens. He didn't speak, but slowly raised his eyes to look at Wang Yan, as if he was secretly thinking about something in his heart, but outsiders could not find out. .

Elsa on the left, turned to look at Camus next to him, and then responded to Wang Yan with an unbearable tone: "We are all members of the dark blade of the elite legion under the command of the devil Samuel, and we are the devil god. Your Majesty ’s bravest warrior, this Lord Camus, is our army commander and the future king of our dark elves. We will never become slaves to others. "

"Oh, that's nice."

Elsa's words just fell, and the sorrowful lord who slumped on the sofa rested and sneered with contempt. "You will never become a slave? Then how are you captive and tossed so far and sold to my boss? in?"

These words shocked the bodies of the three dark elves present. All three were speechless for a moment, and their faces showed pain that was hard to conceal, and even the arrogance they had just accumulated dissipated a lot.

"Master Demon Flame, I have heard of the Dark Blade Legion. It is said that this legion has never been defeated. There is also a very famous general in this legion. The soul figure of the legion today, he is often called the shadow spike Camus by the outside world, presumably it is this non-speaking gentleman. "

Zoe said, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the silent Camus, seemingly asking the other party for proof.

Although she had not been through the gates of the black market, she knew very broad knowledge. At this time she heard the other party reporting from her door, so she whispered into Wang Yan's ear.

"It turns out that it seems pretty impressive." Wang Yan raised her lips after listening, and nodded thoughtfully.

He became more and more interested in the three dark elves in front of him. After listening to Zoe's introduction, he can roughly understand this unit named Darkblade as the ancient Jinyiwei of the ancient China, or one of the several imperial guards similar to the Holy See, belonging to the imperial guard of the fallen demon Samel .

There are not many people in this army, probably less than 10,000 people. This is really very small in the world of **** with a large number of troops. However, this dark blade army is extremely combative, and all of them are experienced soldiers who have gone through all kinds of hard work and have extremely strong combat capabilities.

Using Wang Yan ’s habit of thinking from the earth to understand, they are a special forces group. In addition to guarding the demon Samel, they are also responsible for many special combat tasks. They are a strange soldier who can control the battle with one shot.

The dark elves were originally a tribe of wood elves. In ancient times, they surrendered to the fallen demon Samel, and through the transformation of the demon **** Samel, they formed the current dark elves.

This general of dark blades, Camus, the thorn of the shadow, seems to be very famous, and is the future successor of this dark elf tribe.

Of course, Wang Yan is not interested in this young Camus, whether he is a prince or a prince, and the appraiser Zoe is still the daughter of a queen.

There are so many heirs to heirs in Hell. What Wang Yan really cares about is that this Shadow Sting Camus has extremely excellent bloodlines and talents, in order to be a potential stock of the Demigod Demon King.

In addition, he also has excellent leadership skills. If he can be recovered and cultivated properly, the future will definitely play a big role for himself.

In addition, this dark blade army seems to be very close to the fallen demon Samel, so can I get to know the whereabouts of An Ge through this network of Camus and his relationship?

It's just that the three dark elves in front of them seemed to be loyal to the fallen demon Samel. Wang Yan was worried about playing the grass and frightening the snake, and it was not easy to ask.

"Admiral Flame, your prestige, we have heard at the bottom of the black market."

The beautiful dark elf Elsa found Wang Yan seemed interested in them, so she quickly looked at Wang Yan with her determined and brave eyes, and at the same time put down her gesture, almost begging, "We know that you are different from other demons You have extraordinary courage, and you must be a great person in the future, so I beg you to listen to me. "

Wang Yan looked at her and lifted his chin slightly: "You say it."


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