The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1427: It's really not that I don't help

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"Ah, ah? No, isn't it? Me, I ... not intentionally ..."

Lydia was startled when she heard the speech, and quickly stepped forward to see the ogres lying on the floor. She was shocked. She stood at the spot and was all overwhelmed with apology.

At the time of the duel, life was at stake, and Lydia could not manage so much in order to save her life. If at ordinary times, she is kind-hearted, she still doesn't want to hurt anyone, even if it's grass and trees, she doesn't want to destroy too much.

"Oh, don't you just abolish an ogre? Is there any fuss?"

The cruel county master followed Wang Yan and also approached. She was very disdainful of Lydia's guilt, thinking that in order to try a new weapon, she had to find a bad luck and stabbed two knives. Now several people died in the arena, it seems normal to her.

The living environment is different, and the three views are naturally different.

At this time, Wang Yan also approached and saw the ogres Ablon Giantmaul lying under the booth, which was indeed very miserable.

The ogres are huge, lying on the ground a bit taller than the slave booth next to them.

But he was covered with wounds. Although he no longer bleeds at this moment, the blood stains and the large and small blood holes are still **** and cruel.

And now, the ogre is still unconscious, and his breathing is faint, and his life is dying.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yan raised his eyes and asked the slave owner who nodded to his side and asked: "How did this ogre look like a ghost, did you not treat him?"

Speaking of this, Wang Yan still appreciates this ogre gladiator.

Despite its simple brain and well-developed limbs, its sturdy strength is quite amazing, compared to the red tanks on earth that are famous for their strength. If it is tuned and matched with tactics, he is a powerful fighting force that can compete with giants.

"Return to Lord Demon Flame, this ogre was sent by a green-skinned dwarf, saying that the gladiator lost and did not want it, so it was sold to me."

Seeing Wang Yan coming to question, the slave owner quickly nodded and explained, "Master Demon Flame, don't hide it. I spent 20 magic crystals and bought this ogre. I originally wanted to wait for him to wake up and get injured. Recovering, I can sell hundreds of thousands of things, but I never imagined that I actually lied to the green-skinned dwarf! "

"That green-skinned dwarf is really not a thing. This ogre is clearly going to die, and actually took the money to cheat Lao Tzu." The slavery indignantly abused, "I gave this ogre two recovery The potion hasn't improved in the slightest, but no, now let's not mention the hundreds of thousands of magic crystal coins, which is the original price of twenty, and no one wants to wow. "

"Huh, Goblin is very cunning, and you don't pay much attention to it." Wang Yan's pretending sympathetic chirp sounded, and then the tone changed, and he said broadly, "Look at you and I are from the same race, two Ten magic crystals, the lord helped you to collect this ogre. "

When the slave owner heard this, he quickly thanked Dade and thanked him again and again. However, Wang Yan signaled that he could help collect this ogre. He needed to ask his assistant Zoe to check the injury.

The slave owner naturally had no opinion, so Zoe took out his real eyes, and after carefully scanning, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

"Master Demon Flame, this ogre is in a terrible situation." Zoe shook his head and replied, "He has many broken spleen and a large area of ​​broken veins, four broken ribs, broken hands, and There is a brain concussion, the most important thing is that he has lost too much blood, and the energy loss in the body is serious. It can be sustained now that his body cells are strong enough, and his strong will to survive, but if he does not rescue him, I am afraid that there will not be much time. "

Zoe didn't really exaggerate. At this time, this ogre was really seriously injured. He was hit by Lydia's multiple wind bombs. It was like Ling Chi. Now many of the wounds are not blood, but Smelly and transparent lymph fluid.

Even Wang Yan, who doesn't know much about medicine, understands that this ogre blood is almost drained and can survive to the present. It really depends on his powerful genetic cells and his strong will to survive.

"Cough cough." Wang Yan coughed deliberately, was it right? "It's not that I didn't help you. Look at it yourself. This ogre is almost dying. The lord can't let his money float. Right? "

"Master Demon Flame, I am I ..." The slave owner said anxiously, if the ogre died, he would have nowhere to go. He turned around and asked Zoe, "Miss Zoe, you, you, are you talking about this? Is this ogre really going to die?"

"Is there any fake?" Zoe glared indifferently, then raised it with one hand, "Look carefully at what baby this is, use it, I still can't see the status of this ogre?"

"Really ... the real eye ?!" The slave owner took a breath. As a slave merchant, he sold in the black again, and there was still knowledge and hearing. With the addition of Zoe, he has known him for a long time, and naturally believes it.

After thinking about it, the slave owner gritted his teeth and begged: "Master Demon Flame, you are a big man, or will you help? You can set a suitable price, and sell him to you if you are small."

"Let's do that." Wang Yan frowned deliberately, and then stretched out with one hand. "The lord will probably spend a lot of money when he turns back to heal his wounds. If he can heal, he will say it again, so the lord can only give you There can be no more five magic crystal coins. "

The slave owner was also afraid that the blood would be lost, and the five magic crystals would be able to return to the book. Without saying anything, he nodded and said quickly.

Afterwards, I was grateful and said: "Master Demon Flame, you are really a good person! You are not the same as those Lord Lords who are outside and doing good things!"

Soon after being touted by this slave owner and several surrounding slave vendors, Wang Yan became a great lord who would think about the small people underneath.

And the slave owner and several slave traders around him also took the lead in saying that if Wang Yan wanted to buy and sell slaves, they would definitely do their best to work hard for Wang Yan. The products provided are definitely high-quality goods, and will never let Master Wang Yan suffer a little loss.

Wang Yan ’s secret reputation is indeed a bit of a benefit. In addition, the slave market in the black market is not a monopoly in the black market, but the black market is the dominant party, plus dozens of slavers who rent venues to sell together.

These vendors are all in a circle, and some people are able to circumvent the circumstance, and indeed can see more high-quality slaves at lower prices.

In addition, there is Zoe, the top appraiser, beside him. Any slave with potential can't escape her eyes.

In this way, Wang Yan began to gather his first steps, starting here.


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