The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1410: Worth millions

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"Why, what?"

"In the eyes of truth, there is another inheritance?"

The Lord of the Confusion and the Lord of the Abducted Sect were stunned, and Zoe, the appraiser, widened his eyes.

First of all, someone who can engrave what he learned from his life and engraved it in a certain object must be an expert with outstanding achievements in some fields before his death. Secondly, the ancient heritage left in the real eye must be related to the alchemy master Erhaus!

This can deeply affect Zoe's heart.

It is not accidental for Zoe to become an appraiser. Apart from witnessing her mother's tragic encounter, in order to avoid agreeing to become a slave girl in the red light district, it is more due to her own interest.

She is interested in those baptisms of time and the unknown mysterious treasures. It also involves many abilities related to identification techniques, such as alchemy, restoration, archaeological excavation, etc.

If there is a chance, she just wants to be a person like the ancient alchemist Orhaus. She wanted to walk freely around the **** like Erhaus, exploring and searching for the lost dusty antiquities.

Therefore, the inheritance of Erhouse is now in front of her. This is just the beginning of her dream for her. How could she not be moved?

"Boss? What kind of heritage? Isn't it powerful?"

The sorrowful Lord surrounded him with excitement and encouraged, "Otherwise, Boss, let's inherit this inheritance, right?"

"The idiot Chidu makes sense." The Abusive Sovereign glanced at Chidu with an awkward look, then turned his face, and said warmly, "Master Demon Flame, if this inheritance is strong enough, inherit it Well, after all, it is the hard work of the predecessors, and inheritance can bring many benefits. "

In this world, certain inheritances are rare good things. It is like a treasure trove, full of life and experience of a certain expert.

After inheriting this treasure house, future generations may be able to surpass their predecessors with their own talents, or they may not be able to reproduce the glory of their predecessors. , Where the total difference is not much.

However, the only drawback is that this kind of inheritance hidden in certain utensils by high people is often one-off. After receiving the inheritance through a certain ceremony, it cannot be shared with others.

Therefore, the confusing lord encouraged Wang Yan to inherit first. Then, in his eyes, this kind of good thing is better than letting others enjoy it.

"Well, if this is a rich heritage, how much can it be worth?"

Aside, Lydia asked very curiously. The Star Academy she was in also had the inheritance system passed down through the ages.

Her grandfather Emmons, from the hands of the former dean, took over the starry sky magic system left by the starry sky **** thousands of years ago. Although there are many defects in this inheritance, it is still very powerful. Even today, thousands of years later, this part of the missing heritage can still make the Starry Sky Academy the earth's premier magic school.

As for herself, she just learned some basics and fur with Grandpa.

Appraiser Zoe looked at Wang Yan motionlessly, as if fearing that Wang Yan would have inherited the master alchemy's inheritance at once.

In her eyes, she was eager and envious, and there was helplessness and regret beyond words.

Because her identity is just a slave girl, she can only admire what she longs for in the heart.

At this time, appraiser Zoe heard Lydia's question next to him, and then recovered a little, pondered for a while, and estimated, "If there is really a complete inheritance of Alchemist Orhaus in the real eye, then Its value is at least eighty ... No, at least one million magic crystals! "

"His ..." Hearing such a quote, scared, cruel, succubus, and Lydia were all terrified.

"This, this ... this one inheritance, can it be worth so much money?" The lord of Chidu dropped his chin. Hearing such a huge number, he felt that his soul was sublimating.

It ’s more than **** luck to buy such a baby. For him, it ’s simply **** luck from eight generations of ancestors?

"Of course, there are few million magic crystals." The appraiser Zoe's eyes narrowed and said with admiration, "Do you think the alchemist master Erhouse's life is worth the million magic crystals? He has mastered the purgatory With the appraisal technique, the ancient and modern, mysterious and unpredictable, the value that can be produced is definitely far more than the imagination of our juniors. "

"Value, then, that's too worth it!" The confusing lord opened his eyes and suddenly realized something.

Leaving aside the master-level appraisal technique, this one-for-all profit-making profession does not say that the mysterious alchemy alchemy of the late masters like Erhaus will definitely be a very terrible existence.

Not only can it make medicine, poison, and make many mysterious artifacts, but it can also turn stone into gold. It is said that its ability reaches its peak, and it can also be brought back to life!

With these precious abilities, let alone millions, there are thousands of magic crystals that everyone wants. And a powerful alchemist, not to mention the **** demon, even the Satan Council representing the devil, will rush to his own camp.

On the other side, Lydia was also shocked, and then she gasped angrily.

The two worlds of **** and earth have had a lot of interactions in history, as well as alchemy on the earth.

In Lydia's understanding, it is a mysterious subject, including magic, philosophy, and natural science, covering a very wide range. If the magician is a scholar in the superpowers of the earth, then the alchemist is a scientist in the superpowers. And there are very few people who can study for life and achieve outstanding achievements. They are also very rare occupations on earth.

The Lord of Demon Flames, which she hates now, actually got such a benefit. Her mood was shocked, and she was not really angry.

Just as everyone was talking inside the noise barrier, Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes. "In the real eye, I saw an old guy. It should be what you call the alchemist master Erhaus."

"But the old guy was very cunning, and he carried him the inherited brand of soul fragments, hidden very deep. If it is not a qualified heir he recognized, this soul fragment will not appear at all."

"This is also the reason for those outside. No reason for inheritance was found." Wang Yan raised his mouth slightly, and said with some pride, "Unfortunately, he met me, and the ban has been broken by me."

"Why, what? You have broken down the inheritance ban?" Appraiser Zoe and Lydia on the side, stared in surprise.

How can the prohibition on this kind of holy thing be said to be broken when it is broken, and it is impossible that the demon lord in front of him has already reached an outrageous level of strength?

Especially the appraiser Zoe, after hearing that Wang Yan had broken the inheritance ban, the whole person was tense and stunned.

Because, does this mean that the inheritance, which is very valuable to the appraiser, has been inherited by the Lord Lord Mo Yan?


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