The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1408: Can't afford it

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At the booth, the middle-aged auctioneer took a deep breath and was preparing to shout the last price announcement.

At the other end of the meeting, Dunbar and Kas had already smiled at the winning tickets. In their eyes, the brutal master of the county was no longer as powerful as the prince Chili.

"Just kidding, how could the master of this county be just the bargaining chip for marriage? This master of the county ..."

Under the eyes of all eyes, the tyrannical tyrannical body shivered. Although she did not admit that she was a bargaining chip, she could not change the fact that she was a girl.

Just when she couldn't bear it anymore, when she was about to make a strong impact, Wang Yan slowly stood up and raised her hand on her shoulder.

"Twenty thousand magic crystal coins, I want that relic."

Wang Yan glanced casually, the middle-aged auctioneer on the booth, the latter suddenly shuddered, and the kind of mighty power, which made him creepy, scared the cold sweat on his back, could not help overflowing Came out.

"Shall we give your master Chilie face? Oh, can he afford the lord's face?"

Wang Yan sneered disapprovingly and turned to look at the two Demon generals, Dunpa and Kas, "Why, don't be convinced? Then let your master come here and grab it back here."

"You!" Cass looked iron-blue, and Dunbar turned sideways, demonstrating his teeth, "Demon Flame, don't you forget where this is? It's your turn to spread your own wild!"


Wang Yan's eyes fell in vain, and the strong pressure suddenly formed an invisible wave, and he pressed his head around the two magic generals.

Around the VIP seat where the two magicians were, it immediately seemed to increase the gravity by a thousand times, and the seat coffee table burst. Seven or eight followers received this pressure, and they were all crushed to the ground in their breath.

In an instant, only two demons in the entire range of agents stood under pressure, but their faces were gloomy like water, and their hearts were even scolded.

"What are the two of you? Dare to be brazen in front of the lord!" Wang Yan was dignified and stared at the two demons with fierce eyes. "Now, it seems that you are also considered to be cruel to the county officials. For your sake, let me go of you this time and hurry up to the leader! "

The last cry, as if hitting the dull hammer on the hearts of the two magic generals. At this time, the two demons, angry and suffocated, looked gloomy as if eating shit.

However, they really have no way to deal with this magic flame. Regardless of their identity or strength, the other party is a lot higher than them. They are not the opponent of this magic flame.

If the opponent is a cruel tyrant, they can still use the Chilian Demon King and Prince Chilie to crush the opponent. But this Mo Yan had stepped Prince Chilie on his feet in the ring before, even in the face of Chilian Demon King, he was unambiguous.

Encounter such a big figure with strong back and powerful, what can they two little generals do? Even the wealth carried on him is probably not as good as the other.

The suffocation at the moment can only suffocate back and swallow.

"Me, let's go!"

Dunbar and Kas were depressed and spitting blood, so they had to glance at the appraiser Zoe, who was beside Wang Yan, and took his men away, leaving in a huff.

Wang Yan immediately put down the coercion, as if nothing had happened, and sat back in his seat again.

The audience of many bidders on the scene seemed to have not reacted until then, one by one, after the pressure disappeared, they let out a long sigh of relief.

All these people sighed in their hearts. This Lord of the Flame Flame who suddenly came to the Great Fire City is really amazing.

Although I don't know which big figure is the back, but by virtue of personal strength and courage alone, it is far beyond the rank of Chirei Lord.

If you add a mysterious background, it is really an inexorable existence.

No wonder the last time their ruler Chilian Demon King gave a three-pointer to this Lord of the Flame Flame, it seems really reasonable.

"You don't know what to do, what are you still doing? Are you eager to announce the price?"

The confusing lord once again felt that he was following the boss. He raised his eyebrows and exhaled in front of the person. There was a Tesser in his heart. At the moment, he screamed at the auctioneer on the booth.

"Oh, yes ... Cough, twenty thousand magic crystal coins, once!"

The middle-aged auctioneer didn't react until then, and he quickly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and began to announce the price loudly.

He was just so nervous that he was afraid of the disaster, but the Lord of the Flame Flame, just a face-to-face, resolved the conflict. The key shot is 20,000 magic crystal coins, which is really rich enough.

Although these 20,000 magic crystals have not yet reached their original auction target, they are not much different. At least his little auctioneer will not only be unlucky, but also get a lot of commissions.

At the thought of this, the middle-aged auctioneer couldn't help but admire and be more attentive to Wang Yan.

"This Demon Flame is really a personal thing." President Ned, who was in the background, couldn't help but sigh, and then the apprentice who rushed to the side hurriedly commanded, "Explain, Lord Demon Flame, we can't play provoke."

"Yes, yes." The apprentices nodded again and again, and the grades of **** were clear. Compared with the Lord of the Flame Flames, they were like a cloud of mud, and they dare to provoke.


Soon, as the middle-aged auctioneer announced prices for a while, the true eye of this sacred object eventually no one dared to increase the price, and the scene was delivered to Wang Yan.

The true eye of the sacred ornament, which is no more than a slap, is warm and full of sense of depth after the baptism of time.

Wang Yan experimented according to the operation method that Zoe told. As long as you close your eyes and put your mind into the real eye, you can observe anything you want to explore through the real eye.

Wang Yan tried to observe the cup with the real eye, and soon a golden light illuminated on the eye-like runes on the surface of the real eye.

Under the homogenous light of this scene, Wang Yan clearly saw every slight trace on the cup through the image sent by Shennian, even the tiny scratches left by the scrubbing, appeared in front of him in the slightest. .

Wang Yan tried to strengthen the mind, and the eyes of the real eye soon passed through the pottery glaze and enamel on the surface of the cup. The entire internal material of the cup was exposed to his eyes, even the smallest among the materials. The gaps can be seen clearly.

"This is simply a combination of a microscope and a perspective mirror!" Wang Yan couldn't help but secretly admire, this sacred object's meticulous observation function is really extraordinary.

Then he turned his real eyes to Lydia.

This time it was not just meticulous, Wang Yan could actually see the direction of elemental energy in Lydia's body.

Wisps of pure magical energy in light blue, like a trickle, flowed along every vein and capillary of her body to every organ and every cell of her body, and finally these tiny streams of Juanjuan all converged to Her Dantian part is where she stores and releases this energy.


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