The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1405: I also want to be adopted

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Appraiser Zoe's look changed after seeing the relic, and the whole person was stunned. After Wang Yan looked at her, she stared at the relic for a long time before reacting.

"Yes, this is the holy thing I heard."

Zoe was shocked, and his expression was full of longing, "But I didn't expect it to be this baby ..."

"What's so special about this relic?"

Wang Yan noticed Zoe ’s strangeness and not only cast her eyes on her again.

Appraiser Zoe discovered that she was a person who had always been good at controlling her emotions since Wang Yan first contacted her. Probably because of the identity of the born slave and the various experiences of the mother and herself, she has always maintained a kind of humble, polite, gentle and meticulous qualities in everything.

So at this time, after seeing this item, Zoe was shocked. The longing and yearning in the look made Wang Yan careless.

"By seeing all falsehoods, seeing all the fragility, in front of the real eye, nothing can be hidden."

The appraiser Zoe's eyes were bright and his expression was full of admiration and longing, "This is the eye of truth. What is special about it is that it can discover the truest side of any person and object. The person who owns it can see everything. The essence of things! For the appraiser, it is a rare top sacred object. If you have it in hand, my appraisal technique can rise to a large level. Even the ancient things I have never seen before, I have confidence. Identify it. "

"And this sacred object can also find all kinds of dangers lurking around it, and any way of hiding its body will be seen through it. For some people who walk in dangerous areas all the year round, it has a huge effect. And this one is made. The sacred person is the famous alchemist in the history, Erhaus. This alchemist is not only outstanding in alchemy, but also the top archaeologist and appraiser of **** at that time! "

In the aspect of appraisal, the most important test is the appraiser's eyesight, knowledge and experience. If this holy object can help the appraiser discover the essence of the target object, then the appraiser's personal ability can fully identify the specific age and characteristics of the target object And the source.

If this relic falls into the hands of Zoe, with her professional ability, she will be able to be among the ranks of first-line masters.

In addition, **** world is in crisis. Latent hunting is the most common means of killing. Not only do many of Warcraft hide their bodies, but also many intelligent races, specializing in this hidden hunting skills. Even Chi Lie, the son of Chi Lian Demon King, will use the **** fire tide to hide his body, and then attack and kill his opponent.

However, if according to Zoe ’s words, these hidden forms can be broken with the real eye, then the strength of those people or monsters that use hiding as the main attack method will be greatly reduced, and the user ’s own safety will also be greatly reduced. Will greatly increase.

In addition to not having any attacking attributes, this holy thing does have a huge effect on ordinary people and appraisers.

However, even the gentle, calm appraiser Zoe revealed a deep desire.

In addition, the creator of this holy relic, the famous alchemist in the history, Orhaus, himself is a scholar and expert master who is good at excavating dust-proof ancient relics and likes to study ancient secrets.

Zoe talked about this person's endless talk and admiration. He was not only full of longing for this relic from the master, but also more respect.

These were revealed in her eyes and could not be concealed.

"It's really a good thing to listen to you say this." Wang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, listening to the appraiser Zoe, and looked at the real eye again.

Not only because of the special ability of this thing, under its ordinary appearance, it has a more sense of history.

And listening to the description, this sacred object is just like the mirror of the demon in the earth's mythology, and even some aspects are more comprehensive than the mirror of the demon in the myth, and it is full of practicality.

"I want this thing." Wang Yan's opening is a situation that is inevitable.

No way, he now wants money, money, power, and power, and gradually becomes tougher even in his style of work.

Appraiser Zoe's eyes lit up after listening: "Demon, Lord Mo Yan, are you going to bid on that relic?"

She had a bit of anxiety before, such a rare sacred object, in her identity, only had the longing for it before she was free. If Lord Mo Yan succeeds in bidding, she will have some chances of personal contact.

And she feels that being able to be auctioned by Lord Mo Yan is also a good attribution of this rare relic, which is better than falling into the hands of some lower thirds and lower fours.

"Yes, that thing is a bit interesting, I want it." Wang Yan's lips raised, and he seemed very interested in the real eye.

The confusing lords around him, the tyrannical county lord, and others all agreed. This kind of good thing, there is no such shop after this village.

Even after listening to its special effects, the Lord of Confusion began to brag in private: "If there is this kind of baby assistant who can see through the flames of the Red Inferno, I am absolutely confident that I will fight that one."

The Sovereign Sovereignor gave him a blank look, and she did n’t care if this confusion could match that of the prince Chilie, she only understood that her demon flame, after seeing that holy thing, just take that holy thing. To please Master Moyan.

The tyrannical master of the moment immediately smiled and said: "Since Lord Moyan likes it, the holy relic slaver took pictures for Lord Lord Moyan!"

Although a holy object is not as expensive as a holy object, it is not cheap, so it is enough to envy others when it comes to arrogating the master of the Red Cruel Sovereign to please Wang Yan.

Wang Yan didn't care about this, and he didn't care about the money, but the confusing lord was envious of it. He secretly lamented in his heart, why can't he meet a big lady who is willing to post upside down?

He, a powerful confusing lord, also wanted to try the feeling of being kept ...


On the booth, as the middle-aged auctioneer took the tray with the real eye and took it to the surroundings, he cleared his throat and began to announce: "This real eye is hard to come by. It was excavated by the gray horned mouse mercenary group in the ancient tombs of the northern wilderness. For this reason, the gray horned mouse mercenary group of nearly a hundred people paid the price of near group destruction! "

"Such a precious thing, hard to come by, is really a rare treasure. Now the Grey Horned Ratmen Mercenary Corps has commissioned this black market to auction, with a starting price of 80 magic crystal coins!"

"Wow!" The middle-aged auctioneer's voice just fell, and the whole venue instantly boiled.

"Why, what?"

"Eighty magic crystal coins? Am I right?"

"This is a sacred thing, actually the price of only one magic weapon? Open, what a joke!"

"My God, baby sold the price of cabbage!"

"No, no, I, I want to buy!"

"I double the price!"

The auction atmosphere in the entire venue was instantly ignited.


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