The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1401: Body is honest

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At this time, An Ge changed his previous worries, and he was cold and angry, just like the Taotao River, showing up vigorously.

The little black mist, like a deadly viper, began to diffuse beside her.

In this way, she walked forward to the lookout step by step with a cold and arrogant pace. The dark breath emanating from her reached its peak at this moment.

The rich and pure dark atmosphere enveloped the entire palace in just a moment, and the surrounding atmosphere changed into a icy cold, just like a deadly viper, occupying the upper floors of the palace and looking down on the living creatures below.


A series of roars and shouts of magnificent mountains and rivers erupted from the giant square below the observation deck.

The roar of the roaring mountains and seas, the majestic momentum that erupted from it, more like a thousand horses and horses, shocking the earth.

Uya Ange, with a scorpion mask on his face, looked down proudly, and in front of the large cliff square below, there were densely packed, young and handsome young people.

Because of the arrival of Uya Ange, these people raised their chests and made a majestic roar, as if they were a soldier ready to go, waiting for the review of the top general.

These races have different races and a large number of people. Uya Ange can't even see the head at a glance. If according to the servant Water, the huge number of them may not be less than 100,000!

These people are from all over the Dark Demon Realm, selected by the old demon devil Scorpion Emperor layered top young handsome, representing the most elite new power in the Dark Demon Realm.

Now this new army representing the Dark Demon Realm is all handed over to his daughter Uya Ange by the old Demon God.

This is out of the trust in Wuya Ange, and also his desperation after his smart calculations.

Can Wuya Ange choose the right young elite from them, as a teammate to participate in the next **** conference, and can he be recognized by this young talent, and lead this young army to revive the power of the old demon Devil Scorpion , Shocked the other two demons in one fell swoop?

Such a heavy burden fell on Wuya Ange at this moment.


At the same time, the other side of hell.

Located in the largest underground black market in Liuhuo City, Wang Yan and his companions have been drunk three times, and they are very happy.


The sorrowful lord lay on the sofa, happily burped, raised his hand and touched the bloated stomach, hehe laughed, "Oh, still follow the boss happy, like this meal of wine and food, the lord is always I just ca n’t enjoy it during the holidays. "

The benefits of food can be said to be crucial in the world of hell. Here every creature is struggling to survive, even if it is a grass, it is also full of energy. Some predators, by preying on a variety of prey filled with nutrients, continue to accumulate these energy and nutrients in the body, and thus evolve and promote.

The more high-ranking people, the more rare and precious the food they eat is, this is a way for them to maintain their own advantages. Like a dejected lord like Chihu, it is natural to be blessed to enjoy better cuisine.

"Oh ..." Lord Chihu finished shooting the boss fart of Wang Yan, and turned his eyes away. He deliberately pretended to be a mistress, "Wine and food are good, but there is less maid to help, our men, How can there be no maid when drinking? Alas ... I don't have fun, don't have fun, boss, you say, don't you? "

The deluded lord missed the beautiful maid, but where did the desolate lord want to share his male **** Wang Yan with others? Therefore, the maid was not allowed to step forward.

This is not to confuse the lord again through Wang Yan's momentum, venting her dissatisfaction to her.

"I said that I am confusing you, a busy and inactive guy, is the skin itchy again?" The eyes of the Red Crab Sovereign squinted, before Wang Yan could speak, she sullenly replied, "You are mediocre and greedy, If you do n’t have any ambitions, do n’t affect my demon flame master! "

"Who, who said I have no ambitions?" The confessed Lord rebelled disapprovingly, "I'm going to be a big devil in the future! And, how can I affect my ambitions by setting up a harem and calling several maids to serve?" Alright? "

"Bah! You just have to be the devil? Haha, don't look at what you are, do you want to laugh at the lord of this county?" The lord of the cruel county turned over, and immediately laughed at the past. .

"Hey, hey, let's just say, don't you want to personally attack, me, I'm different from before." Lord Chi You has felt that after meeting the boss Wang Yan, the whole body sublimated, refreshed, and felt that he was never again. You don't have to be afraid of the head as you always did, and everyone has been counseled.

So, he began to fight each other with the brutal master.

Just when Wang Yan was watching them dull and was about to leave, there was a slight murmur next to him.

"Ooooo, son of flames, you are finally here to save me! Ooooooo, I'm so happy ..."

"Yes, it's him, beat him, beat him, kill that stinky flame!"

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit embarrassing. Wang Yan, who was incarnation of Mo Yan, and the few people beside him all looked around. Lydia, who was sleeping, turned into a dream because she slept too deeply.

Not only was this little girl talking about dreams, when she was excited, she actually danced, but she accidentally kicked her to the table next to her and shook the glass on the table. A glass of wine soaked her face.

With the cold water dripping, Lidia suddenly got a sensation and sat up from the sofa.

She looked around blankly, and found that all the people around her looked at her in amazement, and suddenly she was an agitator, quickly shrunk to the side of the sofa, like a frightened bunny, looking at everyone with vigilance.

"Boss, you are good or bad, you are a little silly. She dared to scold you in her dreams, shall we sell her?" The confessed Lord looked embarrassed and pointed to Lydia, who was pinching her side. Big face.

"Waste Chidu is right, my demon flame master, let's stop asking for slaves, shall I?" The lord of Chibiao County agreed with Lord Chichu for the first time, and quickly took the opportunity to please Wang Yan beside him.

Wang Yan was also speechless for a while, and this little girl, Lidia, was indeed a little thick, and she fell into his hands because of the loss, otherwise the end will be very miserable.

"Eat these." Wang Yan didn't pay attention to the whispers of confusion and cruelty, but couldn't help but push a plate of gourmet food that he had previously picked out to Lydia.

These are the essence of the foods just now, full of energy and nutrients, eating this high-end food can not only quickly replenish physical strength, but also enhance physical fitness. Therefore, this kind of food is very valuable outside, but it is not something anyone can afford.

"I, I don't want it." Lydia leaned over her face, and her stubborn heart didn't believe that Lord Mo Yan had this kindness.

But the voice just fell, and the voice of "Gurulu" passed from her empty stomach.

Wang Yan's mouth twitched, and he deliberately sneered: "How? The mouth is so hard, the body is still very honest."


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