The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1391: Harpy

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"Can I point my **** at my father in the future?"

Lord Chew always feels furry in his heart. He raised his **** to Chilian Demon King. Should n’t it be a problem?

But he thought about it, since the boss said so, it should be no problem.

Soon, the scene fell into a hustle and bustle, and the wailing that followed.

The hustle and bustle is naturally due to Lidia ’s strong victory after repeated miracles. Hell residents admire the strong and perform outstandingly, Lidia is naturally cheered and sought after by a large number of onlookers.

But soon these people realized that they all bet money on the corpse monster. Now that the corpse monster is dead, their money is completely lost. If they do n’t wailing, it ’s a hell. .

Of course, the most tragic loser is naturally the owner of the ghoul, Gosling businessman Gascole.

If he lost a lot of gambling money, he would n’t say it. The previous ogres and now the ghouls cost him a lot of money. Now both slaves are gone. This investment in the slave gladiator almost got him here. How can he accept the brutality and ruin?

"How, how could ... lose, lose, my ghoul actually lost ..."

The Goblin businessman Gascole slumped softly on the seat and looked down at the dead corpse corpse with a ugly face.

"Woo, me, my money ..."

Gascol's distressed hands were trembling straightly, and after he saw the confusing lord with his own eyes and took away his magic crystal coin, he finally couldn't bear the pain in his heart and fainted.

Finally, he was dragged away by several barbarian bodyguards beside him. As for the ghoul that had become a dead body, he would naturally not claim it again.

There are a large number of corpse poisons and bacteria in the body of the ghoul, which decayed very quickly after death, and the **** smell of nausea for a while was permeated in the venue.

The arbitrator of the black market arena immediately called for the servant, with an iron hook and iron, dragged outside to burn and destroy. In short, this monster is covered with germs that cannot be contaminated by living creatures. No one wants to touch it.

As for exhaustion and fainting, Lydia was taken back by the succubus and handed over to me Wang Yan.

Wang Yan put Lydia in her arms, firstly fed her a high-quality restoration potion, and then quietly imported his pure Yang Qi into Lydia.

His pure yang qi is a kind of vitality that can reach the sun, which can help Lydia better absorb the medicine, while combing the veins and repairing the injuries.

Now Lydia is in the stage of recovery after breaking through the limit. It is a good time to condition and strengthen her body. Wang Yan has also worked hard in order not to reveal his identity.

However, Wang Yan's approach caused serious dissatisfaction with the cruel master of the side.

"Master Demon Flame, slave, and slave family also feel soft and need to hug ..." The Red Cruel Master said that he was still pretending to be weak, and he would fall on Wang Yan.

What a joke, in her eyes, she is Wang Yan's main room. She hasn't been hugged by Wang Yan yet. How can she let Xiaosan hug her first?

However, she pretends to be a fall trick and naturally cannot hold Wang Yan.

Wang Yan was a natural sideways, avoiding the deliberately reversing brutal master, and said coldly: "She has played seven games in a row, have you also played seven fights in a row?"

"Okay, go and find a place for the lord to rest. The lord wants to drink some wine and have a pastime." Wang Yan said, glaring at her impatiently.

But the cruel master of the cruelty seems to be eating this set. The more Wang Yan behaves madly, coolly and overbearingly, the more her small heart puffs up.

"Humph! Zoe Greenclaw, lead the way." Although her aggrieved mouth grumbled, she still stomped her feet and called on the guide from the black market. First, the appraiser Zoe led the way all the way and took Wang Yan Wait for someone to go to the restaurant club.

"You guys please." Zoe Greenclaw from the black market side glide in front of her very politely and elegantly at low altitude. She leads everyone and familiarizes herself with the road.

In the largest underground black market in this huge city of fire, the free market on the basement floor covers an extremely large area, which may be larger than dozens of large shopping malls on the earth. It is like an underground town full of entertainment industries.

Don't underestimate the black market, but this is an entertainment venue that has been officially approved by the Red Refining Demon King. There is a private share of the Red Refining Demon King, that is to say, the double refining of the Black Refining Demon King and the Black Market Alliance.

Although it looks like a small town isolated from the rest of the world, it is messy and smoldering inside, but it is safer than other places outside. All buying and selling transactions here will be subject to official supervision and protection. Of course, submitting commissions on a monthly basis is naturally essential.

Therefore, when you come here for leisure and recreation, or the volume of passengers for buying and selling transactions is very large, there are many people, and many industries will come into being.

On this basement level, there are naturally many places for people to eat, sleep, and shop. Even the red light districts that provide certain services and casinos have a whole street.

"Several adults, you may not believe it, and I was born there."

The chief appraiser Zoe, who led the way in the front, probably because he was familiar with Wang Yan and others, and he no longer has such a heavy guard, so he walked and walked, pointed at a tall tree house that appeared on the side, and said yes Where she was born.

As we all know, the Hawks is a peculiar race without males, mostly in the form of tribes, living in forests, canyons, or dangerous cliffs and other places.

Like birds, they fly naturally, so some dangerous areas are a safe haven for them. They rely on hunting, gathering, and robbing passengers along the road to survive and reproduce.

Occasionally appears in the city of purgatory demons, usually to come over to trade supplies, or to be hired as a mercenary, but more often, it becomes a female slave and is forced into slavery.

There is no way, who makes them a natural race that is no less than an elf. Although they are naturally cunning and fierce, but once they can't rob others, then waiting for their ending is naturally a slave, and it is still very expensive. Popular goods.

Therefore, when Wang Yan and others saw an eagle body appraiser on the black market, they were very surprised. At this time, the eagle body appraiser also pointed to a tree house artificially made of giant wood, saying that she was born there, which surprised them even more.

"There is……"

Wang Yan and others, with the guidance of appraiser Zoe, looked up.

It turned out that the tree house was built out of a giant tree, which was part of the red light district. At this time, more than a dozen dressed eagle witches exposed their fragrant thighs and narrow abdomen, either leaning or leaning, lazily perched on the edge of a tree house.

They were born with a flamboyant and dangerous temperament. At this time, the appearance of a junjun picked up the temptation to a fatal point.

Below them, several receptionists of the Mozu are greeting all kinds of guests.

Looking at that posture, it seems that as long as three or five gold coins, you can have an intimate contact with the Hawk Lady, this price can be said to be quite affordable.

Of course, how long you can persist in front of the Hawks, then you ca n’t tell for sure.


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